db = ezcDbInstance::get(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->markTestSkipped(); } $this->q = $this->db->createSelectQuery(); $this->e = $this->q->expr; $this->assertNotNull( $this->db, 'Database instance is not initialized.' ); try { $this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE query_test' ); $this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE query_test2' ); } catch ( Exception $e ) {} // eat // insert some data $this->db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE query_test ( id int, company VARCHAR(255), section VARCHAR(255), employees int )' ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test VALUES ( 1, 'eZ systems', 'Norway', 20 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test VALUES ( 2, 'IBM', 'Norway', 500 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test VALUES ( 3, 'eZ systems', 'Ukraine', 10 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test VALUES ( 4, 'IBM', 'Germany', null )" ); // insert some data $this->db->exec( 'CREATE TABLE query_test2 ( id int, company VARCHAR(255), section VARCHAR(255), employees int )' ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test2 VALUES ( 1, 'eZ systems', 'Norway', 20 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test2 VALUES ( 2, 'IBM', 'Norway', 500 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test2 VALUES ( 3, 'eZ systems', 'Ukraine', 10 )" ); $this->db->exec( "INSERT INTO query_test2 VALUES ( 4, 'IBM', 'Germany', null )" ); } protected function tearDown() { $this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE query_test' ); $this->db->exec( 'DROP TABLE query_test2' ); } public function testBindString() { $section = 'Norway'; $this->q->select( 'COUNT(*)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 'section', $this->q->bindParam( $section ) ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 2, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); // set another value for section and try again. $section = 'Ukraine'; $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 1, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testBindInteger() { $num = 0; $this->q->select( 'COUNT(*)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->gt( 'employees', $this->q->bindParam( $num ) ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 3, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); // set another value for section and try again. $num = 20; $stmt->execute(); $this->assertEquals( 1, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testBuildFrom() { $this->q->select( 'COUNT(*)' )->from( 'query_test' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $this->assertEquals( 4, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testBuildFromWhere() { $this->q->select( 'COUNT(*)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 'employees', 20 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $this->assertEquals( 1, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testBuildFromWhereGroup() { $this->q->select( 'COUNT(*)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->groupBy( 'Company' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $this->assertEquals( 2, (int)$stmt->fetchColumn( 0 ) ); } public function testBuildFromWhereGroupOrder() { $this->q->select( 'company', 'SUM(employees)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ) ->orderBy( 'company', ezcQuerySelect::DESC ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 2, $rows ); } public function testBuildFromWhereGroupOrderLimit() { $this->q->select( 'company', 'SUM(employees)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ) ->orderBy( 'company', ezcQuerySelect::DESC ) ->limit( 1 ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 1, $rows ); } // bug #9466 public function testBuildFromWhereGroupOrderLimit2() { $stmt = $this->q->select( 'company', 'SUM(employees)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ) ->orderBy( 'company', ezcQuerySelect::DESC ) ->limit( 1 ) ->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 1, $rows ); } public function testBuildFromWhereOrderLimit() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->orderBy( 'id', ezcQuerySelect::DESC ) ->limit( 1 ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 1, $rows ); } public function testBuildFromWhereGroupLimit() { $this->q->select( 'company', 'SUM(employees)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ) ->limit( 1 ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 1, $rows ); } public function testBuildFromWhereGroupHaving() { $this->q->select( 'company', 'SUM(employees)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ) ->having( $this->e->gt( 'SUM(employees)', 100 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 1, $rows ); } public function testBuildFromWhereGroupHavingMulti() { $this->q->select( 'company', 'SUM(employees)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ) ->having( $this->e->gte( 'SUM(employees)', 10 ) ) ->having( $this->e->lte( 'SUM(employees)', 500 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 2, $rows ); } public function testBuildFromWhereGroupHavingBind() { $this->q->select( 'company', 'SUM(employees)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ) ->having( $this->e->eq( 'company', $this->q->bindValue( 'eZ systems' ) ) ); $stmt = $this->q->prepare(); $stmt->execute(); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 1, $rows ); } public function testBuildFromWhereOrderLimitOffset() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->orderBy( 'id', ezcQuerySelect::DESC ) ->limit( 1 ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $result ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'IBM', $result[0]['company'] ); $this->assertEquals( 'Germany', $result[0]['section'] ); } public function testBuildFromLimit() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->limit( 1 ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 1, $rows ); } // LOGIC TESTS public function testSelectNone() { try { $this->q->select( ); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testSelectMultiInOne() { $this->q->select( 'id', 'company' )->from( 'query_test' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $this->assertEquals( 2, $stmt->columnCount() ); } public function testSelectMultiInMulti() { $this->q->select( 'id' )->from( 'query_test' )->select( 'company' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $this->assertEquals( 2, $stmt->columnCount() ); } public function testSelectMultiWithAliasInOne() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id', 'text' => 'company' ) ); $this->q->select( 'identifier', 'text' )->from( 'query_test' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $this->assertEquals( 2, $stmt->columnCount() ); } public function testSelectMultiWithAliasInMulti() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id', 'text' => 'company' ) ); $this->q->select( 'identifier')->select( 'text' )->from( 'query_test' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $this->assertEquals( 2, $stmt->columnCount() ); } public function testAliAs() { $this->q->select( $this->q->aliAs( 'id', 'other' ) )->from( 'query_test' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); if ( !isset( $result[0]['other'] ) ) { $this->fail( 'Fail test testAliAs' ); } } public function testAliAsWithAlias() { $this->q->setAliases( array( 'identifier' => 'id', 'text' => 'company' ) ); $this->q->select( $this->q->aliAs( 'identifier', 'other' ) )->from( 'query_test' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); if ( !isset( $result[0]['other'] ) ) { $this->fail( 'Test fail testAliAsWithAlias' ); } } public function testMultipleFromInOne() { $this->q->select( 'query_test.id', 'query_test2.company' )->from( 'query_test', 'query_test2'); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $this->assertEquals( 2, $stmt->columnCount() ); } public function testMultipleFromInMulti() { $this->q->select( 'query_test.id', 'query_test2.company' )->from( 'query_test')->from( 'query_test2' ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $this->assertEquals( 2, $stmt->columnCount() ); } public function testEmptyFrom() { try { $this->q->select( 'd' )->from(); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testWhereMultiInOne() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ), $this->e->eq( 1, 0 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 0, $rows ); } public function testWhereMultiInMulti() { $this->q->select( '*' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ))->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 0 ) ); $stmt = $this->db->query( $this->q->getQuery() ); $rows = 0; foreach ( $stmt as $row ) { $rows++; } $this->assertEquals( 0, $rows ); } public function testEmptyWhere() { try { $this->q->select( 'd' )->from('d')->where(); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testEmptyGroupBy() { try { $this->q->select( 'd' )->from('d')->groupBy(); $this->fail( "Expected exception" ); } catch ( ezcQueryVariableParameterException $e ) {} } public function testReset() { $this->q->select( 'company', 'SUM(employees)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ) ->orderBy( 'company', ezcQuerySelect::DESC ) ->limit( 1 ); $queryString = $this->q->getQuery(); $this->q->reset(); $this->q->select( 'company', 'SUM(employees)' )->from( 'query_test' ) ->where( $this->e->eq( 1, 1 ) ) ->groupBy( 'company' ) ->orderBy( 'company', ezcQuerySelect::DESC ) ->limit( 1 ); $this->assertEquals( $queryString, $this->q->getQuery() ); } public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( 'ezcQuerySelectTestImpl' ); } } ?>