getTempDir() . "/$file"; copy( $original, $tmpFile ); return $tmpFile; } public function setUp() { date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $this->tarFormat = "v7"; $this->tarMimeFormat = ezcArchive::TAR_V7; $this->createTempDir("ezcArchive_"); $this->file = $this->createTempFile("tar_v7_2_textfiles.tar"); $blockFile = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $this->file ); $this->archive = new ezcArchiveV7Tar( $blockFile ); unset( $blockFile ); $this->complexFile = $this->createTempFile("tar_v7_file_dir_symlink_link.tar"); $blockFile = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $this->complexFile ); $this->complexArchive = new ezcArchiveV7Tar( $blockFile ); unset( $blockFile ); } public function tearDown() { unset( $this->archive ); unset( $this->complexArchive ); $this->removeTempDir(); } protected function isWindows() { return ( substr( php_uname( 's' ), 0, 7 ) == 'Windows' ) ? true : false; } // FIXME // Move method to the archiveTest. /* public function testGetEntryFromFile() { $this->archive->extractCurrent( $this->getTempDir() ); $entry = ezcArchive::getEntryFromFile( $this->getTempDir() . "/file1.txt" ); $this->assertEquals( $this->getTempDir() . "/file1.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertTrue( $entry->isFile() ); $this->assertFalse( $entry->isDirectory() ); // Probably okay. } // FIXME // Move method to the archiveTest. public function testGetEntryFromFilesWithHardlink() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $this->complexArchive->seek(4); // File. $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ); $this->complexArchive->seek(8); // Hardlink $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ); $entries = ezcArchive::getEntryFromFile( array( $dir."/files/bla/file3.txt", $dir."/files/file4.txt" ) ); $this->assertEquals(2, sizeof($entries ), "Sizeof the entries array doesn't match." ); $this->assertFalse( $entries[0]->isLink() ); $this->assertTrue( $entries[1]->isLink() ); $this->assertEquals( "$dir/files/bla/file3.txt", $entries[1]->getLink() ); } */ // FIXME // Move method to the archiveTest. /* public function testRemovePrefix() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $total = $dir ."/lisa/ekdahl/"; $without = ezcArchive::removePrefix( $total, $dir ); $this->assertEquals( "lisa/ekdahl/", $without ); } */ public function testOpenArchive() { $entry = $this->archive->current(); $this->assertEquals("file1.txt", $entry->getPath() ); } public function testEmptyArchive() { $file = $this->getTempDir() . "/file_does_not_exist.tar"; $blockFile = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $file, true ); $archive = new ezcArchiveV7Tar( $blockFile ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->current(), "Archive should be empty, so no file info available" ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->valid(), "Archive should be empty, so no file info available" ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->next(), "Archive should be empty, so no file info available" ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->next(), "Archive should be empty, so no file info available" ); unset($blockFile); unset($archive); } public function testIteratorOperations() { $entry = $this->archive->current(); $entry = $this->archive->current(); $this->assertEquals("file1.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertTrue( $this->archive->valid(), "Expected a valid archive position."); $this->archive->rewind(); $entry = $this->archive->current(); $this->assertEquals("file1.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertEquals(0, $this->archive->key() ); $this->assertTrue( $this->archive->valid(), "Expected a valid archive position."); $this->assertTrue( $this->archive->next() !== false ); $entry = $this->archive->current(); $this->assertEquals("file2.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertEquals(1, $this->archive->key() ); $this->assertTrue( $this->archive->valid(), "Expected a valid archive position."); $this->assertFalse( $this->archive->next() ); $this->assertFalse( $this->archive->current() ); $this->assertFalse( $this->archive->valid() ); $this->assertFalse( $this->archive->key() ); $this->assertFalse( $this->archive->next() ); $this->assertFalse( $this->archive->next() ); } public function testForEaching() { for( $i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $loopNumber = 0; foreach ( $this->archive as $entryNumber => $entry ) { if ($loopNumber == 0) { $this->assertEquals("file1.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertEquals(0, $entryNumber ); } else if ( $loopNumber == 1) { $this->assertEquals("file2.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertEquals(1, $entryNumber ); } else { $this->fail("Didn't expect another entry in the archive"); } $loopNumber++; } } } public function testExtractCurrent() { $targetDir = $this->getTempDir() ."/"; $this->archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $file1 = $this->getTempDir()."/file1.txt"; $this->assertEquals("Hello world.\nThe first file.\n", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); // Remove the file, and extract again. unlink( $file1 ); // Check whether the file is really removed (paranoia?). $fp = @fopen($file1, "r"); if ( $fp ) { $this->assertFail("No noo nooo. The file shouldn't be here."); } $this->archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $this->assertEquals("Hello world.\nThe first file.\n", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); // Move on. $entry = $this->archive->next(); $this->assertTrue( $this->archive->valid(), "Second file is expected here."); $this->archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $file2 = $this->getTempDir()."/file2.txt"; $this->assertEquals("Hello world.