string) */ protected $intervalMap = array( 'SECOND' => 'second', 'MINUTE' => 'minute', 'HOUR' => 'Hour', 'DAY' => 'Day', 'MONTH' => 'Month', 'YEAR' => 'Year', ); /** * Returns the remainder of the division operation * $expression1 / $expression2. * * @param string $expression1 * @param string $expression2 * @return string */ public function mod( $expression1, $expression2 ) { $expression1 = $this->getIdentifier( $expression1 ); $expression2 = $this->getIdentifier( $expression2 ); return "{$expression1} % {$expression2}"; } /** * Returns the md5 sum of a field. * * There are two variants of implementation for this feature. * Both not ideal though. * First don't require additional setup of MS SQL Server * and uses undocumented function master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr() * to convert result of Transact-SQL HashBytes() function to string. * * Second one requires the stored procedure * from to * be installed and wrapped by the user defined function fn_md5. * * @param string $column * @return string */ public function md5( $column ) { $column = $this->getIdentifier( $column ); return "SUBSTRING( master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr( HashBytes( 'MD5', {$column} ) ), 3, 32)"; // alternative // return "dbo.fn_md5( {$column} )"; } /** * Returns the length of a text field. * * @param string $column * @return string */ public function length( $column ) { $column = $this->getIdentifier( $column ); return "LEN( {$column} )"; } /** * Returns the current system date. * * @return string */ public function now() { return "CONVERT( varchar( 19 ), GETDATE(), 120 )"; // 120 means that we use ODBC canonical // format for date output i.e. yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss(24h) } /** * Returns part of a string. * * Note: Not SQL92, but common functionality. * * @param string $value the target $value the string or the string column. * @param int $from extract from this characeter. * @param int $len extract this amount of characters. If $len is not * provided it's assumed to be the number of characters * to get the whole remainder of the string. * @return string sql that extracts part of a string. */ public function subString( $value, $from, $len = null ) { $value = $this->getIdentifier( $value ); if ( $len === null ) { return "SUBSTRING( {$value}, {$from}, LEN({$value})-({$from}-1) )"; } else { $len = $this->getIdentifier( $len ); return "SUBSTRING( {$value}, {$from}, {$len} )"; } } /** * Returns a series of strings concatinated * * concat() accepts an arbitrary number of parameters. Each parameter * must contain an expression or an array with expressions. * * @param string|array(string) $... strings that will be concatinated. */ public function concat() { $args = func_get_args(); $cols = ezcQuerySelect::arrayFlatten( $args ); if ( count( $cols ) < 1 ) { throw new ezcQueryVariableParameterException( 'concat', count( $args ), 1 ); } $cols = $this->getIdentifiers( $cols ); return join( ' + ', $cols ); } /** * Returns the SQL to locate the position of the first occurrence of a substring * * @param string $substr * @param string $value * @return string */ public function position( $substr, $value ) { $value = $this->getIdentifier( $value ); return "CHARINDEX( '{$substr}', {$value} )"; } /** * Returns the SQL to calculate the next highest integer value from the number. * * @param string $number * @return string */ public function ceil( $number ) { $number = $this->getIdentifier( $number ); return " CEILING( {$number} ) "; } /** * Returns the SQL that converts a timestamp value to number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00-00. * * @param string $column * @return string */ public function unixTimestamp( $column ) { $column = $this->getIdentifier( $column ); return " DATEDIFF(s, '19700101', {$column} ) - ".date('Z')." "; } /** * Returns the SQL that subtracts an interval from a timestamp value. * * @param string $column * @param numeric $expr * @param string $type one of SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, MONTH, or YEAR * @return string */ public function dateSub( $column, $expr, $type ) { $type = $this->intervalMap[$type]; $column = $this->getIdentifier( $column ); return " CONVERT( varchar( 19 ), DATEADD( {$type}, -{$expr}, {$column} ), 120 ) "; } /** * Returns the SQL that adds an interval to a timestamp value. * * @param string $column * @param numeric $expr * @param string $type one of SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, MONTH, or YEAR * @return string */ public function dateAdd( $column, $expr, $type ) { $type = $this->intervalMap[$type]; $column = $this->getIdentifier( $column ); return " CONVERT( varchar( 19 ), DATEADD( {$type}, +{$expr}, {$column} ), 120 ) "; } /** * Returns the SQL that extracts parts from a timestamp value from a column. * * @param string $column * @param string $type one of SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, MONTH, or YEAR * @return string */ public function dateExtract( $column, $type ) { $type = $this->intervalMap[$type]; $column = $this->getIdentifier( $column ); return " DATEPART( {$type}, {$column} ) "; } } ?>