tarFormat = "ustar"; $this->tarMimeFormat = ezcArchive::TAR_USTAR; $this->createTempDir( "ezcArchive_" ); $this->file = $this->createTempFile( "tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar" ); $blockFile = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $this->file ); $this->archive = new ezcArchiveUstarTar( $blockFile ); $this->complexFile = $this->createTempFile( "tar_ustar_file_dir_symlink_link.tar" ); $blockFile = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $this->complexFile ); $this->complexArchive = new ezcArchiveUstarTar( $blockFile ); unset( $blockFile ); $this->setUsersGid(); } protected function tearDown() { unset( $this->archive ); unset( $this->file ); unset( $this->complexArchive ) ; unset( $this->complexFile ); $this->removeTempDir(); } /* public function testTarType() { $ustarFile = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( dirname( __FILE__) . "/../data/tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar" ); $v7File = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( dirname( __FILE__) . "/../data/tar_v7_2_textfiles.tar" ); $this->assertEquals( ezcArchive::CAN_READ_AND_WRITE, ezcArchiveUstarTar::canHandle( $ustarFile ) ); $this->assertEquals( ezcArchive::NONE, ezcArchiveUstarTar::canHandle( $v7File ) ); } */ public function testLongFileName() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) { return; } $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $filename = ""; if ( $this->isWindows() ) { $pathItemLen = 50; // long but not looong path. Windows max path = 255. } else { $pathItemLen = 70; } for ( $i = 0; $i < $pathItemLen; $i++ ) { $filename .= ( $i % 10 ); } mkdir( "$dir/$filename" ); mkdir( "$dir/$filename/$filename" ); touch( "$dir/$filename/$filename/$filename" ); $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( "$dir/myarchive.tar", true ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $archive->appendToCurrent( "$dir/$filename/$filename/$filename", $dir ); $archive->close(); exec( "tar -cf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=" . $this->tarFormat . " -C $dir $filename/$filename/$filename" ); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents( "$dir/myarchive.tar" ) ); unset( $archive ); unset( $bf ); } public function testLongFilenameException() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) { return; } $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $filename = ""; // $filename too long. for ( $i = 0; $i < 101; $i++ ) { $filename .= ( $i % 10 ); } touch( "$dir/$filename" ); $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( "$dir/myarchive.tar", true ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); try { $archive->appendToCurrent( "$dir/$filename", $dir ); $this->fail( "Expected a 'filename too long' exception." ); } catch ( ezcArchiveException $e ) { // Okay. } } public function testExtractCharacterDevice() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); // Can we create a character device? if (!ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction( 'posix_mknod' ) || !posix_mknod( "$dir/can_create_character_device", POSIX_S_IFCHR | 0777, 5, 1 ) ) { // Failed, skip the test. return; } unlink( "$dir/can_create_character_device" ); $org = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/tar_ustar_character_device.tar"; copy( $org, $dir . "/tar_ustar_character_device.tar" ); $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $dir . "/tar_ustar_character_device.tar" ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $archive->extractCurrent( $dir ); // Zero device should be here.. $this->assertEquals( "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", file_get_contents( "$dir/myzero", false, null, 0, 10 ) ); unlink( "$dir/myzero" ); } public function testExtractFIFO() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $org = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/tar_ustar_fifo.tar"; copy( $org, $dir . "/tar_ustar_fifo.tar" ); $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $dir . "/tar_ustar_fifo.tar" ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $archive->extractCurrent( $dir ); // Zero device should be here.. clearstatcache(); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( "$dir/myfifo" ) ); unlink( "$dir/myfifo" ); } public function testAppendToCurrentAtEndOfArchive() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) { return; } $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $this->file ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $archive->extractCurrent( $dir ); copy( $this->file, $dir . "/gnutar.tar" ); $archive->seek( 0, SEEK_END ); // File number two. $archive->appendToCurrent( "$dir/file1.txt", $dir ); $archive->close(); // Do the same with gnu tar. exec( "tar -rf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=" . $this->tarFormat . " -C $dir file1.txt" ); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents( $this->file ) ); } public function testAppendToCurrentCharacterDevice() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) { return; } $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $chartar = "$dir/my_character_device.tar"; $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $chartar, true ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); // Appending an character device. try { $archive->appendToCurrent( "/dev/zero", "/dev/" ); $archive->close(); // Do the same with gnu tar. exec( "tar -cf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=" . $this->tarFormat . " -C /dev/ zero" ); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents( $chartar ) ); } catch ( ezcArchiveException $e ) { if ( $e->getMessage() != "Cannot add a device to the TAR because the device type cannot be determined. Your system / PHP version does not support 'st_blksize'." ) { $this->fail( "Unexpected exception: " . $e->getMessage() ); } $s = stat( "/dev/zero" ); if ( $s["rdev"] != -1 ) { $this->fail( "This exception is only valid when the stat()['rdev'] is not available." ); } } } public function testAppendToCurrentFifo() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) { return; } if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction( 'posix_mknod' ) ) { return; } $dir = $this->getTempDir(); posix_mknod( "$dir/myfifo", POSIX_S_IFIFO ); $fifo = "$dir/my_fifo.tar"; $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $fifo, true ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $archive->appendToCurrent( "$dir/myfifo", "$dir" ); $archive->close(); // Do the same with gnu tar. exec( "tar -cf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=" . $this->tarFormat . " -C $dir/ myfifo" ); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents( $fifo ) ); unlink( "$dir/myfifo" ); } public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( __CLASS__ ); } } ?>