Feed specifications ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This document lists the various feed types supported by the Feed component, general information about each feed type, and the related specifications documents and RFCs. .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 2 ======== Overview ======== Feeds equivalence ================= Feed elements ------------- +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | ezcFeed | ATOM | RSS1 | RSS2 | +============================+=========================+============================+===========================+ | |ezcFeed-author|_ !* | |ATOM-author|_ !* | x | |RSS2-managingEditor|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-category|_ ?* | |ATOM-category|_ ?* | x | |RSS2-category|_ ?* | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-cloud|_ ? | x | x | |RSS2-cloud|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-contributor|_ ? | |ATOM-contributor|_ ?* | x | x | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-copyright|_ ? | |ATOM-rights|_ ? | x | |RSS2-copyright|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-description|_ ! | |ATOM-subtitle|_ ? | |RSS1-description|_ ! | |RSS2-description|_ ! | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-docs|_ ? | x | x | |RSS2-docs|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-generator|_ ? | |ATOM-generator|_ ? | x | |RSS2-generator|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-icon|_ ? | |ATOM-icon|_ ? | x | x | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-id|_ ! | |ATOM-id|_ ! | |RSS1-about|_ ! | x | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-image|_ ? | |ATOM-logo|_ ? | |RSS1-image|_ ? | |RSS2-image|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item|_ !* | |ATOM-entry|_ ?* | |RSS1-item|_ !* | |RSS2-item|_ !* | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-language|_ ? | x | x | |RSS2-language|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-link|_ !* | |ATOM-link|_ !* | |RSS1-link|_ ! | |RSS2-link|_ ! | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-published|_ ? | x | x | |RSS2-pubDate|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-rating|_ ? | x | x | |RSS2-rating|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-skipDays|_ ? | x | x | |RSS2-skipDays|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-skipHours|_ ? | x | x | |RSS2-skipHours|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-textInput|_ ? | x | |RSS1-textinput|_ ? | |RSS2-textInput|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-title|_ ! | |ATOM-title|_ ! | |RSS1-title|_ ! | |RSS2-title|_ ! | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-ttl|_ ? | x | x | |RSS2-ttl|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-updated|_ ! | |ATOM-updated|_ ! | x | |RSS2-lastBuildDate|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-webMaster|_ ? | x | x | |RSS2-webMaster|_ ? | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------+---------------------------+ | ! = required | ? = optional | * = can appear multiple times | x = no equivalence Item elements ------------- +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | ezcFeed | ATOM | RSS1 | RSS2 | +=================================+===============================+==============================+==============================+ | |ezcFeed-item-author|_ !* | |ATOM-entry-author|_ !* | x | |RSS2-item-author|_ ? | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item-category|_ ?* | |ATOM-entry-category|_ ?* | x | |RSS2-item-category|_ ?* | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item-comments|_ ? | x | x | |RSS2-item-comments|_ ? | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item-content|_ ? | |ATOM-entry-content|_ ? | x | x | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item-contributor|_ ?* | |ATOM-entry-contributor|_ ?* | x | x | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item-copyright|_ ? | |ATOM-entry-rights|_ ? | x | x | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item-description|_ ! | |ATOM-entry-summary|_ ! | |RSS1-item-description|_ ! | |RSS2-item-description|_ ! | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item-enclosure|_ ? | |ATOM-entry-link|_ ?* | x | |RSS2-item-enclosure|_ ? | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item-id|_ ! | |ATOM-entry-id|_ ! | |RSS1-item-about|_ ! | |RSS2-item-guid|_ ? | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item-link|_ !* | |ATOM-entry-link|_ !* | |RSS1-item-link|_ ! | |RSS2-item-link|_ ! | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item-published|_ ? | |ATOM-entry-published|_ ? | x | |RSS2-item-pubDate|_ ? | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item-title|_ ! | |ATOM-entry-title|_ ! | |RSS1-item-title|_ ! | |RSS2-item-title|_ ! | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------++-----------------------------+ | |ezcFeed-item-updated|_ ! | |ATOM-entry-updated|_ ! | x | x | +---------------------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+ | ! = required | ? = optional | * = can appear multiple times | x = no equivalence ezcFeed ======= Feed elements ------------- ezcFeed-author `````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement). One author of the feed. Required in `ATOM`_: one author must be present at feed-level if there is one entry which does not have an author. Optional in `RSS2`_ (recommended). Ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds. Multiple authors can appear in `ATOM`_ (not recommended). Can appear only once in `RSS2`_ feeds. `ATOM`_ has required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri* (ignored in `RSS2`_) and *email*. In `RSS2`_ the generated XML element value will be ``email (name)``. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $author = $feed->add( 'author' ); $author->name = 'Guybrush Threepwood'; $author->email = 'guybrush@monkey-island.com'; $author->uri = 'http://example.com/~guybrush'; // ATOM only The resulting ATOM XML element will be:: Guybrush Threepwood guybrush@monkey-island.com http://example.com/~guybrush The resulting RSS2 XML element will be:: guybrush@monkey-island.com (Guybrush Threepwood) Parse example:: $authors = array(); // $feed is an ezcFeed object if ( isset( $feed->author ) ) { foreach ( $feed->author as $author ) { $authors[] = array( 'name' => isset( $author->name ) ? $author->name : null, 'uri' => isset( $author->uri ) ? $author->uri : null, // ATOM only 'email' => isset( $author->email ) ? $author->email : null // ATOM only ); } } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-author`_, `ATOM-author`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-managingEditor`_. ezcFeed-category ```````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedCategoryElement). A category for the feed. Optional. Only `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds. Multiple categories can appear in `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. `ATOM`_ has one required attribute: *term*. It also has 2 optional attributes: *scheme* (equivalent to `RSS2`_ *domain* attribute), *label*. The *label* attribute will be ignored for `RSS2`_ feeds. `RSS2`_ has one optional attribute: *domain* (equivalent to `ATOM`_ *scheme* attribute). Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $category = $feed->add( 'category' ); $category->term = 'holiday'; $category->scheme = 'http://example.com/categories/holiday'; // scheme = RSS2 domain $category->label = 'Holiday'; // ATOM only Parse example:: $categories = array(); // $feed is an ezcFeed object if ( isset( $feed->category ) ) { foreach ( $feed->category as $category ) { $categories[] = array( 'term' => isset( $category->term ) ? $category->term : null, 'scheme' => isset( $category->scheme ) ? $category->scheme : null, // scheme = RSS2 domain 'label' => isset( $category->label ) ? $category->label : null // ATOM only ); } } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-category`_, `ATOM-category`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-category`_. ezcFeed-cloud ````````````` Type: ezcFeedCloudElement. Allows processes to register with a cloud to be notified of updates to the channel, implementing a lightweight publish-subscribe protocol for RSS feeds. Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_. Can appear only once. Has the required attributes: *domain*, *port*, *path*, *registerProcedure*, *protocol*. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $cloud = $feed->add( 'cloud' ); $cloud->domain = 'rpc.sys.com'; $cloud->port = 80; $cloud->path = '/RPC2'; $cloud->registerProcedure = 'myCloud.rssPleaseNotify'; $cloud->protocol = 'xml-rpc'; Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object if ( isset( $feed->cloud ) ) { $cloud = $feed->cloud; $domain = isset( $cloud->domain ) ? $cloud->domain : null; $port = isset( $cloud->port ) ? $cloud->port : null; $path = isset( $cloud->path ) ? $cloud->path : null; $procedure = isset( $cloud->registerProcedure ) ? $cloud->registerProcedure : null; $protocol = isset( $cloud->protocol ) ? $cloud->protocol : null; } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-cloud`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-cloud`_. ezcFeed-contributor ``````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement). One contributor of the feed. Optional (not recommended). Only `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Multiple contributors can appear. Required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri*, *email*. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $contributor = $feed->add( 'contributor' ); $contributor->name = 'Guybrush Threepwood'; $contributor->email = 'guybrush@monkey-island.com'; $contributor->uri = 'http://example.com/~guybrush'; Parse example:: $contributors = array(); // $feed is an ezcFeed object if ( isset( $feed->contributor ) ) { foreach ( $feed->contributor as $contributor ) { $contributors[] = array( 'name' => isset( $contributor->name ) ? $contributor->name : null, 'uri' => isset( $contributor->uri ) ? $contributor->uri : null, 'email' => isset( $contributor->email ) ? $contributor->email : null ); } } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-contributor`_, `ATOM-contributor`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none. ezcFeed-copyright ````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Copyright information for the feed. Optional. Only `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds. Can appear only once. `ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. `ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as *language*. