string) */ private $tagMap = array(); /** * Filter options per reference. * * @var array(string=>array) */ private $filterOptions = array(); /** * Composite image setting per reference. * * @var array(string=>bool) */ private $compositeImages = array(); /** * Create a new image handler. * Creates an image handler. This should never be done directly, * but only through the manager for configuration reasons. One can * get a direct reference through manager afterwards. * * This handler has an option 'binary' available, which allows you to * explicitly set the path to your ImageMagicks "convert" binary (this * may be necessary on Windows, since there may be an obscure "convert.exe" * in the $PATH variable available, which has nothing to do with * ImageMagick). * * @throws ezcImageHandlerNotAvailableException * If the ImageMagick binary is not found. * * @param ezcImageHandlerSettings $settings Settings for the handler. */ public function __construct( ezcImageHandlerSettings $settings ) { // Check for ImageMagick $this->checkImageMagick( $settings ); $this->determineTypes(); parent::__construct( $settings ); } /** * Load an image file. * Loads an image file and returns a reference to it. * * @param string $file File to load. * @param string $mime The MIME type of the file. * * @return string Reference to the file in this handler. * * @see ezcImageAnalyzer * * @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException * If the desired file does not exist. * @throws ezcImageMimeTypeUnsupportedException * If the desired file has a not recognized type. * @throws ezcImageFileNameInvalidException * If an invalid character (", ', $) is found in the file name. */ public function load( $file, $mime = null ) { $this->checkFileName( $file ); $ref = $this->loadCommon( $file, $mime ); // Atomic file operation $fileTmp = tempnam( dirname( $file ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '.' . basename( $file ) ); copy( $file, $fileTmp ); $this->setReferenceData( $ref, $fileTmp, 'resource' ); return $ref; } /** * Save an image file. * Saves a given open file. Can optionally save to a new file name. * * @see ezcImageHandler::load() * * @param string $image File reference created through load(). * @param string $newFile Filename to save the image to. * @param string $mime New MIME type, if differs from initial one. * @param ezcImageSaveOptions $options Save options. * @return void * * @throws ezcBaseFilePermissionException * If the desired file exists and is not writeable. * @throws ezcImageMimeTypeUnsupportedException * If the desired MIME type is not recognized. * @throws ezcImageFileNameInvalidException * If an invalid character (", ', $) is found in the file name. */ public function save( $image, $newFile = null, $mime = null, ezcImageSaveOptions $options = null ) { if ( $options === null ) { $options = new ezcImageSaveOptions(); } if ( $newFile !== null ) { $this->checkFileName( $newFile ); } // Check is transparency must be converted if ( $this->needsTransparencyConversion( $this->getReferenceData( $image, 'mime' ), $mime ) && $options->transparencyReplacementColor !== null ) { $this->addFilterOption( $image, '-background', $this->colorArrayToString( $options->transparencyReplacementColor ) ); $this->addFilterOption( $image, '-flatten' ); } $this->saveCommon( $image, $newFile, $mime ); switch ( $this->getReferenceData( $image, 'mime' ) ) { case "image/jpeg": if ( $options->quality !== null ) { $this->addFilterOption( $image, "-quality", $options->quality ); } break; case "image/png": if ( $options->compression !