feedContainer = $container; $this->feedType = self::FEED_TYPE; $this->contentType = self::CONTENT_TYPE; } /** * Returns an XML string from the feed information contained in this * processor. * * @return string */ public function generate() { $this->xml = new DOMDocument( '1.0', 'utf-8' ); $this->xml->formatOutput = 1; $rss = $this->xml->createElementNS( 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom', 'feed' ); $this->channel = $rss; $this->root = $this->xml->appendChild( $rss ); $this->generateRequired(); $this->generateAtLeastOne(); $this->generateOptional(); $this->generateFeedModules( $this->channel ); $this->generateItems(); return $this->xml->saveXML(); } /** * Returns true if the parser can parse the provided XML document object, * false otherwise. * * @param DOMDocument $xml The XML document object to check for parseability * @return bool */ public static function canParse( DOMDocument $xml ) { if ( $xml->documentElement->tagName !== 'feed' ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Parses the provided XML document object and returns an ezcFeed object * from it. * * @throws ezcFeedParseErrorException * If an error was encountered during parsing. * * @param DOMDocument $xml The XML document object to parse * @return ezcFeed */ public function parse( DOMDocument $xml ) { $feed = new ezcFeed( self::FEED_TYPE ); $channel = $xml->documentElement; $this->usedPrefixes = $this->fetchUsedPrefixes( $xml ); foreach ( $channel->childNodes as $channelChild ) { if ( $channelChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $tagName = $channelChild->tagName; switch ( $tagName ) { case 'title': $this->parseTextNode( $feed, $channelChild, 'title' ); break; case 'rights': $this->parseTextNode( $feed, $channelChild, 'copyright' ); break; case 'subtitle': $this->parseTextNode( $feed, $channelChild, 'description' ); break; case 'id': $feed->$tagName = $channelChild->textContent; break; case 'icon': $feed->$tagName = $channelChild->textContent; break; case 'logo': $feed->image = $channelChild->textContent; break; case 'generator': $element = $feed->add( $tagName ); $attributes = array( 'uri' => 'url', 'version' => 'version' ); foreach ( $attributes as $name => $alias ) { if ( $channelChild->hasAttribute( $name ) ) { $element->$alias = $channelChild->getAttribute( $name ); } } $element->name = $channelChild->textContent; break; case 'updated': $feed->$tagName = $channelChild->textContent; break; case 'category': $element = $feed->add( $tagName ); $attributes = array( 'term' => 'term', 'scheme' => 'scheme', 'label' => 'label' ); foreach ( $attributes as $name => $alias ) { if ( $channelChild->hasAttribute( $name ) ) { $element->$alias = $channelChild->getAttribute( $name ); } } break; case 'link': $element = $feed->add( $tagName ); $attributes = array( 'href' => 'href', 'rel' => 'rel', 'hreflang' => 'hreflang', 'type' => 'type', 'title' => 'title', 'length' => 'length' ); foreach ( $attributes as $name => $alias ) { if ( $channelChild->hasAttribute( $name ) ) { $element->$alias = $channelChild->getAttribute( $name ); } } break; case 'contributor': case 'author': $element = $feed->add( $tagName ); $this->parsePerson( $element, $channelChild, $tagName ); break; case 'entry': $element = $feed->add( 'item' ); $this->parseItem( $element, $channelChild ); break; default: // check if it's part of a known module/namespace $this->parseModules( $feed, $channelChild, $tagName ); break; } } } return $feed; } /** * Adds the required feed elements to the XML document being generated. */ private function generateRequired() { $elements = array( 'id', 'title', 'updated' ); foreach ( $elements as $element ) { $data = $this->$element; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/feed/{$element}" ); } switch ( $element ) { case 'id': $this->generateMetaData( $this->channel, $element, $data ); break; case 'title': $this->generateTextNode( $this->channel, $element, $data ); break; case 'updated': // Sample date: 2003-12-13T18:30:02-05:00 $this->generateMetaData( $this->channel, $element, $data->date->format( 'c' ) ); break; } } } /** * Adds the at-least-one feed elements to the XML document being generated. */ private function generateAtLeastOne() { $needToThrowException = false; $element = 'author'; $data = $this->$element; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { $entries = $this->item; if ( $entries === null ) { throw new ezcFeedAtLeastOneItemDataRequiredException( array( '/feed/author' ) ); } foreach ( $entries as $entry ) { $authors = $entry->author; if ( $authors === null ) { throw new ezcFeedAtLeastOneItemDataRequiredException( array( '/feed/entry/author' ) ); } } throw new ezcFeedAtLeastOneItemDataRequiredException( array( '/feed/author' ) ); } } /** * Adds the optional feed elements to the XML document being generated. */ private function generateOptional() { $elements = array( 'author', 'link', 'category', 'contributor', 'generator', 'icon', 'image', 'copyright', 'description' ); if ( $this->link !