getMessage() ); } } public function testAddModuleSupported() { $feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' ); $feed->addModule( 'ezcFeedModuleDublinCore' ); } public function testFeedNonExistentLocal() { try { $feed = ezcFeed::parse( 'not-here.xml' ); self::fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The file 'not-here.xml' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testFeedNonExistentRemote() { try { $feed = ezcFeed::parse( '' ); self::fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The file '' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testFeedExistsRemote() { $feed = ezcFeed::parse( '' ); } public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcFeedTest" ); } } ?>