string) */ static $feedAttributesMap = array( 'author' => 'managingEditor', 'published' => 'pubDate', 'updated' => 'lastBuildDate', ); static $requiredFeedItemAttributes = array( 'title', 'link', 'description' ); static $optionalFeedItemAttributes = array( 'author', 'category', 'comments', 'enclosure', 'guid', 'published', 'source' ); static $feedItemAttributesMap = array( 'published' => 'pubDate', ); private $usedPrefixes = array(); public function __construct() { // set default values $this->setMetaData( 'published', $this->prepareDate( time() ) ); $this->setMetaData( 'generator', "eZ components" ); $this->setMetaData( 'docs', '' ); } public function setFeedElement( $element, $value ) { $this->processModuleFeedSetHook( $this, $element, $value ); if ( in_array( $element, self::$requiredFeedAttributes ) || in_array( $element, self::$optionalFeedAttributes ) ) { switch ( $element ) { case 'category': $this->setMetaArrayData( $element, $value ); break; case 'published': case 'updated': $this->setMetaData( $element, $this->prepareDate( $value ) ); break; default: $this->setMetaData( $element, $value ); } } } public function setFeedItemElement( $item, $element, $value ) { $this->processModuleItemSetHook( $item, $element, $value ); if ( in_array( $element, self::$requiredFeedItemAttributes ) || in_array( $element, self::$optionalFeedItemAttributes ) ) { switch ( $element ) { case 'category': $item->setMetaArrayData( $element, $value ); break; case 'published': $item->setMetaData( $element, $this->prepareDate( $value ) ); break; default: $item->setMetaData( $element, $value ); } } } public function getFeedElement( $element ) { $element = $this->normalizeName( $element, self::$feedAttributesMap ); return $this->getMetaData( $element ); } public function getFeedItemElement( $item, $element ) { $element = $this->normalizeName( $element, self::$feedItemAttributesMap ); return $item->getMetaData( $element ); } private function generateItem( $item ) { $itemTag = $this->xml->createElement( 'item' ); $this->channel->appendChild( $itemTag ); foreach ( self::$requiredFeedItemAttributes as $attribute ) { $data = $item->getMetaData( $attribute ); if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredItemDataMissingException( $attribute ); } if ( $this->processModuleItemGenerateHook( $item, $attribute, $data ) !== false ) { $this->generateItemData( $itemTag, $attribute, $item->getMetaData( $attribute ) ); } } foreach ( self::$optionalFeedItemAttributes as $attribute ) { $normalizedAttribute = $this->normalizeName( $attribute, self::$feedItemAttributesMap ); $metaData = $item->getMetaData( $attribute ); if ( $this->processModuleItemGenerateHook( $item, $attribute, $data ) !== false ) { if ( !is_null( $metaData ) ) { switch ( $attribute ) { case 'guid': $permalink = substr( $metaData, 0, 7 ) === 'http://' ? "true" : "false"; $this->generateItemDataWithAttributes( $itemTag, $normalizedAttribute, $metaData, array( 'isPermaLink' => $permalink ) ); break; case 'published': $this->generateItemData( $itemTag, $normalizedAttribute, date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s O', $metaData ) ); break; default: $this->generateItemData( $itemTag, $normalizedAttribute, $metaData ); } } } } // run module hooks foreach ( $this->getModules() as $moduleName => $moduleDescription ) { $prefix = $moduleDescription->moduleObj->getNamespacePrefix(); $namespace = $moduleDescription->moduleObj->getNamespace(); $this->generateNamespace( $prefix, $namespace ); foreach ( $item->getModuleMetaData( $moduleName ) as $element => $value ) { $moduleDescription->moduleObj->generateItemData( $itemTag, $this, $element, $value ); } } } public function generate() { $this->xml = new DomDocument( '1.0', 'utf-8' ); $this->xml->formatOutput = 1; $this->createRootElement( '2.0' ); foreach ( self::$requiredFeedAttributes as $attribute ) { $data = $this->getMetaData( $attribute ); if ( is_null( $data ) ) { throw new ezcFeedRequiredMetaDataMissingException( $attribute ); } if ( $this->processModuleFeedGenerateHook( $attribute, $data ) !== false ) { $this->generateMetaData( $attribute, $data ); } } foreach ( self::$optionalFeedAttributes as $attribute ) { $normalizedAttribute = $this->normalizeName( $attribute, self::$feedAttributesMap ); $data = $this->getMetaData( $attribute ); if ( !is_null( $data ) ) { if ( $this->processModuleFeedGenerateHook( $attribute, $data ) !