== null ) { $this->checkLinks( $this->channel, $this->link ); } foreach ( $elements as $element ) { $data = $this->$element; if ( !is_null( $data ) ) { switch ( $element ) { case 'contributor': foreach ( $this->contributor as $person ) { $this->generatePerson( $this->channel, 'contributor', $person ); } break; case 'author': foreach ( $this->author as $person ) { $this->generatePerson( $this->channel, 'author', $person ); } break; case 'generator': $this->generateGenerator( $this->channel, $this->generator ); break; case 'link': foreach ( $data as $dataNode ) { $this->generateLink( $this->channel, $dataNode ); } break; case 'category': foreach ( $data as $dataNode ) { $this->generateCategory( $this->channel, $dataNode ); } break; case 'description': $this->generateTextNode( $this->channel, 'subtitle', $data ); break; case 'copyright': $this->generateTextNode( $this->channel, 'rights', $data ); break; case 'image': $this->generateMetaData( $this->channel, 'logo', $data ); break; case 'icon': $this->generateMetaData( $this->channel, 'icon', $data ); break; } } } } /** * Checks if the links are defined correctly. * * @throws ezcFeedOnlyOneValueAllowedException * if there was more than one @rel="alternate" element in the $links array * * @param DOMNode $root The root in which to check the link elements * @param array(ezcFeedLinkElement) $links The link elements to check * @return bool */ private function checkLinks( DOMNode $root, array $links ) { $unique = array(); foreach ( $links as $dataNode ) { if ( ( isset( $dataNode->rel ) && $dataNode->rel === 'alternate' ) && isset( $dataNode->type ) && isset( $dataNode->hreflang ) ) { foreach ( $unique as $obj ) { if ( $obj['type'] === $dataNode->type && $obj['hreflang'] === $dataNode->hreflang ) { $parentNode = ( $root->nodeName === 'entry' ) ? '/feed' : ''; $parentNode = ( $root->nodeName === 'source' ) ? '/feed/entry' : $parentNode; throw new ezcFeedOnlyOneValueAllowedException( "{$parentNode}/{$root->nodeName}/link@rel=\"alternate\"" ); } } $unique[] = array( 'type' => $dataNode->type, 'hreflang' => $dataNode->hreflang ); } } return true; } /** * Creates a link node in the XML document being generated. * * @param DOMNode $root The root in which to create the link * @param ezcFeedLinkElement $dataNode The data for the link node to create */ private function generateLink( DOMNode $root, ezcFeedLinkElement $dataNode ) { $elementTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'link' ); $root->appendChild( $elementTag ); $elements = array( 'href', 'rel', 'type', 'hreflang', 'title', 'length' ); if ( !isset( $dataNode->href ) ) { $parentNode = ( $root->nodeName === 'entry' ) ? '/feed' : ''; $parentNode = ( $root->nodeName === 'source' ) ? '/feed/entry' : $parentNode; throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "{$parentNode}/{$root->nodeName}/link/@href" ); } foreach ( $elements as $attribute ) { if ( isset( $dataNode->$attribute ) ) { $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, $attribute, $dataNode->$attribute ); } } } /** * Creates a generator node in the XML document being generated. * * @param DOMNode $root The root in which to create the generator node * @param ezcFeedGeneratorElement $generator The data for the generator node to create */ private function generateGenerator( DOMNode $root, ezcFeedGeneratorElement $generator ) { $name = $generator->name; $version = $generator->version; $url = $generator->url; $elementTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'generator', $name ); $root->appendChild( $elementTag ); if ( $version !== null ) { $this->generateMetaData( $elementTag, 'version', $version ); } if ( $url !