palette = new ezcGraphPaletteEzGreen(); $graph->title = 'Access statistics'; $graph->legend = false; $graph->driver = new ezcGraphGdDriver(); $graph->options->font = 'tutorial_font.ttf'; // Generate a Jpeg with lower quality. The default settings result in a image // with better quality. // // The reduction of the supersampling to 1 will result in no anti aliasing of // the image. JPEG is not the optimal format for grapics, PNG is far better for // this kind of images. $graph->driver->options->supersampling = 1; $graph->driver->options->jpegQuality = 100; $graph->driver->options->imageFormat = IMG_JPEG; $graph->data['Access statistics'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array( 'Mozilla' => 19113, 'Explorer' => 10917, 'Opera' => 1464, 'Safari' => 652, 'Konqueror' => 474, ) ); $graph->render( 400, 200, 'tutorial_driver_gd.jpg' ); ?>