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $feed->copyright = 'Copyright '; $feed->copyright->type = 'text'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2 $feed->copyright->language = 'de'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2 Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object if ( isset( $feed->copyright ) ) { $copyrightElement = $feed->copyright; $copyright = $copyrightElement->text; $type = isset( $copyrightElement->type ) ? $copyrightElement->type : null; // ATOM only $language = isset( $copyrightElement->language ) ? $copyrightElement->language : null; // ATOM only } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-copyright`_, `ATOM-rights`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-copyright`_. ezcFeed-description ``````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. A short description of the feed. Required. Can appear only once. `ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. `ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as *language*. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $feed->description = 'Feed description'; $feed->description->type = 'text'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2 $feed->description->language = 'de'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2 Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object if ( isset( $feed->description ) ) { $descriptionElement = $feed->description; $description = $descriptionElement->text; $type = isset( $descriptionElement->type ) ? $descriptionElement->type : null; // ATOM only $language = isset( $descriptionElement->language ) ? $descriptionElement->language : null; // ATOM only } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-description`_, `ATOM-subtitle`_, `RSS1-description`_, `RSS2-description`_. ezcFeed-docs ```````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. An URL that points to the documentation for the format used in the feed file. Optional. Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds. Can appear only once. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $feed->docs = 'http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification'; Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $docs = isset( $feed->docs ) ? $feed->docs->__toString() : null; Equivalents: `ezcFeed-docs`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-docs`_. ezcFeed-generator ````````````````` Type: ezcFeedGeneratorElement. Indicates the software used to generate the feed. Optional. Only `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds. Can appear only once. `ATOM`_ has 2 optional attributes: *url*, *version*. These attributes are used in `RSS2`_ to generate the string ``name version (url)``. This element and its attributes will be filled automatically by ezcFeed when generating the feed with the values ``eZComponents Feed``, ``http://ezcomponents.org/docs/tutorials/Feed`` and ```` respectively, where the version is the current version of the Feed component (``dev`` for pre-alpha1). `RSS2`_ will get this value automatically when generating the feed: ``eZ Components Feed (http://ezcomponents.org/docs/tutorials/Feed)``, where the version is the current version of the Feed component (``dev`` for pre-alpha1) Create example - this is automatically done by ezcFeed when calling the **generate()** method:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $generator = $feed->add( 'generator' ); $generator->name = 'eZ Components Feed'; $generator->url = 'http://ezcomponents.org/docs/tutorials/Feed'; $generator->version = '1.0'; Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object if ( isset( $feed->generator ) ) { $name = isset( $feed->generator->name ) ? $feed->generator->name : null; $url = isset( $feed->generator->url ) ? $feed->generator->url : null; // ATOM only $version = isset( $feed->generator->version ) ? $feed->generator->version : null; // ATOM only } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-generator`_, `ATOM-generator`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-generator`_. ezcFeed-icon ```````````` Type: ezcFeedImageElement. An icon for a feed, similar with ``favicon.ico`` for websites. Optional. Only `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Can appear only once. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $feed->icon = 'http://example.com/favicon.ico'; Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $icon = isset( $feed->icon ) ? $feed->icon->__toString : null; Equivalents: `ezcFeed-icon`_, `ATOM-icon`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none. ezcFeed-id `````````` Type: ezcFeedIdElement. A universally unique and permanent URI for a feed. For example, it can be an Internet domain name. Required. Only `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS2`_ feeds. Can appear only once. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $feed->id = 'ID value'; Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $id = isset( $feed->id ) ? $feed->id->__toString() : null; Equivalents: `ezcFeed-id`_, `ATOM-id`_, `RSS1-about`_, RSS2-none. ezcFeed-image ````````````` Type: ezcFeedImageElement. An image associated with the feed. Optional. Can appear only once. `RSS1`_ has the required attribute *about*, which should have the same value as the *url* sub-element. `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ have 3 required sub-elements: *title*, *link*, *url* (same for both feed types). These attributes will be ignored for `ATOM`_ feeds. `RSS2`_ has 3 optional sub-elements: *width*, *height*, *description*. These attributes will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $image = $feed->add( 'image' ); $image->link = 'http://example.com/target_for_image_click.html'; $image->url = 'http://example.com/image.jpg'; // RSS1 and RSS2 only $image->title = 'Click here to go to the link'; // RSS1 and RSS2 only $image->width = 100; // RSS2 only $image->height = 200; // RSS2 only $image->description = 'This image is cool'; // RSS2 only $image->about = 'http://example.com/image.jpg'; // RSS1 only Parse example (`RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_):: // $feed is an ezcFeed object if ( isset( $feed->image ) ) { $image = $feed->image; $link = isset( $image->link ) ? $image->link : null; $url = isset( $image->url ) ? $image->url : null; // RSS1 and RSS2 only $title = isset( $image->title ) ? $image->title : null; // RSS1 and RSS2 only $width = isset( $image->width ) ? $image->width : null; // RSS2 only $height = isset( $image->height ) ? $image->height : null; // RSS2 only $description = isset( $image->description ) ? $image->description : null; // RSS2 only $about = isset( $image->about ) ? $image->about : null; // RSS1 only } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-image`_, `ATOM-logo`_, `RSS1-image`_, `RSS2-image`_. ezcFeed-item ```````````` Type: array(ezcFeedEntryElement). Feed entry. Required for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Optional (recommended) for `ATOM`_ feeds. Multiple entries can appear. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $item = $feed->add( 'item' ); // set $item properties, for example: $item->title = 'Item title'; Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object foreach ( $feed->item as $item ) { // get $item properties, for example: $title = isset( $item->title ) ? $item->title->__toString() : null; } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item`_, `ATOM-entry`_, `RSS1-item`_, `RSS2-item`_. ezcFeed-language ```````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. The language for the feed. Optional (recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds. Can appear only once. In `ATOM`_ you can assign the language to each element instead. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $feed->language = 'en'; Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $language = isset( $feed->language ) ? $feed->language->__toString() : null; Equivalents: `ezcFeed-language`_, ATOM-*xml:lang* for each element, RSS1-none, `RSS2-language`_. ezcFeed-link ```````````` Type: array(ezcFeedLinkElement). An URL to the HTML website corresponding to the feed. Required for all feed types. In `ATOM`_ a link back to the feed itself must be present (with ``rel="self"``). Multiple links can appear in `ATOM`_ (not recommended). Required attributes: *href*. Optional attributes for `ATOM`_: *rel* (possible values: ``alternate`` (default), ``enclosure``, ``related``, ``self``, ``via``), *type*, *hreflang*, *title*, *length*. A maximum of one link with ``rel="alternate"`` can appear per *type* and *hreflang*. These attributes will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $link = $feed->add( 'link' ); $link->href = 'http://example.com'; $link->rel = 'self'; // ATOM only $link->type = 'text/html'; // ATOM only $link->hreflang = 'en'; // ATOM only $link->title = 'Link to the homepage'; // ATOM only $link->length = 12345; // ATOM only Parse example:: $links = array(); // $feed is an ezcFeed object foreach ( $feed->link as $link ) { $links[] = array( 'href' => isset( $link->href ) ? $link->href : null, 'rel' => isset( $link->rel ) ? $link->rel : null, // ATOM only 'type' => isset( $link->type ) ? $link->type : null, // ATOM only 'hreflang' => isset( $link->hreflang ) ? $link->hreflang : null, // ATOM only 'title' => isset( $link->title ) ? $link->title : null, // ATOM only 'length' => isset( $link->length ) ? $link->length : null, // ATOM only ); } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-link`_, `ATOM-link`_, `RSS1-link`_, `RSS2-link`_. ezcFeed-published ````````````````` Type: ezcFeedDateElement. The time the feed was published. Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds. Can appear only once. Can be assigned with an integer timestamp, a string date or a DateTime object. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $feed->published = time(); Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $published = isset( $feed->published ) ? $feed->published->date->format( 'c' ) : null; Other formats can be used also instead of ``'c'``, see the documentation for `date_format()`_. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-published`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-pubDate`_. ezcFeed-rating `````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. The `PICS`_ rating for the channel. Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds. Can appear only once. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $feed->rating = '(PICS-1.1 "http://www.gcf.org/v2.5" labels on "1994.11.05T08:15-0500" exp "1995.12.31T23:59-0000" for "http://www.greatdocs.com/foo.html" by "George Sanderson, Jr." ratings (suds 0.5 density 0 color/hue 1))'; Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $rating = isset( $feed->rating ) ? $feed->rating->__toString() : null; Equivalents: `ezcFeed-rating`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-rating`_. ezcFeed-skipDays ```````````````` Type: ezcFeedSkipDaysElement. A hint for aggregators telling them which days they can skip when reading the feed. Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds. Can appear only once. Can have up to 7 *day* elements, each with a value from ``Monday`` to ``Sunday``. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $skip = $feed->add( 'skipDays' ); $skip->days = array( 'Saturday', 'Sunday' ); Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $days = array( 'Monday' => false, /*...*/ 'Sunday' => false ); foreach ( $feed->skipDays->days as $skip ) { $days[$skip] = true; } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-skipDays`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-skipDays`_. ezcFeed-skipHours ````````````````` Type: ezcFeedSkipHoursElement. A hint for aggregators telling them which hours they can skip when reading the feed. Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds. Can appear only once. Can have up to 24 *hour* elements, each with an integer value from ``0`` (midnight) to ``23``. The value ``24`` can also be used for midnight. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $skip = $feed->add( 'skipHours' ); $skip->hours = array( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ); Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $hours = array( '0' => false, /*...*/ '24' => false ); foreach ( $feed->skipHours->hours as $skip ) { $hours[$skip] = true; } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-skipHours`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-skipHours`_. ezcFeed-textInput ````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextInputElement. Specifies a text input box that can be displayed with the feed. Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `ATOM`_ feeds. Can appear only once. For `RSS1`_ it has the required attribute *about*, which should have the same value as the *link* sub-element. Has four required sub-elements: *title*, *description*, *name*, *link* (same for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_). Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $textInput = $feed->add( 'textInput' ); $textInput->title = 'Text input title'; $textInput->description = 'Text input description'; $textInput->name = 'Text input name'; $textInput->link = 'Text input link'; $textInput->about = 'Text input link'; // RSS1 only, ignored in RSS2 Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object if ( isset( $feed->textInput ) ) { $textInput = $feed->textInput; $title = isset( $textInput->title ) ? $textInput->title : null; $description = isset( $textInput->description ) ? $textInput->description : null; $name = isset( $textInput->name ) ? $textInput->name : null; $link = isset( $textInput->link ) ? $textInput->link : null; $about = isset( $textInput->about ) ? $textInput->about : null; // RSS1 only } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-textInput`_, ATOM-none, `RSS1-textinput`_, `RSS2-textInput`_. ezcFeed-title ````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Human readable title for the feed. For example, it can be the same as the website title. Required. Can appear only once. `ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. `ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as *language*. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $feed->title = 'Feed title'; $feed->title->type = 'text'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2 $feed->title->language = 'de'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2 Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object if ( isset( $feed->title ) ) { $element = $feed->title; $title = isset( $element->text ) ? $element->text : null; $type = isset( $element->type ) ? $element->type : null; // ATOM only $language = isset( $element->language ) ? $element->language : null; // ATOM only } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-title`_, `ATOM-title`_, `RSS1-title`_, `RSS2-title`_. ezcFeed-ttl ``````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Number of minutes that indicates how long a channel can be cached before refreshing from the source. Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds. Can appear only once. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $feed->ttl = '60'; // minutes Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $ttl = isset( $feed->ttl ) ? $feed->ttl->__toString() : null; Equivalents: `ezcFeed-ttl`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-ttl`_. ezcFeed-updated ``````````````` Type: ezcFeedDateElement. The last time the feed was updated. Required for `ATOM`_. Optional for `RSS2`_. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds. ezcFeed will add automatically the *updated* element with the value the current time in `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Can appear only once. Can be assigned with an integer timestamp, a string date or a DateTime object. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $feed->updated = 'Tue, 10 Jun 2003 04:00:00 GMT'; Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $updated = isset( $feed->updated ) ? $feed->updated->date->format( 'c' ) : null; Other formats can be used also instead of ``'c'``, see the documentation for `date_format()`_. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-updated`_, `ATOM-updated`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-lastBuildDate`_. ezcFeed-webMaster ````````````````` Type: ezcFeedPersonElement. The email address of the webmaster responsible for the feed. Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds. Can appear only once. It is a good practice to include the name and email of the webmaster, for example ``john.doe@example.com (John Doe)``. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $webMaster = $feed->add( 'webMaster' ); $webMaster->name = 'John Doe'; $webMaster->email = 'john.doe@example.com'; Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object if ( isset( $feed->webMaster ) ) { $name = isset( $feed->webMaster->name ) ? $feed->webMaster->name : null; } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-webMaster`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-webMaster`_. Item elements ------------- ezcFeed-item-author ``````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement). One author of the feed entry. Required in `ATOM`_: one author must be present in each entry in case the feed does not contain an author. Optional in `RSS2`_ (recommended). Ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds. Multiple authors can appear in `ATOM`_ (not recommended). Can appear only once in `RSS2`_ feeds. `ATOM`_ has required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri* (ignored in `RSS2`_) and *email*. In `RSS2`_ the generated XML element value will be ``email (name)``. Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $author = $item->add( 'author' ); $author->name = 'Guybrush Threepwood'; $author->email = 'guybrush@monkey-island.com'; $author->uri = 'http://example.com/~guybrush'; // ATOM only The resulting ATOM XML element will be:: Guybrush Threepwood guybrush@monkey-island.com http://example.com/~guybrush The resulting RSS2 XML element will be:: guybrush@monkey-island.com (Guybrush Threepwood) Parse example:: $authors = array(); // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object if ( isset( $item->author ) ) { foreach ( $item->author as $author ) { $authors[] = array( 'name' => isset( $author->name ) ? $author->name : null, 'uri' => isset( $author->uri ) ? $author->uri : null, // ATOM only 'email' => isset( $author->email ) ? $author->email : null // ATOM only ); } } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-author`_, `ATOM-entry-author`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-author`_. ezcFeed-item-category ````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedCategoryElement). A category for the feed entry. Optional. Only `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds. Multiple categories can appear in `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. `ATOM`_ has one required attribute: *term*. Optional attributes: *scheme* (*domain* in `RSS2`_) and *label* (ignored in `RSS2`_). Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $category = $item->add( 'category' ); $category->term = 'holiday'; $category->scheme = 'http://example.com/categories/holiday'; // scheme = RSS2 domain $category->label = 'Holiday'; // ATOM only Parse example:: $categories = array(); // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object if ( isset( $item->category ) ) { foreach ( $item->category as $category ) { $categories[] = array( 'term' => isset( $category->term ) ? $category->term : null, 'scheme' => isset( $category->scheme ) ? $category->scheme : null, // scheme = RSS2 domain 'label' => isset( $category->label ) ? $category->label : null // ATOM only ); } } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-category`_, `ATOM-entry-category`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-category`_. ezcFeed-item-comments ````````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. A link to a webpage for comments. Optional (not recommended). Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_ feeds. Can appear only once. Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $item->comments = 'http://www.example.com/comments.php'; Parse example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $comments = isset( $item->comments ) ? $item->comments->__toString() : null; Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-comments`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-comments`_. ezcFeed-item-content ```````````````````` Type: ezcFeedContentElement. A short description for the feed item. Optional (not recommended). Only `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Can be substituted with |ezcFeed-item-description|_ (recommended). Can appear only once. Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``, or other mime values, depending on the data it contains. Has an optional attribute *src* which specifies the URI where the full content is located. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as *language*. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. If *src* is present, the *type* attribute, if present, is the media type of the content. Otherwise, if the type attribute ends in ``+xml`` or ``/xml``, then an XML document of this type is contained inline. Otherwise, if the type attribute starts with ``text``, then an escaped document of this type is contained inline. Otherwise, a base64 encoded document of the indicated media type is contained inline. Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $item->content = 'Content'; $item->content->type = 'text'; $item->content->language = 'de'; $item->content->src = 'http://example.com/content_src.html'; Parse example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object if ( isset( $item->content ) ) { $contentElement = $item->content; $content = $descriptionElement->text; $type = isset( $contentElement->type ) ? $contentElement->type : null; $language = isset( $contentElement->language ) ? $contentElement->language : null; $src = isset( $contentElement->src ) ? $contentElement->src : null; } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-content`_/`ezcFeed-item-description`_, `ATOM-entry-content`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none. ezcFeed-item-contributor ```````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement). One contributor of the feed entry. Optional (not recommended). Only `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Multiple contributors can appear. Required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri*, *email*. Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $contributor = $item->add( 'contributor' ); $contributor->name = 'Guybrush Threepwood'; $contributor->uri = 'http://example.com/~guybrush'; $contributor->email = 'guybrush@monkey-island.com'; Parse example:: $contributors = array(); // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object if ( isset( $item->contributor ) ) { foreach ( $item->contributor as $contributor ) { $contributors[] = array( 'name' => isset( $contributor->name ) ? $contributor->name : null, 'uri' => isset( $contributor->uri ) ? $contributor->uri : null, 'email' => isset( $contributor->email ) ? $contributor->email : null ); } } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-contributor`_, `ATOM-entry-contributor`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none. ezcFeed-item-copyright `````````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Copyright information for the feed entry. Optional. Only `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. For `RSS2`_ the copyright is specified for the whole feed, not for any feed items (see `ezcFeed-copyright`_). Can appear only once. `ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. `ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as *language*. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $item->copyright = 'Copyright '; $item->copyright->type = 'text'; // ATOM only $item->copyright->language = 'de'; // ATOM only Parse example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object if ( isset( $item->copyright ) ) { $copyrightElement = $item->copyright; $copyright = $copyrightElement->text; $type = isset( $copyrightElement->type ) ? $copyrightElement->type : null; // ATOM only $language = isset( $copyrightElement->language ) ? $copyrightElement->language : null; // ATOM only } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-copyright`_, `ATOM-entry-rights`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none (`RSS2-copyright`_ for the whole feed). ezcFeed-item-description ```````````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. A short description of the feed item. Required. In `ATOM`_ it can be substituted with `ATOM-entry-content`_ (not recommended) (see `ezcFeed-item-content`_). Can appear only once. `ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. `ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as *language*. This attribute will ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $item->description = 'Feed description'; $item->description->type = 'text'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2 $item->description->language = 'de'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2 Parse example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object if ( isset( $item->description ) ) { $desc = $item->description; $description = $desc->text; $type = isset( $desc->type ) ? $desc->type : null; // ATOM only $language = isset( $desc->language ) ? $desc->language : null; // ATOM only } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-description`_, `ATOM-entry-summary`_, `RSS1-item-description`_, `RSS2-item-description`_. ezcFeed-item-enclosure `````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedEnclosureElement). A link to a multimedia file attached to the feed item. Optional. Only `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_. For `ATOM`_ feeds the enclosure elements will be converted to `ATOM-entry-link`_ elements with the attribute ``rel="enclosure"``. Can appear only once. Has 3 required attributes: *url*, *length*, *type*. Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $enclosure = $item->add( 'enclosure' ); $enclosure->url = 'http://example.com/media/episode_001.mp3'; $enclosure->length = 49099054; // bytes $enclosure->type = 'audio/x-mp3'; `RSS2`_ output:: `ATOM`_ output:: Parse example (`RSS2`_):: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object if ( isset( $item->enclosure ) ) { $enclosure = $item->enclosure[0]; $url = isset( $enclosure->url ) ? $enclosure->url : null; $length = isset( $enclosure->length ) ? $enclosure->length : null; $type = isset( $enclosure->type ) ? $enclosure->type : null; } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-enclosure`_, ATOM-none (`ATOM-entry-link`_ for similar functionality), RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-enclosure`_. ezcFeed-item-id ``````````````` Type: ezcFeedIdElement. A unique identifier in respect to other *id* values of entries in the feed. It identifies the entry. Required for `ATOM`_ and `RSS1`_. Optional for `RSS2`_ (recommended). `RSS2`_ has the optional attribute *isPermLink*. This attribute is ignored for `RSS1`_ and `ATOM`_. Can appear only once. Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $item->id = 'ID value'; $item->id->isPermLink = false; // RSS2 only, it will be ignored for RSS1 and ATOM Parse example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object if ( isset( $item->id ) ) { $id = isset( $feed->id->id ) : $feed->id->id : null; $isPermLink = isset( $feed->id->isPermLink ) ? $feed->id->isPermLink : null; // RSS2 only } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-id`_, `ATOM-entry-id`_, `RSS1-item-about`_, `RSS2-item-guid`_. ezcFeed-item-link ````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedLinkElement). A link to a resource related to the feed entry. Required. Multiple links can appear in `ATOM`_ (not recommended). Can appear only once in `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Enclosures of media files (used mainly for podcasts) can be added with this element. In `RSS2`_ use `ezcFeed-item-enclosure`_. `RSS1`_ does not support enclosures. `ATOM`_ has required attributes: *href*. Optional attributes: *rel* (possible values: ``alternate`` (default), ``enclosure``, ``related``, ``self``, ``via``), *type*, *hreflang*, *title*, *length*. A maximum of one link with ``rel="alternate"`` can appear per *type* and *hreflang*. Recommended only one ``rel="enclosure"`` link to keep compatibility with `RSS2`_ |RSS2-item-enclosure|_. These attributes are ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $link = $item->add( 'link' ); $link->href = 'http://example.com'; $link->rel = 'self'; // ATOM only $link->type = 'text/html'; // ATOM only $link->hreflang = 'en'; // ATOM only $link->title = 'Link to the article'; // ATOM only $link->length = '20:14'; // ATOM only Parse example:: $links = array(); // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object foreach ( $item->link as $link ) { $links[] = array( 'href' => isset( $link->href ) ? $link->href : null, 'rel' => isset( $link->rel ) ? $link->rel : null, // ATOM only 'type' => isset( $link->type ) ? $link->type : null, // ATOM only 'hreflang' => isset( $link->hreflang ) ? $link->hreflang : null, // ATOM only 'title' => isset( $link->title ) ? $link->title : null, // ATOM only 'length' => isset( $link->length ) ? $link->length : null, // ATOM only ); } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-link`_/`ezcFeed-item-enclosure`_, `ATOM-entry-link`_, `RSS1-item-link`_, `RSS2-item-link`_/ `RSS2-item-enclosure`_. ezcFeed-item-published `````````````````````` Type: ezcFeedDateElement. The time the feed item was published. Optional (recommended). Only `ATOM`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ feeds. Can appear only once. Can be assigned with an integer timestamp, a string date or a DateTime object. Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $item->published = time(); Parse example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $published = isset( $item->published ) ? $item->published->date->format( 'c' ) : null; Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-published`_, `ATOM-entry-published`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-pubDate`_. ezcFeed-item-title `````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Human readable title for the feed item. Required. Can appear only once. `ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. `ATOM`_ has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed through ezcFeed as *language*. This attribute will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $item->title = 'Feed title'; $item->title->type = 'text'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2 $item->title->language = 'de'; // ATOM only, ignored in RSS1 and RSS2 Parse example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object if ( isset( $item->title ) ) { $titleElement = $item->title; $title = $titleElement->text; $type = isset( $titleElement->type ) ? $titleElement->type : null; // ATOM only $language = isset( $titleElement->language ) ? $titleElement->language : null; // ATOM only } Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-title`_, `ATOM-entry-title`_, `RSS1-item-title`_, `RSS2-item-title`_. ezcFeed-item-updated ```````````````````` Type: ezcFeedDateElement. The last time the feed entry was updated. Required. Only `ATOM`_ feeds will have this element after generating the feed. It will be ignored for `RSS1`_ and `RSS2`_ feeds. Can appear only once. Can be assigned with an integer timestamp, a string date or a DateTime object. Create example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $item->updated = 'Tue, 10 Jun 2003 04:00:00 GMT'; Parse example:: // $item is an ezcFeedEntryElement object $updated = isset( $item->updated ) ? $item->updated->date->format( 'c' ) : null; Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-updated`_, `ATOM-entry-updated`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none. ========== Feed types ========== ATOM ==== Specifications -------------- `RFC 4287`_ Content type ------------ All ATOM feeds should be identified with the ``application/atom+xml`` content type. Structure --------- General information: - All elements must be in the http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom namespace - The top level element is called *feed* - All timestamps must conform to `RFC 3339`_ (eg. ``2003-12-13T18:30:02Z``) - Unless otherwise specified, all values must be plain text - *xml:lang* may be used to identify the language of text (the property *language* for the ATOM elements |ATOM-rights|_, |ATOM-subtitle|_, |ATOM-title|_, |ATOM-entry-content|_, |ATOM-entry-rights|_, |ATOM-entry-summary|_, |ATOM-entry-title|_). - *xml:base* may be used to control how relative URIs are resolved (not recommended) Sample ATOM feed: .. include:: tutorial/atom_example.xml :literal: Feed elements ------------- ATOM-author ``````````` One author of the feed. Required: one author must be present unless all items contain at least one author. Multiple authors can appear. Required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri*, *email*. Example:: John Doe http://example.com/~johndoe JohnDoe@example.com Equivalents: `ezcFeed-author`_, `ATOM-author`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-managingEditor`_. ATOM-category ````````````` A category for the feed. Optional. Multiple categories can appear. Has one required attribute: *term*. Has 2 optional attributes: *scheme*, *label*. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-category`_, `ATOM-category`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-category`_. ATOM-contributor ```````````````` One contributor of the feed. Optional (not recommended). Multiple contributors can appear. Required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri*, *email*. Example:: John Doe http://example.com/~johndoe JohnDoe@example.com Equivalents: `ezcFeed-contributor`_, `ATOM-contributor`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none. ATOM-entry `````````` Feed entry. Optional (recommended). Multiple entries can appear. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item`_, `ATOM-entry`_, `RSS1-item`_, `RSS2-item`_. ATOM-generator `````````````` Indicates the software used to generate the feed. Optional. Can appear only once. Has 2 optional attributes: *url*, *version*. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-generator`_, `ATOM-generator`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-generator`_. ATOM-icon ````````` An icon for a feed, similar with ``favicon.ico`` for websites. Optional. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-icon`_, `ATOM-icon`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none. ATOM-id ``````` A universally unique and permanent URI for a feed. For example, it can be an Internet domain name. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-id`_, `ATOM-id`_, `RSS1-about`_, RSS2-none. ATOM-link ````````` An URL to the HTML website corresponding to the feed. Required: a link back to the feed itself must be present (with ``rel="self"``). Multiple links can appear. Required attributes: *href*. Optional attributes: *rel* (possible values: ``alternate`` (default), ``enclosure``, ``related``, ``self``, ``via``), *type*, *hreflang*, *title*, *length*. A maximum of one link with ``rel="alternate"`` can appear per *type* and *hreflang*. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-link`_, `ATOM-link`_, `RSS1-link`_, `RSS2-link`_. ATOM-logo ````````` An image associated with the feed. The value is an URL to an image. Optional. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-image`_, `ATOM-logo`_, `RSS1-image`_, `RSS2-image`_. ATOM-rights ``````````` Copyright information for the feed. Optional. Can appear only once. Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-copyright`_, `ATOM-rights`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-copyright`_. ATOM-subtitle ````````````` A short description of the feed. Optional (recommended). Can appear only once. Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-description`_, `ATOM-subtitle`_, `RSS1-description`_, `RSS2-description`_. ATOM-title `````````` Human readable title for the feed. For example, it can be the same as the website title. Required. Can appear only once. Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-title`_, `ATOM-title`_, `RSS1-title`_, `RSS2-title`_. ATOM-updated ```````````` The last time the feed was updated. Required. Can appear only once. Must conform to `RFC 3339`_ (eg. ``2003-12-13T18:30:02Z``). Equivalents: `ezcFeed-updated`_, `ATOM-updated`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-lastBuildDate`_. Item elements ------------- ATOM-entry-author ````````````````` One author of the feed entry. Required: one author must be present in each entry in case the feed does not contain an author. Multiple authors can appear. Required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri*, *email*. Example:: John Doe http://example.com/~johndoe JohnDoe@example.com Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-author`_, `ATOM-entry-author`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-author`_. ATOM-entry-category ``````````````````` A category for the feed entry. Optional. Multiple categories can appear. Has one required attribute: *term*. Has 2 optional attributes: *scheme*, *label*. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-category`_, `ATOM-entry-category`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-category`_. ATOM-entry-content `````````````````` A short description for the feed item. Optional (not recommended). It is required if |ATOM-entry-summary|_ is absent). Can be substituted with |ATOM-entry-summary|_ (recommended). Can appear only once. Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``, or other mime values, depending on the data it contains. Has an optional attribute *src* which specifies the URI where the full content is located. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. If *src* is present, the *type* attribute, if present, is the media type of the content. Otherwise, if the type attribute ends in ``+xml`` or ``/xml``, then an XML document of this type is contained inline. Otherwise, if the type attribute starts with ``text``, then an escaped document of this type is contained inline. Otherwise, a base64 encoded document of the indicated media type is contained inline. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-description`_, `ATOM-entry-summary`_/ `ATOM-entry-content`_, `RSS1-item-description`_, `RSS2-item-description`_. ATOM-entry-contributor `````````````````````` One contributor of the feed entry. Optional (not recommended). Multiple contributors can appear. Required elements: *name*. Optional elements: *uri*, *email*. Example:: John Doe http://example.com/~johndoe JohnDoe@example.com Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-contributor`_, `ATOM-entry-contributor`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none. ATOM-entry-id ````````````` A unique identifier in respect to other *id* values of entries in the feed. It identifies the entry. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-id`_, `ATOM-entry-id`_, `RSS1-item-about`_, `RSS2-item-guid`_. ATOM-entry-link ``````````````` A link to a resource related to the feed entry. Required. Multiple links can appear. Required attributes: *href*. Optional attributes: *rel* (possible values: ``alternate`` (default), ``enclosure``, ``related``, ``self``, ``via``), *type*, *hreflang*, *title*, *length*. A maximum of one link with ``rel="alternate"`` can appear per *type* and *hreflang*. Recommended only one ``rel="enclosure"`` link to keep compatibility with RSS2 |RSS2-item-enclosure|_. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-link`_/`ezcFeed-item-enclosure`_, `ATOM-entry-link`_, `RSS1-item-link`_, `RSS2-item-link`_/ `RSS2-item-enclosure`_. ATOM-entry-published ```````````````````` The time the feed item was published. Optional (recommended). Can appear only once. Must conform to `RFC 3339`_ (eg. ``2003-12-13T18:30:02Z``). Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-published`_, `ATOM-entry-published`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-pubDate`_. ATOM-entry-rights ````````````````` Copyright information for the feed entry. Optional. Can appear only once. Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-copyright`_, `ATOM-entry-rights`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none (`RSS2-copyright`_ for the whole feed). ATOM-entry-summary `````````````````` A short description for the feed item. Required. Can be substituted with |ATOM-entry-content|_ (not recommended). Can appear only once. Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-description`_, `ATOM-entry-summary`_/ `ATOM-entry-content`_, `RSS1-item-description`_, `RSS2-item-description`_. ATOM-entry-title ```````````````` A title for the feed item. Required. Can appear only once. Has an optional attribute *type* with possible values ``text`` (default), ``html``, ``xhtml``. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-title`_, `ATOM-entry-title`_, `RSS1-item-title`_, `RSS2-item-title`_. ATOM-entry-updated `````````````````` The last time the feed entry was updated. Required. Can appear only once. Must conform to `RFC 3339`_ (eg. ``2003-12-13T18:30:02Z``). Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-updated`_, `ATOM-entry-updated`_, RSS1-none, RSS2-none. RSS1 ==== Specifications -------------- RSS1 = RDF Site Summary RDF = Resource Description Framework `RSS1 specifications`_ Content type ------------ All RSS1 feeds should be identified with the ``application/rss+xml`` content type (not a standard yet). Structure --------- Sample RSS1 feed: .. include:: tutorial/rss1_example.xml :literal: Feed elements ------------- RSS1-about `````````` A universally unique and permanent URI for a feed. For example, it can be an Internet domain name. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-id`_, `ATOM-id`_, `RSS1-about`_, RSS2-none. RSS1-description ```````````````` A short description of the feed. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-description`_, `ATOM-subtitle`_, `RSS1-description`_, `RSS2-description`_. RSS1-image `````````` An image associated with the feed. Optional. Can appear only once. Has the required attribute *about*, which should have the same value as the *url* sub-element. Has 3 required sub-elements: *title*, *link*, *url*. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-image`_, `ATOM-logo`_, `RSS1-image`_, `RSS2-image`_. RSS1-item ````````` A feed entry. Required. Multiple entries can appear. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item`_, `ATOM-entry`_, `RSS1-item`_, `RSS2-item`_. RSS1-link ````````` The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the feed. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-link`_, `ATOM-link`_, `RSS1-link`_, `RSS2-link`_. RSS1-textinput `````````````` Specifies a text input box that can be displayed with the feed. Optional (not recommended). Can appear only once. Has the required attribute *about*, which should have the same value as the *link* sub-element. Has four required sub-elements: *title*, *description*, *name*, *link*. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-textInput`_, ATOM-none, `RSS1-textinput`_, `RSS2-textInput`_. RSS1-title `````````` Human readable title for the feed. For example, it can be the same as the website title. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-title`_, `ATOM-title`_, `RSS1-title`_, `RSS2-title`_. Item elements ------------- RSS1-item-about ``````````````` A unique identifier in respect to other *about* values in the feed. It identifies the item. Should be identical to the *link* value of the item, if possible. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-id`_, `ATOM-entry-id`_, `RSS1-item-about`_, `RSS2-item-guid`_. RSS1-item-description ````````````````````` A short description of the feed item. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-description`_, `ATOM-entry-summary`_, `RSS1-item-description`_, `RSS2-item-description`_. RSS1-item-link `````````````` The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the feed item. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-link`_, `ATOM-entry-link`_, `RSS1-item-link`_, `RSS2-item-link`_. RSS1-item-title ``````````````` A title for the feed item. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-title`_, `ATOM-entry-title`_, `RSS1-item-title`_, `RSS2-item-title`_. RSS2 ==== Specifications -------------- RSS2 = Really Simple Syndication `RSS2 specifications`_ Content type ------------ All RSS2 feeds should be identified with the ``application/rss+xml`` content type (not a standard yet). Structure --------- Sample RSS2 feed: .. include:: tutorial/rss2_example.xml :literal: Feed elements ------------- RSS2-category ````````````` A category for the feed. Optional. Multiple categories can appear. Has one optional attribute: *domain*. The value of the category element must be specified. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-category`_, `ATOM-category`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-category`_. RSS2-cloud `````````` Allows processes to register with a cloud to be notified of updates to the channel, implementing a lightweight publish-subscribe protocol for RSS feeds. Optional (not recommended). Can appear only once. Has the required attributes: *domain*, *port*, *path*, *registerProcedure*, *protocol*. Example:: Equivalents: `ezcFeed-cloud`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-cloud`_. RSS2-copyright `````````````` Copyright information for the feed. Optional. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-copyright`_, `ATOM-rights`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-copyright`_. RSS2-description ```````````````` A short description of the feed. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-description`_, `ATOM-subtitle`_, `RSS1-description`_, `RSS2-description`_. RSS2-docs ````````` An URL that points to the documentation for the format used in the RSS file. It is usually http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification. Optional. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-docs`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-docs`_. RSS2-generator `````````````` Indicates the software used to generate the feed. Optional. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-generator`_, `ATOM-generator`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-generator`_. RSS2-image `````````` An image associated with the feed. Optional. Can appear only once. Has 3 required sub-elements: *title*, *link*, *url*. Has 3 optional sub-elements: *width*, *height*, *description*. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-image`_, `ATOM-logo`_, `RSS1-image`_, `RSS2-image`_. RSS2-item ````````` Feed entry. Required. Multiple entries can appear. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item`_, `ATOM-entry`_, `RSS1-item`_, `RSS2-item`_. RSS2-language ````````````` The language for the feed. Optional (recommended). Can appear only once. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-language`_, ATOM-*xml:lang* for each element, RSS1-none, `RSS2-language`_. RSS2-lastBuildDate `````````````````` The last time the feed was updated. Optional (recommended). Can appear only once. Must conform to `RFC 822`_ (eg. ``Sat, 07 Sep 2002 09:42:31 GMT``). Equivalents: `ezcFeed-updated`_, `ATOM-updated`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-lastBuildDate`_. RSS2-link ````````` The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the feed. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-link`_, `ATOM-link`_, `RSS1-link`_, `RSS2-link`_. RSS2-managingEditor ``````````````````` One author of the feed. Optional (recommended). Can appear only once. It is a good practice to include the name and email of the managing editor, for example ``john.doe@example.com (John Doe)``. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-author`_, `ATOM-author`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-managingEditor`_. RSS2-pubDate ```````````` The time the feed was published. Optional (not recommended). Can appear only once. Must conform to `RFC 822`_ (eg. ``Sat, 07 Sep 2002 09:42:31 GMT``). Equivalents: `ezcFeed-published`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-pubDate`_. RSS2-rating ``````````` The `PICS`_ rating for the channel. Optional (not recommended). Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-rating`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-rating`_. RSS2-skipDays ````````````` A hint for aggregators telling them which days they can skip when reading the feed. Optional (not recommended). Can appear only once. Can have up to 7 *day* elements, each with a value from ``Monday`` to ``Sunday``. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-skipDays`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-skipDays`_. RSS2-skipHours `````````````` A hint for aggregators telling them which hours they can skip when reading the feed. Optional (not recommended). Can appear only once. Can have up to 24 *hour* elements, each with an integer value from ``0`` (midnight) to ``23``. The value ``24`` can also be used for midnight. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-skipHours`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-skipHours`_. RSS2-textInput `````````````` Specifies a text input box that can be displayed with the feed. Optional (not recommended). Can appear only once. Has four required sub-elements: *title*, *description*, *name*, *link*. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-textInput`_, ATOM-none, `RSS1-textinput`_, `RSS2-textInput`_. RSS2-title `````````` Human readable title for the feed. For example, it can be the same as the website title. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-title`_, `ATOM-title`_, `RSS1-title`_, `RSS2-title`_. RSS2-ttl ```````` Number of minutes that indicates how long a channel can be cached before refreshing from the source. Optional (not recommended). Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-ttl`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-ttl`_. RSS2-webMaster `````````````` The email address of the webmaster responsible for the feed. Optional (not recommended). Can appear only once. It is a good practice to include the name and email of the webmaster, for example ``john.doe@example.com (John Doe)``. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-webMaster`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-webMaster`_. Item elements ------------- RSS2-item-author ```````````````` The email address of the person who created the feed item. Optional (recommended). Can appear only once. It is a good practice to include the name and email of the author, for example ``john.doe@example.com (John Doe)``. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-author`_, `ATOM-entry-author`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-author`_. RSS2-item-category `````````````````` A category for the feed. Optional. Multiple categories can appear. Has one optional attribute: *domain*. The value of the category element must be specified. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-category`_, `ATOM-entry-category`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-category`_. RSS2-item-comments `````````````````` A link to a webpage for comments. Optional (not recommended). Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-comments`_, ATOM-none, RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-comments`_. RSS2-item-description ````````````````````` A short description of the feed item. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-description`_, `ATOM-entry-summary`_, `RSS1-item-description`_, `RSS2-item-description`_. RSS2-item-enclosure ``````````````````` A link to a multimedia file attached to the feed item. Optional. Can appear only once. Has 3 required attributes: *url*, *length*, *type*. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-enclosure`_, ATOM-none (`ATOM-entry-link`_ for similar functionality), RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-enclosure`_. RSS2-item-guid `````````````` A unique identifier in respect to other *guid* values of items in the feed. It identifies the item. Optional (recommended). Can appear only once. Has an optional attribute *isPermaLink* with possible values ``true`` or ``false`` (default), which specifies if the *guid* value is an URL. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-id`_, `ATOM-entry-id`_, `RSS1-item-about`_, `RSS2-item-guid`_. RSS2-item-link `````````````` The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the feed item. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-link`_, `ATOM-entry-link`_, `RSS1-item-link`_, `RSS2-item-link`_. RSS2-item-pubDate ````````````````` The time the feed item was published. Optional (recommended). Can appear only once. Must conform to `RFC 822`_ (eg. ``Sat, 07 Sep 2002 09:42:31 GMT``). Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-published`_, `ATOM-entry-published`_, RSS1-none, `RSS2-item-pubDate`_. RSS2-item-title ``````````````` A title for the feed item. Required. Can appear only once. Equivalents: `ezcFeed-item-title`_, `ATOM-entry-title`_, `RSS1-item-title`_, `RSS2-item-title`_. ======= Modules ======= Content module ============== Specifications -------------- `Content specifications`_ Feed elements ------------- Item elements ------------- Content-item-encoded ```````````````````` Type: ezcFeedContentElement. HTML-encoded text. Optional. Can appear only once. Create example:: $feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' ); $item = $feed->add( 'item' ); $module = $item->addModule( 'Content' ); $module->encoded = 'text content'; Parse example:: // $item is a feed item (ezcFeedEntryElement) $text = $item->Content->encoded->__toString(); CreativeCommons module ====================== Specifications -------------- `CreativeCommons specifications`_ Feed elements ------------- CreativeCommons-license ``````````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. An URL to a license description. Optional. Can appear only once. A list of possible licenses are found on the `CreativeCommons licenses`_ page, but other licenses can be used as well. Create example:: $feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' ); $module = $feed->addModule( 'CreativeCommons' ); $module->license = 'text content'; Parse example:: // $item is a feed object (ezcFeed) $text = $feed->CreativeCommons->license->__toString(); Item elements ------------- CreativeCommons-item-license ```````````````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. An URL to a license description. Optional. Can appear only once. A list of possible licenses are found on the `CreativeCommons licenses`_ page, but other licenses can be used as well. Create example:: $feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' ); $item = $feed->add( 'item' ); $module = $item->addModule( 'CreativeCommons' ); $module->license = 'text content'; Parse example:: // $item is a feed item (ezcFeedEntryElement) $text = $item->CreativeCommons->license->__toString(); DublinCore module ================= Specifications -------------- `DublinCore specifications`_ Feed elements ------------- DublinCore-contributor `````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement). An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. Usually the name of a person, organization or service. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. Create example:: $feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' ); $module = $feed->addModule( 'DublinCore' ); $element = $module->add( 'contributor' ); $element->name = 'Contributor name'; $element->language = 'no'; // optional language specification Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object foreach ( $feed->DublinCore->contributor as $element ) { echo $element->name; echo $element->language; } DublinCore-coverage ``````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant. A recommended practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as `TGN`_. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-creator `````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement). An entity responsible for making the resource. Usually the name of a person or organization. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-date ``````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedDateElement). A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource. Usual date format is `ISO 8601`_. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-description `````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). A description of the resource. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-format ````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource. Recommended best practices is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the list of `Internet Media Types`_ (MIME). Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-identifier ````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedIdElement). An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-language ``````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). A language of the resource. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as `RFC 4646`_. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-publisher ```````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement). An entity responsible for making the resource available. Usually the name of a person, organization or service. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore--relation ```````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). A related resource. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-rights ````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). Information about rights held in and over the resource. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-source ````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedSourceElement). A related resource from which the described resource is derived. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-subject `````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). The topic of the resource. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-title ```````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). The name given to the resource. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-type ``````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). The nature or genre of the resource. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the `DCMI Type Vocabulary`_. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. Item elements ------------- DublinCore-item-contributor ``````````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement). An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. Usually the name of a person, organization or service. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. Create example:: $feed = new ezcFeed(); $item = $feed->add( 'item' ); $module = $item->addModule( 'DublinCore' ); $element = $module->add( 'contributor' ); $element->name = 'Contributor name'; $element->language = 'no'; // optional language specification Parse example:: // $item is a feed item (ezcFeedEntryElement) object foreach ( $item->DublinCore->contributor as $element ) { echo $element->name; echo $element->language; } DublinCore-item-coverage ```````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant. A recommended practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as `TGN`_. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-creator ``````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement). An entity responsible for making the resource. Usually the name of a person or organization. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-date ```````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedDateElement). A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource. Usual date format is `ISO 8601`_. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-description ``````````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). A description of the resource. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-format `````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource. Recommended best practices is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the list of `Internet Media Types`_ (MIME). Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-identifier `````````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedIdElement). An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-language ```````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). A language of the resource. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as `RFC 4646`_. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-publisher ````````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedPersonElement). An entity responsible for making the resource available. Usually the name of a person, organization or service. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-relation ```````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). A related resource. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-rights `````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). Information about rights held in and over the resource. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-source `````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedSourceElement). A related resource from which the described resource is derived. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-subject ``````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). The topic of the resource. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-title ````````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). The name given to the resource. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. DublinCore-item-type ```````````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedTextElement). The nature or genre of the resource. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary such as the `DCMI Type Vocabulary`_. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Has an optional attribute *xml:lang* which specifies the language of the text. A list of allowed languages can be found here: `RSS language codes`_. This attribute is accessed as *language*. Geo module ========== Specifications -------------- `Geo specifications`_ Feed elements ------------- Item elements ------------- Geo-item-alt ```````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Altitude in decimal meters above the local reference ellipsoid. Optional. Can appear only once. Create example:: $feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' ); $item = $feed->add( 'item' ); $module = $item->addModule( 'Geo' ); $module->alt = 509.2; Parse example:: $locations = array(); foreach ( $feed->item as $item ) { if ( isset( $item->Geo ) ) { $locations[] = array( 'title' => $item->title->__toString(), 'alt' => isset( $item->Geo->alt ) ? $item->Geo->alt->__toString() : null, 'lat' => isset( $item->Geo->lat ) ? $item->Geo->lat->__toString() : null, 'long' => isset( $item->Geo->long ) ? $item->Geo->long->__toString() : null ); } } Geo-item-lat ```````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. `WGS84`_ latitude on the globe as decimal degrees (eg. 25.03358300). Optional. Can appear only once. Geo-item-long ````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. `WGS84`_ longitude on the globe as decimal degrees (eg. 121.56430000). Optional. Can appear only once. iTunes module ============= Specifications -------------- `iTunes specifications`_ Recommendations --------------- - All values should be plain text (no markup or HTML) - Values are limited to 255 characters, except for *summary* which can be up to 4000 characters - Whitespace in values is significant, i.e. it will show in `iTunes`_, so don't add leading or trailing whitespace to your values - CDATA sections are strongly discouraged Feed elements ------------- iTunes-author ````````````` Type: ezcFeedPersonElement. The author of a podcast. Optional. Can appear only once. If missing, `iTunes`_ will use the |ezcFeed-author|_ element from the feed. iTunes-block ```````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Prevents a podcast to appear in the podcast