== null ) { $this->generateMetaData( $elementTag, 'uri', $url ); } } /** * Creates a category node in the XML document being generated. * * @throws ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException * if the required attributes are missing * * @param DOMNode $root The root in which to create the category node * @param ezcFeedCategoryElement $dataNode The data for the category node to create */ private function generateCategory( DOMNode $root, ezcFeedCategoryElement $dataNode ) { $elementTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'category' ); $root->appendChild( $elementTag ); $parentNode = ( $root->nodeName === 'entry' ) ? '/feed' : ''; $parentNode = ( $root->nodeName === 'source' ) ? '/feed/entry' : $parentNode; $attributes = array( 'term' => 'term', 'scheme' => 'scheme', 'label' => 'label' ); $required = array( 'term' ); $optional = array( 'scheme', 'label' ); foreach ( $attributes as $attribute => $alias ) { if ( isset( $dataNode->$alias ) ) { $val = $dataNode->$alias; $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, $attribute, $val ); } else if ( in_array( $attribute, $required ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "{$parentNode}/{$root->nodeName}/category/@{$attribute}" ); } } } /** * Creates an XML node in the XML document being generated. * * @param DOMNode $root The root in which to create the node $element * @param string $element The name of the node to create * @param ezcFeedTextElement $dataNode The data for the node to create */ private function generateTextNode( DOMNode $root, $element, ezcFeedTextElement $dataNode ) { $elementTag = $this->xml->createElement( $element ); $root->appendChild( $elementTag ); $attributes = array(); if ( isset( $dataNode->type ) ) { $val = $dataNode->type; switch ( $val ) { case 'html': $dataNode->text = htmlspecialchars( $dataNode->__toString() ); $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'type', $val ); break; case 'xhtml': $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'type', $val ); $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'xmlns:xhtml', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' ); $xhtmlTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'xhtml:div', $dataNode->__toString() ); $elementTag->appendChild( $xhtmlTag ); $elementTag = $xhtmlTag; break; case 'text': // same as the default case default: $val = 'text'; $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'type', $val ); break; } } if ( isset( $dataNode->language ) ) { if ( $dataNode->type === 'xhtml' ) { $this->addAttribute( $elementTag->parentNode, 'xml:lang', $dataNode->language ); } else { $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'xml:lang', $dataNode->language ); } } $elementTag->nodeValue = $dataNode; } /** * Creates an XML node in the XML document being generated. * * @param DOMNode $root The root in which to create the node $element * @param string $element The name of the node to create * @param array(string=>mixed) $dataNode The data for the node to create */ private function generateContentNode( DOMNode $root, $element, $dataNode ) { $elementTag = $this->xml->createElement( $element ); $root->appendChild( $elementTag ); $attributes = array(); if ( isset( $dataNode->type ) ) { $val = $dataNode->type; switch ( $val ) { case 'html': $dataNode->text = htmlspecialchars( $dataNode->__toString() ); $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'type', $val ); break; case 'xhtml': $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'type', $val ); $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'xmlns:xhtml', 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' ); $xhtmlTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'xhtml:div', $dataNode->__toString() ); $elementTag->appendChild( $xhtmlTag ); $elementTag = $xhtmlTag; break; case 'text': $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'type', $val ); break; default: if ( preg_match( '@[+/]xml$@', $val ) !== 0 ) { // @todo: implement to assign the text in $dataNode as an XML node into $elementTag $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'type', $val ); } else if ( substr_compare( $val, 'text/', 0, 5, true ) === 0 ) { $dataNode->text = htmlspecialchars( $dataNode->__toString() ); $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'type', $val ); break; } else if ( $val !== null ) { // @todo: make 76 and "\n" options? $dataNode->text = chunk_split( base64_encode( $dataNode->__toString() ), 76, "\n" ); $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'type', $val ); } else { $val = 'text'; $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'type', $val ); } break; } } if ( $dataNode->src !== null ) { $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'src', $dataNode->src ); } if ( $dataNode->language !