db = ezcDbInstance::get(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped(); } $this->q = $this->db->createSelectQuery(); $this->e = $this->q->expr; $this->assertNotNull( $this->db, 'Database instance is not initialized.' ); try { $this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE employees' ); } catch ( Exception $e ) {} // eat try { $this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE orders' ); } catch ( Exception $e ) {} // eat try { $this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE in_use' ); } catch ( Exception $e ) {} // eat // insert some data $this->db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE employees ( id int, name VARCHAR(255) )' ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 1, 'Raymond Bosman' )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 2, 'Derick Rethans' )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 3, 'Jan Borsodi' )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO employees VALUES ( 4, 'Frederik Holljen' )" ); $this->db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE orders ( id int, product VARCHAR(255), employee_id int )' ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO orders VALUES ( 1001, 'Glass', 1 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO orders VALUES ( 1002, 'Table', 3 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO orders VALUES ( 1003, 'CPU', 3 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO orders VALUES ( 1004, 'Cat', 5 )" ); $this->db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE in_use ( id int, product_id int, employee_id int, amount int )' ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO in_use VALUES ( 2001, 1001, 1, 5 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO in_use VALUES ( 2002, 1002, 3, 3 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO in_use VALUES ( 2003, 1003, 3, 2 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO in_use VALUES ( 2004, 1004, 4, 1 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO in_use VALUES ( 2005, 1005, 1, 1 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO in_use VALUES ( 2006, 1005, 2, 1 )" ); } protected function tearDown() { $this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE employees' ); $this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE orders' ); $this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE in_use' ); } public function testNormal() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product' )->from( 'employees', 'orders' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 3, $rows ); } public function testInnerJoinAsFromArgument() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product' ) ->from( $this->q->innerJoin( 'employees', 'orders', 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 3, $rows ); } public function testInnerJoinAfterFrom() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product' ) ->from( 'employees' )->innerJoin( 'orders', $this->e->eq( 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 3, $rows ); } public function testInnerJoinAfterFromSimplified() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product' ) ->from( 'employees' )->innerJoin( 'orders', 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 3, $rows ); } public function testInnerMultiJoin() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product', 'in_use.amount' ) ->from( 'employees' ) ->innerJoin( 'orders', $this->e->eq( 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ) ->innerJoin( 'in_use', $this->e->eq( 'in_use.employee_id', 'employees.id' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 6, $rows ); } public function testInnerMultiJoinWithWhere() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product', 'in_use.amount' ) ->from( 'employees' ) ->innerJoin( 'orders', $this->e->eq( 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ) ->innerJoin( 'in_use', $this->e->eq( 'in_use.employee_id', 'employees.id' ) ) ->where( $this->q->expr->not( $this->q->expr->eq( 'orders.product', "'CPU'" ) ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testInnerJoinNotAfterFrom() { try { $this->q->select( '*' )->innerJoin( 'table1', 'column1', 'column2' ); } catch ( ezcQueryException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Call to innerJoin() not after from() did not fail" ); } public function testLeftJoinAsFromArgument() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product' ) ->from( $this->q->leftJoin( 'employees', 'orders', 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 5, $rows ); } public function testLeftJoinAfterFrom() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product' ) ->from( 'employees' ) ->leftJoin( 'orders', $this->e->eq( 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 5, $rows ); } public function testLeftJoinAfterFromSimplified() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product' ) ->from( 'employees' ) ->leftJoin( 'orders', 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 5, $rows ); } public function testLeftMultiJoin() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product', 'in_use.amount' ) ->from( 'employees' ) ->leftJoin( 'orders', 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ->leftJoin( 'in_use', 