properties['maxHeight'] = .1; parent::__construct( $options ); } /** * __set * * @param mixed $propertyName * @param mixed $propertyValue * @throws ezcBaseValueException * If a submitted parameter was out of range or type. * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * If a the value for the property options is not an instance of * @return void */ public function __set( $propertyName, $propertyValue ) { switch ( $propertyName ) { case 'maxHeight': $this->properties['maxHeight'] = min( 1, max( 0, (float) $propertyValue ) ); break; default: parent::__set( $propertyName, $propertyValue ); break; } } /** * Render the text * * @param ezcGraphRenderer $renderer Renderer * @param ezcGraphBoundings $boundings Boundings for the axis * @return ezcGraphBoundings Remaining boundings */ public function render( ezcGraphRenderer $renderer, ezcGraphBoundings $boundings ) { if ( empty( $this->properties['title'] ) ) { return $boundings; } $height = (int) min( round( $this->properties['maxHeight'] * ( $boundings->y1 - $boundings->y0 ) ), $this->properties['font']->maxFontSize + $this->padding * 2 + $this->margin * 2 ); switch ( $this->properties['position'] ) { case ezcGraph::TOP: $textBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings( $boundings->x0, $boundings->y0, $boundings->x1, $boundings->y0 + $height ); $boundings->y0 += $height + $this->properties['margin']; break; case ezcGraph::BOTTOM: $textBoundings = new ezcGraphBoundings( $boundings->x0, $boundings->y1 - $height, $boundings->x1, $boundings->y1 ); $boundings->y1 -= $height + $this->properties['margin']; break; } $textBoundings = $renderer->drawBox( $textBoundings, $this->properties['background'], $this->properties['border'], $this->properties['borderWidth'], $this->properties['margin'], $this->properties['padding'] ); $renderer->drawText( $textBoundings, $this->properties['title'], ezcGraph::CENTER | ezcGraph::MIDDLE ); return $boundings; } } ?>