* start() * $session = new ezcAuthenticationSession(); * $session->start(); * * // $token is used as a key in the session to store the authenticated state between requests * $token = isset( $_GET['token'] ) ? $_GET['token'] : $session->load(); * * $credentials = new ezcAuthenticationIdCredentials( $token ); * $authentication = new ezcAuthentication( $credentials ); * $authentication->session = $session; * * $filter = new ezcAuthenticationTypekeyFilter(); * $authentication->addFilter( $filter ); * // add other filters if needed * * if ( !$authentication->run() ) * { * // authentication did not succeed, so inform the user * $status = $authentication->getStatus(); * $err = array( * 'ezcAuthenticationTypekeyFilter' => array( * ezcAuthenticationTypekeyFilter::STATUS_SIGNATURE_INCORRECT => 'Signature returned by TypeKey is incorrect', * ezcAuthenticationTypekeyFilter::STATUS_SIGNATURE_EXPIRED => 'The signature returned by TypeKey expired' * ), * 'ezcAuthenticationSession' => array( * ezcAuthenticationSession::STATUS_EMPTY => '', * ezcAuthenticationSession::STATUS_EXPIRED => 'Session expired' * ) * ); * foreach ( $status as $line ) * { * list( $key, $value ) = each( $line ); * echo $err[$key][$value] . "\n"; * } * ?> * *
* TypeKey token: * * *
* Logged-in"; * } * ?> * * * Another method, which doesn't use JavaScript, is using an intermediary page * which saves the token in the session, then calls the TypeKey login page: * * - original file is modified as follows: * *
* TypeKey token: * * *
* * - intermediary page: * * start() * $session = new ezcAuthenticationSession(); * $session->start(); * * // $token is used as a key in the session to store the authenticated state between requests * $token = isset( $_GET['t'] ) ? $_GET['t'] : $session->load(); * if ( $token !== null ) * { * $session->save( $token ); * } * $url = isset( $_GET['_return'] ) ? $_GET['_return'] : null; * $url .= "?token={$token}"; * header( "Location: https://www.typekey.com/t/typekey/login?t={$token}&_return={$url}" ); * ?> * * * Extra data can be fetched from the TypeKey server during the authentication * process. Different from the other filters, for TypeKey there is no registration * needed for fetching the extra data, because all the possible extra data is * available in the response sent by the TypeKey server. * * To be able to get the email address of the user, need_email must be set * to a value different than 0 in the initial request sent to the TypeKey * server (along with the t and _return values). Example: * - https://www.typekey.com/t/typekey/login?t=&_return=&need_email=1 * * Example of fetching the extra data after the initial request has been sent: * * // after run() * // $filter is an ezcAuthenticationTypekeyFilter object * $data = $filter->fetchData(); * * * The $data array contains name (TypeKey username), nick (TypeKey display name) * and optionally email (if the user allowed the sharing of his email address * in the TypeKey profile page; otherwise it is not set). * * array( 'name' => array( 'john' ), * 'nick' => array( 'John Doe' ), * 'email' => array( 'john.doe@example.com' ) // or not set * ); * * * @property ezcAuthenticationBignumLibrary $lib * The wrapper for the PHP extension to use for big number operations. * This will be autodetected in the constructor, but you can specify * your own wrapper before calling run(). * * @package Authentication * @version 1.2 * @mainclass */ class ezcAuthenticationTypekeyFilter extends ezcAuthenticationFilter implements ezcAuthenticationDataFetch { /** * The request does not contain the needed information (like $_GET['sig']). */ const STATUS_SIGNATURE_MISSING = 1; /** * Signature verification was incorect. */ const STATUS_SIGNATURE_INCORRECT = 2; /** * Login is outside of the timeframe. */ const STATUS_SIGNATURE_EXPIRED = 3; /** * Holds the extra data fetched during the authentication process. * * Contains name (TypeKey username), nick (TypeKey display name) and * optionally email (if the user allowed the sharing of his email address * in the TypeKey profile page; otherwise it is not set). * * Usually it has this structure: * * array( 'name' => array( 'john' ), * 'nick' => array( 'John Doe' ), * 'email' => array( 'john.doe@example.com' ) // or not set * ); * * * @var array(string=>mixed) */ protected $data = array(); /** * Holds the properties of this class. * * @var array(string=>mixed) */ private $properties = array(); /** * Creates a new object of this class. * * @throws ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException * if neither of the PHP gmp and bcmath extensions are installed * @param ezcAuthenticationTypekeyOptions $options Options for this class */ public function __construct( ezcAuthenticationTypekeyOptions $options = null ) { $this->options = ( $options === null ) ? new ezcAuthenticationTypekeyOptions() : $options; $this->lib = ezcAuthenticationMath::createBignumLibrary(); } /** * Sets the property $name to $value. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * if the property $name does not exist * @throws ezcBaseValueException * if $value is not correct for the property $name * @param string $name The name of the property to set * @param mixed $value The new value of the property * @ignore */ public function __set( $name, $value ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'lib': if ( $value instanceof ezcAuthenticationBignumLibrary ) { $this->properties[$name] = $value; } else { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $name, $value, 'ezcAuthenticationBignumLibrary' ); } break; default: throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name ); } } /** * Returns the value of the property $name. