formatOutput = false; try { $options->formatOutput = 0; $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseValueException.' ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { /* Expected */ } } public function testHtmlConverterOptionsDublinCoreMetadata() { $options = new ezcDocumentHtmlConverterOptions(); $options->dublinCoreMetadata = false; try { $options->dublinCoreMetadata = 0; $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseValueException.' ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { /* Expected */ } } public function testHtmlConverterOptionsStyleSheets() { $options = new ezcDocumentHtmlConverterOptions(); $options->styleSheets = array( 'url' ); $options->styleSheets = null; try { $options->styleSheets = 0; $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBaseValueException.' ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { /* Expected */ } } public function testHtmlConverterOptionsUnknownOption() { $options = new ezcDocumentHtmlConverterOptions(); try { $options->notExistingOption = 0; $this->fail( 'Expected ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException.' ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { /* Expected */ } } public static function getTestDocuments() { if ( self::$testDocuments === null ) { // Get a list of all test files from the respektive folder $testFiles = glob( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/files/docbook/xhtml/s_*.xml' ); // Create array with the test file and the expected result file foreach ( $testFiles as $file ) { self::$testDocuments[] = array( $file, substr( $file, 0, -3 ) . 'html' ); } } return self::$testDocuments; return array_slice( self::$testDocuments, 0, 3 ); } /** * @dataProvider getTestDocuments */ public function testLoadXmlDocumentFromFile( $from, $to ) { if ( !is_file( $to ) ) { $this->markTestSkipped( "Comparision file '$to' not yet defined." ); } $doc = new ezcDocumentDocbook(); $doc->loadFile( $from ); $converter = new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlConverter(); $converter->options->formatOutput = true; $created = $converter->convert( $doc ); $this->assertTrue( $created instanceof ezcDocumentXhtml ); // Store test file, to have something to compare on failure $tempDir = $this->createTempDir( 'docbook_html_custom_' ) . '/'; file_put_contents( $tempDir . basename( $to ), $xml = $created->save() ); $this->assertTrue( ( $errors = $created->validateString( $xml ) ) === true, ( is_array( $errors ) ? implode( PHP_EOL, $errors ) : 'Expected true' ) ); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( $to ), $xml ); // Remove tempdir, when nothing failed. $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testDublinCoreMetadata() { $from = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/files/docbook/xhtml/s_021_field_list.xml'; $to = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/files/docbook/xhtml/s_021_field_list_dc.html'; $doc = new ezcDocumentDocbook(); $doc->loadFile( $from ); $converter = new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlConverter(); $converter->options->formatOutput = true; $converter->options->dublinCoreMetadata = true; $created = $converter->convert( $doc ); $this->assertTrue( $created instanceof ezcDocumentXhtml ); // Store test file, to have something to compare on failure $tempDir = $this->createTempDir( 'docbook_html_custom_' ) . '/'; file_put_contents( $tempDir . basename( $to ), $xml = $created->save() ); $this->assertTrue( ( $errors = $created->validateString( $xml ) ) === true, ( is_array( $errors ) ? implode( PHP_EOL, $errors ) : 'Expected true' ) ); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( $to ), $xml ); // Remove tempdir, when nothing failed. $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testWithStylesheets() { $from = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/files/docbook/xhtml/s_021_field_list.xml'; $to = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/files/docbook/xhtml/s_021_field_list_stylesheets.html'; $doc = new ezcDocumentDocbook(); $doc->loadFile( $from ); $converter = new ezcDocumentDocbookToHtmlConverter(); $converter->options->formatOutput = true; $converter->options->dublinCoreMetadata = true; $converter->options->styleSheets = array( 'foo.css', '', ); $created = $converter->convert( $doc ); $this->assertTrue( $created instanceof ezcDocumentXhtml ); // Store test file, to have something to compare on failure $tempDir = $this->createTempDir( 'docbook_html_custom_' ) . '/'; file_put_contents( $tempDir . basename( $to ), $xml = $created->save() ); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( $to ), $xml ); // Remove tempdir, when nothing failed. $this->removeTempDir(); } } ?>