properties['min'] = null; $this->properties['max'] = null; $this->properties['minValue'] = null; $this->properties['maxValue'] = null; parent::__construct( $options ); } /** * __set * * @param mixed $propertyName * @param mixed $propertyValue * @throws ezcBaseValueException * If a submitted parameter was out of range or type. * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * If a the value for the property options is not an instance of * @return void * @ignore */ public function __set( $propertyName, $propertyValue ) { switch ( $propertyName ) { case 'min': if ( !is_numeric( $propertyValue ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'float' ); } $this->properties['min'] = (float) $propertyValue; $this->properties['initialized'] = true; break; case 'max': if ( !is_numeric( $propertyValue ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'float' ); } $this->properties['max'] = (float) $propertyValue; $this->properties['initialized'] = true; break; default: parent::__set( $propertyName, $propertyValue ); break; } } /** * Returns a "nice" number for a given floating point number. * * Nice numbers are steps on a scale which are easily recognized by humans * like 0.5, 25, 1000 etc. * * @param float $float Number to be altered * @return float Nice number */ protected function getNiceNumber( $float ) { // Get absolute value and save sign $abs = abs( $float ); $sign = $float / $abs; // Normalize number to a range between 1 and 10 $log = (int) round( log10( $abs ), 0 ); $abs /= pow( 10, $log ); // find next nice number if ( $abs > 5 ) { $abs = 10.; } elseif ( $abs > 2.5 ) { $abs = 5.; } elseif ( $abs > 1 ) { $abs = 2.5; } else { $abs = 1; } // unnormalize number to original values return $abs * pow( 10, $log ) * $sign; } /** * Calculate minimum value for displayed axe basing on real minimum and * major step size * * @param float $min Real data minimum * @param float $max Real data maximum * @return void */ protected function calculateMinimum( $min, $max ) { if ( $this->properties['max'] === null ) { $this->properties['min'] = floor( $min / $this->properties['majorStep'] ) * $this->properties['majorStep']; } else { $calculatedMin = $this->properties['max']; do { $calculatedMin -= $this->properties['majorStep']; } while ( $calculatedMin > $min ); $this->properties['min'] = $calculatedMin; } } /** * Calculate maximum value for displayed axe basing on real maximum and * major step size * * @param float $min Real data minimum * @param float $max Real data maximum * @return void */ protected function calculateMaximum( $min, $max ) { $calculatedMax = $this->properties['min']; do { $calculatedMax += $this->properties['majorStep']; } while ( $calculatedMax < $max ); $this->properties['max'] = $calculatedMax; } /** * Calculate size of minor steps based on the size of the major step size * * @param float $min Real data minimum * @param float $max Real data maximum * @return void */ protected function calculateMinorStep( $min, $max ) { $stepSize = $this->properties['majorStep'] / self::MIN_MINOR_COUNT; $this->properties['minorStep'] = $this->getNiceNumber( $stepSize ); } /** * Calculate size of major step based on the span to be displayed and the * defined MIN_MAJOR_COUNT constant. * * @param float $min Real data minimum * @param float $max Real data maximum * @return void */ protected function calculateMajorStep( $min, $max ) { $span = $max - $min; $stepSize = $span / self::MIN_MAJOR_COUNT; $this->properties['majorStep'] = $this->getNiceNumber( $stepSize ); } /** * Add data for this axis * * @param array $values Value which will be displayed on this axis * @return void */ public function addData( array $values ) { foreach ( $values as $value ) { if ( $this->properties['minValue'] === null || $value < $this->properties['minValue'] ) { $this->properties['minValue'] = $value; } if ( $this->properties['maxValue'] === null || $value > $this->properties['maxValue'] ) { $this->properties['maxValue'] = $value; } } $this->properties['initialized'] = true; } /** * Calculate axis bounding values on base of the assigned values * * @abstract * @access public * @return void */ public function calculateAxisBoundings() { // Prevent division by zero, when min == max if ( $this->properties['minValue'] == $this->properties['maxValue'] ) { if ( $this->properties['minValue'] == 0 ) { $this->properties['maxValue'] = 1; } else { if ( $this->properties['majorStep'] !