addEntry( $this->stati[$i][0], $this->stati[$i][1] ); } $res = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . 'testProgressMonitor1.dat' ), $res, "Formated statusbar not generated correctly." ); // To prepare test files use this: //file_put_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . 'testProgressMonitor1.dat', $res ); } public function testProgressMonitor2() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitor( $out, 7 ); ob_start(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $status->addEntry( $this->stati[$i][0], $this->stati[$i][1] ); } $res = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . 'testProgressMonitor2.dat' ), $res, "Formated statusbar not generated correctly." ); // To prepare test files use this: // file_put_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . 'testProgressMonitor2.dat', $res ); } public function testProgressMonitor3() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitor( $out, 7, array( 'formatString' => '%2$10s %1$6.2f%% %3$s' ) ); ob_start(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $status->addEntry( $this->stati[$i][0], $this->stati[$i][1] ); } $res = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . 'testProgressMonitor3.dat' ), $res, "Formated statusbar not generated correctly." ); // To prepare test files use this: // file_put_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . 'testProgressMonitor3.dat', $res ); } public function testProgressMonitor4() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $out->formats->tag->color = 'red'; $out->formats->percent->color = 'blue'; $out->formats->percent->style = array( 'bold' ); $out->formats->data->color = 'green'; $status = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitor( $out, 7, array( 'formatString' => $out->formatText( '%2$10s', 'tag' ) . ' ' . $out->formatText( '%1$6.2f%%', 'percent' ) . ' ' . $out->formatText( '%3$s', 'data' ) ) ); ob_start(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $status->addEntry( $this->stati[$i][0], $this->stati[$i][1] ); } $res = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . 'testProgressMonitor4.dat' ), $res, "Formated statusbar not generated correctly." ); // To prepare test files use this: // file_put_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . 'testProgressMonitor4.dat', $res ); } public function testGetAccessSuccess() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitor( $out, 7 ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcConsoleProgressMonitorOptions(), $status->options ); } public function testGetAccessFailure() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitor( $out, 7 ); try { echo $status->foo; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException not thrown on get access of invalid property ezcConsoleProgressMonitor->foo." ); } public function testSetAccessSuccess() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitor( $out, 7 ); $opt = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitorOptions(); $status->options = $opt; $this->assertSame( $opt, $status->options, "Value not correctly set for property ezcConsoleProgressMonitor->options." ); } public function testSetAccessFailure() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitor( $out, 7 ); $exceptionThrown = false; try { $status->options = 23; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "ezcBaseValueException not thrown on invalid value for ezcConsoleProgressMonitor->options." ); $exceptionThrown = false; try { $status->foo = 23; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "ezcBaseValueException not thrown on set access of invalid property ezcConsoleProgressMonitor->options." ); } public function testIssetAccess() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitor( $out, 7 ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $status->options ) ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $status->foo ) ); } public function testSetOptionsSuccess() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $optArr = array(); $optArr["formatString"] = "Foo bar"; $optObj = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitorOptions(); $optObj->formatString = "Foo bar"; $status = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitor( $out, 7 ); $status->setOptions( $optArr ); $this->assertEquals( $optObj, $status->options, "Options not set correctly from array." ); $status = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitor( $out, 7 ); $status->setOptions( $optObj ); $this->assertSame( $optObj, $status->options, "Options not set correctly from object." ); } public function testSetOptionsFailure() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitor( $out, 7 ); try { $status->setOptions( 23 ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "ezcBaseValueException not thrown on invalid parameter for setOptions()." ); } public function testGetOptions() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleProgressMonitor( $out, 7 ); $this->assertSame( $status->options, $status->getOptions() ); } } ?>