testFilesDir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/testfiles/'; $this->tempDir = $this->createTempDir( 'ezcDatabaseXmlTest' ); } protected function tearDown() { $this->removeTempDir(); } private static function getSchema() { $tables = array( 'bugdb' => new ezcDbSchemaTable( array ( 'id' => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'integer', false, true, null, true ), 'bug_type' => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'text', 32, true ), 'severity' => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'integer', false, true ), 'sdesc' => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'text', 80, true ), 'ldesc' => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'clob', false, true ), 'php_version' => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'text', 100, true ), ), array ( 'bug_type' => new ezcDbSchemaIndex( array ( 'bug_type' => new ezcDbSchemaIndexField() ), false, false ), 'php_version' => new ezcDbSchemaIndex( array ( 'php_version' => new ezcDbSchemaIndexField() ) ), 'primary' => new ezcDbSchemaIndex( array ( 'id' => new ezcDbSchemaIndexField() ), true ), ) ), 'bugdb_comments' => new ezcDbSchemaTable( array ( 'bug_id' => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'integer', false, true ), 'comment' => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'clob', false, true ), 'email' => new ezcDbSchemaField( 'text', 32 ), ), array ( 'comment' => new ezcDbSchemaIndex( array ( 'comment' => new ezcDbSchemaIndexField() ) ), ) ), ); return $tables; } public function testCreateFromFileNonExisting() { try { ezcDbSchema::createFromFile( 'xml', 'testfiles/isnt-here.xml' ); self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown" ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The schema file 'testfiles/isnt-here.xml' could not be found.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testBrokenSchema() { $fileName = realpath( $this->testFilesDir . 'broken_schema.php' ); try { ezcDbSchema::createFromFile( 'xml', $fileName ); self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown." ); } catch ( ezcDbSchemaInvalidSchemaException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The schema is invalid. (The schema file '{$fileName}' is not valid XML.)", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testXml() { $fileName = $this->tempDir . '/xml_write_result.xml'; $schema = new ezcDbSchema( self::getSchema() ); $schema->writeToFile( 'xml', $fileName ); $newSchema = ezcDbSchema::createFromFile( 'xml', $fileName ); self::assertEquals( $schema, $newSchema ); } public function testXmlToUnwriteableDir() { $fileName = $this->tempDir . '/bogus/xml_write_result.xml'; $schema = new ezcDbSchema( self::getSchema() ); try { $schema->writeToFile( 'xml', $fileName ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBaseFilePermissionException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( "The file '{$fileName}' can not be opened for writing.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( 'ezcDatabaseSchemaXmlTest' ); } } ?>