== null ) { $this->properties['minValue'] -= $this->properties['majorStep']; $this->properties['maxValue'] += $this->properties['majorStep']; } else { $this->properties['minValue'] -= ( $this->properties['minValue'] * .1 ); $this->properties['maxValue'] += ( $this->properties['maxValue'] * .1 ); } } } // Use custom minimum and maximum if available if ( $this->properties['min'] !== null ) { $this->properties['minValue'] = $this->properties['min']; } if ( $this->properties['max'] !== null ) { $this->properties['maxValue'] = $this->properties['max']; } // If min and max values are forced, we may not be able to find a // "nice" number for the steps. Try to find such a nice step size, or // fall back to a step size, which is just the span divided by 5. if ( ( $this->properties['min'] !== null ) && ( $this->properties['max'] !== null ) ) { $diff = $this->properties['max'] - $this->properties['min']; $this->calculateMajorStep( $this->properties['minValue'], $this->properties['maxValue'] ); $stepInvariance = $diff / $this->properties['majorStep']; if ( ( $stepInvariance - floor( $stepInvariance ) ) > .0000001 ) { // For too big step invariances calculate the step size just // from the given difference between min and max value. $this->properties['majorStep'] = ( $this->properties['max'] - $this->properties['min'] ) / self::MIN_MAJOR_COUNT; $this->properties['minorStep'] = $this->properties['majorStep'] / self::MIN_MAJOR_COUNT; } } // Calculate "nice" values for scaling parameters if ( $this->properties['majorStep'] === null ) { $this->calculateMajorStep( $this->properties['minValue'], $this->properties['maxValue'] ); } if ( $this->properties['minorStep'] === null ) { $this->calculateMinorStep( $this->properties['minValue'], $this->properties['maxValue'] ); } if ( $this->properties['min'] === null ) { $this->calculateMinimum( $this->properties['minValue'], $this->properties['maxValue'] ); } if ( $this->properties['max'] === null ) { $this->calculateMaximum( $this->properties['minValue'], $this->properties['maxValue'] ); } } /** * Get coordinate for a dedicated value on the chart * * @param float $value Value to determine position for * @return float Position on chart */ public function getCoordinate( $value ) { // Force typecast, because ( false < -100 ) results in (bool) true $floatValue = (float) $value; if ( ( $value === false ) && ( ( $floatValue < $this->properties['min'] ) || ( $floatValue > $this->properties['max'] ) ) ) { switch ( $this->position ) { case ezcGraph::LEFT: case ezcGraph::TOP: return 0.; case ezcGraph::RIGHT: case ezcGraph::BOTTOM: return 1.; } } else { switch ( $this->position ) { case ezcGraph::LEFT: case ezcGraph::TOP: return ( $value - $this->properties['min'] ) / ( $this->properties['max'] - $this->properties['min'] ); case ezcGraph::RIGHT: case ezcGraph::BOTTOM: return 1 - ( $value - $this->properties['min'] ) / ( $this->properties['max'] - $this->properties['min'] ); } } } /** * Return count of minor steps * * @return integer Count of minor steps */ public function getMinorStepCount() { return (int) ( ( $this->properties['max'] - $this->properties['min'] ) / $this->properties['minorStep'] ); } /** * Return count of major steps * * @return integer Count of major steps */ public function getMajorStepCount() { return (int) ( ( $this->properties['max'] - $this->properties['min'] ) / $this->properties['majorStep'] ); } /** * Get label for a dedicated step on the axis * * @param integer $step Number of step * @return string label */ public function getLabel( $step ) { if ( $this->properties['labelCallback'] !== null ) { return call_user_func_array( $this->properties['labelCallback'], array( $this->properties['min'] + ( $step * $this->properties['majorStep'] ), $step, ) ); } else { return $this->properties['min'] + ( $step * $this->properties['majorStep'] ); } } /** * Is zero step * * Returns true if the given step is the one on the initial axis position * * @param int $step Number of step * @return bool Status If given step is initial axis position */ public function isZeroStep( $step ) { return ( $this->getLabel( $step ) == 0 ); } } ?>