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * if the property $name does not exist * @param string $name The name of the property for which to return the value * @return mixed * @ignore */ public function __get( $name ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'lib': return $this->properties[$name]; default: throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name ); } } /** * Returns true if the property $name is set, otherwise false. * * @param string $name The name of the property to test if it is set * @return bool * @ignore */ public function __isset( $name ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'lib': return isset( $this->properties[$name] ); default: return false; } } /** * Runs the filter and returns a status code when finished. * * @throws ezcAuthenticationTypekeyException * if the keys from the TypeKey public keys file could not be fetched * @param ezcAuthenticationIdCredentials $credentials Authentication credentials * @return int */ public function run( $credentials ) { $source = $this->options->requestSource; if ( isset( $source['name'] ) && isset( $source['email'] ) && isset( $source['nick'] ) && isset( $source['ts'] ) && isset( $source['sig'] ) ) { // parse the response URL sent by the TypeKey server $id = isset( $source['name'] ) ? $source['name'] : null; $mail = isset( $source['email'] ) ? $source['email'] : null; $nick = isset( $source['nick'] ) ? $source['nick'] : null; $timestamp = isset( $source['ts'] ) ? $source['ts'] : null; $signature = isset( $source['sig'] ) ? $source['sig'] : null; // extra data which will be returned by fetchData() $this->data['name'] = array( $id ); $this->data['nick'] = array( $nick ); if ( strpos( $mail, '@' ) !== false ) { $this->data['email'] = array( $mail ); } } else { return self::STATUS_SIGNATURE_MISSING; } if ( $this->options->validity !== 0 && time() - $timestamp >= $this->options->validity ) { return self::STATUS_SIGNATURE_EXPIRED; } $keys = $this->fetchPublicKeys( $this->options->keysFile ); $msg = "{$mail}::{$id}::{$nick}::{$timestamp}"; $signature = rawurldecode( urlencode( $signature ) ); list( $r, $s ) = explode( ':', $signature ); if ( $this->checkSignature( $msg, $r, $s, $keys ) ) { return self::STATUS_OK; } return self::STATUS_SIGNATURE_INCORRECT; } /** * Checks the information returned by the TypeKey server. * * @param string $msg Plain text signature which needs to be verified * @param string $r First part of the signature retrieved from TypeKey * @param string $s Second part of the signature retrieved from TypeKey * @param array(string=>string) $keys Public keys retrieved from TypeKey * @return bool */ protected function checkSignature( $msg, $r, $s, $keys ) { $lib = $this->lib; $r = base64_decode( $r ); $s = base64_decode( $s ); foreach ( $keys as $key => $value ) { $keys[$key] = $lib->init( (string) $value ); } $s1 = $lib->init( $lib->binToDec( $r ) ); $s2 = $lib->init( $lib->binToDec( $s ) ); $w = $lib->invert( $s2, $keys['q'] ); $msg = $lib->hexToDec( sha1( $msg ) ); $u1 = $lib->mod( $lib->mul( $msg, $w ), $keys['q'] ); $u2 = $lib->mod( $lib->mul( $s1, $w ), $keys['q'] ); $v = $lib->mul( $lib->powmod( $keys['g'], $u1, $keys['p'] ), $lib->powmod( $keys['pub_key'], $u2, $keys['p'] ) ); $v = $lib->mod( $lib->mod( $v, $keys['p'] ), $keys['q'] ); return ( $lib->cmp( $v, $s1 ) === 0 ); } /** * Fetches the public keys from the specified file or URL $file. * * The file must be composed of space-separated values for p, g, q, and * pub_key, like this: * p= g= q= pub_key= * * The format of the returned array is: * * array( 'p' => p_val, 'g' => g_val, 'q' => q_val, 'pub_key' => pub_key_val ) * * * @throws ezcAuthenticationTypekeyException * if the keys from the TypeKey public keys file could not be fetched * @param string $file The public keys file or URL * @return array(string=>string) */ protected function fetchPublicKeys( $file ) { $data = @file_get_contents( $file ); if ( empty( $data ) ) { throw new ezcAuthenticationTypekeyException( "Could not fetch public keys from '{$file}'." ); } $lines = explode( ' ', trim( $data ) ); foreach ( $lines as $line ) { $val = explode( '=', $line ); if ( count( $val ) < 2 ) { throw new ezcAuthenticationTypekeyException( "The data retrieved from '{$file}' is invalid." ); } $keys[$val[0]] = $val[1]; } return $keys; } /** * Registers the extra data which will be fetched by the filter during the * authentication process. * * For TypeKey there is no registration needed, because all the possible * extra data is available in the response sent by the TypeKey server. So * a call to this function is not needed. * * To be able to get the email address of the user, need_email must be set * to a value different than 0 in the initial request sent to the TypeKey * server (along with the t and _return values). * * @param array(string) $data A list of attributes to fetch during authentication */ public function registerFetchData( array $data = array() ) { // does not need to do anything because all the extra data is returned by default } /** * Returns the extra data which was fetched during the authentication process. * * The TypeKey extra data is an array containing the values for name (the * TypeKey username), nick (the TypeKey display name) and email (the email * address of the user, fetched only if the initial request to the TypeKey * server contains need_email, and the user allowed the sharing of his email * address). * * Example of returned array: * * array( 'name' => array( 'john' ), * 'nick' => array( 'John Doe' ), * 'email' => array( 'john.doe@example.com' ) // or not set * ); * * * @return array(string=>mixed) */ public function fetchData() { return $this->data; } } ?>