== null ) { // ImageMagick uses qualtiy options here and incorporates filter options $this->addFilterOption( $image, "-quality", $options->compression * 10 ); } break; } // Prepare ImageMagick command // Here we need a work around, because older ImageMagick versions do not // support this option order if ( isset( $this->compositeImages[$image] ) ) { $command = $this->binary . ' ' . ( isset( $this->filterOptions[$image] ) ? implode( ' ', $this->filterOptions[$image] ) : '' ) . ' ' . escapeshellarg( $this->getReferenceData( $image, 'resource' ) ) . ' ' . implode( ' ', $this->compositeImages[$image] ) . ' ' . escapeshellarg( $this->tagMap[$this->getReferenceData( $image, 'mime' )] . ':' . $this->getReferenceData( $image, 'resource' ) ); } else { $command = $this->binary . ' ' . escapeshellarg( $this->getReferenceData( $image, 'resource' ) ) . ' ' . ( isset( $this->filterOptions[$image] ) ? implode( ' ', $this->filterOptions[$image] ) : '' ) . ' ' . escapeshellarg( $this->tagMap[$this->getReferenceData( $image, 'mime' )] . ':' . $this->getReferenceData( $image, 'resource' ) ); } // Prepare to run ImageMagick command $descriptors = array( array( 'pipe', 'r' ), array( 'pipe', 'w' ), array( 'pipe', 'w' ), ); // Open ImageMagick process $imageProcess = proc_open( $command, $descriptors, $pipes ); // Close STDIN pipe fclose( $pipes[0] ); $errorString = ''; $outputString = ''; // Read STDERR do { $outputString .= rtrim( fgets( $pipes[1], 1024 ), "\n" ); $errorString .= rtrim( fgets( $pipes[2], 1024 ), "\n" ); } while ( !feof( $pipes[2] ) ); // Wait for process to terminate and store return value $status = proc_get_status( $imageProcess ); while ( $status['running'] !== false ) { // Sleep 1/100 second to wait for convert to exit usleep( 10000 ); $status = proc_get_status( $imageProcess ); } $return = proc_close( $imageProcess ); // Process potential errors // Exit code may be messed up with -1, especially on Windoze if ( ( $status['exitcode'] != 0 && $status['exitcode'] != -1 ) || strlen( $errorString ) > 0 ) { throw new ezcImageFileNotProcessableException( $this->getReferenceData( $image, 'resource' ), "The command '{$command}' resulted in an error ({$status['exitcode']}): '{$errorString}'. Output: '{$outputString}'" ); } // Finish atomic file operation copy( $this->getReferenceData( $image, 'resource' ), $this->getReferenceData( $image, 'file' ) ); } /** * Returns a string representation of the given color array. * * ImageConversion uses arrays to represent color values, in the format: * * array( * 255, * 0, * 0, * ) * * This array represents the color red. * * This method takes such a color array and converts it into a string * representation usable by the convert binary. For the above examle it * would be '#FF0000'. * * @param array $color * @return void * * @throws ezcBaseValueException * if one of the color values in the array is invalid (not integer, * smaller than 0 or larger than 255). */ protected function colorArrayToString( array $color ) { $colorString = '#'; $i = 0; foreach ( $color as $id => $colorVal ) { if ( $i++ > 2 ) { break; } if ( !is_int( $colorVal ) || $colorVal < 0 || $colorVal > 255 ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( "color[$id]", $color[$id], 'int > 0 and < 256' ); } $colorString .= sprintf( '%02x', $colorVal ); } return $colorString; } /** * Close the file referenced by $image. * Frees the image reference. You should call close() before. * * @see ezcImageHandler::load() * @see ezcImageHandler::save() * @param string $image The image reference. */ public function close( $image ) { unlink( $this->getReferenceData( $image, 'resource' ) ); $this->setReferenceData( $image, false, 'resource' ); $this->closeCommon( $image ); } /** * Add a filter option to a given reference * * @param string $reference The reference to add a filter for. * @param string $name The option name. * @param string $parameter The option parameter. * @return void */ protected function addFilterOption( $reference, $name, $parameter = null ) { $this->filterOptions[$reference][] = $name . ( $parameter !