db = ezcDbInstance::get(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped(); } $this->q = $this->db->createSelectQuery(); $this->e = $this->db->createExpression(); $this->assertNotNull( $this->db, 'Database instance is not initialized.' ); try { $this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE query_test' ); } catch ( Exception $e ) {} // eat // insert some data if ( $this->db->getName() === 'mssql' ) { $this->db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE query_test ( id int, company VARCHAR(255), section VARCHAR(255), employees int NULL, somedate DATETIME NULL )' ); } else { $this->db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE query_test ( id int, company VARCHAR(255), section VARCHAR(255), employees int NULL, somedate TIMESTAMP )' ); } if ( $this->db->getName() === 'oracle' ) { $this->db->exec( "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'" ); // set the timestamp format } $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test VALUES ( 1, 'eZ systems', 'Norway', 20, '2007-05-03 11:54:17' )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test VALUES ( 2, 'IBM', 'Norway', 500, null )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test VALUES ( 3, 'eZ systems', 'Ukraine', 10, null )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test VALUES ( 4, 'IBM', 'Germany', null, null )" ); } protected function tearDown() { $this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE query_test' ); } public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( 'ezcQueryExpressionTest' ); } public function testLorNone() { try { $this->e->lOr(); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testlOrSingle() { $reference = 'true'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->lOr( 'true' ) ); } public function testlOrMulti() { $reference = '( true OR false )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->lOr( 'true', 'false' ) ); } public function testlAndNone() { try { $this->e->lAnd(); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testlAndSingle() { $reference = 'true'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->lAnd( 'true' ) ); } public function testlAndMulti() { $reference = '( true AND false )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->lAnd( 'true', 'false' ) ); } public function testNot() { $reference = 'NOT ( true )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->not( 'true' ) ); } public function testAddNone() { try { $this->e->add(); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testAddSingle() { $reference = '1'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, (string)$this->e->add( 1 ) ); } public function testlAddMulti() { $reference = '( 1 + 1 )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->add( 1, 1 ) ); } public function testSubtractNone() { try { $this->e->sub(); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testSubtractSingle() { $reference = '1'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, (string)$this->e->sub( 1 ) ); } public function testlSubtractMulti() { $reference = '( 1 - 1 )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->sub( 1, 1 ) ); } public function testMultiplyNone() { try { $this->e->mul(); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testMultiplySingle() { $reference = '1'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, (string)$this->e->mul( 1 ) ); } public function testlMultiplyMulti() { $reference = '( 1 * 1 )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->mul( 1, 1 ) ); } public function testDivideNone() { try { $this->e->div(); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testDivideSingle() { $reference = '1'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, (string)$this->e->div( 1 ) ); } public function testlDivideMulti() { $reference = '( 1 / 1 )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->div( 1, 1 ) ); } public function testEq() { $reference = 'field1 = field2'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->eq( 'field1', 'field2' ) ); } public function testNeq() { $reference = 'field1 <> field2'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->neq( 'field1', 'field2' ) ); } public function testGt() { $reference = 'field1 > field2'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->gt( 'field1', 'field2' ) ); } public function testGte() { $reference = 'field1 >= field2'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->gte( 'field1', 'field2' ) ); } public function testLt() { $reference = 'field1 < field2'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->lt( 'field1', 'field2' ) ); } public function testLte() { $reference = 'field1 <= field2'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->lte( 'field1', 'field2' ) ); } public function testInNone() { try { $this->e->in( 'id' ); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testInEmptyArray() { try { $this->e->in( 'id', array() ); $this->fail( "Expected exception not thrown" ); } catch ( ezcQueryInvalidParameterException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( "Argument '2' of method 'in' expects a non-empty array but an empty array was provided.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testInSingle() { $reference = "id IN ( 1 )"; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->in( 'id', 1 ) ); } public function testInMulti() { $reference = "id IN ( 1, 2 )"; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->in( 'id', 1, 2 ) ); } public function testInMultiString() { $reference = "id IN ( 'foo', 'bar' )"; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->in( 'id', 'foo', 'bar' ) ); } public function testInMultiNumericString() { $reference = "id IN ( '1', '2' )"; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->in( 'id', '1', '2' ) ); } public function testInSingleArray() { $reference = "id IN ( 1 )"; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->in( 'id', array( 1 ) ) ); } public function testInMultiArray() { $reference = "id IN ( 1, 2 )"; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->in( 'id', array( 1, 2 ) ) ); } public function testInMultiStringArray() { $reference = "id IN ( 'foo', 'bar' )"; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->in( 'id', array( 'foo', 'bar' ) ) ); } public function testInMultiNumericStringArray() { $reference = "id IN ( '1', '2' )"; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->in( 'id', array( '1', '2' ) ) ); } public function testInStringQuoting() { if ( $this->db->getName() == 'mysql' ) { $reference = "id IN ( 'That\'s should be quoted correctly' )"; } else { $reference = "id IN ( 'That''s should be quoted correctly' )"; } $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->in( 'id', "That's should be quoted correctly" ) ); } public function testInMultyString() { $reference = "id IN ( 'Hello', 'world' )"; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->in( 'id', 'Hello', 'world' ) ); } public function testInAlreadyQuoted() { if ( $this->db->getName() === 'mysql' ) { self::markTestSkipped( 'Not for MySQL' ); } $reference = "id IN ( '''Hello''', '''world''' )"; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->in( 'id', "'Hello'", "'world'" ) ); } public function testInAlreadyQuotedMySQL() { if ( $this->db->getName() !