* $chart->xAxis->formatString = '%s %%'; * * * For more complex formatting operations for the label you may assign a custom * formatter function to the property $labelCallback. * * The orientation of labels and their position relatively to the axis ticks is * calcualted and rendered by the ezcGraphAxisLabelRenderer classes. You can * choose between different axis label renderer, or create you own, and assign * an instance of one to the property $axisLabelRenderer. Currently the * available axis label renderers are: * * - ezcGraphAxisBoxedLabelRenderer * * Renders grid and labels like commonly used in bar charts, with the label * between two grid lines. * * - ezcGraphAxisCenteredLabelRenderer * * Centers the label right next to a tick. Commonly used for labeled axis. * * - ezcGraphAxisExactLabelRenderer * * Put the label next to each tick. Commonly used for numeric axis. * * - ezcGraphAxisNoLabelRenderer * * Renders no labels. * * - ezcGraphAxisRadarLabelRenderer * * Special label renderer for radar charts. * * - ezcGraphAxisRotatedLabelRenderer * * Accepts a rotation angle for the texts put at some axis, which might be * useful for longer textual labels on the axis. * * The label renderer used by default is different depending on the axis type. * * @property float $nullPosition * The position of the null value. * @property float $axisSpace * Percent of the chart space used to display axis labels and * arrowheads instead of data values. * @property ezcGraphColor $majorGrid * Color of major majorGrid. * @property ezcGraphColor $minorGrid * Color of minor majorGrid. * @property mixed $majorStep * Labeled major steps displayed on the axis. @TODO: Should be moved * to numeric axis. * @property mixed $minorStep * Non labeled minor steps on the axis. @TODO: Should be moved to * numeric axis. * @property string $formatString * Formatstring to use for labeling of the axis. * @property string $label * Axis label * @property int $labelSize * Size of axis label * @property int $labelMargin * Distance between label an axis * @property int $minArrowHeadSize * Minimum Size used to draw arrow heads. * @property int $maxArrowHeadSize * Maximum Size used to draw arrow heads. * @property ezcGraphAxisLabelRenderer $axisLabelRenderer * AxisLabelRenderer used to render labels and grid on this axis. * @property callback $labelCallback * Callback function to format chart labels. * Function will receive two parameters and should return a * reformatted label. * string function( label, step ) * @property float $chartPosition * Position of the axis in the chart. Only useful for additional * axis. The basic chart axis will be automatically positioned. * @property-read bool $initialized * Property indicating if some values were associated with axis, or a * scaling has been set manually. * * @version 1.4alpha1 * @package Graph */ abstract class ezcGraphChartElementAxis extends ezcGraphChartElement { /** * Axis label renderer class * * @var ezcGraphAxisLabelRenderer */ protected $axisLabelRenderer; /** * Constructor * * @param array $options Default option array * @return void * @ignore */ public function __construct( array $options = array() ) { $this->properties['nullPosition'] = false; $this->properties['axisSpace'] = .1; $this->properties['majorGrid'] = false; $this->properties['minorGrid'] = false; $this->properties['majorStep'] = null; $this->properties['minorStep'] = null; $this->properties['formatString'] = '%s'; $this->properties['label'] = false; $this->properties['labelSize'] = 14; $this->properties['labelMargin'] = 2; $this->properties['minArrowHeadSize'] = 4; $this->properties['maxArrowHeadSize'] = 8; $this->properties['labelCallback'] = null; $this->properties['chartPosition'] = null; $this->properties['initialized'] = false; parent::__construct( $options ); if ( !isset( $this->axisLabelRenderer ) ) { $this->axisLabelRenderer = new ezcGraphAxisExactLabelRenderer(); } } /** * Set colors and border fro this element * * @param ezcGraphPalette $palette Palette * @return void */ public function setFromPalette( ezcGraphPalette $palette ) { $this->border = $palette->axisColor; $this->padding = $palette->padding; $this->margin = $palette->margin; $this->majorGrid = $palette->majorGridColor; $this->minorGrid = $palette->minorGridColor; } /** * __set * * @param mixed $propertyName * @param mixed $propertyValue * @throws ezcBaseValueException * If a submitted parameter was out of range or type. * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * If a the value for the property options is not an instance of * @return void */ public function __set( $propertyName, $propertyValue ) { switch ( $propertyName ) { case 'nullPosition': $this->properties['nullPosition'] = (float) $propertyValue; break; case 'axisSpace': if ( !is_numeric( $propertyValue ) || ( $propertyValue < 0 ) || ( $propertyValue > 1 ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, '0 <= float <= 1' ); } $this->properties['axisSpace'] = (float) $propertyValue; break; case 'majorGrid': $this->properties['majorGrid'] = ezcGraphColor::create( $propertyValue ); break; case 'minorGrid': $this->properties['minorGrid'] = ezcGraphColor::create( $propertyValue ); break; case 'majorStep': if ( !is_numeric( $propertyValue ) || ( $propertyValue <= 0 ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'float > 0' ); } $this->properties['majorStep'] = (float) $propertyValue; break; case 'minorStep': if ( !is_numeric( $propertyValue ) || ( $propertyValue <= 0 ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'float > 0' ); } $this->properties['minorStep'] = (float) $propertyValue; break; case 'formatString': $this->properties['formatString'] = (string) $propertyValue; break; case 'label': $this->properties['label'] = (string) $propertyValue; break; case 'labelSize': if ( !is_numeric( $propertyValue ) || ( $propertyValue <= 6 ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'int >= 6' ); } $this->properties['labelSize'] = (int) $propertyValue; break; case 'labelMargin': if ( !is_numeric( $propertyValue ) || ( $propertyValue <= 0 ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'int >= 0' ); } $this->properties['labelMargin'] = (int) $propertyValue; break; case 'maxArrowHeadSize': if ( !is_numeric( $propertyValue ) || ( $propertyValue <= 0 ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'int >= 0' ); } $this->properties['maxArrowHeadSize'] = (int) $propertyValue; break; case 'minArrowHeadSize': if ( !is_numeric( $propertyValue ) || ( $propertyValue <= 0 ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'int >= 0' ); } $this->properties['minArrowHeadSize'] = (int) $propertyValue; break; case 'axisLabelRenderer': if ( $propertyValue instanceof ezcGraphAxisLabelRenderer ) { $this->axisLabelRenderer = $propertyValue; } else { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'ezcGraphAxisLabelRenderer' ); } break; case 'labelCallback': if ( is_callable( $propertyValue ) ) { $this->properties['labelCallback'] = $propertyValue; } else { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'callback function' ); } break; case 'chartPosition': if ( !is_numeric( $propertyValue ) || ( $propertyValue < 0 ) || ( $propertyValue > 1 ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, '0 <= float <= 1' ); } $this->properties['chartPosition'] = (float) $propertyValue; break; default: parent::__set( $propertyName, $propertyValue ); break; } } /** * __get * * @param mixed $propertyName * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * If a the value for the property options is not an instance of * @return mixed * @ignore */ public function __get( $propertyName ) { switch ( $propertyName ) { case 'axisLabelRenderer': return $this->axisLabelRenderer; default: return parent::__get( $propertyName ); } } /** * Get coordinate for a dedicated value on the chart * * @param float $value Value to determine position for * @return float Position on chart */ abstract public function getCoordinate( $value ); /** * Return count of minor steps * * @return