* array( 'title' => 'Feed title', * 'link' => 'Feed link', * 'published' => 'Feed published date', * 'authorName' => 'Feed author name', * 'authorEmail' => 'Feed author email', * 'description' => 'Feed description', * 'items' => array( * 0 => array( 'title' => 'Item 0 title', * 'link' => 'Item 0 link', * 'published' => 'Item 0 published date', * 'authorName' => 'Item 0 author name', * 'authorEmail' => 'Item 0 author email', * 'description' => 'Item 0 description', * ), * 1 => array( 'title' => 'Item 1 title', * 'link' => 'Item 1 link', * 'published' => 'Item 1 published date', * 'authorName' => 'Item 1 author name', * 'authorEmail' => 'Item 1 author email', * 'description' => 'Item 1 description', * ), * ) * ); * * * @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException * If $fileName is not found * @throws ezcBaseFilePermissionException * If $fileName cannot be opened * * @param string $fileName A file name containing a full or relative path * @return array(mixed) */ function readDataFile( $fileName ) { if ( !file_exists( $fileName ) ) { throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $fileName ); } if ( ( $fh = @fopen( $fileName, 'r' ) ) === false ) { throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException( $fileName, ezcBaseFileException::READ ); } $data = array(); $data['title'] = trim( fgets( $fh ) ); $data['link'] = trim( fgets( $fh ) ); $data['published'] = trim( fgets( $fh ) ); $data['authorName'] = trim( fgets( $fh ) ); $data['authorEmail'] = trim( fgets( $fh ) ); $data['description'] = trim( fgets( $fh ) ); $empty = fgets( $fh ); $data['item'] = array(); $i = 0; while ( !feof( $fh ) ) { $data['item'][$i] = array(); $data['item'][$i]['title'] = trim( fgets( $fh ) ); $data['item'][$i]['link'] = trim( fgets( $fh ) ); $data['item'][$i]['published'] = trim( fgets( $fh ) ); $data['item'][$i]['authorName'] = trim( fgets( $fh ) ); $data['item'][$i]['authorEmail'] = trim( fgets( $fh ) ); $data['item'][$i]['description'] = trim( fgets( $fh ) ); $empty = fgets( $fh ); $i++; } fclose( $fh ); return $data; } /** * Uses the array $data to create a feed of type $feedType ('rss1', 'rss2' or * 'atom') and returns it as a string. * * The format of the $data array is: * * array( 'title' => 'Feed title', * 'link' => 'Feed link', * 'published' => 'Feed published date', * 'authorName' => 'Feed author name', * 'authorEmail' => 'Feed author email', * 'description' => 'Feed description', * 'items' => array( * 0 => array( 'title' => 'Item 0 title', * 'link' => 'Item 0 link', * 'published' => 'Item 0 published date', * 'authorName' => 'Item 0 author name', * 'authorEmail' => 'Item 0 author email', * 'description' => 'Item 0 description', * ), * 1 => array( 'title' => 'Item 1 title', * 'link' => 'Item 1 link', * 'published' => 'Item 1 published date', * 'authorName' => 'Item 1 author name', * 'authorEmail' => 'Item 1 author email', * 'description' => 'Item 1 description', * ), * ) * ); * * * @param string $feedType The type of the feed to create ('rss1', 'rss2' or 'atom') * @param array(mixed) $data Data for the elements of the feed * @return string */ function createFeed( $feedType, $data ) { $feed = new ezcFeed( $feedType ); $feed->title = $data['title']; $feed->description = $data['description']; switch ( $feedType ) { case 'atom': $link = $feed->add( 'link' ); $link->href = $data['link']; $feed->id = $data['link']; $feed->updated = time(); $feed->published = $data['published']; $author = $feed->add( 'author' ); $author->name = $data['authorName']; $author->email = $data['authorEmail']; break; case 'rss1': $feed->id = $data['link']; $link = $feed->add( 'link' ); $link->set( $data['link'] ); break; case 'rss2': $link = $feed->add( 'link' ); $link->set( $data['link'] ); $feed->updated = time(); $feed->published = $data['published']; $feed->author = $data['authorEmail'] . ' (' . $data['authorName'] . ')'; break; } foreach ( $data['item'] as $dataItem ) { $item = $feed->add( 'item' ); $item->title = $dataItem['title']; $item->description = $dataItem['description']; switch ( $feedType ) { case 'atom': $item->id = $dataItem['link']; $link = $item->add( 'link' ); $link->href = $dataItem['link']; $link->rel = 'alternate'; $item->updated = time(); $item->published = $dataItem['published']; $author = $item->add( 'author' ); $author->name = $dataItem['authorName']; $author->email = $dataItem['authorEmail']; break; case 'rss1': $item->id = $dataItem['link']; $link = $item->add( 'link' ); $link->set( $dataItem['link'] ); break; case 'rss2': $id = $item->add( 'id' ); $id->set( $dataItem['link'] ); $id->isPermaLink = true; $link = $item->add( 'link' ); $link->set( $dataItem['link'] ); $item->published = $dataItem['published']; $item->author = $dataItem['authorEmail'] . ' (' . $dataItem['authorName'] . ')'; break; } } return $feed->generate(); } ?>