tempDir = $this->createTempDir( "ezcArchive_" ); $dataDir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/../data/"; $this->td = new ezcArchiveTestData( $dataDir, $this->tempDir, "zip", "infozip" ); } protected function tearDown() { $this->removeTempDir(); } protected function isWindows() { return ( substr( php_uname( 's' ), 0, 7 ) == 'Windows' ) ? true : false; } public function testOpenArchive() { $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "2_textfiles" ); $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "file1.txt", $entry->getPath() ); } public function testOttExtract() { $original = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/ezpublish.ott"; $odtFile = $this->tempDir . "/ezpublish.ott"; copy( $original, $odtFile ); $target = $this->tempDir . "/unzipped/"; mkdir( $target ); $archive = ezcArchive::open( $odtFile ); $archive->extract( $target ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "content.xml" ) ); $this->assertEquals( 9695, filesize( $target . "content.xml" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/floater" ) ); $this->assertEquals( 17723, filesize( $target . "styles.xml" ) ); $this->assertEquals( 1693, filesize( $target . "Pictures/100000000000012C0000003CBE7676D8.gif" ) ); $this->assertFalse( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/file_does_not_exist" ) ); } public function testOdtExtract() { $original = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/files_and_dirs.odt"; $odtFile = $this->tempDir . "/files_and_dirs.odt"; copy( $original, $odtFile ); $target = $this->tempDir . "/unzipped/"; mkdir( $target ); $archive = ezcArchive::open( $odtFile ); $archive->extract($target); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "content.xml" ) ); $this->assertEquals( 2553, filesize( $target . "content.xml" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/floater" ) ); $this->assertFalse( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/file_does_not_exist" ) ); } public function testOdtSeekAndExtract() { $original = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/files_and_dirs.odt"; $odtFile = $this->tempDir . "/files_and_dirs.odt"; copy( $original, $odtFile ); $target = $this->tempDir . "/unzipped/"; mkdir( $target ); $archive = ezcArchive::open( $odtFile ); $archive->seek( 4 ); // 5th file. $archive->extractCurrent( $target ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/popupmenu" ) ); } public function testOdtAppend() { $original = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/files_and_dirs.odt"; $odtFile = $this->tempDir . "/files_and_dirs.odt"; copy( $original, $odtFile ); $target = $this->tempDir . "/unzipped/"; mkdir( $target ); $archive = ezcArchive::open( $odtFile ); $archive->seek( 4 ); // 5th file. file_put_contents( $this->tempDir . "myfile.txt", "Hello world" ); $archive->appendToCurrent( $this->tempDir . "myfile.txt", $this->tempDir ); $archive->extract( $target ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/popupmenu" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "myfile.txt" ) ); } public function testOdtMac() { $original = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/mac_odt.odt"; $odtFile = $this->tempDir . "/mac_odt.odt"; copy( $original, $odtFile ); $target = $this->tempDir . "/unzipped/"; mkdir( $target ); $archive = ezcArchive::open( $odtFile ); $archive->extract( $target ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "content.xml" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/floater" ) ); $this->assertFalse( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/file_does_not_exist" ) ); } public function testOdtMacImg() { $original = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/mac_odt_with_img.odt"; $odtFile = $this->tempDir . "/mac_odt_with_img.odt"; copy( $original, $odtFile ); $target = $this->tempDir . "/unzipped/"; mkdir( $target ); $archive = ezcArchive::open( $odtFile ); $archive->extract( $target ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "content.xml" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/floater" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Pictures/1000000000000168000000F05D0D62C6.png" ) ); $this->assertFalse( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/file_does_not_exist" ) ); } public function testOdtWin() { $original = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/win_odt.odt"; $odtFile = $this->tempDir . "/win_odt.odt"; copy( $original, $odtFile ); $target = $this->tempDir . "/unzipped/"; mkdir( $target ); $archive = ezcArchive::open( $odtFile ); $archive->extract( $target ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "content.xml" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/floater" ) ); $this->assertFalse( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/file_does_not_exist" ) ); } public function testOdtWinImg() { $original = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/win_odt_with_img.odt"; $odtFile = $this->tempDir . "/win_odt_with_img.odt"; copy( $original, $odtFile ); $target = $this->tempDir . "/unzipped/"; mkdir( $target ); $archive = ezcArchive::open( $odtFile ); $archive->extract( $target ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "content.xml" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/floater" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "Pictures/10000000000001F4000001474F0889E4.jpg" ) ); $this->assertFalse( file_exists( $target . "Configurations2/file_does_not_exist" ) ); } public function testComments() { $original = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/infozip_comment.zip"; $file = $this->tempDir . "/infozip_comment.zip"; copy( $original, $file ); $target = $this->tempDir . "/unzipped/"; mkdir( $target ); $archive = ezcArchive::open( $file ); $archive->extract( $target ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "meta.xml" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $target . "mimetype" ) ); } public function testEmptyArchive() { $archive = $this->td->getNewArchive( "does_not_exist" ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->current(), "Archive should be empty, so no file info available" ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->valid(), "Archive should be empty, so no file info available" ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->next(), "Archive should be empty, so no file info available" ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->next(), "Archive should be empty, so no file info available" ); if ( $this->isWindows() ) { return; // avoid warning } unlink( 'does_not_exist' ); } public function testIteratorOperations() { $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "2_textfiles" ); $entry = $archive->current(); $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "file1.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertTrue( $archive->valid(), "Expected a valid archive position." ); $archive->rewind(); $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "file1.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertEquals( 0, $archive->key() ); $this->assertTrue( $archive->valid(), "Expected a valid archive position." ); $this->assertTrue( $archive->next() !== false ); $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "file2.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertEquals( 1, $archive->key() ); $this->assertTrue( $archive->valid(), "Expected a valid archive position." ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->next() ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->current() ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->valid() ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->key() ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->next() ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->next() ); } public function testForEaching() { $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "2_textfiles" ); for ( $i = 0; $i < 2; $i++ ) { $loopNumber = 0; foreach ( $archive as $entryNumber => $entry ) { if ( $loopNumber == 0 ) { $this->assertEquals( "file1.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertEquals( 0, $entryNumber ); } else if ( $loopNumber == 1 ) { $this->assertEquals( "file2.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertEquals( 1, $entryNumber ); } else { $this->fail( "Didn't expect another entry in the archive" ); } $loopNumber++; } } } public function testExtractCurrent() { $targetDir = $this->getTempDir() . "/"; $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "2_textfiles" ); $archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $file1 = $this->getTempDir() . "/file1.txt"; $this->assertEquals( "Hello world.\nThe first file.\n", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); // Remove the file, and extract again. unlink( $file1 ); // Check whether the file is really removed (paranoia?). $fp = @fopen( $file1, "r" ); if ( $fp ) { $this->assertFail( "No noo nooo. The file shouldn't be here." ); } $archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $this->assertEquals( "Hello world.\nThe first file.\n", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); // Move on. $entry = $archive->next(); $this->assertTrue( $archive->valid(), "Second file is expected here." ); $archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $file2 = $this->getTempDir() . "/file2.txt"; $this->assertEquals( "Hello world.\nThe second file.\n", file_get_contents( $file2 ) ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->next(), "No more files in the archive" ); } public function testExtractCurrentOverwriteFile() { $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "2_textfiles" ); // Normally it will overwrite the file, if possible. $dir = $this->getTempDir() . "/"; $archive->extractCurrent( $dir ); $this->assertEquals( "Hello world.\nThe first file.\n", file_get_contents( "$dir/file1.txt" ) ); $fp = @fopen( "$dir/file1.txt", "w" ); fwrite( $fp, "Garbage" ); fclose( $fp ); $this->assertEquals( "Garbage", file_get_contents( "$dir/file1.txt" ) ); $archive->extractCurrent( $dir ); $this->assertEquals( "Hello world.\nThe first file.\n", file_get_contents( "$dir/file1.txt" ) ); } public function testExtractCurrentKeepExistingFile() { $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "2_textfiles" ); // Normally it will overwrite the file, if possible. $targetDir = $this->getTempDir() . "/"; $archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir, true ); $file1 = $this->getTempDir() . "/file1.txt"; $this->assertEquals( "Hello world.\nThe first file.\n", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); $fp = @fopen( $file1, "w" ); fwrite( $fp, "Garbage" ); fclose( $fp ); $this->assertEquals( "Garbage", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); $archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir, true ); $this->assertEquals( "Garbage", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); } public function testSymlink() { if ( $this->isWindows() ) { return; // symlinks extracted as files in Windows, so there is no sence to call is_link() } $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "file_symlink" ); foreach ( $archive as $entry ) { $archive->extractCurrent( $dir ); } $this->assertTrue( is_link( "$dir/mysym.txt" ) ); $this->assertEquals( "file1.txt", readlink( "$dir/mysym.txt" ) ); } public function testSeekPositions() { $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "file_dir_symlink_link" ); $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( 2 ); // third file in archive. $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/bla/bin/", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( 0 ); // first file in archive. $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( 6 ); $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file2.