registerOption( new ezcConsoleOption( 'h', 'help' ) ); // Register complex parameter -f/--file $file = new ezcConsoleOption( 'f', 'file', ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING, null, false, 'Process a file.', 'Processes a single file.' ); $paramHandler->registerOption( $file ); // Manipulate parameter -f/--file after registration $file->multiple = true; // Register another complex parameter that depends on -f and excludes -h $dir = new ezcConsoleOption( 'd', 'dir', ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING, null, true, 'Process a directory.', 'Processes a complete directory.', array( new ezcConsoleOptionRule( $paramHandler->getOption( 'f' ) ) ), array( new ezcConsoleOptionRule( $paramHandler->getOption( 'h' ) ) ) ); $paramHandler->registerOption( $dir ); // Register an alias for this parameter $paramHandler->registerAlias( 'e', 'extended-dir', $dir ); // Process registered parameters and handle errors try { $paramHandler->process( array( 'example_input.php', '-h' ) ); } catch ( ezcConsoleInputException $e ) { if ( $e->getCode() === ezcConsoleInputException::PARAMETER_DEPENDENCY_RULE_NOT_MET ) { $consoleOut->outputText( 'Parameter ' . isset( $e->param ) ? $e->param->name : 'unknown' . " may not occur here.\n", 'error' ); } exit( 1 ); } // Process a single parameter $file = $paramHandler->getOption( 'f' ); if ( $file->value === false ) { echo "Parameter -{$file->short}/--{$file->long} was not submitted.\n"; } elseif ( $file->value === true ) { echo "Parameter -{$file->short}/--{$file->long} was submitted without value.\n"; } else { echo "Parameter -{$file->short}/--{$file->long} was submitted with value <".var_export($file->value, true).">.\n"; } // Process all parameters at once: foreach ( $paramHandler->getOptionValues() as $paramShort => $val ) { switch (true) { case $val === false: echo "Parameter $paramShort was not submitted.\n"; break; case $val === true: echo "Parameter $paramShort was submitted without a value.\n"; break; case is_array($val): echo "Parameter $paramShort was submitted multiple times with value: <".implode(', ', $val).">.\n"; break; default: echo "Parameter $paramShort was submitted with value: <$val>.\n"; break; } } ?>