* $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createInsertQuery(); * $q->insertInto( 'legends' ) * ->set( 'Gretzky', 99 ) * ->set( 'Lindros', 88 ); * $stmt = $q->prepare(); * $stmt->execute(); * * * @package Database * @version 1.4.2 * @mainclass */ class ezcQueryInsert extends ezcQuery { /** * Holds the columns and the values that should inserted into the the table. * * Format array('column'=>value) * @var array(string=>mixed) */ protected $values = array(); /** * The target table for the insert query. * * @var string */ private $table = null; /** * Constructs a new ezcQueryInsert that works on the database $db and with the aliases $aliases. * * The parameters are passed directly to ezcQuery. * @param PDO $db * @param array(string=>string) $aliases */ public function __construct( PDO $db, array $aliases = array() ) { parent::__construct( $db, $aliases ); } /** * Opens the query and sets the target table to $table. * * insertInto() returns a pointer to $this. * * @param string $table * @return ezcQueryInsert */ public function insertInto( $table ) { $table = $this->getIdentifier( $table ); $this->table = $table; return $this; } /** * The insert query will set the column $column to the value $expression. * * set() returns a pointer to $this. * * @param string $column * @param string $expression * @return ezcQueryInsert */ public function set( $column, $expression ) { $column = $this->getIdentifier( $column ); $expression = $this->getIdentifier( $expression ); if ( $this->db->getName() == 'oracle' ) { // This is "quick fix" for the case of setting sequence value in Oracle. // Assume that set( 'columnName', "nextval('sequenceName')") was called. // Converting sequence SQL "nextval('sequenceName')" that valid for PostgreSQL // to "sequenceName.nextval" that valid for Oracle. if ( preg_match( "/nextval\('(.*)'\)/", $expression, $matches ) ) { $sequenceName = $matches[1]; $expression = $sequenceName.'.nextval'; $this->values[$column] = $expression; return $this; } } $this->values[$column] = $expression; return $this; } /** * Returns the query string for this query object. * * @throws ezcQueryInvalidException if no table or no values have been set. * @return string */ public function getQuery() { if ( $this->table == null || empty( $this->values ) ) { $problem = $this->table == null ? 'table' : 'values'; throw new ezcQueryInvalidException( "INSERT", "No " . $problem . " set." ); } $query = "INSERT INTO {$this->table}"; $columns = implode( ', ', array_keys( $this->values ) ); $values = implode( ', ', array_values( $this->values ) ); $query .= " ( {$columns} ) VALUES ( {$values} )"; return $query; } } ?>