parseLocationPath( $path, $this->getSuffix() ); } $this->config = $config; $this->permissions = $permissions; } /** * Sets the configuration object that will be used for the next call to save(). * * Pass false if you wish to remove the current configuration object. * * @param ezcConfiguration * @return void */ public function setConfig( ezcConfiguration $config ) { $this->config = $config; } /** * Return the current location string. * * @return string */ public function getLocation() { return $this->location; } /** * Return the current name for the configuration to be written. * * @return int */ public function getName() { return $this->name; } /** * Returns the current options for the writer. * * @return array */ public function getOptions() { return array( 'useComments' => $this->useComments, 'permissions' => $this->permissions ); } /** * Initializes the writer with a $location and a $name. * * These values determine where the configuration will be * serialized. * * The location string can be used to determine the directory * location for an INI file. * * The name parameter can be the basename for the INI file, so * a value of 'site' would create a file with name 'site.ini'. * * @param ezcConfiguration $config The current configuration object which * should be serialized by the current * writer. * @param string $location The main placement for the configuration. It is * up to the specific writer to interpret this * value. * @param string $name The name for the configuration. It is up to the * specific writer to interpret this value. For a file writer * it could be the basename for the INI file, so a value of * 'site' would create a file with name 'site.ini'. * @param array $options An associative array of options for the writer. * Which options to use is determined by the specific * writer class. * @return void */ public function init( $location, $name, ezcConfiguration $config, $options = array() ) { $this->path = $location . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . $this->getSuffix(); $this->location = $location; $this->name = $name; $this->setConfig( $config ); $this->setOptions( $options ); } /** * Parses a the path $path and sets the location and name * properties on this object. * * The file is checked if it contains the correct $suffix. * * @see ezcConfigurationFileReader::parseLocationPath() which is the same * code. It is duplicated to prevent complex OO hacks. * * @throws ezcConfigurationException if the configuration file has the wrong suffix. * @param string $path * @param string $suffix * @return void */ protected function parseLocationPath( $path, $suffix ) { $this->path = $path; $this->location = dirname( $path ); $base = basename( $path ); if ( $suffix[0] != '.' ) { $suffix = ".$suffix"; } if ( !preg_match( '@'. preg_quote( $suffix ) . '$@', $path ) ) { throw new ezcConfigurationException( "The path <$path> has an invalid suffix (should be <$suffix>)", ezcConfigurationException::LOCATION_INVALID ); } $this->name = basename( $base, $suffix ); } /** * Saves the current config object. * * Saves the current configuration object to a place which can later be * retrieved with a ezcConfigurationReader. * * @throws ezcConfigurationException::NO_CONFIG_OBJECT if there is not config * object set to write. * @throws ezcConfigurationException::LOCATION_INVALID if the current location * values cannot be used for storage. * @throws ezcConfigurationException::WRITE_FAILURE if the configuration could not * be stored in the given location. * @return void */ public function save() { if ( !$this->config ) { throw new ezcConfigurationException( 'There is no config object to safe', ezcConfigurationException::NO_CONFIG_OBJECT ); } // Open the file $fp = $this->openFile(); // Retrieve settings and comments from configuration object, and write // them to the file if ( $this->useComments ) { $this->writeSettings( $fp, $this->config->getAllSettings(), $this->config->getAllComments() ); } else { $this->writeSettings( $fp, $this->config->getAllSettings() ); } $this->closeFile( $fp ); } /** * Opens a file for writing. * * This method opens a file for writing and checks whether it was * succesfully opened. * * @throws ezcConfigurationException if it was not possible to write to the file. * @return resource The opened file's filehandler. */ protected function openFile() { $fp = fopen( $this->path, 'wt' ); if ( !$fp ) { throw new ezcConfigurationException( "The file could not be stored in <{$this->path}>", ezcConfigurationException::WRITE_FAILURE ); } return $fp; } /** * Closes a file pointed to by $fp and sets file permissions. * * This method closes a file with the file pointer that was passed. After * closing the file the permissions are set as configured with the * "permissions" option. * * @param resource $fp * @return void */ protected function closeFile( $fp ) { fclose( $fp ); $oldUmask = umask( 0 ); chmod( $this->path, $this->permissions ); umask( $oldUmask ); } /** * Sets the options $configurationData. * * The options are specified in a associative array in the form 'optionName' => value. * * @throws ezcBaseConfigException if you try to set a non existent setting or if * you specify a value out of range for that setting. * @param array(string=>mixed) $configurationData * @return void */ public function setOptions( $configurationData ) { foreach ( $configurationData as $name => $value ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'useComments': if ( gettype( $value ) != 'boolean' ) { throw new ezcBaseConfigException( $name, ezcBaseConfigException::VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE, $value ); } $this->useComments = $value; break; case 'permissions': if ( gettype( $value ) != 'integer' ) { throw new ezcBaseConfigException( $name, ezcBaseConfigException::VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE, $value ); } if ( $value < 0 || $value > 0777 ) { throw new ezcBaseConfigException( $name, ezcBaseConfigException::VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE, $value ); } $this->permissions = $value; break; default: throw new ezcBaseConfigException( $name, ezcBaseConfigException::UNKNOWN_CONFIG_SETTING ); } } } } ?>