== 'mysql' ) { self::markTestSkipped( 'Only for MySQL' ); } $reference = "id IN ( '\'Hello\'', '\'world\'' )"; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->in( 'id', "'Hello'", "'world'" ) ); } public function testIsNull() { $reference = 'id IS NULL'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->isNull( 'id' ) ); } public function testBetween() { $reference = 'id BETWEEN 10 AND 20'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->between( 'id', 10, 20 ) ); } public function testLike() { $reference = 'column LIKE :data'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->like( 'column', ':data' ) ); } public function testAvg() { $reference = 'AVG( name )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->avg( 'name' ) ); } public function testCount() { $reference = 'COUNT( name )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->count( 'name' ) ); } public function testMax() { $reference = 'MAX( name )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->max( 'name' ) ); } public function testMin() { $reference = 'MIN( name )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->min( 'name' ) ); } public function testSum() { $reference = 'SUM( name )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->sum( 'name' ) ); } public function testMd5() { if ( $this->db->getName() == 'pgsql' ) { $pgSQL_version = $this->db->getAttribute( PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION ); if ( $pgSQL_version >= 8 ) { $reference = 'MD5( name )'; } else { $reference = " encode( digest( name, 'md5' ), 'hex' ) "; } } else if ( $this->db->getName() == 'mssql' ) { $reference = "SUBSTRING( master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr( HashBytes( 'MD5', name ) ), 3, 32)"; } else { $reference = 'MD5( name )'; } $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->md5( 'name' ) ); } public function testLength() { $reference = 'LENGTH( name )'; if ( $this->db->getName() == 'mssql' ) { $reference = 'LEN( name )'; } $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->length( 'name' ) ); } public function testRound() { $reference = 'ROUND( name, 2 )'; $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->round( 'name', 2 ) ); } public function testMod() { $reference = 'MOD( 10, 3 )'; if ( $this->db->getName() == 'mssql' ) { $reference = '10 % 3'; } $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->mod( 10, 3 ) ); } public function testNow() { switch ( get_class( $this->db ) ) { case 'ezcDbHandlerMysql': $reference = 'NOW()'; break; case 'ezcDbHandlerSqlite': $reference = '"' . date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . '"'; break; case 'ezcDbHandlerPgsql': $reference = 'LOCALTIMESTAMP(0)'; break; case 'ezcDbHandlerOracle': $reference = "LOCALTIMESTAMP"; break; case 'ezcDbHandlerMssql': default: $reference = 'CONVERT( varchar( 19 ), GETDATE(), 120 )'; break; } $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->e->now() ); } public function testConcatNone() { try { $this->e->concat(); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testSearchedCaseNone() { try { $this->e->searchedCase(); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testSearchedCase() { $reference = ' CASE WHEN 10 >= 20 THEN 1 WHEN 20 >= 20 THEN 2 ELSE 3 END '; $result = $this->e->searchedCase( array( $this->e->gte( 10, 20 ), 1 ), array( $this->e->gte( 20, 20 ), 2 ), 3 ); $this->assertSame( $reference, $result ); } /** * Implementation tests, these are run on a selectQuery object so we know * we have the correct expression type. */ public function testlOrSingleImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->lOr( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testlOrMultiImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->lOr( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ), $this->e->eq( 1, 0 ) ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testlAndSingleImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->lAnd( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testlAndMultiImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->lAnd( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ), $this->e->eq( 1, 0 ) ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 0, $rows ); } public function testNotImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->not( $this->e->lAnd( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 0, $rows ); } public function testAddImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->add( 2, 2 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 4, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testSubtractImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->sub( 2, 2 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 0, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testMultiplyImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->mul( 2, 3 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 6, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDivideImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->div( 2, 2 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 1, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testEqImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 1, $rows ); } public function testNeqImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->neq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 3, $rows ); } public function testGtImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->gt( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 3, $rows ); } public function testGteImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->gte( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testLtImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->lt( 'id', 4 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 3, $rows ); } public function testLteImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->lte( 'id', 4 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testInSingleImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->in( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 1, $rows ); } public function testInSingleStringImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->in( 