array) Stores info with additional paths where * autoload files and classes for autoloading * could be found. Each item of $repositoryDirs * looks like array( autoloadFileDir, baseDir ). */ protected static $repositoryDirs = array(); /** * @var array This variable stores all the elements from the autoload * arrays. When a new autoload file is loaded, their files * are added to this array. */ protected static $autoloadArray = array(); /** * @var array This variable stores all the elements from the autoload * arrays for external repositories. When a new autoload file * is loaded, their files are added to this array. */ protected static $externalAutoloadArray = array(); /** * Tries to autoload the given className. If the className could be found * this method returns true, otherwise false. * * This class caches the requested class names (including the ones who * failed to load). * * * @param string $className The name of the class that should be loaded. * * @return bool */ public static function autoload( $className ) { ezcBase::setPackageDir(); // Check whether the classname is already in the cached autoloadArray. if ( array_key_exists( $className, ezcBase::$autoloadArray ) ) { // Is it registered as 'unloadable'? if ( ezcBase::$autoloadArray[$className] == false ) { return false; } ezcBase::loadFile( ezcBase::$autoloadArray[$className] ); return true; } // Check whether the classname is already in the cached autoloadArray // for external repositories.. if ( array_key_exists( $className, ezcBase::$externalAutoloadArray ) ) { // Is it registered as 'unloadable'? if ( ezcBase::$externalAutoloadArray[$className] == false ) { return false; } ezcBase::loadExternalFile( ezcBase::$externalAutoloadArray[$className] ); return true; } // Not cached, so load the autoload from the package. // Matches the first and optionally the second 'word' from the classname. if ( preg_match( "/^[a-z]*([A-Z][a-z]*)([A-Z][a-z]*)?/", $className, $matches ) !== false ) { $autoloadFile = ""; // Try to match with both names, if available. switch ( sizeof( $matches ) ) { case 3: $autoloadFile = strtolower( "{$matches[1]}_{$matches[2]}_autoload.php" ); if ( ezcBase::requireFile( $autoloadFile, $className ) ) { return true; } // break intentionally missing. case 2: $autoloadFile = strtolower( "{$matches[1]}_autoload.php" ); if ( ezcBase::requireFile( $autoloadFile, $className ) ) { return true; } break; } // Maybe there is another autoload available. // Register this classname as false. ezcBase::$autoloadArray[$className] = false; } $path = ezcBase::$packageDir . 'autoload/'; $realPath = realpath( $path ); if ( $realPath == '' ) { trigger_error( "Couldn't find autoload directory '$path'", E_USER_ERROR ); } /* FIXME: this should go away - only for development */ if ( self::libraryMode == 'devel' ) { trigger_error( "Couldn't find autoload file for '$className' in '$realPath'", E_USER_WARNING ); } return false; } /** * Returns the path to the autoload directory. The path depends on * the installation of the ezComponents. The SVN version has different * paths than the PEAR installed version. (For now). * * @return string */ protected static function setPackageDir() { // Get the path to the components. $baseDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); switch ( ezcBase::libraryMode ) { case "devel": case "tarball": ezcBase::$packageDir = $baseDir. "/../../"; break; case "pear"; ezcBase::$packageDir = $baseDir. "/../"; break; } } /** * Tries to load the autoload array and, if loaded correctly, includes the class. * * @param string $fileName Name of the autoload file. * @param string $className Name of the class that should be autoloaded. * * @return bool True is returned when the file is correctly loaded. * Otherwise false is returned. */ protected static function requireFile( $fileName, $className ) { $autoloadDir = ezcBase::$packageDir . "autoload/"; // We need the full path to the fileName. The method file_exists() doesn't // automatically check the (php.ini) library paths. Therefore: // file_exists( "ezc/autoload/$fileName" ) doesn't work. if ( file_exists( "$autoloadDir$fileName" ) ) { $array = require( "$autoloadDir$fileName" ); if ( is_array( $array) && array_key_exists( $className, $array ) ) { // Add the array to the cache, and include the requested file. ezcBase::$autoloadArray = array_merge( ezcBase::$autoloadArray, $array ); ezcBase::loadFile( ezcBase::$autoloadArray[$className] ); return true; } } // It is not in components autoload/ dir. // try to search in additional dirs. foreach ( ezcBase::$repositoryDirs as $extraDir ) { if ( file_exists( $extraDir['autoloadDirPath'] . '/' . $fileName ) ) { $originalArray = require( $extraDir['autoloadDirPath'] . '/' . $fileName ); // Building paths. // Resulting path to class definition file consists of: // path to extra directory with autoload file + // basePath provided for current extra directory + // path to class definition file stored in autoload file. foreach ( $originalArray as $class => $classPath ) { $array[$class] = $extraDir['basePath'] . '/' . $classPath; } if ( is_array( $array ) && array_key_exists( $className, $array ) ) { // Add the array to the cache, and include the requested file. ezcBase::$externalAutoloadArray = array_merge( ezcBase::$externalAutoloadArray, $array ); ezcBase::loadExternalFile( ezcBase::$externalAutoloadArray[$className] ); return true; } } } //Nothing found :-(. return false; } /** * Loads, require(), the given file name. If we are in development mode, * "/src/" is inserted into the path. * * @param string $file The name of the file that should be loaded. */ protected static function loadFile( $file ) { $originalFile = $file; list( $first, $second ) = explode( '/', $file, 2 ); switch ( ezcBase::libraryMode ) { case "devel": case "tarball": // Add the "src/" after the package name. $file = $first . "/src/" . $second; break; case "pear": $file = $first . '/'. $second; break; } if ( file_exists( ezcBase::$packageDir . $file ) ) { require( ezcBase::$packageDir . $file ); } else { throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( ezcBase::$packageDir.