== false ) { switch ( $attribute ) { case 'image': $this->generateImage( $this->channel, $this->getMetaData( 'title' ), $this->getMetaData( 'link' ), $data ); break; case 'published': case 'updated': $this->generateMetaData( $normalizedAttribute, date( 'D, d M Y H:i:s O', $data ) ); break; default: $this->generateMetaData( $normalizedAttribute, $data ); } } } } // run module hooks foreach ( $this->getModules() as $moduleName => $moduleDescription ) { $prefix = $moduleDescription->moduleObj->getNamespacePrefix(); $namespace = $moduleDescription->moduleObj->getNamespace(); $this->generateNamespace( $prefix, $namespace ); foreach ( $this->getAllModuleMetaData( $moduleName ) as $element => $value ) { $moduleDescription->moduleObj->generateMetaData( $this, $element, $value ); } } foreach ( $this->items as $item ) { $this->generateItem( $item ); } return $this->xml->saveXML(); } public static function canParse( DomDocument $xml ) { if ( $xml->documentElement->tagName !== 'rss' ) { return false; } if ( !$xml->documentElement->hasAttribute( 'version' ) ) { return false; } if ( $xml->documentElement->getAttribute( 'version' ) !== "2.0" ) { return false; } return true; } public function parseItem( ezcFeed $feed, DomElement $item ) { $feedItem = $feed->newItem(); foreach ( $item->childNodes as $itemChild ) { if ( $itemChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $tagName = $itemChild->tagName; $tagName = $this->deNormalizeName( $tagName, self::$feedItemAttributesMap ); switch ( $tagName ) { case 'title': case 'link': case 'description': case 'author': case 'comments': case 'enclosure': case 'guid': case 'source': $feedItem->$tagName = $itemChild->textContent; break; case 'published': $feedItem->$tagName = $this->prepareDate( $itemChild->textContent ); break; case 'category': $array = $feedItem->$tagName; $array[] = $itemChild->textContent; $feedItem->$tagName = $array; break; default: // check if it's part of a known module/namespace $parts = split( ':', $tagName ); if ( count( $parts ) == 2 && in_array( $parts[0], array_keys( $this->usedPrefixes ) ) ) { $moduleName = $this->usedPrefixes[$parts[0]]; $element = $parts[1]; $feedItem->$moduleName->$element = $itemChild->textContent; } } } } } public function parse( DomDocument $xml ) { $feed = new ezcFeed( 'rss2' ); $rssChildren = $xml->documentElement->childNodes; $channel = null; // figure out modules $supportedModules = ezcFeed::getSupportedModules(); $this->usedPrefixes = array(); $xp = new DOMXpath( $xml ); $set = $xp->query( './namespace::*', $xml->documentElement ); $this->usedNamespaces = array(); foreach ( $set as $node ) { foreach ( $supportedModules as $moduleName => $moduleClass ) { $moduleNamespace = call_user_func( array( $moduleClass, 'getNamespace' ) ); if ( $moduleNamespace == $node->nodeValue ) { $feed->addModule( $moduleClass ); $this->usedPrefixes[call_user_func( array( $moduleClass, 'getNamespacePrefix' ) )] = $moduleName; } } } foreach ( $rssChildren as $rssChild ) { if ( $rssChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $rssChild->tagName === 'channel' ) { $channel = $rssChild; } } if ( $channel === null ) // add test { throw new ezcFeedParseErrorException( "No channel tag" ); } foreach ( $channel->childNodes as $channelChild ) { if ( $channelChild->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE ) { $tagName = $channelChild->tagName; $tagName = $this->deNormalizeName( $tagName, self::$feedAttributesMap ); switch ( $tagName ) { case 'title': case 'link': case 'description': case 'language': case 'copyright': case 'author': case 'webMaster': case 'generator': case 'ttl': case 'docs': case 'category': $feed->$tagName = $channelChild->textContent; break; case 'published': case 'updated': $feed->$tagName = $this->prepareDate( $channelChild->textContent ); break; case 'item': $this->parseItem( $feed, $channelChild ); break; default: // check if it's part of a known module/namespace $parts = split( ':', $tagName ); if ( count( $parts ) == 2 && in_array( $parts[0], array_keys( $this->usedPrefixes ) ) ) { $moduleName = $this->usedPrefixes[$parts[0]]; $element = $parts[1]; $feed->$moduleName->$element = $channelChild->textContent; } } } } return $feed; } } ?>