fromTables = array(); $this->rightJoins = array( null ); } /** * Select which tables you want to select from. * * from() accepts an arbitrary number of parameters. Each parameter * must contain either the name of a table or an array containing * the names of tables.. * from() could be invoked several times. All provided arguments * added to the end of $fromString. * * Additional actions performed to emulate right joins in SQLite. * * Example: * * // the following code will produce the SQL * // SELECT id FROM t2 LEFT JOIN t1 ON = * $q->select( 'id' )->from( $q->rightJoin( 't1', 't2', '', '' ) ); * * // the following code will produce the same SQL * // SELECT id FROM t2 LEFT JOIN t1 ON = * $q->select( 'id' )->from( 't1' )->rightJoin( 't2', '', '' ); * * * @throws ezcQueryVariableParameterException if called with no parameters. * @param string|array(string) $... Either a string with a table name or an array of table names. * @return a pointer to $this */ public function from() { $args = func_get_args(); $tables = self::arrayFlatten( $args ); if ( count( $tables ) < 1 ) { throw new ezcQueryVariableParameterException( 'from', count( $args ), 1 ); } $this->lastInvokedMethod = 'from'; $tables = $this->getIdentifiers( $tables ); $this->fromTables = array_merge( $this->fromTables, $tables ); $this->fromString ='FROM '.join( ', ', $this->fromTables ); // adding right join part of query to the end of fromString. $rightJoinPart = $this->buildRightJoins(); if ( $rightJoinPart != '' ) { $this->fromString .= ', '.$rightJoinPart; } // adding new empty entry to $rightJoins if last entry was already filled $lastRightJoin = end( $this->rightJoins ); if ( $lastRightJoin != null ) { $this->rightJoins[] = null; // adding empty stub to the rightJoins // it could be filled by next rightJoin() } return $this; } /** * Returns SQL string with part of FROM clause that performs right join emulation. * * SQLite don't support right joins directly but there is workaround. * identical result could be acheived using right joins for tables in reverce order. * * String created from entries of $rightJoins. * One entry is a complete table_reference clause of SQL FROM clause. * * * rightJoins[0][tables] = array( 'table1', 'table2', 'table3' ) * rightJoins[0][conditions] = array( condition1, condition2 ) * * forms SQL: 'table3 LEFT JOIN table2 condition2 ON LEFT JOIN table1 ON condition1'. * * * @return string the SQL call including all right joins set in query. */ private function buildRightJoins() { $resultArray = array(); foreach ( $this->rightJoins as $rJoinPart ) { $oneItemResult = ''; if ( $rJoinPart === null ) { break; // this is last empty entry so cancel adding. } // reverse lists of tables and conditions to make LEFT JOIN // that will produce result equal to original right join. $reversedTables = array_reverse( $rJoinPart['tables'] ); $reversedConditions = array_reverse( $rJoinPart['conditions'] ); // adding first table. list( $key, $val ) = each( $reversedTables ); $oneItemResult .= $val; while ( list( $key, $nextCondition ) = each( $reversedConditions ) ) { list( $key2, $nextTable ) = each( $reversedTables ); $oneItemResult .= " LEFT JOIN {$nextTable} ON {$nextCondition}"; } $resultArray[] = $oneItemResult; } return join( ', ', $resultArray ); } /** * Returns the SQL for a right join or prepares $fromString for a right join. * * This method could be used in two forms: * * rightJoin( 't2', $joinCondition ) * * Takes 2 string arguments and returns ezcQuery. * * The first parameter is the name of the table to join with. The table to * which is joined should have been previously set with the from() method. * * The second parameter should be a string containing a join condition that * is returned by an ezcQueryExpression. * * Example: * * // the following code will produce the SQL * // SELECT id FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON = * $q->select( 'id' )->from( 't1' )->rightJoin( 't2', $q->expr->eq('', '' ) ); * * * rightJoin( 't2', '', '' ) * * Takes 3 string arguments and returns ezcQuery. This is a simplified form * of the 2 parameter version. rightJoin( 't2', '', '' ) is * equal to rightJoin( 't2', $this->expr->eq('', '' ) ); * * The first parameter is the name of the table to join with. The table to * which is joined should have been previously set with the from() method. * * The second parameter is the name of the column on the table set * previously with the from() method and the third parameter the name of * the column to join with on the table that was specified in the first * parameter. * * Example: * * // the following code will produce the SQL * // SELECT id FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON = * $q->select( 'id' )->from( 't1' )->rightJoin( 't2', '', '' ); * * * @apichange Remove 4 argument version. * * @throws ezcQueryInvalidException if called with inconsistent parameters or if * invoked without preceding call to from(). * * @param string $table2,... The table to join with, followed by either the * two join columns, or a join condition. * @return ezcQuery */ public function rightJoin() { $args = func_get_args(); $passedArgsCount = func_num_args(); if ( $passedArgsCount < 2 || $passedArgsCount > 4 ) { throw new ezcQueryInvalidException( 'SELECT', "Wrong argument count passed to {$type}Join(): {$passedArgsCount}" ); } // deprecated syntax if ( $passedArgsCount == 4 ) { if ( is_string( $args[0] ) && is_string( $args[1] ) && is_string( $args[2] ) && is_string( $args[3] ) ) { $table1 = $this->getIdentifier( $args[0] ); $table2 = $this->getIdentifier( $args[1] ); $column1 = $this->getIdentifier( $args[2] ); $column2 = $this->getIdentifier( $args[3] ); return "{$table2} LEFT JOIN {$table1} ON {$column1} = {$column2}"; } else { throw new ezcQueryInvalidException( 'SELECT', 'Inconsistent types of arguments passed to rightJoin().' ); } } // using from()->rightJoin() syntax assumed, so check if last call was to from() if ( $this->lastInvokedMethod != 'from' ) { throw new ezcQueryInvalidException( 'SELECT', 'Invoking rightJoin() not immediately after from().' ); } $table = ''; if ( !is_string( $args[0] ) ) { throw new ezcQueryInvalidException( 'SELECT', 'Inconsistent type of first argument passed to rightJoin(). Should be string with name of table.' ); } $table = $this->getIdentifier( $args[0] ); $condition = ''; if ( $passedArgsCount == 2 && is_string( $args[1] ) ) { $condition = $args[1]; } else if ( $passedArgsCount == 3 && is_string( $args[1] ) && is_string( $args[2] ) ) { $arg1 = $this->getIdentifier( $args[1] ); $arg2 = $this->getIdentifier( $args[2] ); $condition = "{$arg1} = {$arg2}"; } // If rightJoin info entry is empty than remove last table from // fromTables list and add it at first place to the list of tables in // correspondent rightJoin info entry. // Subsequent calls to rightJoin() without from() will just add one // table and one condition to the correspondent arrays. if ( end( $this->rightJoins ) === null ) // fill last rightJoin info entry with table name. { $lastTable = array_pop ( $this->fromTables ); array_pop( $this->rightJoins ); $this->rightJoins[count( $this->rightJoins )]['tables'][] = $lastTable; } if ( $table != '' && $condition != '' ) { $this->rightJoins[count( $this->rightJoins ) - 1]['tables'][] = $table; $this->rightJoins[count( $this->rightJoins ) - 1]['conditions'][] = $condition; } // build fromString using fromTables and add right joins stuff to te end. $this->fromString = 'FROM ' . join( ', ', $this->fromTables ); $this->fromString .= $this->buildRightJoins(); return $this; } } ?>