== null ? ' ' . escapeshellarg( $parameter ) : '' ); } /** * Add an image to composite with the given reference. * * @param string $reference The reference to add an image to * @param string $file The file to composite with the image. * @return void */ protected function addCompositeImage( $reference, $file ) { $this->compositeImages[$reference][] = $file; } /** * Determines the supported input/output types supported by handler. * Set's various attributes to reflect the MIME types this handler is * capable to process. * * @return void * * @apichange Faulty MIME type "image/svg" will be removed and replaced by * correct MIME type image/svg+xml. */ private function determineTypes() { $tagMap = array( 'application/pcl' => 'PCL', 'application/pdf' => 'PDF', 'application/postscript' => 'PS', 'application/vnd.palm' => 'PDB', 'application/x-icb' => 'ICB', 'application/x-mif' => 'MIFF', 'image/bmp' => 'BMP3', 'image/dcx' => 'DCX', 'image/g3fax' => 'G3', 'image/gif' => 'GIF', 'image/jng' => 'JNG', 'image/jpeg' => 'JPG', 'image/pbm' => 'PBM', 'image/pcd' => 'PCD', 'image/pict' => 'PCT', 'image/pjpeg' => 'PJPEG', 'image/png' => 'PNG', 'image/ras' => 'RAS', 'image/sgi' => 'SGI', 'image/svg+xml' => 'SVG', // Left over for BC reasons 'image/svg' => 'SVG', 'image/tga' => 'TGA', 'image/tiff' => 'TIF', 'image/vda' => 'VDA', 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp' => 'WBMP', 'image/vst' => 'VST', 'image/x-fits' => 'FITS', 'image/x-otb' => 'OTB', 'image/x-palm' => 'PALM', 'image/x-pcx' => 'PCX', 'image/x-pgm' => 'PGM', 'image/psd' => 'PSD', 'image/x-ppm' => 'PPM', 'image/x-ptiff' => 'PTIF', 'image/x-viff' => 'VIFF', 'image/x-xbitmap' => 'XPM', 'image/x-xv' => 'P7', 'image/xpm' => 'PICON', 'image/xwd' => 'XWD', 'text/plain' => 'TXT', 'video/mng' => 'MNG', 'video/mpeg' => 'MPEG', 'video/mpeg2' => 'M2V', ); $types = array_keys( $tagMap ); $this->inputTypes = $types; $this->outputTypes = $types; $this->tagMap = $tagMap; } /** * Checks for ImageMagick on the system. * * @param ezcImageHandlerSettings $settings The settings object of the current handler instance. * @return void * * @throws ezcImageHandlerNotAvailableException * If the ImageMagick binary is not found. */ private function checkImageMagick( ezcImageHandlerSettings $settings ) { if ( !isset( $settings->options['binary'] ) ) { $this->binary = ezcBaseFeatures::getImageConvertExecutable(); } else if ( file_exists( $settings->options['binary'] ) ) { $this->binary = $settings->options['binary']; } if ( $this->binary === null ) { throw new ezcImageHandlerNotAvailableException( 'ezcImageImagemagickHandler', 'ImageMagick not installed or not available in PATH variable.' ); } // Prepare to run ImageMagick command $descriptors = array( array( 'pipe', 'r' ), array( 'pipe', 'w' ), array( 'pipe', 'w' ), ); // Open ImageMagick process $imageProcess = proc_open( $this->binary, $descriptors, $pipes ); // Close STDIN pipe fclose( $pipes[0] ); $outputString = ''; // Read STDOUT do { $outputString .= rtrim( fgets( $pipes[1], 1024 ), "\n" ); } while ( !feof( $pipes[1] ) ); $errorString = ''; // Read STDERR do { $errorString .= rtrim( fgets( $pipes[2], 1024 ), "\n" ); } while ( !feof( $pipes[2] ) ); // Wait for process to terminate and store return value $return = proc_close( $imageProcess ); // Process potential errors if ( strlen( $errorString ) > 0 || strpos( $outputString, 'ImageMagick' ) === false ) { throw new ezcImageHandlerNotAvailableException( 'ezcImageImagemagickHandler', 'ImageMagick not installed or not available in PATH variable.' ); } } /** * Creates default settings for the handler and returns it. * The reference name will be set to 'ImageMagick'. * * @return ezcImageHandlerSettings */ static public function defaultSettings() { return new ezcImageHandlerSettings( 'ImageMagick', 'ezcImageImagemagickHandler' ); } } ?>