\nThe second file.\n", file_get_contents( $file2 ) ); $this->assertFalse( $this->archive->next(), "No more files in the archive" ); } public function testExtractCurrentOverwriteFile() { // Normally it will overwrite the file, if possible. $targetDir = $this->getTempDir() ."/"; $this->archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $file1 = $this->getTempDir()."/file1.txt"; $this->assertEquals("Hello world.\nThe first file.\n", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); $fp = @fopen($file1, "w"); fwrite($fp, "Garbage" ); fclose($fp); $this->assertEquals("Garbage", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); $this->archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $this->assertEquals("Hello world.\nThe first file.\n", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); } public function testExtractCurrentKeepExistingFile() { // Normally it will overwrite the file, if possible. $targetDir = $this->getTempDir() ."/"; $this->archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir, true ); $file1 = $this->getTempDir()."/file1.txt"; $this->assertEquals("Hello world.\nThe first file.\n", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); $fp = @fopen($file1, "w"); fwrite($fp, "Garbage" ); fclose($fp); $this->assertEquals("Garbage", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); $this->archive->extractCurrent( $targetDir, true ); $this->assertEquals("Garbage", file_get_contents( $file1 ) ); } public function testExtractComplexArchive() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); mkdir($dir . "/php" ); mkdir($dir . "/gnu" ); foreach ($this->complexArchive as $entry) { $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ."/php" ); } exec("tar -xf ".$this->complexFile." -C $dir/gnu"); // make corrections that emulate symlink in windows if ( $this->isWindows() ) { exec( 'attrib -r '.$dir.'\gnu\files\file3.txt.lnk' ); exec( 'del "'.$dir.'\gnu\files\file3.txt.lnk"'); exec( 'copy "'.$dir.'\gnu\files\bla\file3.txt" "'.$dir.'\gnu\files\file3.txt"'); } $this->compareDirectories( "$dir/gnu", "$dir/php" ); } public function testInvalidChecksum() { // Correct checksum. $ustarFile = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( dirname( __FILE__) . "/../data/tar_v7_2_textfiles.tar" ); $tar = new ezcArchiveV7Tar( $ustarFile ); // Incorrect checksum. try { $ustarFile = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( dirname( __FILE__) . "/../data/tar_v7_invalid_checksum.tar" ); $tar = new ezcArchiveV7Tar( $ustarFile ); $this->fail("Expected the checksum to fail."); } catch ( ezcArchiveChecksumException $e ) { } unset( $tar ); unset( $ustarFile ); } public function testSeekPositions() { $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(2); // third file in archive. $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/bla/bin/", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(0); // first file in archive. $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(6); $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file2.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(8); $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file4.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(9); $this->assertFalse( $this->complexArchive->current() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(0); $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(-1); $this->assertFalse( $this->complexArchive->current() ); } public function testSeekEndOfFile() { $this->complexArchive->seek(0, SEEK_END); // nineth and last file. $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file4.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(-2, SEEK_END); // seventh file $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file2.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(-8, SEEK_END); // first file $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(1, SEEK_END); // invalid $this->assertFalse( $this->complexArchive->current() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(0, SEEK_END); // nineth and last file. $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file4.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(-9, SEEK_END); // invalid $this->assertFalse( $this->complexArchive->current() ); } public function testSeekCur() { $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(2, SEEK_CUR); // third file in archive. $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/bla/bin/", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(0, SEEK_CUR); // Third file in archive. $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/bla/bin/", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(4, SEEK_CUR); // Seventh file in the archive. $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file2.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(2, SEEK_CUR); // nineth and last. $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/file4.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(1, SEEK_CUR); $this->assertFalse( $this->complexArchive->current() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(2); $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/bla/bin/", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(-2, SEEK_CUR); // First file. $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals( "files/", $entry->getPath() ); $this->complexArchive->seek(-1, SEEK_CUR); // And invalid again. $this->assertFalse( $this->complexArchive->current() ); } public function testExtractOneDirectory() { // The subdirectory should be created automatically. $this->complexArchive->seek( 1 ); $targetDir = $this->getTempDir() ; $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $targetDir . "/files/bla/"), "Cannot find the extracted directory." ); } public function testExtractOneFile() { // The directory should be created automatically. $this->complexArchive->seek( 4 ); // 5th file. $targetDir = $this->getTempDir(); $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $targetDir . "/files/bla/file3.txt"), "Cannot find the extracted file." ); $this->assertEquals("Hello world.