* // Create the output handler * $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); * * // Set the verbosity to level 10 * $out->options->verbosityLevel = 10; * // Enable auto wrapping of lines after 40 characters * $out->options->autobreak = 40; * * // Set the color of the default output format to green * $out->formats->default->color = 'green'; * * // Set the color of the output format named 'success' to white * $out->formats->success->color = 'white'; * // Set the style of the output format named 'success' to bold * $out->formats->success->style = array( 'bold' ); * * // Set the color of the output format named 'failure' to red * $out->formats->failure->color = 'red'; * // Set the style of the output format named 'failure' to bold * $out->formats->failure->style = array( 'bold' ); * // Set the background color of the output format named 'failure' to blue * $out->formats->failure->bgcolor = 'blue'; * * // Output text with default format * $out->outputText( 'This is default text ' ); * // Output text with format 'success' * $out->outputText( 'including success message', 'success' ); * // Some more output with default output. * $out->outputText( "and a manual linebreak.\n" ); * * // Manipulate the later output * $out->formats->success->color = 'green'; * $out->formats->default->color = 'blue'; * * // This is visible, since we set verboseLevel to 10, and printed in default format (now blue) * $out->outputText( "Some verbose output.\n", null, 10 ); * // This is not visible, since we set verboseLevel to 10 * $out->outputText( "Some more verbose output.\n", null, 20 ); * // This is visible, since we set verboseLevel to 10, and printed in format 'failure' * $out->outputText( "And some not so verbose, failure output.\n", 'failure', 5 ); * * * For a list of valid colors, style attributes and background colors, please * refer to {@link ezcConsoleOutputFormat}. * * @package ConsoleTools * @version 1.1beta1 */ class ezcConsoleOutput { /** * Options * * @var ezcConsoleOutputOptions */ protected $options; /** * Formats * * @var ezcConsoleOutputFormats */ protected $formats; /** * Whether a position has been stored before, using the storePos() method. * * @see ezcConsoleOutput::storePos() * @var bool */ protected $positionStored = false; /** * Stores the mapping of color names to their escape * sequence values. * * @var array(string=>int) */ protected static $color = array( 'gray' => 30, 'red' => 31, 'green' => 32, 'yellow' => 33, 'blue' => 34, 'magenta' => 35, 'cyan' => 36, 'white' => 37, 'default' => 39 ); /** * Stores the mapping of bgcolor names to their escape * sequence values. * * @var array(string=>int) */ protected static $bgcolor = array( 'black' => 40, 'red' => 41, 'green' => 42, 'yellow' => 43, 'blue' => 44, 'magenta' => 45, 'cyan' => 46, 'white' => 47, 'default' => 49, ); /** * Stores the mapping of styles names to their escape * sequence values. * * @var array(string=>int) */ protected static $style = array( 'default' => '0', 'bold' => 1, 'faint' => 2, 'normal' => 22, 'italic' => 3, 'notitalic' => 23, 'underlined' => 4, 'doubleunderlined' => 21, 'notunderlined' => 24, 'blink' => 5, 'blinkfast' => 6, 'noblink' => 25, 'negative' => 7, 'positive' => 27, ); /** * Basic escape sequence string. Use sprintf() to insert escape codes. * * @var string */ private $escapeSequence = "\033[%sm"; /** * Create a new console output handler. * * @see ezcConsoleOutput::$options * @see ezcConsoleOutputOptions * @see ezcConsoleOutput::$formats * @see ezcConsoleOutputFormats * * @param ezcConsoleOutputFormats $formats Formats to be used for output. * @param array(string=>string) $options Options to set. */ public function __construct( ezcConsoleOutputFormats $formats = null, array $options = array() ) { $options = isset( $options ) ? $options : new ezcConsoleOutputOptions(); $formats = isset( $formats ) ? $formats : new ezcConsoleOutputFormats(); $this->options = new ezcConsoleOutputOptions(); $this->setOptions( $options ); $this->formats = $formats; } /** * Set options for this object. * Set the options. * * @see ezcConsoleOutputOptions * * @param array $options * @return void */ public function setOptions( array $options ) { foreach ( $options as $name => $value ) { $this->options->$name = $value; } } /** * Property read access. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * If the the desired property is not found. * * @param string $propertyName Name of the property. * @return mixed Value of the property or null. */ public function __get( $propertyName ) { switch ( $propertyName ) { case 'options': return $this->options; case 'formats': return $this->formats; default: break; } throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $propertyName ); } /** * Property write access. * * @param string $propertyName Name of the property. * @param mixed $val The value for the property. * * @throws ezcBaseValueException * If a the value for the property options is not an instance of * ezcConsoleOutputOptions. * @throws ezcBaseValueException * If a the value for the property formats is not an instance of * ezcConsoleOutputFormats. * @return void */ public function __set( $propertyName, $val ) { switch ( $propertyName ) { case 'options': if ( !( $val instanceof ezcConsoleOutputOptions ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'ezcConsoleOutputOptions' ); } $this->options = $val; return; case 'formats': if ( !