stati as $statusVal ) { $status->add($statusVal); } $res = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . 'testStatusbar1.dat' ), $res, "Formated statusbar not generated correctly." ); // To prepare test files use this: // file_put_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . 'testStatusbar1.dat', $res ); } public function testStatusbar2() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $out->options->useFormats = false; $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); ob_start(); foreach ( $this->stati as $statusVal ) { $status->add($statusVal); } $res = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . 'testStatusbar2.dat' ), $res, "Unformated statusbar not generated correctly." ); // To prepare test files use this: // file_put_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . 'testStatusbar2.dat', $res ); } public function testGetAccessSuccess() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcConsoleStatusbarOptions(), $status->options ); $this->assertEquals( "+", $status->successChar ); $this->assertEquals( "-", $status->failureChar ); } public function testGetAccessFailure() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); try { echo $status->foo; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException not thrown on get access to invalid property ezcConsoleStatusbar->foo." ); } public function testSetAccessSuccess() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); $refOpt = new ezcConsoleStatusbarOptions(); $refOpt->successChar = "*"; $refOpt->failureChar = "#"; $status->successChar = "*"; $status->failureChar = "#"; $this->assertEquals( $refOpt, $status->options, "Options not set correctly through direct set access on ezcConsoleStatusbar." ); $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); $status->options = $refOpt; $this->assertSame( $refOpt, $status->options, "Property ezcConsoleStatusbar->options not set correctly." ); } public function testSetAccessFailure() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); $exceptionThrown = false; try { $status->successChar = 23; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "ezcBaseValueException not thrown on invalid value for property ezcConsoleStatusbar->successChar." ); $exceptionThrown = false; try { $status->failureChar = 23; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "ezcBaseValueException not thrown on invalid value for property ezcConsoleStatusbar->failureChar." ); $exceptionThrown = false; try { $status->options = 23; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "ezcBaseValueException not thrown on invalid value for property ezcConsoleStatusbar->options." ); $exceptionThrown = false; try { $status->foo = 23; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException not thrown on set access of invalid property ezcConsoleStatusbar->foo." ); } public function testIssetAccess() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $status->successChar ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $status->failureChar ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $status->options ) ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $status->foo ) ); } public function testSetOptionsSuccess() { $refOpt = new ezcConsoleStatusbarOptions(); $refOpt->successChar = "*"; $refOpt->failureChar = "#"; $optArr = array( "successChar" => "*", "failureChar" => "#", ); $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); $status->setOptions( $optArr ); $this->assertEquals( $refOpt, $status->options, "Options not correctly set from array." ); $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); $status->setOptions( $refOpt ); $this->assertSame( $refOpt, $status->options, "Options not correctly set from array." ); } public function testSetOptionsFailure() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); try { $status->setOptions( 23 ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "ezcBaseValueException not thrown on invalid parameter to ezcConsoleStatusbar->setOptions()." ); } public function testGetOptions() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcConsoleStatusbarOptions(), $status->getOptions() ); } public function testReset() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); ob_start(); foreach ( $this->stati as $statusVal ) { $status->add($statusVal); } ob_end_clean(); $counter = $this->getAttribute( $status, "counter" ); $this->assertEquals( 14, $counter[true], "Success values not counted correctly." ); $this->assertEquals( 11, $counter[false], "Failure values not counted correctly." ); $status->reset(); $counter = $this->getAttribute( $status, "counter" ); $this->assertEquals( 0, $counter[true], "Success values not reset correctly." ); $this->assertEquals( 0, $counter[false], "Failure values not reset correctly." ); } public function testGetSuccessCount() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); $this->assertEquals( 0, $status->getSuccessCount() ); ob_start(); foreach ( $this->stati as $statusVal ) { $status->add($statusVal); } ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEquals( 14, $status->getSuccessCount() ); } public function testGetFailureCount() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); $this->assertEquals( 0, $status->getFailureCount() ); ob_start(); foreach ( $this->stati as $statusVal ) { $status->add($statusVal); } ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEquals( 11, $status->getFailureCount() ); } public function testAddIncorrectStatus() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( $out ); set_error_handler( array( $this, "catchWarning" ), E_USER_WARNING ); ob_start(); $status->add( "foo" ); ob_end_clean(); restore_error_handler(); $this->assertTrue( $this->errorCaught, "Warning not caught on invalid status 'foo'." ); } public function catchWarning( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext ) { $this->assertEquals( "Unknown status 'foo'.", $errstr ); $this->assertEquals( realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/../src/statusbar.php" ), $errfile ); $this->errorCaught = true; } } ?>