* composeEmailAddress( new ezcMailAddress( 'sender@example.com', 'John Doe' ) ); * * * Returns: *
     * John Doe 
* * @param ezcMailAddress $item * @return string */ public static function composeEmailAddress( ezcMailAddress $item ) { if ( $item->name !== '' ) { if ( $item->charset !== 'us-ascii' ) { $preferences = array( 'input-charset' => $item->charset, 'output-charset' => $item->charset, 'scheme' => 'B', 'line-break-chars' => ezcMailTools::lineBreak() ); $name = iconv_mime_encode( 'dummy', $item->name, $preferences ); $name = substr( $name, 7 ); // "dummy: " + 1 $text = $name . ' <' . $item->email . '>'; } else { $text = $item->name . ' <' . $item->email . '>'; } } else { $text = $item->email; } return $text; } /** * Returns the array $items consisting of ezcMailAddress objects * as one RFC822 compliant address string. * * Set foldLength to control how many characters each line can have before a line * break is inserted according to the folding rules specified in RFC2822. * * @param array(ezcMailAddress) $items * @param int $foldLength * @return string */ public static function composeEmailAddresses( array $items, $foldLength = null ) { $textElements = array(); foreach ( $items as $item ) { $textElements[] = ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $item ); } if ( $foldLength === null ) // quick version { return implode( ', ', $textElements ); } $result = ""; $charsSinceFold = 0; foreach ( $textElements as $element ) { $length = strlen( $element ); if ( ( $charsSinceFold + $length + 2 /* comma, space */ ) > $foldLength ) { // fold last line if there is any if ( $result != '' ) { $result .= "," . ezcMailTools::lineBreak() .' '; $charsSinceFold = 0; } $result .= $element; } else { if ( $result == '' ) { $result = $element; } else { $result .= ', ' . $element; } } $charsSinceFold += $length + 1 /*space*/; } return $result; } /** * Returns an ezcMailAddress object parsed from the address string $address. * * You can set the encoding of the name part with the $encoding parameter. * If $encoding is omitted or set to "mime" parseEmailAddress will asume that * the name part is mime encoded. * * This method does not perform validation. It will also accept slightly * malformed addresses. * * If the mail address given can not be decoded null is returned. * * Example: * * ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddress( 'John Doe ' ); * * * @param string $address * @param string $encoding * @return ezcMailAddress */ public static function parseEmailAddress( $address, $encoding = "mime" ) { // we don't care about the "group" part of the address since this is not used anywhere $matches = array(); $pattern = '/?$/'; if ( preg_match( trim( $pattern ), $address, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) != 1 ) { return null; } $name = substr( $address, 0, $matches[0][1] ); // trim <> from the address and "" from the name $name = trim( $name, '" ' ); $mail = trim( $matches[0][0], '<>' ); // remove any quotes found in mail addresses like "bah,"@example.com $mail = str_replace( '"', '', $mail ); if ( $encoding == 'mime' ) { // the name may contain interesting character encoding. We need to convert it. $name = ezcMailTools::mimeDecode( $name ); } else { $name = ezcMailCharsetConverter::convertToUTF8( $name, $encoding ); } $address = new ezcMailAddress( $mail, $name, 'utf-8' ); return $address; } /** * Returns an array of ezcMailAddress objects parsed from the address string $addresses. * * You can set the encoding of the name parts with the $encoding parameter. * If $encoding is omitted or set to "mime" parseEmailAddresses will asume that * the name parts are mime encoded. * * Example: * * ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddresses( 'John Doe ' ); * * * @param string $addresses * @param string $encoding * @return array(ezcMailAddress) */ public static function parseEmailAddresses( $addresses, $encoding = "mime" ) { $addressesArray = array(); $inQuote = false; $last = 0; // last hit for( $i = 0; $i < strlen( $addresses ); $i++ ) { if ( $addresses[$i] == '"' ) { $inQuote = !$inQuote; } else if ( $addresses[$i] == ',' && !$inQuote ) { $addressesArray[] = substr( $addresses, $last, $i - $last ); $last = $i + 1; // eat comma } } // fetch the last one $addressesArray[] = substr( $addresses, $last ); $addressObjects = array(); foreach ( $addressesArray as $address ) { $addressObject = self::parseEmailAddress( $address, $encoding ); if ( $addressObject !== null ) { $addressObjects[] = $addressObject; } } return $addressObjects; } /** * Returns an unique message ID to be used for a mail message. * * The hostname $hostname will be added to the unique ID as required by RFC822. * If an e-mail address is provided instead, the hostname is extracted and used. * * The formula to generate the message ID is: [time_and_date].