1.1alpha1 - Monday 03 April 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added functionality for parsing mail messages. The main class is ezcMailParser. - Added the POP 3 mail retrieving transport for use with the ezcMailParser. - Added method ezcMailPart::setHeaders to set multiple headers at once. - Added method ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddress and parseEmailAddresses that parse RFC 2822 email addresses. - Added class ezcMailRfc822Digest inheriting ezcMailPart. This part can be used to create mail digest messages. - Added class ezcMailMultipartDigest which represents multipart/digest parts. - Renamed ezcMailTransportMta and ezcMailTransportSmtp to ezcMailMtaTransport and ezcMailSmtpTransport. The old classes still exist but are deprecated. 1.0.1 - Monday 20 February 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed bug #7805: Removed double linebreak in ezcMailTransportMta::send(). - Fixed bug #7813: MultipartRelated with non-file parts may throw exception if you did not set a Content-ID. - Implemented suggesion #7804: * Added getParts() to ezcMailMultipart. * Added getParts() to ezcMailMultipartMixed and MultipartAlternative. * Added getMainPart() and getRelatedParts to ezcMultipartRelated. 1.0 - Monday 30 January 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Changed ezcMailException to inherit from ezcBaseException instead of Exception. - Fixed bug #7716: ezcMail needs support for Reply-To. We simply don't set it anymore now. Users can set the header themselves if they need to. (ezcMailPart::setHeader()) - Fixed issue with double To and Subject headers when using the MTA transport. 1.0rc1 - Monday 16 January 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added feature enhancement #7582: Adding multiple parts as an array. - Changed ezcMailText::characterSet property to charset. - Changed ezcMailSmtpTransport and made all protected methods private. They exposed an interface that most likely never will have to be changed. - Changed exception behavior. All errors will now throw a different exception class. - Fixed bug #7637: "ezcMailComposer doesn't encode headers". 1.0beta2 - Wednesday 21 December 2005 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Completely revised documentation. - Replaced the mail_address array with the ezcMailAddress 'struct'. - Renamed ezcMailTextPart to ezcMailText - Renamed ezcMailFilePart to ezcMailFile - Fixed problem with sending mail with cc and bcc recipients. - Fixed bug #7576: RFC 2606 compliance - Fixed bug #7577: unable to run example_general.php - Fixed bug #7578: mail example errors 1.0beta1 - Thursday 24 November 2005 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Initial release of this package.