* $conf = new ezcConfiguration(); * if ( $conf->hasSettings( 'Colors', array( 'Background', 'Foreground' ) ) ) * { * $colorBg = $conf->getSetting( 'Colors', 'Background' ); * $colorFg = $conf->getIntSetting( 'Colors', 'Foreground' ); * } * * * A typical usage for storing the settings of an application: * * // $conf contains an ezcConfiguration object * $conf->setSetting( 'Colors', 'Background', 'blue' ); * $conf->setSetting( 'Fonts', 'PointSize', 12 ); * * $conf->setSettings( 'DB', * array( 'Host', 'User', 'Password' ), * array( 'localhost', 'dr', 'eXaMpLe' ) ); * * * The current groups and their settings can be examined with: * * // $conf contains an ezcConfiguration object * $groups = $conf->getGroupNames(); * foreach ( $groups as $group ) * { * $settings = $conf->getSettingNames( $group ); * foreach ( $settings as $setting ) * { * $value = $conf->getSetting( $group, $setting ); * print "$group:$setting=$value\n"; * } * } * * * Alternatively all settings and their values can be returned in one go: * * // $conf contains an ezcConfiguration object * $settings = $conf->getSettingsInGroup( 'Colors' ); * foreach ( $settings as $setting => $value ) * { * print "$setting=$value\n"; * } * * * Or quering the entire configuration settings with getAllSettings(): * * // $conf contains an ezcConfiguration object * $allSettings = $conf->getAllSettings( 'Colors' ); * foreach ( $allSettings as $group => $settings ) * { * foreach ( $settings as $setting => $value ) * { * print "$group:$setting=$value\n"; * } * } * * * Fetching specific settings is done using getSetting() or if you want to ensure * that it is a specific type use getBoolSetting(), getIntSetting(), getFloatSetting(), * getNumberSetting(), getStringSetting() or getArraySetting(). Fetching multiple values * is possible with getSettings(). * * Removing entries is possible with removeSetting(), removeSettings(), * removeGroup() and removeAllSettings(). * * In addition all entries can queried for existance with hasSetting(), * hasSettings() and hasGroup(). * * Reading and writing is done by the various implemenations of * ezcConfigurationReader and ezcConfigurationWriter respectively. They provide * access to different configuration formats and storage types, for instance * INI files and database storage. * * If the application does not need to have such finegrained control over the * settings the ezcConfigurationManager class might be of interest. * * @package Configuration * @version 1.3beta1 * @mainclass */ class ezcConfiguration { /** * Contains all the setting groups in the configuration. * * The name of the group is the key and the value is the settings array. An * example of such an array is: * *
     * array(
     *     '3D' => array(
     *         'Decimal' => array( 42, 0 ),
     *         'Array' =>  array(
     *             'Decimal' => array( 'a' => 42, 'b' => 0 ),
     *             'Mixed' => array( 'b' => false, 2 => "Derick \"Tiger\" Rethans" ),
     *         ),
     *     ),
     * );
* * In this array there is one setting '3D' which value is an array with two * elements (with the keys 'Decimal' and 'Array'). Each of those elements' * values is another array. For example for the 3D:Decimal setting the * value is an array with the elements 42 and 0. * * @var array(string=>mixed) */ private $settings = array(); /** * Contains all the comments that exist for the configuration. * * The structure of the comments array is the same as the $settings array * but will only contain entries for settings which have comments. For * comments for groups a special syntax is used. An example of such an * array: * *
     * array(
     *     'TheOnlyGroup' => array(
     *         '#' => "Just one group",
     *         'Setting1' => " This setting sucks",
     *         'MultiRow' => " Multi\n row\n comment",
     *     )
     * );
* * For each settings group there is an array with the comments. Each * setting in that group that has a comment has an entry in this array. In * the example above the group 'TheOnlyGroup' has two settings that have a * comment ('Setting1' and 'MultiRow'). The comment for the group itself * can be found in an element with the name '#'. * * @var array(string=>array) */ private $comments = array(); /** * Whether the original data passed to the constructor has been modified. * * This variable is set to true when a method is called that modifies the * settings array. * * @var bool */ private $isModified = false; /** * Constructs the configuration object. * * Initializes the configuration object with the groups and the comments. * The $settings array contains all the setting groups. The $comments array * has the same format. See {@link ezcConfiguration::$settings} and {@link * ezcConfiguration::$comments} for an example of the layout. * * @param array $settings * @param array $comments */ public function __construct( $settings = array(), $comments = array() ) { $this->settings = $settings; $this->comments = $comments; } /** * Returns true if setting $setting exists within the group $group. * * @param string $group * @param string $setting * @return bool */ public function hasSetting( $group, $setting ) { if ( !is_string( $setting ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationSettingnameNotStringException( $setting ); } if ( isset( $this->settings[$group] ) && isset( $this->settings[$group][$setting] ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Checks whether a specific $group and $setting exist. * * @param string $group * @param string $setting * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException if the setting does not * exist. * @return mixed */ private function assertGroupSetting( $group, $setting ) { if ( !$this->hasGroup( $group ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException( $group ); } if ( !