DbSettings = $dbsettings; } /** * Run all the tests. */ public function runAll() { $this->runTest1(); $this->runTest2(); $this->runTest3(); $this->runTest4(); $this->runTest5(); } /** * The simpliest case: not using the ezcDbInstance class. * Application just creates a database handler instance using the factory class, * then uses the instance for database operations. */ private function runTest1() { echo "test1:\n"; $dbparams = array( 'type' => 'mysql', 'database' => $this->DbSettings['my_dbname1'], 'user' => $this->DbSettings['my_user'], 'pass' => $this->DbSettings['my_pass'] ); $db = ezcDbFactory::create( $dbparams ); $this->showTablesCount( $db ); } /** * A more complex case: using singleton. * After creating a handler instance, the instance is saved in a singleton. * That allows us to avoid passing instance to every functions that needs to use it. * Instead, we just call ezcDbInstance::get(). */ private function runTest2() { echo "test2:\n"; $dbparams = array( 'type' => 'mysql', 'database' => $this->DbSettings['my_dbname1'], 'user' => $this->DbSettings['my_user'], 'pass' => $this->DbSettings['my_pass'] ); $db = ezcDbFactory::create( $dbparams ); ezcDbInstance::set( $db ); unset( $db ); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $this->showTablesCount( $db ); } /** * The most complex case: using two named instances. */ private function runTest3() { echo "test3:\n"; $dbparams1 = array( 'type' => 'mysql', 'database' => $this->DbSettings['my_dbname1'], 'user' => $this->DbSettings['my_user'], 'pass' => $this->DbSettings['my_pass'] ); $dbparams2 = array( 'type' => 'mysql', 'database' => $this->DbSettings['my_dbname2'], 'user' => $this->DbSettings['my_user'], 'pass' => $this->DbSettings['my_pass'] ); try { $db1 = ezcDbFactory::create( $dbparams1 ); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { echo "Error connecting to db #1: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; return; } try { $db2 = ezcDbFactory::create( $dbparams2 ); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { echo "Error connecting to db #2: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; return; } ezcDbInstance::reset(); ezcDbInstance::set( $db1, 'db1' ); ezcDbInstance::set( $db2, 'db2' ); unset( $db1, $db2 ); $db1 = ezcDbInstance::get( 'db1' ); $db2 = ezcDbInstance::get( 'db2' ); $this->showTablesCount( $db1 ); $this->showTablesCount( $db2 ); } /** * Test PostgreSQL connectivity. */ private function runTest4() { echo "test4:\n"; $dbparams = array( 'type' => 'pgsql', 'database' => $this->DbSettings['pg_dbname'], 'user' => $this->DbSettings['pg_user'], 'pass' => $this->DbSettings['pg_pass'] ); $db = ezcDbFactory::create( $dbparams ); $rslt = $db->query( "SELECT COUNT( relname ) as cnt FROM pg_class ". "WHERE relkind='r' AND NOT relname~'pg_.*'" ); $rows = $rslt->fetchAll(); echo $rows[0]['cnt'] . " tables in the database.\n"; } /** * Using a user-specified database handler to connect to Oracle. */ private function runTest5() { echo "test5:\n"; ezcDbFactory::addImplementation( 'myoci', 'MyOciDbHandler' ); $dbparams = array( 'type' => 'myoci', 'database' => $this->DbSettings['ora_dbname'], 'user' => $this->DbSettings['ora_user'], 'pass' => $this->DbSettings['ora_pass'] ); $db = ezcDbFactory::create( $dbparams ); $rslt = $db->query( 'SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM user_tables' ); $rows = $rslt->fetchAll(); echo $rows[0]['cnt'] . " tables in the database.\n"; } /** * Fetches number of tables in the given database. * * @param $db ezcDbHandler Database connection handle. */ private function showTablesCount( $db ) { $rslt = $db->query( 'SHOW TABLES' ); echo count( $rslt->fetchAll() ) . " tables in the database.\n"; } } /** * Loads component's classes automatically. * * @ignore */ function __autoload( $className ) { $path = strtolower( preg_replace( '/([A-Z])/', '/\\1', $className ) ); $path = str_replace( 'ezc/', '', $path ) . '.php'; require_once( $path ); } ############################################################################## $dbSettings = array( 'my_dbname1' => 'trunk', 'my_dbname2' => 'stable35', 'my_user' => 'root', 'my_pass' => '', 'pg_dbname' => 'trunk', 'pg_user' => 'fred', 'pg_pass' => '', 'ora_user' => 'scott', 'ora_pass' => 'tiger', 'ora_dbname' => 'orcl' ); try { $tests = new Tests( $dbSettings ); $tests->runAll(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { echo "Exception of class " . get_class( $e ) . " occured: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"; exit( 1 ); } ?>