markTestSkipped(); } $this->assertNotNull( $db, 'Database instance is not initialized.' ); } protected function tearDown() { } public function testLongTableNames() { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); for ( $i = 8; $i <= 256; $i *= 2 ) { $table = str_pad( 'table', $i, 'very_' ); try { $db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) . '( ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $column = 'id' ) . ' int )' ); $query = $db->createSelectQuery(); $query->select( $db->quoteIdentifier( $column ) ) ->from( $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) ); $query->prepare()->execute(); $db->exec( 'DROP TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) ); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { $this->fail( "Failed to use table name with length $i: " . $e->getMessage() ); } } } public function testLongColumnNames() { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); try { $db->exec( 'DROP TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table = 'rdbms_test' ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) {} // Ignore for ( $i = 8; $i <= 256; $i *= 2 ) { $column = str_pad( 'column', $i, 'very_' ); try { $db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) . '( ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $column ) . ' int )' ); $query = $db->createSelectQuery(); $query->select( $db->quoteIdentifier( $column ) ) ->from( $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) ); $query->prepare()->execute(); $db->exec( 'DROP TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) ); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { $this->fail( "Failed to use column name with length $i: " . $e->getMessage() ); } } } public function testInsertLongText() { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); try { $db->exec( 'DROP TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table = 'rdbms_test' ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) {} // Ignore // Type depends on DB handler switch ( $class = get_class( $db ) ) { case 'ezcDbHandlerMysql': case 'ezcDbHandlerPgsql': // Oracle default length for varchar2 // Also default length in DatabaseSchema $type = 'text'; break; default: $type = 'clob'; break; } $db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) . '( ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $column = 'text' ) . ' ' . $type . ' )' ); for( $i = 512; $i <= pow( 2, 16 ); $i *= 2 ) { $text = str_pad( '', $i, 'test ' ); try { $query = $db->createInsertQuery(); $query ->insertInto( $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) ) ->set( $db->quoteIdentifier( $column ), $query->bindValue( $text, null, PDO::PARAM_STR ) ); $query->prepare()->execute(); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { $this->fail( "Insert of long text failed with $i chars: " . $e->getMessage() ); } } $db->exec( 'DROP TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) ); } public function testManyInElements() { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); try { $db->exec( 'DROP TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table = 'rdbms_test' ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) {} // Ignore $db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) . '( ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $column = 'id' ) . ' int )' ); // Insert 10.000 rows... for ( $i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++ ) { $query = $db->createInsertQuery(); $query ->insertInto( $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) ) ->set( $db->quoteIdentifier( $column ), $query->bindValue( $i ) ); $query->prepare()->execute(); } // Try some IN statements for( $i = 512; $i <= pow( 2, 13 ); $i *= 2 ) { $inValues = array(); for ( $j = 0; $j < $i; ++$j ) { $inValues[] = $j; } try { $query = $db->createSelectQuery(); $query ->select( $db->quoteIdentifier( $column ) ) ->from( $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) ) ->where( $query->expr->in( $db->quoteIdentifier( $column ), $inValues ) ); $statement = $query->prepare(); $statement->execute(); $result = $statement->fetchAll(); $this->assertEquals( count( $result ), $i, 'Count of returned records did not match.' ); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { $this->fail( "IN() expression failed with $i values: " . $e->getMessage() ); } } $db->exec( 'DROP TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) ); } public function testManyNotInElements() { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); try { $db->exec( 'DROP TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table = 'rdbms_test' ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) {} // Ignore $db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) . '( ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $column = 'id' ) . ' int )' ); // Insert 10.000 rows... for ( $i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++ ) { $query = $db->createInsertQuery(); $query ->insertInto( $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) ) ->set( $db->quoteIdentifier( $column ), $query->bindValue( $i ) ); $query->prepare()->execute(); } // Try some IN statements for( $i = 512; $i <= pow( 2, 13 ); $i *= 2 ) { $inValues = array(); for ( $j = 0; $j < $i; ++$j ) { $inValues[] = $j; } try { $query = $db->createSelectQuery(); $query ->select( $db->quoteIdentifier( $column ) ) ->from( $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) ) ->where( $query->expr->not( $query->expr->in( $db->quoteIdentifier( $column ), $inValues ) ) ); $statement = $query->prepare(); $statement->execute(); $result = $statement->fetchAll(); $this->assertEquals( count( $result ), 10000 - $i, 'Count of returned records did not match.' ); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { $this->fail( "NOT IN() expression failed with $i values: " . $e->getMessage() ); } } $db->exec( 'DROP TABLE ' . $db->quoteIdentifier( $table ) ); } } ?>