$this->hasSetting( $group, $setting ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException( $group, $setting ); } } /** * Returns the value of setting $setting located in group $group. * * @param string $group * @param string $setting * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException if the setting does not * exist. * @return mixed */ public function getSetting( $group, $setting ) { $this->assertGroupSetting( $group, $setting ); return $this->settings[$group][$setting]; } /** * Returns the comment belonging to setting $setting located in group $group. * * This method returns the comment belonging to the setting that is passed. * If there is no comment for this specific setting it returns false. * * @param string $group * @param string $setting * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException if the setting does not * exist. * @return string */ public function getComment( $group, $setting ) { $this->assertGroupSetting( $group, $setting ); if ( isset( $this->comments[$group][$setting] ) ) { return $this->comments[$group][$setting]; } return false; } /** * Returns the value of the setting $setting in group $group. * * Uses the getSetting() method to fetch the value, this method can throw * exceptions. This method also validates whether the value is actually a * boolean value. * * @see setting * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException if the setting does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationSettingWrongTypeException if the setting value * is not a boolean. * @param string $group * @param string $setting * @return bool */ public function getBoolSetting( $group, $setting ) { $value = $this->getSetting( $group, $setting ); $type = gettype( $value ); if ( $type != 'boolean' ) { throw new ezcConfigurationSettingWrongTypeException( $group, $setting, 'boolean', $type ); } return $value; } /** * Returns the value of the setting $setting in group $group. * * Uses the getSetting() method to fetch the value, this method can throw * exceptions. This method also validates whether the value is actually an * integer or float value. * * @see setting * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException if the setting does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationSettingWrongTypeException if the setting value * is not an integer or a float. * @param string $group * @param string $setting * @return mixed */ public function getNumberSetting( $group, $setting ) { $value = $this->getSetting( $group, $setting ); $type = gettype( $value ); if ( $type != 'double' && $type != 'integer' ) { throw new ezcConfigurationSettingWrongTypeException( $group, $setting, 'double or integer', $type ); } return $value; } /** * Returns the value of the setting $setting in group $group. * * Uses the getSetting() method to fetch the value, this method can throw * exceptions. This method also validates whether the value is actually a * string value. * * @see setting * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException if the setting does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationSettingWrongTypeException if the setting value * is not a string. * @param string $group * @param string $setting * @return string */ public function getStringSetting( $group, $setting ) { $value = $this->getSetting( $group, $setting ); $type = gettype( $value ); if ( !is_string( $value ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationSettingWrongTypeException( $group, $setting, 'string', $type ); } return $value; } /** * Returns the value of the setting $setting in group $group. * * Uses the getSetting() method to fetch the value, this method can throw * exceptions. This method also validates whether the value is actually an * array value. * * @see setting * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException if the setting does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationSettingWrongTypeException if the setting value * is not an array. * @param string $group * @param string $setting * @return array */ public function getArraySetting( $group, $setting ) { $value = $this->getSetting( $group, $setting ); $type = gettype( $value ); if ( $type != 'array' ) { throw new ezcConfigurationSettingWrongTypeException( $group, $setting, 'array', $type ); } return $value; } /** * Sets the setting $setting in group $group to $value. * * If the setting does not already exists it will be created. * * @param string $group * @param string $setting * @param mixed $value The value of the setting, can be any PHP type except * a resource or an object. * @param string $comment The comment belonging to the setting * @return void */ public function setSetting( $group, $setting, $value, $comment = null ) { $this->settings[$group][$setting] = $value; if ( $comment !== null ) { $this->comments[$group][$setting] = $comment; } $this->isModified = true; } /** * Removes the setting $setting from the group $group. * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException if the setting does not * exist. * * @param string $group * @param string $setting * @return void */ public function removeSetting( $group, $setting ) { $this->assertGroupSetting( $group, $setting ); unset( $this->settings[$group][$setting] ); $this->isModified = true; } /** * Returns true if all the specified settings $settings exists within $group. * * @param string $group * @param array(string) $settings * @return bool */ public function hasSettings( $group, array $settings ) { if ( !$this->hasGroup( $group ) ) { return false; } foreach ( $settings as $settingName ) { if ( !$this->hasSetting( $group, $settingName ) ) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns the values of the settings $settings in group $group as an array. * * For each of the setting names passed in the $settings array it will * return the setting in the returned array with the name of the setting as * key. * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException if one or more of the * settings do not exist. * @param string $group * @param array $settings * @return array */ public function getSettings( $group, array $settings ) { $return = array(); if ( !$this->hasGroup( $group ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException( $group ); } foreach ( $settings as $settingName ) { if ( !