listing. Optional. Can appear only once. Valid values are ``yes`` and ``no``, default ``no``. iTunes-category ``````````````` Type: array(ezcFeedCategoryElement). Categories for a podcast. Optional. Can appear multiple times. Categories can have sub-categories (*category* in ezcFeedCategory). The category name is specified in the attribute *text* (*term* in ezcFeedCategoryElement). The ampersands (``&``) in categories must be escaped to ``&``. Valid values for categories are found in the `iTunes categories`_ section of the `iTunes specifications`_. A maximum of 3 categories are recommended. Create example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object $iTunes = $feed->addModule( 'iTunes' ); // add the podcast in one or more categories + sub-categories $category = $iTunes->add( 'category' ); $category->term = 'iTunes category'; $subCategory = $category->add( 'category' ); $subCategory->term = 'iTunes sub-category'; Parse example:: // $feed is an ezcFeed object if ( isset( $feed->iTunes ) ) { $iTunes = $feed->iTunes; if ( isset( $iTunes->category ) ) { foreach ( $iTunes->category as $category ) { echo $category->term; if ( isset( $category->category ) ) { foreach ( $category->category as $subCategory ) { echo $subCategory->term; } } } } } iTunes-explicit ``````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Specifies if a podcast contains explicit content. Optional. Can appear only once. Valid values are ``clean``, ``no`` and ``yes``, default ``no``. iTunes-image ```````````` Type: ezcFeedImageElement. A link to an image for the podcast. Optional. Can appear only once. The URL to the image is specified in the attribute *href*. If missing, `iTunes`_ will use the |ezcFeed-image|_ element from the feed. iTunes-keywords ``````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. A list of keywords for a podcast. Optional. Can appear only once. The keywords should be separated by commas. A maximum of 12 keywords is recommended. iTunes-new-feed-url ``````````````````` Type: ezcFeedLinkElement. A new URL for the podcast. Optional. Can appear only once. Accessed as *newfeedurl*. Recommendation: the old URL of the podcast should redirect to the new URL. iTunes-owner ```````````` Type: ezcFeedPersonElement. The owner of the podcast. Optional. Can appear only once. Has the sub-elements *email* and *name*. iTunes-subtitle ``````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Short description of the podcast. Optional. Can appear only once. iTunes-summary `````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Longer description of a podcast. Optional. Can appear only once. If missing, `iTunes`_ will use the |ezcFeed-description|_ element from the feed. Item elements ------------- iTunes-item-author `````````````````` Type: ezcFeedPersonElement. The author of a podcast entry. Optional. Can appear only once. iTunes-item-block ````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Prevents a podcast entry to appear in the podcast listing. Optional. Can appear only once. Valid values are ``yes`` and ``no``, default ``no``. iTunes-item-duration ```````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. The duration of a podcast entry. Optional. Can appear only once. Can be specified as ``S``, ``M:SS``, ``MM:SS``, ``H:MM:SS`` or ``HH:MM:SS`` (H = hours, M = minutes, S = seconds). iTunes-item-explicit ```````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Specifies if a podcast entry contains explicit content. Optional. Can appear only once. Valid values are ``clean``, ``no`` and ``yes``, default ``no``. iTunes-item-image ````````````````` Type: ezcFeedImageElement. A link to an image for the podcast entry. Optional. Can appear only once. The URL to the image is specified in the attribute *href*. NOTE: The `iTunes specifications`_ say that image is supported at podcast-level only, but there are many podcasts using image at podcast entry (item) level also, and there are software applications supporting that too. Use *image* at item-level at your own risk, as some software applications might not support it. The Feed component supports parsing and generating feeds with image at both podcast-level and item-level. iTunes-item-keywords ```````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. A list of keywords for a podcast entry. Optional. Can appear only once. The keywords should be separated by commas. A maximum of 12 keywords is recommended. iTunes-item-subtitle ```````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Short description of a podcast entry. Optional. Can appear only once. iTunes-item-summary ``````````````````` Type: ezcFeedTextElement. Longer description of a podcast entry. Optional. Can appear only once. If missing, `iTunes`_ will use the |ezcFeed-item-description|_ element from the feed. ========= Resources ========= Feed ==== - `RFC 4287`_ ATOM specifications. - `RSS1 specifications`_. - `RSS2 specifications`_. Modules ======= - `Content specifications`_. - `CreativeCommons specifications`_. - `DublinCore specifications`_. - `Geo specifications`_. - `iTunes specifications`_. .. _RSS1 specifications: http://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/spec .. _RSS2 specifications: http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification .. _RFC 4287: http://atompub.org/rfc4287.html .. _Content specifications: http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/ .. _CreativeCommons specifications: http://backend.userland.com/creativeCommonsRssModule .. _DublinCore specifications: http://dublincore.org/documents/dces/ .. _Geo specifications: http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/ .. _iTunes specifications: http://www.apple.com/itunes/store/podcaststechspecs.html .. _RFC 3339: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3339.html .. _RFC 822: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc822.html .. _PICS: http://www.w3.org/PICS/ .. _TGN: http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabulary/tgn/index.html .. _ISO 8601: http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime .. _Internet Media Types: http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/ .. _RFC 4646: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc4646.html .. _DCMI Type Vocabulary: http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-type-vocabulary/ .. _RSS language codes: http://www.rssboard.org/rss-language-codes .. _iTunes categories: http://www.apple.com/itunes/store/podcaststechspecs.html#categories .. _iTunes: http://www.apple.com/itunes/ .. _CreativeCommons licenses: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ .. _WGS84: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WGS84 .. _date_format(): http://php.net/manual/en/function.date-format.php .. |ezcFeed-author| replace:: author .. |ezcFeed-category| replace:: category .. |ezcFeed-cloud| replace:: cloud .. |ezcFeed-contributor| replace:: contributor .. |ezcFeed-copyright| replace:: copyright .. |ezcFeed-description| replace:: description .. |ezcFeed-docs| replace:: docs .. |ezcFeed-generator| replace:: generator .. |ezcFeed-icon| replace:: icon .. |ezcFeed-id| replace:: id .. |ezcFeed-image| replace:: image .. |ezcFeed-item| replace:: item .. |ezcFeed-language| replace:: language .. |ezcFeed-link| replace:: link .. |ezcFeed-published| replace:: published .. |ezcFeed-rating| replace:: rating .. |ezcFeed-skipDays| replace:: skipDays .. |ezcFeed-skipHours| replace:: skipHours .. |ezcFeed-textInput| replace:: textInput .. |ezcFeed-title| replace:: title .. |ezcFeed-ttl| replace:: ttl .. |ezcFeed-updated| replace:: updated .. |ezcFeed-webMaster| replace:: webMaster .. |ezcFeed-item-author| replace:: author .. |ezcFeed-item-category| replace:: category .. |ezcFeed-item-comments| replace:: comments .. |ezcFeed-item-content| replace:: content .. |ezcFeed-item-contributor| replace:: contributor .. |ezcFeed-item-copyright| replace:: copyright .. |ezcFeed-item-description| replace:: description .. |ezcFeed-item-enclosure| replace:: enclosure .. |ezcFeed-item-id| replace:: id .. |ezcFeed-item-link| replace:: link .. |ezcFeed-item-published| replace:: published .. |ezcFeed-item-source| replace:: source .. |ezcFeed-item-title| replace:: title .. |ezcFeed-item-updated| replace:: updated .. |ATOM-author| replace:: author .. |ATOM-category| replace:: category .. |ATOM-contributor| replace:: contributor .. |ATOM-entry| replace:: entry .. |ATOM-generator| replace:: generator .. |ATOM-icon| replace:: icon .. |ATOM-id| replace:: id .. |ATOM-link| replace:: link .. |ATOM-logo| replace:: logo .. |ATOM-rights| replace:: rights .. |ATOM-subtitle| replace:: subtitle .. |ATOM-title| replace:: title .. |ATOM-updated| replace:: updated .. |ATOM-entry-author| replace:: author .. |ATOM-entry-category| replace:: category .. |ATOM-entry-content| replace:: content .. |ATOM-entry-contributor| replace:: contributor .. |ATOM-entry-id| replace:: id .. |ATOM-entry-link| replace:: link .. |ATOM-entry-published| replace:: published .. |ATOM-entry-rights| replace:: rights .. |ATOM-entry-source| replace:: source .. |ATOM-entry-summary| replace:: summary .. |ATOM-entry-title| replace:: title .. |ATOM-entry-updated| replace:: updated .. |RSS1-about| replace:: about .. |RSS1-description| replace:: description .. |RSS1-image| replace:: image .. |RSS1-item| replace:: item .. |RSS1-link| replace:: link .. |RSS1-textinput| replace:: textinput .. |RSS1-title| replace:: title .. |RSS1-item-about| replace:: about .. |RSS1-item-description| replace:: description .. |RSS1-item-link| replace:: link .. |RSS1-item-title| replace:: title .. |RSS2-cloud| replace:: cloud .. |RSS2-category| replace:: category .. |RSS2-copyright| replace:: copyright .. |RSS2-description| replace:: description .. |RSS2-docs| replace:: docs .. |RSS2-generator| replace:: generator .. |RSS2-image| replace:: image .. |RSS2-item| replace:: item .. |RSS2-language| replace:: language .. |RSS2-lastBuildDate| replace:: lastBuildDate .. |RSS2-link| replace:: link .. |RSS2-managingEditor| replace:: managingEditor .. |RSS2-pubDate| replace:: pubDate .. |RSS2-rating| replace:: rating .. |RSS2-skipDays| replace:: skipDays .. |RSS2-skipHours| replace:: skipHours .. |RSS2-textInput| replace:: textInput .. |RSS2-title| replace:: title .. |RSS2-ttl| replace:: ttl .. |RSS2-webMaster| replace:: webMaster .. |RSS2-item-author| replace:: author .. |RSS2-item-category| replace:: category .. |RSS2-item-comments| replace:: comments .. |RSS2-item-description| replace:: description .. |RSS2-item-enclosure| replace:: enclosure .. |RSS2-item-guid| replace:: guid .. |RSS2-item-link| replace:: link .. |RSS2-item-pubDate| replace:: pubDate .. |RSS2-item-source| replace:: source .. |RSS2-item-title| replace:: title .. 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