( $val instanceof ezcConsoleOutputFormats ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $key, $val, 'ezcConsoleOutputFormats' ); } $this->formats = $val; return; default: break; } throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $propertyName ); } /** * Property isset access. * * @param string $propertyName Name of the property. * @return bool True is the property is set, otherwise false. */ public function __isset( $propertyName ) { switch ( $propertyName ) { case 'options': case 'formats': return true; default: break; } return false; } /** * Print text to the console. * * Output a string to the console. If $format parameter is omitted, * the default style is chosen. Style can either be a special style * {@link ezcConsoleOutput::$options}, a style name * {@link ezcConsoleOutput$formats} or 'none' to print without any styling. * * @param string $text The text to print. * @param string $format Format chosen for printing. * @param int $verbosityLevel On which verbose level to output this message. * @return void */ public function outputText( $text, $format = 'default', $verbosityLevel = 1 ) { if ( $this->options->verbosityLevel >= $verbosityLevel ) { if ( is_int( $this->options->autobreak ) && $this->options->autobreak > 0 ) { $textLines = explode( "\n", $text ); foreach ( $textLines as $id => $textLine ) { $textLines[$id] = wordwrap( $textLine, $this->options->autobreak, "\n", true ); } $text = implode( "\n", $textLines ); } echo ( $this->options->useFormats == true ) ? $this->formatText( $text, $format ) : $text; } } /** * Print text to the console and automatically append a line break. * * This method acts similar to {@link ezcConsoleOutput::outputText()}, in * fact it even uses it. The difference is, that outputLine() * automatically appends a manual line break to the printed text. Besides * that, you can leave out the $text parameter of outputLine() to only * print a line break. * * @param string $text The text to print. * @param string $format Format chosen for printing. * @param int $verbosityLevel On which verbose level to output this message. * @return void */ public function outputLine( $text = '', $format = 'default', $verbosityLevel = 1 ) { $this->outputText( $text, $format, $verbosityLevel ); $this->outputText( PHP_EOL, null, $verbosityLevel ); } /** * Returns a formated version of the text. * * If $format parameter is omitted, the default style is chosen. The format * must be a valid registered format definition. For information on the * formats, see {@link ezcConsoleOutput::$formats}. * * @param string $text Text to apply style to. * @param string $format Format chosen to be applied. * @return string */ public function formatText( $text, $format = 'default' ) { return $this->buildSequence( $format ) . $text . $this->buildSequence( 'default' ); } /** * Stores the current cursor position. * * Saves the current cursor position to return to it using * {@link ezcConsoleOutput::restorePos()}. Multiple calls * to this method will override each other. Only the last * position is saved. * * @return void */ public function storePos() { echo "\033[s"; $this->positionStored = true; } /** * Restores a cursor position. * * Restores the cursor position last saved using {@link * ezcConsoleOutput::storePos()}. * * @todo Gnome terminal does not recognize this codes. Solution?? * * @throws ezcConsoleNoPositionStoredException * If no position is saved. * @return void */ public function restorePos() { if ( $this->positionStored === false ) { throw new ezcConsoleNoPositionStoredException(); } echo "\033[u"; } /** * Move the cursor to a specific column of the current line. * * Moves the cursor to a specific column index of the current line (default * is 1). * * @param int $column Column to jump to. * @return void */ public function toPos( $column = 1 ) { echo "\033[{$column}G"; } /** * Returns if a format code is valid for ta specific formating option. * * This method determines if a given code is valid for a specific * formatting option ('color', 'bgcolor' or 'style'). * * @see ezcConsoleOutput::getFormatCode(); * * @param string $type Formating type. * @param string $key Format option name. * @return bool True if the code is valid. */ public static function isValidFormatCode( $type, $key ) { return isset( self::${$type}[$key] ); } /** * Returns the escape sequence for a specific format. * * Returns the default format escape sequence, if the requested format does * not exist. * * @param string $format Name of the format. * @return string The escape sequence. */ protected function buildSequence( $format = 'default' ) { if ( $format === 'default' ) { return sprintf( $this->escapeSequence, 0 ); } $modifiers = array(); $formats = array( 'color', 'style', 'bgcolor' ); foreach ( $formats as $formatType ) { // Get modifiers if ( is_array( $this->formats->$format->$formatType ) ) { if ( !in_array( 'default', $this->formats->$format->$formatType ) ) { foreach ( $this->formats->$format->$formatType as $singleVal ) { $modifiers[] = $this->getFormatCode( $formatType, $singleVal ); } } } else { if ( $this->formats->$format->$formatType !== 'default' ) { $modifiers[] = $this->getFormatCode( $formatType, $this->formats->$format->$formatType ); } } } // Merge modifiers return sprintf( $this->escapeSequence, implode( ';', $modifiers ) ); } /** * Returns the code for a given formating option of a given type. * * $type is the type of formating ('color', 'bgcolor' or 'style'), $key the * name of the format to lookup. Returns the numeric code for the requested * format or 0 if format or type do not exist. * * @see ezcConsoleOutput::isValidFormatCode() * * @param string $type Formatting type. * @param string $key Format option name. * @return int The code representation. */ protected function getFormatCode( $type, $key ) { if ( !ezcConsoleOutput::isValidFormatCode( $type, $key ) ) { return 0; } return ezcConsoleOutput::${$type}[$key]; } } ?>