markTestSkipped( 'Unix tests' ); } } public function testSupportsLink() { $this->assertEquals( true, ezcBaseFeatures::supportsLink() ); } public function testSupportsSymLink() { $this->assertEquals( true, ezcBaseFeatures::supportsSymLink() ); } public function testSupportsUserId() { $this->assertEquals( true, ezcBaseFeatures::supportsUserId() ); } /* // Need to find a way to make this test work, as setting global enviroment variables // is not working (putenv( "PATH=" ) doesn't unset $_ENV["PATH"]) // One solution would be to use in the ezcBaseFeatures::getPath(): // getenv( 'PATH' ) instead of $_ENV['PATH'] (but that won't work under IIS). public function testHasImageIdentifyNoPath() { $envPath = getenv( 'PATH' ); putenv( "PATH=" ); $this->assertEquals( false, ezcBaseFeatures::hasImageIdentify() ); putenv( "PATH={$envPath}" ); } */ public function testHasImageConvert() { $this->assertEquals( true, ezcBaseFeatures::hasImageConvert() ); } public function testGetImageConvertExecutable() { $this->assertEquals( '/usr/bin/convert', ezcBaseFeatures::getImageConvertExecutable() ); } public function testGetImageIdentifyExecutable() { $this->assertEquals( '/usr/bin/identify', ezcBaseFeatures::getImageIdentifyExecutable() ); } public function testHasImageIdentify() { $this->assertEquals( true, ezcBaseFeatures::hasImageIdentify() ); } public function testHasExtensionSupport1() { $this->assertEquals( true, ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'standard' ) ); } public function testHasExtensionSupportNotFound1() { $this->assertEquals( false, ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'non_existent_extension' ) ); try { throw new ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException( 'non_existent_extension', null, 'This is just a test.' ); } catch ( ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( "The extension 'non_existent_extension' could not be found. This is just a test.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testHasExtensionSupportNotFound2() { $this->assertEquals( false, ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'non_existent_extension' ) ); try { throw new ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException( 'non_existent_extension', '1.2', 'This is just a test.' ); } catch ( ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( "The extension 'non_existent_extension' with version '1.2' could not be found. This is just a test.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testHasFunction1() { $this->assertEquals( true, ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction( 'function_exists' ) ); } public function testHasFunction2() { $this->assertEquals( false, ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction( 'non_existent_function_in_php' ) ); } public function testHasExtensionSupport2() { $this->assertEquals( true, ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'date', '5.1.0' ) ); } public function testClassExists() { $this->assertEquals( true, ezcBaseFeatures::classExists( 'Exception', false ) ); } public function testClassExistsAutoload() { $this->assertEquals( true, ezcBaseFeatures::classExists( 'ezcBaseFeatures' ) ); } public function testClassExistsNotFound() { $this->assertEquals( false, ezcBaseFeatures::classExists( 'ezcBaseNonExistingClass', false ) ); } public function testClassExistsNotFoundAutoload() { $this->assertEquals( false, ezcBaseFeatures::classExists( 'ezcBaseNonExistingClass' ) ); } public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite(__CLASS__); } } ?>