integer Count of minor steps */ abstract public function getMinorStepCount(); /** * Return count of major steps * * @return integer Count of major steps */ abstract public function getMajorStepCount(); /** * Get label for a dedicated step on the axis * * @param integer $step Number of step * @return string label */ abstract public function getLabel( $step ); /** * Return array of steps on this axis * * @return array( ezcGraphAxisStep ) */ public function getSteps() { $majorSteps = $this->getMajorStepCount(); $minorStepsPerMajorStepCount = ( $this->getMinorStepCount() / $majorSteps ); $majorStepSize = 1 / $majorSteps; $minorStepSize = ( $minorStepsPerMajorStepCount > 0 ? $majorStepSize / $minorStepsPerMajorStepCount : 0 ); $steps = array(); for ( $major = 0; $major <= $majorSteps; ++$major ) { $majorStep = new ezcGraphAxisStep( $majorStepSize * $major, $majorStepSize, $this->getLabel( $major ), array(), $this->isZeroStep( $major ), ( $major === $majorSteps ) ); if ( ( $minorStepsPerMajorStepCount > 0 ) && ( $major < $majorSteps ) ) { // Do not add minor steps at major steps positions for( $minor = 1; $minor < $minorStepsPerMajorStepCount; ++$minor ) { $majorStep->childs[] = new ezcGraphAxisStep( ( $majorStepSize * $major ) + ( $minorStepSize * $minor ), $minorStepSize ); } } $steps[] = $majorStep; } return $steps; } /** * Is zero step * * Returns true if the given step is the one on the initial axis position * * @param int $step Number of step * @return bool Status If given step is initial axis position */ abstract public function isZeroStep( $step ); /** * Add data for this axis * * @param array $values * @return void */ abstract public function addData( array $values ); /** * Calculate axis bounding values on base of the assigned values * * @abstract * @access public * @return void */ abstract public function calculateAxisBoundings(); /** * Render the axis * * @param ezcGraphRenderer $renderer Renderer * @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Boundings for the axis * @return ezcGraphBoundings Remaining boundings */ public function render( ezcGraphRenderer $renderer, ezcGraphBoundings $boundings ) { switch ( $this->position ) { case ezcGraph::TOP: $start = new ezcGraphCoordinate( ( $boundings->x1 - $boundings->x0 ) * $this->axisSpace + $this->nullPosition * ( $boundings->x1 - $boundings->x0 ) * ( 1 - 2 * $this->axisSpace ), 0 ); $end = new ezcGraphCoordinate( ( $boundings->x1 - $boundings->x0 ) * $this->axisSpace + $this->nullPosition * ( $boundings->x1 - $boundings->x0 ) * ( 1 - 2 * $this->axisSpace ), $boundings->y1 - $boundings->y0 ); break; case ezcGraph::BOTTOM: $start = new ezcGraphCoordinate( ( $boundings->x1 - $boundings->x0 ) * $this->axisSpace + $this->nullPosition * ( $boundings->x1 - $boundings->x0 ) * ( 1 - 2 * $this->axisSpace ), $boundings->y1 - $boundings->y0 ); $end = new ezcGraphCoordinate( ( $boundings->x1 - $boundings->x0 ) * $this->axisSpace + $this->nullPosition * ( $boundings->x1 - $boundings->x0 ) * ( 1 - 2 * $this->axisSpace ), 0 ); break; case ezcGraph::LEFT: $start = new ezcGraphCoordinate( 0, ( $boundings->y1 - $boundings->y0 ) * $this->axisSpace + $this->nullPosition * ( $boundings->y1 - $boundings->y0 ) * ( 1 - 2 * $this->axisSpace ) ); $end = new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x1 - $boundings->x0, ( $boundings->y1 - $boundings->y0 ) * $this->axisSpace + $this->nullPosition * ( $boundings->y1 - $boundings->y0 ) * ( 1 - 2 * $this->axisSpace ) ); break; case ezcGraph::RIGHT: $start = new ezcGraphCoordinate( $boundings->x1 - $boundings->x0, ( $boundings->y1 - $boundings->y0 ) * $this->axisSpace + $this->nullPosition * ( $boundings->y1 - $boundings->y0 ) * ( 1 - 2 * $this->axisSpace ) ); $end = new ezcGraphCoordinate( 0, ( $boundings->y1 - $boundings->y0 ) * $this->axisSpace + $this->nullPosition * ( $boundings->y1 - $boundings->y0 ) * ( 1 - 2 * $this->axisSpace ) ); break; } $renderer->drawAxis( $boundings, $start, $end, $this, $this->axisLabelRenderer ); return $boundings; } } ?>