== null ) { if ( $dataNode->type === 'xhtml' ) { $this->addAttribute( $elementTag->parentNode, 'xml:lang', $dataNode->language ); } else { $this->addAttribute( $elementTag, 'xml:lang', $dataNode->language ); } } $elementTag->nodeValue = $dataNode; } /** * Creates an XML person node in the XML document being generated. * * @param DOMNode $root The root in which to create the node $element * @param string $element The name of the node to create * @param ezcFeedPersonElement $feedElement The person feed element (author, contributor) */ private function generatePerson( DOMNode $root, $element, ezcFeedPersonElement $feedElement ) { $elementTag = $this->xml->createElement( $element ); $root->appendChild( $elementTag ); $parentNode = ( $root->nodeName === 'entry' ) ? '/feed' : ''; $parentNode = ( $root->nodeName === 'source' ) ? '/feed/entry' : $parentNode; $name = $feedElement->name; $email = $feedElement->email; $uri = $feedElement->uri; if ( !is_null( $name ) ) { $this->generateMetaData( $elementTag, 'name', $name ); } else { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "{$parentNode}/{$root->nodeName}/{$element}/name" ); } if ( !is_null( $email ) ) { $this->generateMetaData( $elementTag, 'email', $email ); } if ( !is_null( $uri ) ) { $this->generateMetaData( $elementTag, 'uri', $uri ); } } /** * Creates an XML source node in the XML document being generated. * * @param DOMNode $root The root in which to create the source node * @param ezcFeedSourceElement $feedElement The feed source */ private function generateSource( DOMNode $root, ezcFeedSourceElement $feedElement ) { $elementTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'source' ); $root->appendChild( $elementTag ); $elements = array( 'id', 'title', 'updated', 'author', 'link', 'category', 'contributor', 'generator', 'icon', 'image', 'copyright', 'description' ); foreach ( $elements as $child ) { $data = $feedElement->$child; if ( !is_null( $data ) ) { switch ( $child ) { case 'title': $this->generateTextNode( $elementTag, 'title', $data ); break; case 'description': $this->generateTextNode( $elementTag, 'subtitle', $data ); break; case 'copyright': $this->generateTextNode( $elementTag, 'rights', $data ); break; case 'contributor': foreach ( $data as $dataNode ) { $this->generatePerson( $elementTag, 'contributor', $dataNode ); } break; case 'author': foreach ( $data as $dataNode ) { $this->generatePerson( $elementTag, 'author', $dataNode ); } break; case 'generator': $this->generateGenerator( $elementTag, $data ); break; case 'link': foreach ( $data as $dataNode ) { $this->generateLink( $elementTag, $dataNode ); } break; case 'category': foreach ( $data as $dataNode ) { $this->generateCategory( $elementTag, $dataNode ); } break; case 'image': $this->generateMetaData( $elementTag, 'logo', $data ); break; case 'icon': $this->generateMetaData( $elementTag, 'icon', $data ); break; case 'updated': // Sample date: 2003-12-13T18:30:02-05:00 $this->generateMetaData( $elementTag, 'updated', $data->date->format( 'c' ) ); break; case 'id': $this->generateMetaData( $elementTag, 'id', $data ); break; } } } } /** * Adds the feed entry elements to the XML document being generated. * * @throws ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataException * if the required elements or attributes are not present */ private function generateItems() { $entries = $this->item; if ( $entries === null ) { return; } foreach ( $entries as $entry ) { $entryTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'entry' ); $this->channel->appendChild( $entryTag ); $elements = array( 'id', 'title', 'updated' ); foreach ( $elements as $element ) { $data = $entry->$element; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( "/feed/entry/{$element}" ); } switch ( $element ) { case 'id': $this->generateMetaData( $entryTag, $element, $data ); break; case 'title': $this->generateTextNode( $entryTag, $element, $data ); break; case 'updated': // Sample date: 2003-12-13T18:30:02-05:00 $this->generateMetaData( $entryTag, $element, $data->date->format( 'c' ) ); break; } } // ensure the ATOM rules are applied $content = $entry->content; $summary = $entry->description; $links = $entry->link; $contentPresent = !is_null( $content ); $contentSrcPresent = $contentPresent && is_object( $content ) && !is_null( $content->src ); $contentBase64 = true; if ( $contentPresent && is_object( $content ) && ( in_array( $content->type, array( 'text', 'html', 'xhtml', null ) ) || preg_match( '@[+/]xml$@i', $content->type ) !== 0 || substr_compare( $content->type, 'text/', 0, 5, true ) === 0 ) ) { $contentBase64 = false; } $summaryPresent = !is_null( $summary ); $linkAlternatePresent = false; if ( $links !== null ) { foreach ( $links as $link ) { if ( $link->rel === 'alternate' ) { $linkAlternatePresent = true; break; } } } if ( !$contentPresent ) { if ( !$linkAlternatePresent && !$summaryPresent ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( '/feed/entry/content' ); } if ( !$linkAlternatePresent ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( '/feed/entry/link@rel="alternate"' ); } if ( !$summaryPresent ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( '/feed/entry/summary' ); } } if ( $contentPresent ) { if ( ( $contentSrcPresent || $contentBase64 ) && !