feedContainer = $container; $this->feedType = self::FEED_TYPE; $this->contentType = self::CONTENT_TYPE; } /** * Returns an XML string from the feed information contained in this * processor. * * @return string */ public function generate() { $this->xml = new DOMDocument( '1.0', 'utf-8' ); $this->xml->formatOutput = 1; $this->createRootElement( '2.0' ); $this->generateChannel(); $this->generateFeedModules( $this->channel ); $this->generateItems(); $this->generateImage(); $this->generateTextInput(); return $this->xml->saveXML(); } /** * Returns true if the parser can parse the provided XML document object, * false otherwise. * * @param DOMDocument $xml The XML document object to check for parseability * @return bool */ public static function canParse( DOMDocument $xml ) { if ( strpos( $xml->documentElement->tagName, 'RDF' ) === false ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Parses the provided XML document object and returns an ezcFeed object * from it. * * @throws ezcFeedParseErrorException * If an error was encountered during parsing. * * @param DOMDocument $xml The XML document object to parse * @return ezcFeed */ public function parse( DOMDocument $xml ) { $feed = new ezcFeed( self::FEED_TYPE ); $rssChildren = $xml->documentElement->childNodes; $channel = null; $this->usedPrefixes = $this->fetchUsedPrefixes( $xml ); foreach ( $rssChildren as $rssChild ) { if ( $rssChild->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $rssChild->tagName === 'channel' ) { $channel = $rssChild; } } if ( $channel === null ) { throw new ezcFeedParseErrorException( null, "No channel tag" ); } if ( $channel->hasAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' ) ) { $feed->id = $channel->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' ); } foreach ( $channel->childNodes as $channelChild ) { if ( $channelChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $tagName = $channelChild->tagName; switch ( $tagName ) { case 'title': case 'link': case 'description': $feed->$tagName = $channelChild->textContent; break; case 'items': $seq = $channelChild->getElementsByTagNameNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'Seq' ); if ( $seq->length === 0 ) { break; } $lis = $seq->item( 0 )->getElementsByTagNameNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'li' ); foreach ( $lis as $el ) { $resource = $el->getAttribute( 'resource' ); if ( empty( $resource ) ) { // some RSS1 (RDF) feeds specify the "resource" attribute as "rdf:resource" // see issue #13109 $resource = $el->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'resource' ); } $item = $this->getNodeByAttributeNS( $xml->documentElement, 'item', self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about', $resource ); if ( $item instanceof DOMElement ) { $element = $feed->add( 'item' ); $this->parseItem( $feed, $element, $item ); } } break; case 'image': $resource = $channelChild->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'resource' ); $image = $this->getNodeByAttributeNS( $xml->documentElement, 'image', self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about', $resource ); $this->parseImage( $feed, $image ); break; case 'textinput': $resource = $channelChild->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'resource' ); $textInput = $this->getNodeByAttributeNS( $xml->documentElement, 'textinput', self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about', $resource ); $this->parseTextInput( $feed, $textInput ); break; default: // check if it's part of a known module/namespace $this->parseModules( $feed, $channelChild, $tagName ); break; } } } if ( $channel->hasAttribute( 'xml:lang' ) ) { $feed->language = $channel->getAttribute( 'xml:lang' ); } return $feed; } /** * Creates a root node for the XML document being generated. * * @param string $version The RSS version for the root node */ private function createRootElement( $version ) { $rss = $this->xml->createElementNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'rdf:RDF' ); $this->addAttribute( $rss, 'xmlns', 'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/' ); $this->channel = $channelTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'channel' ); $rss->appendChild( $channelTag ); $this->root = $this->xml->appendChild( $rss ); } /** * Adds the required feed elements to the XML document being generated. */ private function generateChannel() { $data = $this->id; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/@about" ); } $aboutAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'rdf:about' ); $aboutVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $data ); $aboutAttr->appendChild( $aboutVal ); $this->channel->appendChild( $aboutAttr ); $elements = array( 'title', 'link', 'description' ); foreach ( $elements as $element ) { $data = $this->$element; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/{$element}" ); } switch ( $element ) { case 'link': $this->generateMetaData( $this->channel, $element, $data ); break; case 'title': case 'description': $this->generateMetaData( $this->channel, $element, $data ); break; } } if ( !is_null( $this->language ) ) { $this->addAttribute( $this->channel, 'xml:lang', $this->language ); } $items = $this->item; if ( count( $items ) === 0 ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/item" ); } $itemsTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'items' ); $this->channel->appendChild( $itemsTag ); $seqTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'rdf:Seq' ); $itemsTag->appendChild( $seqTag ); foreach ( $items as $item ) { $about = $item->id; $liTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'rdf:li' ); $resourceAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'resource' ); $resourceVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $about ); $resourceAttr->appendChild( $resourceVal ); $liTag->appendChild( $resourceAttr ); $seqTag->appendChild( $liTag ); } $image = $this->image; if ( $image !== null ) { $imageTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'image' ); $about = $image->about; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/image/@about" ); } $resourceAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'rdf:resource' ); $resourceVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $about ); $resourceAttr->appendChild( $resourceVal ); $imageTag->appendChild( $resourceAttr ); $this->channel->appendChild( $imageTag ); } $textInput = $this->textInput; if ( $textInput !