createTempDir( "ezcArchive_" ); date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); } protected function tearDown() { $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testCreateTar() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive = ezcArchive::open( "$dir/mytar.tar", ezcArchive::TAR_USTAR); file_put_contents( "$dir/a.txt", "Hello world!" ); $archive->append( "$dir/a.txt", $dir); $archive->close(); exec("tar -cf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=ustar -C $dir a.txt"); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents( "$dir/mytar.tar" ) ); } public function testCreateGzippedTar() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive = ezcArchive::open( "compress.zlib://$dir/mytar.tar.gz", ezcArchive::TAR_USTAR); file_put_contents( "$dir/a.txt", "Hello world!" ); $archive->append( "$dir/a.txt", $dir); $archive->close(); exec("tar -cf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=ustar -C $dir a.txt"); exec("gunzip $dir/mytar.tar.gz"); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents( "$dir/mytar.tar" ) ); } public function testWriteToExistingGzippedTar() { // Create an archive with one file. $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive = ezcArchive::open( "compress.zlib://$dir/mytar.tar.gz", ezcArchive::TAR_USTAR); file_put_contents( "$dir/a.txt", "Hello world!" ); $archive->append( "$dir/a.txt", $dir); $archive->close(); // Reopen it and append another file. $archive = ezcArchive::open( "compress.zlib://$dir/mytar.tar.gz", ezcArchive::TAR_USTAR); try { $archive->append( "$dir/a.txt", $dir); $this->fail( "Expected a 'cannot-append' exception"); } catch ( ezcArchiveException $e ) { } $archive->close(); } public function testCreateNewGzippedTarArchiveTogetherWithReadingEntries() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); // Create some test data. file_put_contents( "$dir/a.txt", "AAAAAAAAAAA" ); file_put_contents( "$dir/b.txt", "BBBBBBBBBBB" ); file_put_contents( "$dir/c.txt", "CCCCCCCCCCC" ); // Create a new archive $archive = ezcArchive::open( "compress.zlib://$dir/mytar.tar.gz", ezcArchive::TAR_USTAR); $archive->append( "$dir/a.txt", $dir); $archive->rewind(); $a = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "a.txt", $a->getPath(false) ); $archive->rewind(); $archive->append( "$dir/b.txt", $dir); $a = $archive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "a.txt", $a->getPath(false) ); $a = $archive->next(); $this->assertEquals( "b.txt", $a->getPath(false) ); $archive->rewind(); $archive->close(); // Reopen it and append another file. $archive = ezcArchive::open( "compress.zlib://$dir/mytar.tar.gz", ezcArchive::TAR_USTAR); try { $archive->append( "$dir/a.txt", $dir); $this->fail( "Expected a 'cannot-append' exception"); } catch ( ezcArchiveException $e ) { } $archive->close(); } public function testAppendToCurrentException() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive = ezcArchive::open( "compress.zlib://$dir/mytar.tar.gz", ezcArchive::TAR_USTAR); file_put_contents( "$dir/a.txt", "AAAAAAAAAAA" ); try { $archive->appendToCurrent( "$dir/a.txt", $dir); $this->fail( "Except an exception that the file couldn't be appended."); } catch ( ezcArchiveException $e ) { } } public function testCloseException() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive = ezcArchive::open( "compress.zlib://$dir/mytar.tar.gz", ezcArchive::TAR_USTAR); file_put_contents( "$dir/a.txt", "AAAAAAAAAAA" ); $archive->append( "$dir/a.txt", $dir ); $archive->close(); try { $archive->append( "$dir/a.txt", $dir ); $this->fail( "Except an exception that the file couldn't be appended."); } catch ( ezcArchiveException $e ) { } } public function testListing() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $archive = ezcArchive::open( "compress.zlib://$dir/mytar.tar.gz", ezcArchive::TAR_USTAR); file_put_contents( "$dir/a.txt", "AAAAAAAAAAA" ); $archive->append( "$dir/a.txt", $dir ); file_put_contents( "$dir/a.txt", "AAAAAAAAAAA" ); $archive->append( "$dir/a.txt", $dir ); $a = $archive->getListing(); $this->assertEquals( 2, sizeof( $a ) ); } public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcArchiveZlibTest" ); } } ?>