$summaryPresent ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( '/feed/entry/summary' ); } } $elements = array( 'author', 'content', 'link', 'description', 'category', 'contributor', 'published', 'copyright', 'source', 'enclosure' ); if ( $entry->link !== null ) { $this->checkLinks( $entryTag, $entry->link ); } foreach ( $elements as $element ) { $data = $entry->$element; if ( is_null( $data ) ) { continue; } switch ( $element ) { case 'description': $this->generateTextNode( $entryTag, 'summary', $data ); break; case 'copyright': $this->generateTextNode( $entryTag, 'rights', $data ); break; case 'content': $this->generateContentNode( $entryTag, $element, $data ); break; case 'author': case 'contributor': foreach ( $data as $dataNode ) { $this->generatePerson( $entryTag, $element, $dataNode ); } break; case 'link': foreach ( $data as $dataNode ) { $this->generateLink( $entryTag, $dataNode ); } break; case 'published': // Sample date: 2003-12-13T18:30:02-05:00 $this->generateMetaData( $entryTag, $element, $data->date->format( 'c' ) ); break; case 'category': foreach ( $data as $dataNode ) { $this->generateCategory( $entryTag, $dataNode ); } break; case 'source': $this->generateSource( $entryTag, $data ); break; case 'enclosure': // convert RSS2 enclosure elements in ATOM link elements foreach ( $data as $dataNode ) { $link = new ezcFeedLinkElement(); $link->href = $dataNode->url; $link->length = $dataNode->length; $link->type = $dataNode->type; $link->rel = 'enclosure'; $this->generateLink( $entryTag, $link ); } break; } } $this->generateItemModules( $entry, $entryTag ); } } /** * Parses the provided XML element object and stores it as a feed item in * the provided ezcFeed object. * * @param ezcFeedEntryElement $element The feed element object that will contain the feed item * @param DOMElement $xml The XML element object to parse */ private function parseItem( ezcFeedEntryElement $element, DOMElement $xml ) { foreach ( $xml->childNodes as $itemChild ) { if ( $itemChild->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $tagName = $itemChild->tagName; switch ( $tagName ) { case 'id': $element->$tagName = $itemChild->textContent; break; case 'title': $this->parseTextNode( $element, $itemChild, 'title' ); break; case 'rights': $this->parseTextNode( $element, $itemChild, 'copyright' ); break; case 'summary': $this->parseTextNode( $element, $itemChild, 'description' ); break; case 'updated': case 'published': $element->$tagName = $itemChild->textContent; break; case 'author': case 'contributor': $subElement = $element->add( $tagName ); foreach ( $itemChild->childNodes as $subChild ) { if ( $subChild->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $subTagName = $subChild->tagName; if ( in_array( $subTagName, array( 'name', 'email', 'uri' ) ) ) { $subElement->$subTagName = $subChild->textContent; } } } break; case 'content': $type = $itemChild->getAttribute( 'type' ); $src = $itemChild->getAttribute( 'src' ); $subElement = $element->add( $tagName ); switch ( $type ) { case 'xhtml': $nodes = $itemChild->childNodes; if ( $nodes instanceof DOMNodeList ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < $nodes->length; $i++ ) { if ( $nodes->item( $i ) instanceof DOMElement ) { break; } } $contentNode = $nodes->item( $i ); $subElement->text = $contentNode->nodeValue; } $subElement->type = $type; break; case 'html': $subElement->text = $itemChild->textContent; $subElement->type = $type; break; case 'text': $subElement->text = $itemChild->textContent; $subElement->type = $type; break; case null: $subElement->text = $itemChild->textContent; break; default: if ( preg_match( '@[+/]xml$@i', $type ) !== 0 ) { foreach ( $itemChild->childNodes as $node ) { if ( $node->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $doc = new DOMDocument( '1.0', 'UTF-8' ); $copyNode = $doc->importNode( $node, true ); $doc->appendChild( $copyNode ); $subElement->text = $doc->saveXML(); $subElement->type = $type; break; } } } else if ( substr_compare( $type, 'text/', 0, 5, true ) === 0 ) { $subElement->text = $itemChild->textContent; $subElement->type = $type; break; } else // base64 { $subElement->text = base64_decode( $itemChild->textContent ); $subElement->type = $type; } break; } if ( !empty( $src ) ) { $subElement->src = $src; } $language = $itemChild->getAttribute( 'xml:lang' ); if ( !empty( $language ) ) { $subElement->language = $language; } break; case 'link': $subElement = $element->add( $tagName ); $attributes = array( 'href' => 'href', 'rel' => 'rel', 'hreflang' => 'hreflang', 'type' => 'type', 'title' => 