tempDir = $this->createTempDir( 'ezcConfigurationIniWriterTest' ); } public function tearDown() { $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testConfigSettingUseComments() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter(); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'useComments' => true ) ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'useComments' => false ) ); } public function testConfigSettingUseCommentsWrongType() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter(); try { $backend->setOptions( array ( 'useComments' => 'tests/translations' ) ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBaseSettingValueException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The value that you were trying to assign to setting is invalid. Allowed values are: bool", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testConfigSettingPermissions() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter(); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'permissions' => 0660 ) ); } public function testConfigSettingPermissionsWrongType() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter(); try { $backend->setOptions( array ( 'permissions' => 'tests/translations' ) ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBaseSettingValueException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The value that you were trying to assign to setting is invalid. Allowed values are: int, 0 - 0777", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testConfigSettingPermissionsOutOfRange1() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter(); try { $backend->setOptions( array ( 'permissions' => -1 ) ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBaseSettingValueException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The value <-1> that you were trying to assign to setting is invalid. Allowed values are: int, 0 - 0777", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testConfigSettingPermissionsOutOfRange2() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter(); try { $backend->setOptions( array ( 'permissions' => 01000 ) ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBaseSettingValueException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The value <512> that you were trying to assign to setting is invalid. Allowed values are: int, 0 - 0777", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testGetOptions() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter(); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'useComments' => true, 'permissions' => 0600 ) ); $this->assertEquals( array ( 'useComments' => true, 'permissions' => 0600 ), $backend->getOptions() ); } public function testConfigSettingBroken() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter(); try { $backend->setOptions( array ( 'lOcAtIOn' => 'tests/translations' ) ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBaseSettingNotFoundException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The setting is not a valid configuration setting.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testInitCtor1() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( 'files/write_basic.ini', new ezcConfiguration() ); $this->assertEquals( 'files', $backend->getLocation() ); $this->assertEquals( 'write_basic', $backend->getName() ); $this->assertProtectedPropertySame( $backend, 'permissions', 0666 ); } public function testInitCtor2() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( 'files.foo/write_basic.ini', new ezcConfiguration(), 0660 ); $this->assertEquals( 'files.foo', $backend->getLocation() ); $this->assertEquals( 'write_basic', $backend->getName() ); $this->assertProtectedPropertySame( $backend, 'permissions', 0660 ); } public function testInitCtor3() { try { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( 'files.foo/basic.f', new ezcConfiguration() ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcConfigurationInvalidSuffixException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( "The path has an invalid suffix (should be <.ini>).", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testInitMethod1() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter(); $backend->init( 'files', 'write_basic', new ezcConfiguration() ); $this->assertEquals( 'files', $backend->getLocation() ); $this->assertEquals( 'write_basic', $backend->getName() ); } public function testNoConfigObjectToSafe() { try { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter(); $backend->save(); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcConfigurationNoConfigObjectException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'There is no config object to save.', $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testEmptyFile() { $test = new ezcConfiguration(); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( $this->tempDir . '/empty.ini', $test ); $backend->save(); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $this->tempDir . '/empty.ini' ); $return = $backend->load(); $this->assertEquals( $test, $return ); } public function testBrokenLocation() { $test = new ezcConfiguration(); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( 'does-definitely-not-exist/empty.ini', $test ); try { @$backend->save(); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcConfigurationWriteFailedException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( "The file could not be stored in .", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testOneGroup() { $settings = array( 'TheOnlyGroup' => array( 'Setting1' => true, 'SettingNoComment' => 42, 'MultiRow' => false, ) ); $comments = array( 'TheOnlyGroup' => array( '#' => "Just one group", 'Setting1' => " This setting sucks", 'MultiRow' => " Multi\n row\n comment", ) ); $test = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments ); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( $this->tempDir . '/one-group.ini', $test ); $backend->save(); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $this->tempDir . '/one-group.ini' ); $return = $backend->load(); $this->assertEquals( $test, $return ); } public function testOneGroupWithSetConfig() { $settings = array( 'TheOnlyGroup' => array( 'Setting1' => true, 'SettingNoComment' => 42, 'MultiRow' => false, ) ); $comments = array( 'TheOnlyGroup' => array( '#' => "Just one group", 'Setting1' => " This setting sucks", 'MultiRow' => " Multi\n row\n comment", ) ); $test = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments ); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( $this->tempDir . '/one-group.ini', new ezcConfiguration() ); $backend->setConfig( $test ); $backend->save(); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $this->tempDir . '/one-group.ini' ); $return = $backend->load(); $this->assertEquals( $test, $return ); } public function testOneGroupNoComments() { $settings = array( 'TheOnlyGroup' => array( 'Setting1' => true, 'SettingNoComment' => 42, 'MultiRow' => false, ) ); $comments = array( 'TheOnlyGroup' => array( '#' => "Just one group", 'Setting1' => " This setting sucks", 'MultiRow' => " Multi\n row\n comment", ) ); $test = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments ); $expected = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, array() ); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( $this->tempDir . '/one-group-no-comments.ini', $test ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'useComments' => false ) ); $backend->save(); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $this->tempDir . '/one-group-no-comments.ini' ); $return = $backend->load(); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $return ); } public function testTwoGroups() { $settings = array( 'NotTheOnlyGroup' => array( 'Setting1' => true, ), 'TheSecond' => array( 'Setting1' => false, ), ); $comments = array( 'NotTheOnlyGroup' => array( '#' => " Not just one group", ), 'TheSecond' => array( '#' => " The second group", ), ); $test = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments ); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( $this->tempDir . '/two-groups.ini', $test ); $backend->save(); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $this->tempDir . '/two-groups.ini' ); $return = $backend->load(); $this->assertEquals( $test, $return ); } public function testFormats() { $settings = array( 'FormatTest' => array( 'Decimal1' => 42, 'Decimal2' => 0, 'MaxSize' => 400, 'MinSize' => 0, 'Hex1' => 11189196, 'Hex2' => 11189196, 'Hex3' => 11189196, 'Hex4' => 11189196, 'TextColor' => 66302, 'Octal1' => 1, 'Octal2' => 458, 'Permission' => 438, 'Float1' => 0.2, 'Float2' => .8123, 'Float3' => 42., 'Float4' => 314e-2, 'Float5' => 3.141592654e1, 'Price' => 10.4, 'Seed' => 10e5, 'String1' => 'Blah blah blah', 'String2' => 'Derick "Tiger" Rethans', 'String3' => 'Foo \\ Bar', 'String4' => 'Foo \\', ) ); $comments = array( ); $test = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments ); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( $this->tempDir . '/formats.ini', $test ); $backend->save(); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $this->tempDir . '/formats.ini' ); $return = $backend->load(); $this->assertEquals( $test, $return ); } public function test2D() { $settings = array( '2D-numbered' => array( 'Decimal' => array( 42, 0 ), 'Mixed' => array( 42, 0.812, false, "Derick \"Tiger\" Rethans" ), ), '2D-associative' => array( 'Decimal' => array( 'a' => 42, 'b' => 0 ), 'Mixed' => array( 'a' => 42, 1 => 0.812, 'b' => false, 2 => "Derick \"Tiger\" Rethans" ), ), ); $comments = array( ); $test = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments ); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( $this->tempDir . '/multi-dim.ini', $test ); $backend->save(); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $this->tempDir . '/multi-dim.ini' ); $return = $backend->load(); $this->assertEquals( $test, $return ); } public function test3D() { $settings = array( '3D' => array( 'Decimal' => array( 42, 0 ), 'Array' => array( 'Decimal' => array( 'a' => 42, 'b' => 0 ), 'Mixed' => array( 'b' => false, 2 => "Derick \"Tiger\" Rethans" ), ), ), ); $comments = array( '3D' => array( 'Decimal' => array( " One with a comment", " Second one with a comment" ), 'Array' => array( 'Mixed' => array( 2 => " One with a comment" ), ), ), ); $test = new ezcConfiguration( $settings, $comments ); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( $this->tempDir . '/multi-dim2.ini', $test ); $backend->save(); $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniReader( $this->tempDir . '/multi-dim2.ini' ); $return = $backend->load(); $this->assertEquals( $test, $return ); } public function testFilePermissionsDefault() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( $this->tempDir . '/empty.ini', new ezcConfiguration() ); $oldUmask = umask( 0 ); $backend->save(); umask( $oldUmask ); $stat = stat( $this->tempDir . '/empty.ini' ); $this->assertEquals( POSIX_S_IFREG | 0666, $stat['mode'] ); } public function testFilePermissions1() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( $this->tempDir . '/empty.ini', new ezcConfiguration() ); $oldUmask = umask( 0 ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'permissions' => 0660 ) ); $backend->save(); umask( $oldUmask ); $stat = stat( $this->tempDir . '/empty.ini' ); $this->assertEquals( POSIX_S_IFREG | 0660, $stat['mode'] ); } public function testFilePermissions2() { $backend = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( $this->tempDir . '/empty.ini', new ezcConfiguration() ); $oldUmask = umask( 0 ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'permissions' => 0640 ) ); $backend->save(); umask( $oldUmask ); $stat = stat( $this->tempDir . '/empty.ini' ); $this->assertEquals( POSIX_S_IFREG | 0640, $stat['mode'] ); } /* public function testWriteFailure() { } */ public static function suite() { return new ezcTestSuite( 'ezcConfigurationIniWriterTest' ); } } ?>