$this->hasSetting( $group, $settingName ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException( $group, $settingName ); } $return[$settingName] = $this->getSetting( $group, $settingName ); } return $return; } /** * Returns the comments belonging to the specified settings $settings as an array. * * This method returns the comments belonging to the settings that are * passed. If there is no comment for each specific setting the returning * array element will have a value of false. * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException if one or more of the * settings do not exist. * @param string $group The name of the group the settings will be located * in. * @param array $settings * @return array */ public function getComments( $group, array $settings ) { $return = array(); if ( !$this->hasGroup( $group ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException( $group ); } foreach ( $settings as $settingName ) { if ( !$this->hasSetting( $group, $settingName ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException( $group, $settingName ); } $value = false; if ( isset( $this->comments[$group][$settingName] ) ) { $value = $this->comments[$group][$settingName]; } $return[$settingName] = $value; } return $return; } /** * Sets the settings $setting in group $group to $values. * * If the settings do not already exists it will be created. * * @param string $group * @param array(string) $settings * @param array(mixed) $values * @param array(string) $comments The comment belonging to the setting * @return void */ public function setSettings( $group, $settings, $values, $comments = null ) { foreach ( $settings as $settingKey => $settingName ) { $this->settings[$group][$settingName] = $values[$settingKey]; if ( $comments !== null && isset( $comments[$settingKey] ) && $comments[$settingKey] != null ) { $this->comments[$group][$settingName] = $comments[$settingKey]; } } $this->isModified = true; } /** * Removes the settings $settings from the group $group. * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException if one or more of the * settings do not exist. * @param string $group * @param array(string) $settings * @return void */ public function removeSettings( $group, array $settings ) { if ( !$this->hasGroup( $group ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException( $group ); } foreach ( $settings as $settingName ) { if ( !$this->hasSetting( $group, $settingName ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException( $group, $settingName ); } unset( $this->settings[$group][$settingName] ); if ( isset( $this->comments[$group][$settingName] ) ) { unset( $this->comments[$group][$settingName] ); } } $this->isModified = true; } /** * Returns the names of all the groups as an array. * * @return array */ public function getGroupNames() { $groups = array(); foreach ( $this->settings as $groupName => $dummy ) { $groups[] = $groupName; } return $groups; } /** * Returns true if the group $group exists. * * @param string $group * @return bool */ public function hasGroup( $group ) { if ( !isset( $this->settings[$group] ) || !is_array( $this->settings[$group] ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns the names of all settings in the group $group. * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @param string $group * @return array(string) */ public function getSettingNames( $group ) { $return = array(); if ( !$this->hasGroup( $group ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException( $group ); } foreach ( $this->settings[$group] as $settingName => $dummy ) { $return[] = $settingName; } return $return; } /** * Returns all settings in the group $group. * * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @param string $group * @return array(string=>mixed) */ public function getSettingsInGroup( $group ) { if ( !$this->hasGroup( $group ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException( $group ); } return $this->settings[$group]; } /** * Adds a the group $group with the comment $comment the settings. * * @throws ezcConfigurationGroupExistsAlreadyException if the group that * you are trying to add already exists. * @param string $group * @param string $comment * @return void */ public function addGroup( $group, $comment = null ) { if ( $this->hasGroup( $group ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationGroupExistsAlreadyException( $group ); } $this->settings[$group] = array(); if ( $comment !== null ) { $this->comments[$group]['#'] = $comment; } $this->isModified = true; } /** * Removes the group $group from the settings. * * @param string $group * @throws ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException if the group does not * exist. * @return void */ public function removeGroup( $group ) { if ( !$this->hasGroup( $group ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException( $group ); } unset( $this->settings[$group] ); if ( isset( $this->comments[$group] ) ) { unset( $this->comments[$group] ); } $this->isModified = true; } /** * Returns all the groups and their settings and values. * * The returned array looks like: * * array( 'group1' => array( 'setting1' => 'value1', * 'setting2' => 'value2' ), * 'group2' => array( 'setting3' => 'value3' ) ); * * * @return array(array) */ public function getAllSettings() { return $this->settings; } /** * Returns all the groups and their settings comments as an array. * * The returned array looks like: * * array( 'group1' => array( '#' => 'groupcomment', * 'setting1' => 'comment1', * 'setting2' => 'comment2' ), * 'group2' => array( 'setting3' => 'comment3' ) ); * * * @return array(array) */ public function getAllComments() { return $this->comments; } /** * Removes all groups, settings, values and comments. * * @return void */ public function removeAllSettings() { $this->settings = array(); $this->comments = array(); $this->isModified = true; } /** * Returns true if the configuration has been modified since it was initialized * with the constructor. * * @return bool */ public function isModified() { return $this->isModified; } } ?>