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( 8 ); $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file4.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( 9 ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->current() ); $archive->seek( 0 ); $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( -1 ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->current() ); } public function testSeekEndOfFile() { $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "file_dir_symlink_link" ); $archive->seek( 0, SEEK_END ); // nineth and last file. $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file4.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( -2, SEEK_END ); // seventh file $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file2.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( -8, SEEK_END ); // first file $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( 1, SEEK_END ); // invalid $this->assertFalse( $archive->current() ); $archive->seek( 0, SEEK_END ); // nineth and last file. $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file4.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( -9, SEEK_END ); // invalid $this->assertFalse( $archive->current() ); } public function testSeekCur() { $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "file_dir_symlink_link" ); $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( 2, SEEK_CUR ); // third file in archive. $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/bla/bin/", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( 0, SEEK_CUR ); // Third file in archive. $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/bla/bin/", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( 4, SEEK_CUR ); // Seventh file in the archive. $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file2.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( 2, SEEK_CUR ); // nineth and last. $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file4.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( 1, SEEK_CUR ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->current() ); $archive->seek( 2 ); $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/bla/bin/", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( -2, SEEK_CUR ); // First file. $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->seek( -1, SEEK_CUR ); // And invalid again. $this->assertFalse( $archive->current() ); } public function testExtractOneDirectory() { // The subdirectory should be created automatically. $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "file_dir_symlink_link" ); $archive->seek( 1 ); $targetDir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $targetDir . "/files/bla/" ), "Cannot find the extracted directory." ); } public function testExtractOneFile() { // The directory should be created automatically. $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "file_dir_symlink_link" ); $archive->seek( 4 ); // 5th file. $targetDir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $targetDir . "/files/bla/file3.txt"), "Cannot find the extracted file." ); $this->assertEquals( "Hello world.\nThe third file.\n", file_get_contents( $targetDir . "/files/bla/file3.txt" ) ); } public function testExtractOneComprssedFile() { // The directory should be created automatically. $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "file_dir_symlink_link" ); $archive->seek( 3 ); // 5th file. $targetDir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $targetDir . "/files/bla/bin/true" ), "Cannot find the extracted file." ); } // FIXME.. file is written, instead of a link. public function testExtractOneSymbolicLink() { // The directory should be created automatically. // The link points to an non existing file. $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "file_dir_symlink_link" ); $targetDir = $this->getTempDir() ; if ( $this->isWindows() ) // for windows we extract target file at first. { $archive->seek( 4 ); $archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); } $archive->seek( 7 ); $archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $this->assertTrue( is_array (lstat( $targetDir."/files/file3.txt" ) ) ); } public function testAppendNonExistingFile() { $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "file_dir_symlink_link" ); try { $archive->appendToCurrent( "file_does_not_exist" , "/" ); $this->fail( "Expected a 'file does not exist' exception." ); } catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e ) { } } public function testAppendEmptyDirectory() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "2_textfiles" ); $file = $this->td->getFileName( "2_textfiles" ); copy( "$dir/$file", "$dir/done_with_infozip.zip" ); $archive->next(); $path = "$dir/directory/"; mkdir( $path ); $archive->append( $path, '' ); $this->unzipAndTest( $dir, "done_with_infozip.zip", "$file" ); } public function testAppendAtEndOfArchive() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "2_textfiles" ); $file = $this->td->getFileName( "2_textfiles" ); copy( "$dir/$file", "$dir/done_with_infozip.zip" ); $fp = @fopen( "$dir/file3.txt", "w" ); fwrite( $fp, "This is the third file." ); fclose( $fp ); $archive->next(); $archive->appendToCurrent( "$dir/file3.txt", $dir ); // We got file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt. exec( "zip -g -j -y $dir/done_with_infozip.zip $dir/file3.txt " ); $this->unzipAndTest( $dir, "done_with_infozip.zip", "$file" ); } public function testAppendToCurrentInArchive() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "2_textfiles" ); $file = $this->td->getFileName( "2_textfiles" ); copy( "$dir/$file", "$dir/done_with_infozip.zip" ); $fp = @fopen( "$dir/file3.txt", "w" ); fwrite( $fp, "This is the third file." ); fclose( $fp ); // No next.. so file1.txt and file3.txt should be here. $archive->appendToCurrent( "$dir/file3.txt", $dir ); exec( "zip -d $dir/done_with_infozip.zip file2.txt " ); // Remove file2.txt exec( "zip -g -j -y $dir/done_with_infozip.zip $dir/file3.txt " ); $this->unzipAndTest( $dir, "done_with_infozip.zip", "$file" ); } public function testTruncate() { $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "2_textfiles" ); $archive->truncate(); $this->assertFalse( $archive->valid(), "Truncated archive shouldn't contain any elements" ); $archive->seek( 0 ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->valid(), "Truncated archive shouldn't contain any elements" ); $archive->seek( 2 ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->valid(), "Truncated archive shouldn't contain any elements" ); } public function testTruncatePart() { $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "file_dir_symlink_link" ); $archive->truncate( 4 ); // Without rewind.. should work since we truncated after our position. $entry = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $entry = $archive->next(); $this->assertEquals( "files/bla/", $entry->getPath() ); $entry = $archive->next(); $this->assertEquals( "files/bla/bin/", $entry->getPath() ); $entry = $archive->next(); $this->assertEquals( "files/bla/bin/true", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->next() ); $archive->seek( 6 ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->valid(), "Truncated archive shouldn't contain any elements" ); } public function testTruncateAfterLastFile() { $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "2_textfiles" ); $filename = $this->td->getFileName( "2_textfiles" ); $orgSize = filesize( $this->getTempDir() . "/" . $filename ); $archive->truncate( 2 ); clearstatcache(); $this->assertEquals( $orgSize, filesize( $this->getTempDir() . "/" . $filename ) ); $archive->truncate(1); clearstatcache(); $this->assertTrue( $orgSize > filesize( $this->getTempDir() . "/" . $filename ) ); } public function testAppendToEmptyArchive() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "2_textfiles" ); $file = $this->td->getFileName( "2_textfiles" ); // copy( "$dir/$file", "$dir/done_with_infozip.zip" ); $archive->extractCurrent( $dir ); $archive->truncate(); $fp = @fopen( "$dir/file3.txt", "w" ); fwrite( $fp, "This is the third file." ); fclose( $fp ); $archive->appendToCurrent( "$dir/file1.txt", $dir ); $this->assertTrue( $archive->valid() ); $archive->appendToCurrent( "$dir/file3.txt", $dir ); exec( "zip -j -y $dir/done_with_infozip.zip $dir/file1.txt $dir/file3.txt" ); $this->unzipAndTest( $dir, "done_with_infozip.zip", "$file" ); } public function testAppendArchiveAtOnce() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive = $this->td->getArchive( "file_dir_symlink_link" ); $file = $this->td->getFileName( "file_dir_symlink_link" ); mkdir( "$dir/original" ); mkdir( "$dir/myzip" ); // Unzip all the files, and place them in the original directory. // Store the filepath of the extracted files. $files = array(); do { $archive->extractCurrent( "$dir/original" ); $files[] = $dir . "/original/" . $archive->current()->getPath(); } while ( $archive->next() ); // Create a new archive $myzip = "$dir/my_archive.zip"; $cf = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $myzip, true ); $newArchive = new ezcArchiveZip( $cf ); // Append all the extracted files. $newArchive->appendToCurrent( $files, $dir . "/original" ); // Extract all (again). $newArchive->extract( "$dir/myzip" ); // Compare the directories. $this->compareDirectories( "$dir/original", "$dir/myzip" ); } // test for issue #13137 public function testAppendToArchive() { try { $name = $this->getTempDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'my_archive.zip'; $archive = ezcArchive::open( $name, ezcArchive::ZIP ); $dir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'testfiles'; $files = array( "$dir/test2.php", "$dir/test1.php", "$dir/test7.php", "$dir/unicode.php" ); $archive->append( $files, '' ); $archive->close(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { echo $e->__toString(); } } public function unzipAndTest( $dir, $a, $b ) { // They are probably not identical.. // Extract both. mkdir( "$dir/infozip" ); // a mkdir( "$dir/ezczip" ); // b exec( "unzip $dir/$a -d $dir/infozip" ); exec( "unzip $dir/$b -d $dir/ezczip" ); $this->compareDirectories( "$dir/infozip", "$dir/ezczip" ); } // $dir = $this->getTempDir(); // mkdir( $dir . "/php" ); // mkdir( $dir . "/gnu" ); // // foreach ( $this->complexArchive as $entry ) // { // $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ."/php" ); // } // // exec( "tar -xf " . $this->complexFile . " -C $dir/gnu" ); // // $this->compareDirectories( "$dir/gnu", "$dir/php" ); public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( __CLASS__ ); } } ?>