'section', 'Norway' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 2, $rows ); } public function testInMultiImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->in( 'id', 1 , 3 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 2, $rows ); } public function testInMultyStringImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->in( 'section', 'Norway', 'Ukraine' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 3, $rows ); } public function testInAlreadyQuotedImpl() { $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test VALUES ( 5, 'ACME Inc.', '''test-only''', null, null )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test VALUES ( 6, 'ACME Inc.', '\"test-only\"', null, null )" ); $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->in( 'section', "'Norway'", "'Ukraine'", "'test-only'", "\"test-only\"" ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 2, $rows ); } public function testIsNullImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->isNull( 'employees' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 1, $rows ); } public function testBetweenImpl() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->between( 'id', 1 , 3 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 3, $rows ); } public function testLikeImpl() { $pattern = 'eZ%'; $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->like( 'company', $this->q->bindParam( $pattern ) ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 2, $rows ); } public function testAvgImpl() { $company = 'eZ systems'; $this->q->select( 'company', $this->e->avg( 'employees' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 'company', $this->q->bindParam( $company ) ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 15, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 1 ) ); } public function testCountImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->count( '*' ) )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 'employees', 20 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $this->assertEquals( 1, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testMaxImpl() { $company = 'eZ systems'; $this->q->select( 'company', $this->e->max( 'employees' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 'company', $this->q->bindParam( $company ) ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 20, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 1 ) ); } public function testMinImpl() { $company = 'eZ systems'; $this->q->select( 'company', $this->e->min( 'employees' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 'company', $this->q->bindParam( $company ) ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 10, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 1 ) ); } public function testSumImpl() { $company = 'eZ systems'; $this->q->select( 'company', $this->e->sum( 'employees' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 'company', $this->q->bindParam( $company ) ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 30, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 1 ) ); } public function testMd5Impl() { $company = 'eZ systems'; if ( $this->db->getName() == 'mssql' ) // use a bit different test for MSSQL as it's MD5() implementation // requires text parameter but result of round() has type int. { $this->q->select( 'company', $this->e->round( $this->e->avg( 'employees' ), 0 ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 'company', $this->q->bindParam( $company ) ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $tmpValue = $stmt->fetchColumn( 1 ); $this->q->reset(); $this->q->select( 0, $this->q->expr->md5( "'$tmpValue'" ) ) ; $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); } else { $this->q->select( 'company', $this->e->md5( $this->e->round( $this->e->avg( 'employees' ), 0 ) ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 'company', $this->q->bindParam( $company ) ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); } $this->assertEquals( '9bf31c7ff062936a96d3c8bd1f8f2ff3', $stmt->fetchColumn( 1 ) ); } public function testLengthImpl() { $q = $this->q; $var = 'four'; $q->select( $q->expr->length( $q->bindParam( $var ) ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 4, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testRoundImpl() { $q = $this->q; $q->select( $q->expr->round( '10.123', 2 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( '10.12', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testModImpl() { $q = $this->q; $q->select( $q->expr->mod( 3, 2 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 1, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testNowImpl() { $q = $this->q; $q->select( $q->expr->now() ); // if it fails now() did not work $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); } public function testSubstringImpl() { $q = $this->q; $q->select( $q->expr->subString( 'company', 4 ) )->from( 'query_test' )->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 'systems', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testConcatSingleImpl() { $q = $this->q; $q->select( $q->expr->concat( 'company' ) )->from( 'query_test' )->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 'eZ systems', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testConcatMultiImpl() { $str = ' rocks!'; $q = $this->q; $q->select( $q->expr->concat( 'company', $q->bindParam( $str ) ) )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 'eZ systems rocks!', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testPositionImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->position( 's', "'eZ systems'" ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 4, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testLowerImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->lower( "'eZ systems'" ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 'ez systems', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testUpperImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->upper( "'eZ systems'" ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 'EZ SYSTEMS', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testFloorImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->floor( 3.33 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 3, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testCeilImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->ceil( 3.33 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 4, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testUnixTimestampImpl1() { $this->q->select( $this->e->unixTimestamp( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'" ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( strtotime( '2007-05-03 