1.0 - Monday 30 January 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed unreported bug: ezcConsoleTableOptions struct caried deprecated options and missed 2 in its constructor. - Fixed unreported bug: Option values not properly checked for eczConsoleTable, ezcConsoleOutput. - Fixed unreported bug: ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions disallowed option read access. - Fixed unreported bug: ezcConsoleTable "colWrap" option not recognized correctly. - Fixed unreported bug: ezcConsoleTable "defaultFormat" and "defaultBorderFormat" not recognized. - Fixed notice in ezcConsoleOptionExclusionViolationException. 1.0rc1 - Monday 16 January 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added redrawFrequency option to ezcConsoleProgressbar to allow less redraws than advance() is called. This allows the progress measuring of huge numbers without redrawing the bar each time advance() is called. - Added setOptions() method to ezcConsoleOutput, ezcConsoleTable, ezcConsoleProgressbar and ezcConsoleStatusbar. - Changed exception behavior. All errors will now throw a different exception class. - Changed default progressbar size to 78 characters (standard console width). - Changed submission of options to ezcConsoleOutput, ezcConsoleTable, ezcConsoleProgressbar and ezcConsoleStatusbar to be an array. - Changed value "step" to be an option in ezcConsoleProgressbar with default value = 1 (was a setting before). - Changed "successChar" and "failureChar" to be options in ezcConsoleStatusbar (were properties before). - Changed getSuccesses() to getSuccessCount() and getFailures() to getFailureCount() in ezcConsoleStatusbar. - Fixed unreported bug regarding rounding problems when calculating different measures. 1.0beta2 - Friday 23 December 2005 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added convenience method ezcConsoleOutput::outputLine(). This one adds a line break after outputting the desired text and works also without any text to print a blank line (similar to Pascals writeln()). - Added option filter parameter to eczConsoleParameter::getHelp(). This allows you to filter which parameters the information will return information about. - Added a new class ezcConsoleOption. This represents a single option. Before this was named parameter and an array was used to structure option properties. Therefore changed / removed the following methods in ezcConsoleParameter (now ezcConsoleInput): * getParamDef() -> Deprecated & removed, since getOption() now returns the complete option object, including settings and value. * getDefaults() -> Deprecated & removed, since getOption() now returns the complete option object including the default. - Added new setting "mandatory" to ezcConsoleOption. This indicates that an option should always have submitted. Normally all options are optional. - Added method getSynopsis(). This generates a synopsis string for the program autonmatically. - Added cell, row and table based format and alignment settings to ezcConsoleTable. This allows you to let rows and cells inherit their format and alignment settings. Rows inherit the format, align and (new) borderFormat value that were set globally, but only if they have no explicit value set. Cells inherit their row's format and alignment settings if they are not explicitly set. - Added property to rows. This allows a more flexible way to specify the format that a border of a row should have, instead of just saying: "this is a headline row". - Added new alignment constant ALIGN_DEFAULT to ezcConsoleTable. This is the default alignment used in ezcConsoleTable objects (cell, row) to indicate, that the alignment setting should be inherited from the parent. - Refactored the whole package to fit into the unified layout and provide a much more convenient API. - Renamed the class ezcConsoleParameter to ezcConsoleInput. Reflects it's purpose much better and avoids conflicts with the acronym "option", which is now used in ezcConsoleOption. Renamed the cooperating types and methods: * ezcConsoleParameter::registerParam() to ezcConsoleInput::registerOption(). * ezcConsoleParameter::unregisterParam() to ezcConsoleInput::unregisterOption(). * ezcConsoleParameter::getParam() to ezcConsoleInput::getOption(). * ezcConsoleParameter::getParams() to ezcConsoleInput::getOptions(). - Changed to the use of structs instead of complex array structures: * ezcConsoleOptionRule (replaces old handling of dependencies and exclusions between options - former parameters). * ezcConsoleOutputFormat (to define format options). * ezcConsoleOutputOptions (stores the options for ezcConsoleOutput). * ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions (stores the options for ezcConsoleProgressbar). * eczConsoleTableOptions (stores the options for ezcConsoleTable). - Changed to the use of "extended structs" where it made sense to avoid complex arrays: * ezcConsoleOutputFormats (iteration and on-the-fly creation of format definitions in ezcConsoleOutput through $out->formats->{formatname}->{formatoption} = ...;) - Changed handling of parameter names in ezcConsoleInput. Short and long parameters are now also handled without their prefixes ("-" for short names and "--" for long names) everywhere. - Changed to use overloading property access - __get(),__set(),__isset(). To unify access to object properties and in different other places, which are explicitly mentioned above (see e.g. ezcConsoleTable) where possible. - Changed handling of default values for ezcConsoleOption. Default values are now set if the parameter is not submitted at all. If an option that expects a value is submitted without, this results in an exception. - Changed "colAlign" option to "defaultAlign". - Changed handling of table structure to classes ezcConsoleTableRow and ezcConsoleTableCell. These allow a convenient way to create and customize console based tables: * $table[0][]; // creates a new cell * $table[2][]->format = 'important'; // creates a new cell and set's it's format to 'important', * $table[2]->align = ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_CENTER; // sets the default align - Removed $cols setting from ezcConsoleTable. The table now knows on its own how many columns it has, when it is rendered. - Renamed ezcConsoleParameter to ezcConsoleInput. - Renamed methods (consistency): * ezcConsoleOutput::styleText() to ezcConsoleOutput::formatText(). * ezcConsoleInput::fromString() to ezcConsoleInput::registerOptionString(). * ezcConsoleInput::getValues() to ezcConsoleInput::getOptionsValues(). - Fixed bug with argument handling and non-value parameters in ezcConsoleInput. It was not possible to sumit the name of a parameter as an argument after the argument seperator "-- ". - Fixed bug with submitting multiple parameters of the same name without value. 1.0beta1 - Friday 25 November 2005 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Initial release of this package.