* [ source, category, error_type] Message * * *
 * [ source, category ] Message 
* * When one name is given between the brackets, the category will be set and the message has a default source: *
 * [ category ] Message
* * Without any names between the brackets, the default category and source are used: *
 * Message
* * The following properties are set after construction or after calling {@link parseMessage()}: * - message, contains the message without extra the additional information. * - source, contains either the default source or the source set in the incoming message. * - category, contains either the default category or the category set in the incoming message. * - error_type, any severity without the leading "ezcLog::" (see {@link ezcLogMessage::parseMessage}); which are: * ezcLog::DEBUG, ezcLog::INFO, ezcLog::NOTICE, ezcLog::WARNING, ezcLog::ERROR, ezcLog::FATAL, ezcLog::FAILED_AUDIT, ezcLog::SUCCESS_AUDIT. * - severity, if error_type is not set: severity of the error. Which is ezcLog::NOTICE, ezcLog::WARNING, or ezcLog::ERROR. * * @package EventLog * @version 1.3alpha3 * @access private */ class ezcLogMessage { /** * Holds the properties of this class. * * @var array(string=>mixed) */ protected $properties = array( "message" => "", "source" => "", "category" => "", "severity" => "" ); /** * Constructs the ezcLogMessage from the $message, $severity, $defaultSource and $defaultCategory. * * $message is parsed by parseMessage() and properties are set. * * @param string $message * @param int $severity * @param string $defaultSource Use this source when not given in the message itself. * @param string $defaultCategory Use this category when not give in the message itself. */ public function __construct( $message, $severity, $defaultSource, $defaultCategory ) { $this->parseMessage( $message, $severity, $defaultSource, $defaultCategory ); } /** * Sets the property $name to $value. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * If the property $name does not exist * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @ignore */ public function __set( $name, $value ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'message': case 'source': case 'category': case 'severity': $this->properties[$name] = $value; return; } throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name ); } /** * Returns the property $name. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * If the property $name does not exist * @param string $name * @return mixed * @ignore */ public function __get( $name ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'message': case 'source': case 'category': case 'severity': return $this->properties[$name]; } throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name ); } /** * Returns true if the property $name is set, otherwise false. * * @param string $name * @return bool * @ignore */ public function __isset( $name ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'message': case 'source': case 'category': case 'severity': return isset( $this->properties[$name] ); default: return false; } } /** * Parses the message $message and sets the properties. * * See the general class documentation for message format. * The severity $severity can be a E_USER_* PHP constant. The values will be translated accordingly: * - E_USER_NOTICE -> ezcLog::NOTICE * - E_USER_WARNING -> ezcLog::WARNING * - E_USER_ERROR -> ezcLog::ERROR * * Any other severity from ezcLog can be encapsulated in the message, for example: * - [source, message, debug] -> ezcLog::DEBUG * - [source, message, info] -> ezcLog::INFO * - [source, message, notice] -> ezcLog::NOTICE * - [source, message, error] -> ezcLog::ERROR * - [source, message, warning] -> ezcLog::WARNING * - [source, message, fatal] -> ezcLog::FATAL * - [source, message, success_audit] -> ezcLog::SUCCESS_AUDIT * - [source, message, failed_audit] -> ezcLog::FAILED_AUDIT * * @param string $message * @param int $severity * @param string $defaultSource * @param string $defaultCategory */ public function parseMessage( $message, $severity, $defaultSource, $defaultCategory ) { preg_match( "/^\s*(?:\[(?:\s?)(?P[^,\]]*)(?:,\s(?P[^,\]]*))?(?:,\s?(?P[a-zA-Z_]*))?\s?\])?\s*(?P.*)$/", $message, $matches ); $this->message = $matches['message'] === '' ? false : $matches['message']; if ( $matches['category'] === '' ) { $this->category = $matches['source'] === '' ? $defaultCategory : $matches['source']; $this->source = $defaultSource; } else { $this->category = $matches['category']; $this->source = $matches['source']; } if ( $matches['level'] === '' ) { switch ( $severity ) { case E_USER_NOTICE: $this->severity = ezcLog::NOTICE; break; case E_USER_WARNING: $this->severity = ezcLog::WARNING; break; case E_USER_ERROR: $this->severity = ezcLog::ERROR; break; default: $this->severity = false; } } else { $constantName = 'ezcLog::' . strtoupper( trim( $matches['level'] ) ); if ( !defined( $constantName ) ) { throw new ezcLogWrongSeverityException( trim( $matches['level'] ) ); } else { $this->severity = constant( $constantName ); } } } } ?>