* $debug = ezcDebug::getInstance(); * $debug->log( "Connecting with the paynet server", 2 ); * // ... * $debug->log( "Connection failed, retrying in 5 seconds", 1 ); * // ... * $debug->log( "Could not connect with the server", 0 ); * * * The second parameter of the log method is the verbosity. This is a number that * specifies the importance of the log message. That makes it easier to sort out messages of less importance. * In this example, we assumed the more important the message, the lower the * verbosity number. * * The ezcDebug timer is designed to allow the next two timing methods: * - Timers, the time between two points in the program. * - Accumulators, gets the relative time after the script started. * * The "Timers" are simply set with the methods {@link startTimer()} and {@link stopTimer()}. The next example * demonstrates the timing of a simple calculation: * * $debug = ezcDebug::getInstance(); * $debug->startTimer( "Simple calculation" ); * * //Simple calculation * $result = 4 + 6; * * $debug->stopTimer( "Simple calculation" ); // Parameter can be omitted. * * * To get timing points, accumulators, use the {@link switchTimer()} method. This is shown in the next example: * * $debug = ezcDebug::getInstance(); * $debug->startTimer( "My script" ); * // ... * $debug->switchTimer( "Reading ini file" ); * // ... * $debug->switchTimer( "Initializing template parser" ); * // ... * $debug->switchTimer( "Parsing" ); * // ... * $debug->stopTimer(); * * * @package Debug * @version 1.0 */ class ezcDebug { /** * Instance of the singleton ezcDebug object. * * Use the getInstance() method to retrieve the instance. * * @var ezcDebug */ private static $instance = null; /** * The formatter that generates the debug output. * * @var ezcDebugFormatter */ private $formatter = null; /** * A pointer to the logging system. * * @var ezcLog */ private $log = null; /** * The timing object used to store timing information. * * @var ezcDebugTimer */ private $timer = null; /** * The writer that holds debug output. * * @var ezcLogWriter */ private $writer = null; /** * Constructs a new debug object and attaches it to the log object. * * This method is private because the getInstance() should be called. */ private function __construct() { $original = ezcLog::getInstance(); $this->log = clone( $original ); $this->log->reset(); $this->log->setMapper( new ezcLogFilterSet() ); // Set the writer. $this->writer = new ezcDebugMemoryWriter(); $filter = new ezcLogFilter(); $filter->severity = ezcLog::DEBUG; $this->log->getMapper()->appendRule( new ezcLogFilterRule( $filter, $this->writer, true ) ); $this->reset(); } /** * Throws always an {@link ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException}. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * @param string $name * @return mixed */ public function __get( $name ) { throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name ); } /** * Throws always an {@link ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException}. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * @param string $name * @param string $value * @return mixed */ public function __set( $name, $value ) { throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name ); } /** * Resets the log messages and timer information. * * @return void */ public function reset() { $this->writer->reset(); $this->timer = new ezcDebugTimer(); } /** * Returns the instance of this class. * * When the ezcDebug instance is created it is automatically added to the instance * of ezcLog. * * @return ezcDebug */ public static function getInstance() { if ( is_null( ezcDebug::$instance )) { ezcDebug::$instance = new ezcDebug(); } return ezcDebug::$instance; } /** * Returns the instance of the EventLog used in this class. * * The returned instance is not the same as retrieved via the * ezcLog::getInstance() method. * * @return ezcLog */ public function getEventLog() { return $this->log; } /** * Sets the formatter $reporter for the output. * * If no formatter is set {@link ezcDebugHtmlReporter} will be used by default. * * @param ezcDebugReporter $reporter * @return void */ public function setOutputFormatter( ezcDebugOutputFormatter $formatter ) { $this->formatter = $formatter; } /** * Returns the formatted debug output. * * @return string */ public function generateOutput() { if ( is_null( $this->formatter ) ) $this->formatter = new ezcDebugHtmlFormatter(); return $this->formatter->generateOutput( $this->writer->getStructure(), $this->timer->getTimeData() ); } /** * Starts the timer with the identifier $name. * * Use $source to set the source of the timer and the $group group. * * @param string name * @param string source * @param string group * @return void */ public function startTimer( $name, $group = null ) { $this->timer->startTimer( $name, $group ); } /** * Stores the time from the running timer, and starts a new timer. * * @param string $newName Name of the new timer. * @param string $oldName The previous timer that must be stopped. * Only needed when multiple timers are running. * @return void */ public function switchTimer( $newName, $oldName = false ) { $this->timer->switchTimer( $newName, $oldName ); } /** * Stops the timer identified by $name. * * $name can be omitted if only one timer is running. * * @param $name * @return void */ public function stopTimer( $name = false ) { $this->timer->stopTimer( $name ); } /** * Writes the debug message $message with verbosity $verbosity. * * @param string $message * @param int $verbosity * @param array(string=>string) $extraInfo * @return void */ public function log( $message, $verbosity, array $extraInfo = array() ) { // Add the verbosity $extraInfo = array_merge( array( "verbosity" => $verbosity ), $extraInfo ); $this->log->log( $message, ezcLog::DEBUG, $extraInfo ); } /** * Dispatches the message and error type to the correct debug or log * function. * * This function should be used as the set_error_handler from the * trigger_error function. * * Use for example the following code in your application: * * * function debugHandler( $a, $b, $c, $d ) * { * ezcDebug::debugHandler( $a, $b, $c, $d ); * } * * set_error_handler( "debugHandler" ); * * * Use trigger_error to log warning, error, etc: * * * trigger_error( "[Paynet, templates] Cannot load template", E_USER_WARNING ); * * * See the PHP documentation of trigger_error for more information. * * @param int $errno * @param int $erstr * @param string $errfile * @param int $errline * @return void */ public static function debugHandler( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline ) { $log = ezcLog::getInstance(); $debug = ezcDebug::getInstance(); $lm = new ezcDebugMessage( $errstr, $errno, $log->source, $log->category ); $debug->log( $lm->message, $lm->severity, array( "source" => $lm->source, "category" => $lm->category, "verbosity" => $lm->verbosity, "file" => $errfile, "line" => $errline ) ); } } ?>