== null ) { $textInputTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'textinput' ); $about = $textInput->about; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/textinput/@about" ); } $resourceAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'rdf:resource' ); $resourceVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $about ); $resourceAttr->appendChild( $resourceVal ); $textInputTag->appendChild( $resourceAttr ); $this->channel->appendChild( $textInputTag ); } } /** * Adds the feed items to the XML document being generated. */ private function generateItems() { foreach ( $this->item as $element ) { $itemTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'item' ); $this->root->appendChild( $itemTag ); $data = $element->id; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/item/@about" ); } $aboutAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'rdf:about' ); $aboutVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $data ); $aboutAttr->appendChild( $aboutVal ); $itemTag->appendChild( $aboutAttr ); $elements = array( 'title', 'link' ); foreach ( $elements as $attribute ) { $data = $element->$attribute; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/item/{$attribute}" ); } $this->generateMetaData( $itemTag, $attribute, $data ); } $elements = array( 'description', 'language' ); foreach ( $elements as $attribute ) { $data = $element->$attribute; if ( !is_null( $data ) ) { switch ( $attribute ) { case 'description': $this->generateMetaData( $itemTag, $attribute, $data ); break; case 'language': $this->addAttribute( $itemTag, 'xml:lang', $data ); break; } } } $this->generateItemModules( $element, $itemTag ); } } /** * Adds the feed image to the XML document being generated. */ private function generateImage() { $image = $this->image; if ( $image !== null ) { $imageTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'image' ); $this->root->appendChild( $imageTag ); $data = $image->about; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/image/@about" ); } $aboutAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'rdf:about' ); $aboutVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $data ); $aboutAttr->appendChild( $aboutVal ); $imageTag->appendChild( $aboutAttr ); $elements = array( 'title', 'url', 'link' ); foreach ( $elements as $attribute ) { $data = $image->$attribute; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/image/{$attribute}" ); } $this->generateMetaData( $imageTag, $attribute, $data ); } } } /** * Adds the feed textinput to the XML document being generated. */ private function generateTextInput() { $textInput = $this->textInput; if ( $textInput !== null ) { $textInputTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'textinput' ); $this->root->appendChild( $textInputTag ); $data = $textInput->about; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/textinput/@about" ); } $aboutAttr = $this->xml->createAttribute( 'rdf:about' ); $aboutVal = $this->xml->createTextNode( $data ); $aboutAttr->appendChild( $aboutVal ); $textInputTag->appendChild( $aboutAttr ); $elements = array( 'title', 'description', 'name', 'link' ); foreach ( $elements as $attribute ) { $data = $textInput->$attribute; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/{$this->root->nodeName}/textinput/{$attribute}" ); } $this->generateMetaData( $textInputTag, $attribute, $data ); } } } /** * Parses the provided XML element object and stores it as a feed item in * the provided ezcFeed object. * * @param ezcFeed $feed The feed object in which to store the parsed XML element as a feed item * @param ezcFeedElement $element The feed element object that will contain the feed item * @param DOMElement $xml The XML element object to parse */ private function parseItem( ezcFeed $feed, $element, DOMElement $xml ) { if ( $xml->hasAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' ) ) { $element->id = $xml->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' ); } foreach ( $xml->childNodes as $itemChild ) { if ( $itemChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $tagName = $itemChild->tagName; switch ( $tagName ) { case 'title': case 'link': case 'description': $element->$tagName = $itemChild->textContent; break; default: // check if it's part of a known module/namespace $this->parseModules( $element, $itemChild, $tagName ); break; } } } if ( $xml->hasAttribute( 'xml:lang' ) ) { $element->language = $xml->getAttribute( 'xml:lang' ); } } /** * Parses the provided XML element object and stores it as a feed image in * the provided ezcFeed object. * * @param ezcFeed $feed The feed object in which to store the parsed XML element as a feed image * @param DOMElement $xml The XML element object to parse */ private function parseImage( ezcFeed $feed, DOMElement $xml = null ) { $image = $feed->add( 'image' ); if ( $xml !== null ) { foreach ( $xml->childNodes as $itemChild ) { if ( $itemChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $tagName = $itemChild->tagName; switch ( $tagName ) { case 'title': case 'link': case 'url': $image->$tagName = $itemChild->textContent; break; } } } if ( $xml->hasAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' ) ) { $image->about = $xml->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' ); } } } /** * Parses the provided XML element object and stores it as a feed textinput in * the provided ezcFeed object. * * @param ezcFeed $feed The feed object in which to store the parsed XML element as a feed textinput * @param DOMElement $xml The XML element object to parse */ private function parseTextInput( ezcFeed $feed, DOMElement $xml = null ) { $textInput = $feed->add( 'textInput' ); if ( $xml !== null ) { foreach ( $xml->childNodes as $itemChild ) { if ( $itemChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $tagName = $itemChild->tagName; switch ( $tagName ) { case 'title': case 'description': case 'name': case 'link': $textInput->$tagName = $itemChild->textContent; break; } } } if ( $xml->hasAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' ) ) { $textInput->about = $xml->getAttributeNS( self::NAMESPACE_URI, 'about' ); } } } } ?>