'in_use.product_id', 'orders.id' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 5, $rows ); } public function testLeftMultiJoinWithWhere() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product', 'in_use.amount' ) ->from( 'employees' ) ->leftJoin( 'orders', 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ->leftJoin( 'in_use', 'in_use.product_id', 'orders.id' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->not( $this->q->expr->isNull( 'orders.product' ) ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 3, $rows ); } public function testLeftJoinNotAfterFrom() { try { $this->q->select( '*' )->leftJoin( 'table1', 'column1', 'column2' ); } catch ( ezcQueryException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Call to leftJoin() not after from() did not fail" ); } public function testRightJoinAsFromArgument() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product' ) ->from( $this->q->rightJoin( 'employees', 'orders', 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testRightJoinAfterFrom() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product' ) ->from( 'employees' )->rightJoin( 'orders', $this->e->eq('employees.id', 'orders.employee_id') ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testRightJoinAfterFromSimplified() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product' ) ->from( 'employees' )->rightJoin( 'orders', 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testRightMultiJoin() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product', 'in_use.amount' ) ->from( 'employees' ) ->rightJoin( 'orders', 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ->rightJoin( 'in_use', 'in_use.product_id', 'orders.id' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); if ( $this->db->getName() == 'sqlite' ) // right joins for SQLite are emulated by left joins for the tables in reverse order { $reference = 'SELECT employees.name, orders.product, in_use.amount '. 'FROM in_use LEFT JOIN orders ON in_use.product_id = orders.id '. 'LEFT JOIN employees ON employees.id = orders.employee_id'; } else { $reference = 'SELECT employees.name, orders.product, in_use.amount '. 'FROM employees RIGHT JOIN orders ON employees.id = orders.employee_id '. 'RIGHT JOIN in_use ON in_use.product_id = orders.id'; } $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 6, $rows ); } public function testRightMultiJoinWithWhere() { $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product', 'in_use.amount' ) ->from( 'employees' ) ->rightJoin( 'orders', 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ->rightJoin( 'in_use', 'in_use.product_id', 'orders.id' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->gt( 'in_use.amount', '2' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); if ( $this->db->getName() == 'sqlite' ) // right joins for SQLite are emulated by left joins for the tables in reverse order { $reference = 'SELECT employees.name, orders.product, in_use.amount '. 'FROM in_use LEFT JOIN orders ON in_use.product_id = orders.id '. 'LEFT JOIN employees ON employees.id = orders.employee_id '. 'WHERE in_use.amount > 2'; } else { $reference = 'SELECT employees.name, orders.product, in_use.amount '. 'FROM employees RIGHT JOIN orders ON employees.id = orders.employee_id '. 'RIGHT JOIN in_use ON in_use.product_id = orders.id '. 'WHERE in_use.amount > 2'; } $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 2, $rows ); } public function testRightMultiJoinSeveralTimesWithWhere() { // not touch database just checking query syntax $this->q->select( 'employees.name', 'orders.product', 'in_use.amount' ) ->from( 'employees' ) ->rightJoin( 'orders', 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ->rightJoin( 'in_use', 'in_use.product_id', 'orders.id' ) ->from( 'orders' ) ->rightJoin( 'in_use', 'in_use.product_id', 'orders.id' ) ->rightJoin( 'employees', 'employees.id', 'orders.employee_id' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->gt( 'in_use.amount', '2' ) ); if ( $this->db->getName() == 'sqlite' ) // right joins for SQLite are emulated by left joins for the tables in reverse order { $reference = 'SELECT employees.name, orders.product, in_use.amount '. 'FROM in_use LEFT JOIN orders ON in_use.product_id = orders.id '. 'LEFT JOIN employees ON employees.id = orders.employee_id, '. 'employees LEFT JOIN in_use ON employees.id = orders.employee_id '. 'LEFT JOIN orders ON in_use.product_id = orders.id '. 'WHERE in_use.amount > 2'; } else { $reference = 'SELECT employees.name, orders.product, in_use.amount '. 'FROM employees RIGHT JOIN orders ON employees.id = orders.employee_id '. 'RIGHT JOIN in_use ON in_use.product_id = orders.id, '. 'orders RIGHT JOIN in_use ON in_use.product_id = orders.id '. 'RIGHT JOIN employees ON employees.id = orders.employee_id '. 'WHERE in_use.amount > 2'; } $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->q->getQuery() ); } public function testRightJoinNotAfterFrom() { try { $this->q->select( '*' )->rightJoin( 'table1', 'column1', 'column2' ); } catch ( ezcQueryException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Call to rightJoin() not after from() did not fail" ); } public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( 'ezcQuerySelectJoinTestImpl' ); } } ?>