11:54:17' ), (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testUnixTimestampImpl2() { $this->q->select( $this->e->unixTimestamp( "'2007-12-03 11:54:17'" ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( strtotime( '2007-12-03 11:54:17' ), (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateSubSecondImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateSub( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 1, 'SECOND' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2007-05-03 11:54:16', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateSubMinuteImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateSub( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 1, 'MINUTE' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2007-05-03 11:53:17', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateSubHourImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateSub( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 1, 'HOUR' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2007-05-03 10:54:17', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateSubDayImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateSub( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 1, 'DAY' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2007-05-02 11:54:17', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateSubMonthImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateSub( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 1, 'MONTH' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2007-04-03 11:54:17', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateSubYearImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateSub( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 1, 'YEAR' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2006-05-03 11:54:17', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateAddSecondImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateAdd( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 1, 'SECOND' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2007-05-03 11:54:18', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateAddMinuteImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateAdd( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 1, 'MINUTE' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2007-05-03 11:55:17', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateAddHourImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateAdd( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 1, 'HOUR' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2007-05-03 12:54:17', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateAddDayImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateAdd( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 1, 'DAY' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2007-05-04 11:54:17', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateAddMonthImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateAdd( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 1, 'MONTH' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2007-06-03 11:54:17', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateAddYearImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateAdd( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 1, 'YEAR' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2008-05-03 11:54:17', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateExtractSecondImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateExtract( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 'SECOND' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '17', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateExtractMinuteImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateExtract( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 'MINUTE' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '54', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateExtractHourImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateExtract( "'2007-05-03 11:54:17'", 'HOUR' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '11', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateExtractDayImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateExtract( "'2006-11-16 11:54:17'", 'DAY' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '16', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateExtractMonthImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateExtract( "'2006-11-16 11:54:17'", 'MONTH' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '11', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateExtractYearImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateExtract( "'2006-11-16 11:54:17'", 'YEAR' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2006', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testSearchedCaseImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->searchedCase( array( $this->e->gte( 10, 20 ), 1 ), array( $this->e->gte( 20, 20 ), 2 ), 3 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 2, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testBitAndImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->bitAnd( 3, 10 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 2, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testBitOrImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->bitOr( 3, 10 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 11, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testBitXorImpl() { $this->q->select( $this->e->bitXor( 3, 10 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 9, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } /** * Repeat of the implementation tests, but now testing with alias functionality. */ // Not tested since it requires boolean field // public function testNotImplWithAlias() // { // $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); // $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) // ->where( $this->e->not( 'identifier' ) ); // $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); // $rows = 0; // foreach ( $stmt as $row ) // { // $rows++; // } // $this->assertEquals( 0, $rows ); // } public function testAddImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->add( 'identifier', 2 ) )->from( 'query_test' )->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 2 ) );; $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 4, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testSubtractImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->sub( 'identifier', 2 ) )->from( 'query_test' )->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 4 ) );; $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 2, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testMultiplyImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->mul( 'identifier', 2 ) )->from( 'query_test' )->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 2 ) );; $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 4, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDivideImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->div( 'identifier', 2 ) )->from( 'query_test' )->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 4 ) );; $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 2, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testEqImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'identifier', 'identifier' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testNeqImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->neq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 3, $rows ); } public function testGtImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->gt( 'identifier', 'identifier' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 0, $rows ); } public function testGteImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->gte( 'identifier', 'identifier' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testLtImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->lt( 'identifier', 'identifier' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 0, $rows ); } public function testLteImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->lte( 'identifier', 'identifier' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testInMultiImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->expr->setValuesQuoting( false ); $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->in( 'identifier', 1 , 'identifier' ) ); $this->q->expr->setValuesQuoting( true ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testIsNullImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->isNull( 'identifier' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 0, $rows ); } public function testBetweenImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id' ) ); $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->between( 'identifier', 'identifier' , 'identifier' ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 4, $rows ); } public function testLikeImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id', 'text' => 'company' ) ); $pattern = 'eZ%'; $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->like( 'text', $this->q->bindParam( $pattern ) ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 2, $rows ); } public function testAvgImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $company = 'eZ systems'; $this->q->select( 'text', $this->q->expr->avg( 'empl' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'text', $this->q->bindParam( $company ) ) ) ->groupBy( 'text' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 15, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 1 ) ); } public function testCountImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->count( 'text' ) )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'employees', 20 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $this->assertEquals( 1, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testMaxImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $company = 'eZ systems'; $this->q->select( 'company', $this->q->expr->max( 'empl' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'text', $this->q->bindParam( $company ) ) ) ->groupBy( 'text' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 20, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 1 ) ); } public function testMinImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $company = 'eZ systems'; $this->q->select( 'text', $this->q->expr->min( 'empl' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'text', $this->q->bindParam( $company ) ) ) ->groupBy( 'text' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 10, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 1 ) ); } public function testSumImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $company = 'eZ systems'; $this->q->select( 'text', $this->q->expr->sum( 'empl' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'text', $this->q->bindParam( $company ) ) ) ->groupBy( 'text' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 30, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 1 ) ); } public function testMd5ImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $company = 'eZ systems'; if ( $this->db->getName() == 'mssql' ) // use a bit different test for MSSQL as it's MD5() implementation // requires text parameter but result of round() has type int. { $this->q->select( 'text', $this->q->expr->round( $this->q->expr->avg( 'empl' ), 0 ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'text', $this->q->bindParam( $company ) ) ) ->groupBy( 'text' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->q->reset(); $tmpValue = $stmt->fetchColumn( 1 ); $this->q->select( 0, $this->q->expr->md5( "'$tmpValue'" ) ) ; $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); } else { $this->q->select( 'text', $this->q->expr->md5( $this->q->expr->round( $this->q->expr->avg( 'empl' ), 0 ) ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'text', $this->q->bindParam( $company ) ) ) ->groupBy( 'text' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); } $this->assertEquals( '9bf31c7ff062936a96d3c8bd1f8f2ff3', $stmt->fetchColumn( 1 ) ); } public function testLengthImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $q = $this->q; $var = 'four'; $q->select( $q->expr->length( 'text' ) )->from( 'query_test' )->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', 2 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 3, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testRoundImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $q = $this->q; $q->select( $q->expr->round( 'empl', 2 ) )->from( 'query_test' )->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', 2 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( '500.00', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testModImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $q = $this->q; $q->select( $q->expr->mod( 'employees', 'employees' ) )->from( 'query_test' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 0, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testSubstringImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $q = $this->q; $q->select( $q->expr->subString( 'text', 4 ) )->from( 'query_test' )->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 'systems', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testConcatSingleImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $q = $this->q; $q->select( $q->expr->concat( 'text' ) )->from( 'query_test' )->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 'eZ systems', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testConcatMultiImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $str = ' rocks!'; $q = $this->q; $q->select( $q->expr->concat( 'text', $q->bindParam( $str ) ) )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 'eZ systems rocks!', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testBug9159TableAndColumnAlias() { $reference = 'SELECT * FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.column < table2.id'; $this->q->setAliases( array( 't_alias' => 'table1', 'c_alias' => 'column' ) ); $this->q->select( '*' ) ->from( 't_alias', 'table2' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->lt('t_alias.c_alias', 'table2.id' ) ); $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->q->getQuery() ); } public function testTableAlias() { $reference = 'SELECT * FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.column < table2.id'; $this->q->setAliases( array( 't_alias' => 'table1' ) ); $this->q->select( '*' ) ->from( 't_alias', 'table2' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->lt('t_alias.column', 'table2.id' ) ); $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->q->getQuery() ); } public function testColumnAlias() { $reference = 'SELECT * FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.column < table2.id'; $this->q->setAliases( array( 'c_alias' => 'column' ) ); $this->q->select( '*' ) ->from( 'table1', 'table2' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->lt('table1.c_alias', 'table2.id' ) ); $this->assertEquals( $reference, $this->q->getQuery() ); } public function testPositionImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->position( 's', 'text' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 4, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testLowerImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->lower( 'text' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 'ez systems', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testUpperImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'text' => 'company' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->upper( 'text' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 'EZ SYSTEMS', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testFloorImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->floor( 'empl' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 20, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testCeilImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->ceil( 'empl' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 20, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testUnixTimestampImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'mydate' => 'somedate' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->unixTimestamp( 'mydate' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( strtotime( '2007-05-03 11:54:17' ), (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateSubImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'mydate' => 'somedate' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->dateSub( 'mydate', 1, 'SECOND' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2007-05-03 11:54:16', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateAddImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'mydate' => 'somedate' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->dateAdd( 'mydate', 1, 'SECOND' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '2007-05-03 11:54:18', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testDateExtractImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'mydate' => 'somedate' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->dateExtract( 'mydate', 'SECOND' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 1 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( '17', $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testSearchedCaseImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id', 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->searchedCase( array( $this->q->expr->gte( 'empl', 20 ), 'empl' ) , 'identifier' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->orderBy( 'query_test.id' ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_NUM ); $this->assertSame( 20, (int)$result[0][0] ); $this->assertSame( 500, (int)$result[1][0] ); $this->assertSame( 3, (int)$result[2][0] ); $this->assertSame( 4, (int)$result[3][0] ); } public function testBitAndImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->bitAnd( 3, 'empl' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 3 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 2, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testBitOrImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->bitOr( 3, 'empl' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 3 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 11, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testBitXorImplWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'empl' => 'employees' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->expr->bitXor( 3, 'empl' ) ) ->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->q->expr->eq( 'id', 3 ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertSame( 9, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } /** * Repeat of relevant implementation tests, but now testing with ezcQueryExpression::now(). */ public function testUnixTimestampImplNow() { $this->q->select( $this->e->unixTimestamp( $this->q->expr->now() ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( time(), $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ), '', 1 ); // with delta 1 } public function testDateSubImplNow() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateSub( $this->q->expr->now(), 1, 'MINUTE' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( time() - 60, strtotime( $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ), '', 1 ); // with delta 1 } public function testDateAddImplNow() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateAdd( $this->q->expr->now(), 1, 'MINUTE' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( time() + 60, strtotime( $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ), '', 1 ); // with delta 1 } public function testDateExtractImplNow() { $this->q->select( $this->e->dateExtract( $this->q->expr->now(), 'SECOND' ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ); $this->assertSame( (double)$result, floor( (double)$result ) ); $this->assertEquals( (int)date( 's' ), (int)$result, '', 1 ); // with delta 1 } } ?>