[process_id].[counter] * * @param string $hostname * @return string */ public static function generateMessageId( $hostname ) { if ( strpos( $hostname, '@' ) !== false ) { $hostname = strstr( $hostname, '@' ); } else { $hostname = '@' . $hostname; } return date( 'YmdGHjs' ) . '.' . getmypid() . '.' . self::$idCounter++ . $hostname; } /** * Returns an unique ID to be used for Content-ID headers. * * The part $partName is default set to "part". Another value can be used to provide, * for example, a file name of a part. * * The formula used is [$partName]."@".[time].[counter] * * @param string $partName * @return string */ public static function generateContentId( $partName = "part" ) { return $partName . '@' . date( 'Hjs' ) . self::$idCounter++; } /** * Sets the endLine $character(s) to use when generating mail. * The default is to use "\r\n" as specified by RFC 2045. * * @param string $characters */ public static function setLineBreak( $characters ) { self::$lineBreak = $characters; } /** * Returns one endLine character. * * The default is to use "\n\r" as specified by RFC 2045. * * @return string */ public static function lineBreak() { // Note, this function does deliberately not // have a $count parameter because of speed issues. return self::$lineBreak; } /** * Decodes mime encoded fields and tries to recover from errors. * * Decodes the $text encoded as a MIME string to the $charset. In case the * strict conversion fails this method tries to workaround the issues by * trying to "fix" the original $text before trying to convert it. * * @param string $text * @param string $charset * @return string */ public static function mimeDecode( $text, $charset = 'utf-8' ) { $origtext = $text; $text = @iconv_mime_decode( $text, 0, $charset ); if ( $text !== false ) { return $text; } // something went wrong while decoding, let's see if we can fix it // Try to fix lower case hex digits $text = preg_replace_callback( '/=(([a-f][a-f0-9])|([a-f0-9][a-f]))/', create_function( '$matches', 'return strtoupper($matches[0]);' ), $origtext ); $text = @iconv_mime_decode( $text, 0, $charset ); if ( $text !== false ) { return $text; } // Workaround a bug in PHP 5.1.0-5.1.3 where the "b" and "q" methods // are not understood (but only "B" and "Q") $text = str_replace( array( '?b?', '?q?' ), array( '?B?', '?Q?' ), $origtext ); $text = @iconv_mime_decode( $text, 0, $charset ); if ( $text !== false ) { return $text; } // Try it as latin 1 string $text = preg_replace( '/=\?([^?]+)\?/', '=?iso-8859-1?', $origtext ); $text = iconv_mime_decode( $text, 0, $charset ); return $text; } /** * Returns a new mail object that is a reply to the current object. * * The new mail will have the correct to, cc, bcc and reference headers set. * It will not have any body set. * * By default the reply will only be sent to the sender of the original mail. * If $type is set to REPLY_ALL, all the original recipients will be included * in the reply. * * Use $subjectPrefix to set the prefix to the subject of the mail. The default * is to prefix with 'Re: '. * * @param ezcMail $mail * @param ezcMailAddress $from * @param int $type REPLY_SENDER or REPLY_ALL * @param string $subjectPrefix * @param string $mailClass * @return ezcMail */ static public function replyToMail( ezcMail $mail, ezcMailAddress $from, $type = self::REPLY_SENDER, $subjectPrefix = "Re: ", $mailClass = "ezcMail" ) { $reply = new $mailClass(); $reply->from = $from; // To = Reply-To if set if ( $mail->getHeader( 'Reply-To' ) != '' ) { $reply->to = ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddresses( $mail->getHeader( 'Reply-To' ) ); } else // Else To = From { $reply->to = array( $mail->from ); } if ( $type == self::REPLY_ALL ) { // Cc = Cc + To - your own address $cc = array(); foreach ( $mail->to as $address ) { if ( $address->email != $from->email ) { $cc[] = $address; } } foreach ( $mail->cc as $address ) { if ( $address->email != $from->email ) { $cc[] = $address; } } $reply->cc = $cc; } $reply->subject = $subjectPrefix . $mail->subject; if ( $mail->getHeader( 'Message-Id' ) ) { // In-Reply-To = Message-Id $reply->setHeader( 'In-Reply-To', $mail->getHeader( 'Message-ID' ) ); // References = References . Message-Id if ( $mail->getHeader( 'References' ) != '' ) { $reply->setHeader( 'References', $mail->getHeader( 'References' ) . ' ' . $mail->getHeader( 'Message-ID' ) ); } else { $reply->setHeader( 'References', $mail->getHeader( 'Message-ID' ) ); } } else // original mail is borked. Let's support it anyway. { $reply->setHeader( 'References', $mail->getHeader( 'References' ) ); } return $reply; } } ?>