$file ); } } /** * Loads, require(), the given file name from an external package. * * @param string $file The name of the file that should be loaded. */ protected static function loadExternalFile( $file ) { if ( file_exists( $file ) ) { require( $file ); } else { throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $file ); } } /** * Checks for dependencies on PHP versions or extensions * * The function as called by the $component component checks for the $type * dependency. The dependency $type is compared against the $value. The * function aborts the script if the dependency is not matched. * * @param string $component * @param int $type * @param mixed $value */ public static function checkDependency( $component, $type, $value ) { switch ( $type ) { case self::DEP_PHP_EXTENSION: if ( extension_loaded( $value ) ) { return; } else { die( "\nThe {$component} component depends on the PHP extension '{$value}', which is not loaded.\n" ); } break; case self::DEP_PHP_VERSION: $phpVersion = phpversion(); if ( version_compare( $phpVersion, $value, '>=' ) ) { return; } else { die( "\nThe {$component} component depends on the PHP version '{$value}', but the current version is '{$phpVersion}'.\n" ); } break; } } /** * Return the list of directories that contain class repositories. * * The path to the eZ components directory is always included in the result * array. Each element in the returned array has the format of: * packageDirectory => array( $type, autoloadDirectory ) * The $type is either "ezc" for the eZ components directory or "external" * for external repositories. * * @return array(string=>array) * @access private */ public static function getRepositoryDirectories() { $autoloadDirs = array(); ezcBase::setPackageDir(); $repositoryDir = realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../' ); $autoloadDirs[$repositoryDir] = array( 'ezc', $repositoryDir . "/autoload" ); foreach ( ezcBase::$repositoryDirs as $extraDirKey => $extraDirArray ) { $autoloadDirs[$extraDirKey] = array( 'external', $extraDirArray['autoloadDirPath'] ); } return $autoloadDirs; } /** * Adds an additional class repository. * * Used for adding class repositoryies outside the eZ components to be * loaded by the autoload system. * * This function takes two arguments: $basePath is the base path for the * whole class repository and $autoloadDirPath the path where autoload * files for this repository are found. The paths in the autoload files are * relative to the package directory as specified by the $basePath * argument. I.e. class definition file will be searched at location * $basePath + path to the class definition file as stored in the autoload * file. * * addClassRepository() should be called somewhere in code before external classes * are used. * * Example: * Take the following facts: * * * In this case you would need to create the following files in * "./repos/autoloads". Please note that the part before _autoload.php in * the filename is the first part of the classname, not considering * the all lower-case letter prefix. * * "my_autoload.php": * * 'Me/myclass1.php', * 'erMyClass2' => 'Me/myclass2.php', * ); * ?> * * * "your_autoload.php": * * 'You/yourclass1.php', * 'erYourClass2' => 'You/yourclass2.php', * ); * ?> * * * The directory structure for the external repository is then: * * ./repos/autoloads/my_autoload.php * ./repos/autoloads/you_autoload.php * ./repos/Me/myclass1.php * ./repos/Me/myclass2.php * ./repos/You/yourclass1.php * ./repos/You/yourclass2.php * * To use this repository with the autoload mechanism you have to use the * following code: * * * * * @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException if $autoloadDirPath or $basePath do not exist. * @param string $autoloadDirPath * @param string $basePath */ public static function addClassRepository( $basePath, $autoloadDirPath = null ) { // check if base path exists if ( !is_dir( $basePath ) ) { throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $basePath, 'base directory' ); } // calculate autoload path if it wasn't given if ( is_null( $autoloadDirPath ) ) { $autoloadDirPath = $basePath . '/autoload'; } // check if autoload dir exists if ( !is_dir( $autoloadDirPath ) ) { throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $autoloadDirPath, 'autoload directory' ); } // add info to $repositoryDirs // $autoloadDirPath will be used as a key in $repositoryDirs $array = array( $basePath => array( 'basePath' => $basePath, 'autoloadDirPath' => $autoloadDirPath ) ); // add info to the list of extra dirs if it exists there it will not be doubled. ezcBase::$repositoryDirs = array_merge( ezcBase::$repositoryDirs, $array ); } } ?>