mixed) */ protected $testData = array( 0 => array( 'a' ), 1 => array( 1, 2, 3 ), 2 => array( 'a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3 ), 3 => array( 1, 2, 3, array( 'a', 'b', 'c' ), 4, 5 ), 4 => array( array( array( 1 ), array( 2, 3 ) ), 1, 2, 3, array( 'a', 'b', 'c' ), ), 5 => "Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\\\\", 6 => 'La la la 02064 lololo', 7 => true, // 8 => false, // 6 tests fail with this 9 => 12345, 10 => 12.3746, ); protected function setUp() { if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'apc' ) ) { $this->markTestSkipped( "PHP must have APC support." ); } // Class name == - "Test" $storageClass = ( $this->storageClass = substr( get_class( $this ), 0, strlen( get_class( $this ) ) - 4 ) ); $this->storage = new $storageClass( $this->createTempDir( 'ezcCacheTest' ), array( 'ttl' => 10 ) ); } // Override test from parent class public function testConstructorErrorLocationNotWriteable() { return true; } // Override test from parent class public function testStoreRestoreOutdatedWithoutAttributes() { $options = array( 'ttl' => 10 ); $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayWrapper( $this->getTempDir(), $options ); foreach ( $this->data as $id => $dataArr ) { $storage->store( $id, $dataArr ); // Hack the cache to be outdated by 100 seconds $data = $storage->restore( $id ); $registry = $storage->getRegistry(); foreach ( $registry as $location => $dataObj ) { if ( isset( $dataObj->data ) && $dataArr === $dataObj->data && strpos( $location, $this->getTempDir() ) !== false ) { break; } } $registry[$location]->mtime = time() - 100; $storage->setRegistry( $registry ); $data = $storage->restore( $id ); $this->assertTrue( $data === false, "Restore data broken for ID <{$id}>." ); } $this->removeTempDir(); } // Override test from parent class public function testStoreRestoreOutdatedWithAttributes() { $options = array( 'ttl' => 10 ); $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayWrapper( $this->getTempDir(), $options ); foreach ( $this->data as $id => $dataArr ) { $attributes = array( 'name' => 'test', 'title' => 'Test item', 'date' => time() . $id, ); $storage->store( $id, $dataArr, $attributes ); // Hack the cache to be outdated by 100 seconds $data = $storage->restore( $id, $attributes ); $registry = $storage->getRegistry(); foreach ( $registry as $location => $dataObj ) { if ( isset( $dataObj->data ) && $dataArr === $dataObj->data && strpos( $location, $this->getTempDir() ) !== false ) { break; } } $registry[$location]->mtime = time() - 100; $storage->setRegistry( $registry ); // Wait for cache to be outdated. $data = $storage->restore( $id, $attributes ); $this->assertTrue( $data === false, "Restore data broken for ID <{$id}>." ); } $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testMockApcBackend() { $apcBackend = $this->getMock( 'ezcCacheApcBackend', array( 'store' ), array() ); $apcBackend->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'store' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( false ) ); $options = array( 'ttl' => 10 ); $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayWrapper( $this->getTempDir(), $options ); $storage->setBackend( $apcBackend ); $id = 'id'; try { $storage->store( $id, 'data' ); $this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown." ); } catch ( ezcCacheApcException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( "APC store failed.", $e->getMessage() ); } $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testStoreResource() { $resource = fopen( dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wrappers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'apc_wrapper.php', 'r' ); try { $this->storage->store( "key", $resource ); fclose( $resource ); $this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown." ); } catch ( ezcCacheInvalidDataException $e ) { fclose( $resource ); $this->assertEquals( "The given data was of type 'resource', which can not be stored. Expecting: 'simple, array'.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testWrapperFetchDataUseApc() { $options = array( 'ttl' => 10 ); $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayWrapper( $this->getTempDir(), $options ); $data = 'data'; $key = 'key'; $storage->store( $key, $data ); $storage->restore( $key ); $registry = $storage->getRegistry(); list( $identifier, $dataArr ) = each( $registry ); $dataFetched = $storage->fetchData( $identifier, true ); $this->assertEquals( $data, $dataFetched ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testWrapperPrepareDataUseApcResourceFail() { $resource = fopen( dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wrappers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'apc_wrapper.php', 'r' ); $options = array( 'ttl' => 10 ); $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayWrapper( $this->getTempDir(), $options ); try { $storage->prepareData( $resource, true ); fclose( $resource ); $this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown." ); } catch ( ezcCacheInvalidDataException $e ) { fclose( $resource ); $this->assertEquals( "The given data was of type 'resource', which can not be stored. Expecting: 'simple, array, object'.", $e->getMessage() ); } $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testWrapperCalcLifetimeNoApc() { $options = array( 'ttl' => 10 ); $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayWrapper( $this->getTempDir(), $options ); $data = 'data'; $key = 'key'; $filename = $this->getTempDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $storage->generateIdentifier( $key, array() ); file_put_contents( $filename, $data ); $lifetime = $storage->calcLifetime( $filename, false ); // 8 for the case that the second switched just during this request $this->assertGreaterThan( 8, $lifetime ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testCacheManagerLocationEmpty() { $options = array( 'ttl' => 10 ); ezcCacheManager::createCache( 'memory', null, 'ezcCacheStorageFileApcArray', $options ); try { $storage = ezcCacheManager::getCache( 'memory' ); $this->fail( "Expected exception was not thrown" ); } catch ( ezcBaseFilePermissionException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( "The file '/' can not be opened for writing. (Cache location is not a directory.)", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testStorageFileApcArrayOptions() { $opt = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayOptions(); $this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->ttl ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->extension ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->permissions ) ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $opt->foo ) ); $this->assertEquals( $opt->ttl, 86400 ); $this->assertEquals( $opt->extension, ".cache" ); $this->assertEquals( $opt->permissions, 0644 ); $this->assertSetProperty( $opt, 'ttl', array( 0, 23, false ) ); $this->assertSetProperty( $opt, 'permissions', array( 0777 ) ); $this->assertSetProperty( $opt, 'extension', array( '.foo' ) ); $this->assertSetPropertyFails( $opt, 'ttl', array( true, 23.42, 'foo', array(), new stdClass() ) ); $this->assertSetPropertyFails( $opt, 'permissions', array( true, 23.42, 'foo', array(), new stdClass() ) ); $this->assertSetPropertyFails( $opt, 'extension', array( true, false, 23.42, array(), new stdClass() ) ); } public function testStorageApcOptions() { $opt = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArrayOptions(); $this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->ttl ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->extension ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $opt->permissions ) ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $opt->foo ) ); $this->assertEquals( $opt->ttl, 86400 ); $this->assertEquals( $opt->extension, ".cache" ); $this->assertEquals( $opt->permissions, 0644 ); $this->assertSetProperty( $opt, 'ttl', array( 0, 23, false ) ); $this->assertSetProperty( $opt, 'permissions', array( 0, 0777 ) ); $this->assertSetProperty( $opt, 'extension', array( '.foo' ) ); $this->assertSetPropertyFails( $opt, 'ttl', array( true, 23.42, 'foo', array(), new stdClass() ) ); $this->assertSetPropertyFails( $opt, 'permissions', array( true, 23.42, 'foo', array(), new stdClass() ) ); $this->assertSetPropertyFails( $opt, 'extension', array( true, false, 23.42, array(), new stdClass() ) ); } public function testResetSuccess() { $options = array( 'ttl' => 10 ); $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArray( $this->getTempDir( __CLASS__ ), $options ); $storage->reset(); $data = array( 'ID', 'Some/Dir/ID', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/1', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/2', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/3', ); foreach ( $data as $id ) { $storage->store( $id, $id ); } $this->assertEquals( 5, $storage->countDataItems() ); $storage->reset(); $this->assertEquals( 0, $storage->countDataItems() ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testDeleteReturnIds() { $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArray( $this->getTempDir( __CLASS__ ), array( 'ttl' => 100 ) ); $storage->reset(); $data = array( 'ID', 'Some/Dir/ID', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/1', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/2', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/3', ); $attributes = array( 'lang' => 'en', ); foreach ( $data as $id ) { $storage->store( $id, $id, $attributes ); } $deleted = $storage->delete( 'Some/other/Dir/ID/3', $attributes, true ); $this->assertEquals( array( 'Some/other/Dir/ID/3' ), $deleted, 'Deleted IDs not returned correctly.' ); $deleted = $storage->delete( null, $attributes, true ); $this->assertEquals( array( 'ID', 'Some/Dir/ID', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/1', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/2', ), $deleted, 'Deleted IDs not returned correctly.' ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testPurgeNoLimit() { $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArray( $this->getTempDir( __FILE__ ), array( 'ttl' => 1 ) ); $storage->reset(); $data = array( 'ID', 'Some/Dir/ID', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/1', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/2', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/3', ); foreach ( $data as $id ) { $storage->store( $id, $id ); } // Outdate usleep( 1000002 ); $purgedIds = $storage->purge(); $this->assertEquals( $data, $purgedIds, 'Purged IDs not returned correctly.' ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testPurgeLimit() { $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArray( $this->getTempDir( __CLASS__ ), array( 'ttl' => 1 ) ); $storage->reset(); $data = array( 'ID', 'Some/Dir/ID', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/1', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/2', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/3', ); foreach ( $data as $id ) { $storage->store( $id, $id ); } // Outdate usleep( 1000002 ); $purgedIds = $storage->purge( 3 ); $this->assertEquals( array( 'ID', 'Some/Dir/ID', 'Some/other/Dir/ID/1', ), $purgedIds, 'Purged IDs not returned correctly.' ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testLockSimple() { $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArray( $this->getTempDir( __CLASS__ ), array( 'ttl' => 1 ) ); $storage->reset(); $lockKey = urlencode( $storage->getLocation() ) . '_' . $storage->options->lockKey; $this->assertFalse( apc_fetch( $lockKey ), 'Lock key exists.' ); $this->assertFalse( $this->readAttribute( $storage, 'lock' ), 'Lock stat not correctly initialized' ); $storage->lock(); $this->assertNotEquals( false, apc_fetch( $lockKey ), 'Lock key not created correctly.' ); $this->assertTrue( $this->readAttribute( $storage, 'lock' ), 'Lock stat not correctly switched.' ); $storage->unlock(); $this->assertFalse( apc_fetch( $lockKey ), 'Lock key exists.' ); $this->assertFalse( $this->readAttribute( $storage, 'lock' ), 'Lock stat not correctly initialized' ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testLockTimeout() { // Init 2 storages on same Memcache $opts = array( 'ttl' => 1, 'maxLockTime' => 1 ); $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArray( $this->getTempDir( '1' . __CLASS__ ), $opts ); $storage->reset(); $secondStorage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArray( $this->getTempDir( '2' . __CLASS__ ), $opts ); $secondStorage->reset(); $lockKey = urlencode( $storage->getLocation() ) . '_' . $storage->options->lockKey; // Assert initial state $this->assertFalse( apc_fetch( $lockKey ), 'Lock key exists.' ); $this->assertFalse( $this->readAttribute( $storage, 'lock' ), 'Lock state not correctly initialized' ); $this->assertFalse( $this->readAttribute( $secondStorage, 'lock' ), 'Lock state not correctly initialized in second storage' ); $lockTime = time(); // Perform lock $storage->lock(); // Assert locked state $this->assertNotEquals( false, ( $oldLock = apc_fetch( $lockKey ) ), 'Lock key not created correctly.' ); $this->assertTrue( $this->readAttribute( $storage, 'lock' ), 'Lock stat not correctly switched.' ); $this->assertFalse( $this->readAttribute( $secondStorage, 'lock' ), 'Lock state not correctly initialized in second storage' ); // Should kill lock file after 1 sec $secondStorage->lock(); // Assert that kill did not occur earlier $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual( 1, ( time() - $lockTime ), 'Lock did not last for 1 sec.' ); // Assert that lock key exists again $this->assertNotEquals( false, apc_fetch( $lockKey ), 'Lock key not created correctly.' ); // Assert that the new lock is not the same as the old one $this->assertGreaterThan( $oldLock, apc_fetch( $lockKey ), 'Lock key not created correctly.' ); // First storage does not note that its lock disappeared $this->assertTrue( $this->readAttribute( $storage, 'lock' ), 'Lock state switched unexpectedly.' ); // Second storage now has the lock $this->assertTrue( $this->readAttribute( $secondStorage, 'lock' ), 'Lock state not correctly initialized in second storage' ); $secondStorage->unlock(); $this->assertFalse( apc_fetch( $lockKey ), 'Lock key not created correctly.' ); // First storage does not note that its lock disappeared and was not unlocked $this->assertTrue( $this->readAttribute( $storage, 'lock' ), 'Lock state switched unexpectedly.' ); // Second storage released the lock $this->assertFalse( $this->readAttribute( $secondStorage, 'lock' ), 'Lock state not correctly initialized in second storage' ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testMetaDataSuccess() { $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArray( $this->getTempDir( __CLASS__ ), array( 'ttl' => 1 ) ); $storage->reset(); $metaDataKey = urlencode( $storage->getLocation() ) . '_' . $storage->options->metaDataKey; $meta = new ezcCacheStackLruMetaData(); $meta->setState( array( 'replacementData' => array( 'id_1' => 23, 'id_2' => 42, ), 'storageData' => array( 'storage_id_1' => array( 'id_1' => true, 'id_2' => true, ), 'storage_id_2' => array( 'id_2' => true, ), ), ) ); $this->assertFalse( apc_fetch( $metaDataKey ), 'Meta data key existed before the storage was created.' ); $storage->storeMetaData( $meta ); $this->assertEquals( $meta, apc_fetch( $metaDataKey )->var, 'Meta data file existed before the storage was created.' ); $restoredMeta = $storage->restoreMetaData(); $this->assertEquals( $meta, $restoredMeta, 'Meta data not restored correctly.' ); $this->assertEquals( $meta, apc_fetch( $metaDataKey )->var, 'Meta data file existed before the storage was created.' ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testMetaDataFailure() { $storage = new ezcCacheStorageFileApcArray( $this->getTempDir( __CLASS__ ), array( 'ttl' => 1 ) ); $storage->reset(); $metaDataKey = urlencode( $storage->getLocation() ) . '_' . $storage->options->metaDataKey; $this->assertFalse( apc_fetch( $metaDataKey ), 'Meta data file existed before the storage was created.' ); $restoredMeta = $storage->restoreMetaData(); $this->assertNull( $restoredMeta, 'Meta data not restored correctly.' ); $this->assertFalse( apc_fetch( $metaDataKey ), 'Meta data file existed before the storage was created.' ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( __CLASS__ ); } } ?>