'title', 'length' => 'length' ); foreach ( $attributes as $name => $alias ) { if ( $itemChild->hasAttribute( $name ) ) { $subElement->$alias = $itemChild->getAttribute( $name ); } } break; case 'category': $subElement = $element->add( $tagName ); $attributes = array( 'term' => 'term', 'scheme' => 'scheme', 'label' => 'label' ); foreach ( $attributes as $name => $alias ) { if ( $itemChild->hasAttribute( $name ) ) { $subElement->$alias = $itemChild->getAttribute( $name ); } } break; case 'source': $subElement = $element->add( $tagName ); $this->parseSource( $subElement, $itemChild ); break; default: $this->parseModules( $element, $itemChild, $tagName ); break; } } } } /** * Parses the provided XML element object $xml and stores it as a text element * * @param ezcFeed|ezcFeedEntryElement $feed The feed object in which to store the parsed XML element as a text element * @param DOMElement $xml The XML element object to parse * @param string $element The name of the feed element object that will contain the text */ private function parseTextNode( $feed, DOMElement $xml, $element ) { $type = $xml->getAttribute( 'type' ); switch ( $type ) { case 'xhtml': $nodes = $xml->childNodes; if ( $nodes instanceof DOMNodeList ) { $contentNode = $nodes->item( 1 ); $feed->$element = $contentNode->nodeValue; } break; case 'html': $feed->$element = $xml->nodeValue; break; case 'text': // same case as 'default' default: $feed->$element = $xml->nodeValue; break; } if ( $type !== '' ) { $feed->$element->type = $type; } if ( $xml->hasAttribute( 'xml:lang' ) ) { $feed->$element->language = $xml->getAttribute( 'xml:lang' ); } } /** * Parses the provided XML element object and stores it as a feed person (author * or contributor - based on $type) in the provided ezcFeedPersonElement object. * * @param ezcFeedPersonElement $element The feed element object that will contain the feed person * @param DOMElement $xml The XML element object to parse * @param string $type The type of the person (author, contributor) */ private function parsePerson( $element, DOMElement $xml, $type ) { foreach ( $xml->childNodes as $itemChild ) { if ( $itemChild->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $tagName = $itemChild->tagName; switch ( $tagName ) { case 'name': case 'email': case 'uri': $element->$tagName = $itemChild->textContent; break; } } } } /** * Parses the provided XML element object and stores it as a feed source * element in the provided ezcFeedSourceElement object. * * @param ezcFeedSourceElement $element The feed element object that will contain the feed source * @param DOMElement $xml The XML element object to parse */ private function parseSource( ezcFeedSourceElement $element, DOMElement $xml ) { foreach ( $xml->childNodes as $sourceChild ) { if ( $sourceChild->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $tagName = $sourceChild->tagName; switch ( $tagName ) { case 'title': $this->parseTextNode( $element, $sourceChild, 'title' ); break; case 'rights': $this->parseTextNode( $element, $sourceChild, 'copyright' ); break; case 'subtitle': $this->parseTextNode( $element, $sourceChild, 'description' ); break; case 'id': $subElement = $element->add( 'id' ); $subElement->id = $sourceChild->textContent; break; case 'generator': $subElement = $element->add( 'generator' ); $subElement->name = $sourceChild->textContent; $attributes = array( 'uri' => 'url', 'version' => 'version' ); foreach ( $attributes as $name => $alias ) { if ( $sourceChild->hasAttribute( $name ) ) { $subElement->$alias = $sourceChild->getAttribute( $name ); } } break; case 'logo': $subElement = $element->add( 'image' ); $subElement->link = $sourceChild->textContent; break; case 'icon': $subElement = $element->add( 'icon' ); $subElement->link = $sourceChild->textContent; break; case 'updated': $element->$tagName = $sourceChild->textContent; break; case 'category': $subElement = $element->add( $tagName ); $attributes = array( 'term' => 'term', 'scheme' => 'scheme', 'label' => 'label' ); foreach ( $attributes as $name => $alias ) { if ( $sourceChild->hasAttribute( $name ) ) { $subElement->$alias = $sourceChild->getAttribute( $name ); } } break; case 'link': $subElement = $element->add( $tagName ); $attributes = array( 'href' => 'href', 'rel' => 'rel', 'hreflang' => 'hreflang', 'type' => 'type', 'title' => 'title', 'length' => 'length' ); foreach ( $attributes as $name => $alias ) { if ( $sourceChild->hasAttribute( $name ) ) { $subElement->$alias = $sourceChild->getAttribute( $name ); } } break; case 'contributor': case 'author': $subElement = $element->add( $tagName ); $this->parsePerson( $subElement, $sourceChild, $tagName ); break; } } } } } ?>