\nThe third file.\n", file_get_contents( $targetDir ."/files/bla/file3.txt") ); } public function testExtractOneSymbolicLink() { //this test a bit different in Windows as symlinks //simulated by copying if ( $this->isWindows() ) { // The directory should be created automatically. // There is both link and link target extracted // and there are both the same file. $targetDir = $this->getTempDir(); //extract target $this->complexArchive->seek( 4 ); $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); //"extract" link i.e. copy target $this->complexArchive->seek( 7 ); $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); } else { // The directory should be created automatically. // The link points to an non existing file. $this->complexArchive->seek( 7 ); $targetDir = $this->getTempDir(); $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); } $this->assertTrue( is_array (lstat( $targetDir."/files/file3.txt" ) ) ); } public function testExtractOneHardLinkException() { // Should throw an exception. $this->complexArchive->seek( 8 ); $targetDir = $this->getTempDir(); try { $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $this->fail("Expected an exception"); } catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e ) { } } public function testExtractOneHardLink() { $this->complexArchive->seek( 4 ); $targetDir = $this->getTempDir(); $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $this->complexArchive->seek( 8 ); $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $targetDir ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $targetDir . "/files/bla/file3.txt" ) ); $this->assertTrue( file_exists( $targetDir . "/files/file4.txt" ) ); } public function testExtractComplexArchiveOverwrite() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); mkdir($dir . "/php" ); mkdir($dir . "/gnu" ); // Extract once foreach ($this->complexArchive as $entry) { $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ."/php" ); } // Extract with gnu tar. exec("tar -xf ".$this->complexFile." -C $dir/gnu"); // Truncate file1.txt $fp = fopen( $dir ."/php/files/file1.txt", "r+w" ); ftruncate( $fp, 0 ); fclose ($fp); // Change link. unlink( $dir."/php/files/file3.txt" ); if ( $this->isWindows() ) { copy( $dir ."/php/files/file4.txt", $dir."/php/files/file3.txt" ); // make corrections of gnu tar output // replace .lnk file with copy of target file exec( 'attrib -r '.$dir.'\gnu\files\file3.txt.lnk' ); exec( 'del "'.$dir.'\gnu\files\file3.txt.lnk"'); exec( 'copy "'.$dir.'\gnu\files\bla\file3.txt" "'.$dir.'\gnu\files\file3.txt"'); } else { symlink( "file4.txt", $dir."/php/files/file3.txt"); } // Truncate file4.txt (and also files/bla/file3.txt. $fp = fopen( $dir ."/php/files/file4.txt", "r+w" ); ftruncate( $fp, 0 ); fclose ($fp); foreach ($this->complexArchive as $entry) { $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ."/php" ); } $this->compareDirectories( "$dir/gnu", "$dir/php" ); } public function testExtractComplexArchiveKeepExisting() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); mkdir($dir . "/php" ); mkdir($dir . "/gnu" ); // Extract once foreach ($this->complexArchive as $entry) { $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ."/php" ); } // Extract with gnu tar. exec("tar -xf ".$this->complexFile." -C $dir/gnu"); // Truncate file1.txt $fp = fopen( $dir ."/php/files/file1.txt", "r+w" ); ftruncate( $fp, 0 ); fclose ($fp); // Change link. unlink( $dir."/php/files/file3.txt" ); if ( $this->isWindows() ) { copy( $dir ."/php/files/file4.txt", $dir."/php/files/file3.txt" ); // make corrections of gnu tar output // replace .lnk file with copy of target file exec( 'attrib -r '.$dir.'\gnu\files\file3.txt.lnk' ); exec( 'del "'.$dir.'\gnu\files\file3.txt.lnk"'); exec( 'copy "'.$dir.'\gnu\files\bla\file3.txt" "'.$dir.'\gnu\files\file3.txt"'); } else { symlink( "file4.txt", $dir."/php/files/file3.txt"); } // Truncate file4.txt (and also files/bla/file3.txt. $fp = fopen( $dir ."/php/files/file4.txt", "r+w" ); ftruncate( $fp, 0 ); fclose ($fp); foreach ($this->complexArchive as $entry) { $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ."/php", true ); } $this->assertEquals("", file_get_contents( $dir."/php/files/file1.txt" ) ); $this->assertEquals("", file_get_contents( $dir."/php/files/file3.txt" ) ); $this->assertEquals("", file_get_contents( $dir."/php/files/file4.txt" ) ); $this->assertEquals("", file_get_contents( $dir."/php/files/bla/file3.txt" ) ); } // Write methods. public function testTruncate() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) { try { $this->complexArchive->truncate(); $this->fail( "Cannot write exception expected"); } catch ( ezcBaseFilePermissionException $e ) { // Okay, some exception thrown. } return; } $this->complexArchive->truncate(); $this->assertFalse( $this->complexArchive->valid(), "Truncated archive shouldn't contain any elements"); $this->complexArchive->seek( 0 ); $this->assertFalse( $this->complexArchive->valid(), "Truncated archive shouldn't contain any elements"); $this->complexArchive->seek( 2 ); $this->assertFalse( $this->complexArchive->valid(), "Truncated archive shouldn't contain any elements"); } public function testTruncatePart() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) return; $this->complexArchive->truncate(4); // Without rewind.. should work since we truncated after our position. $entry = $this->complexArchive->current(); $this->assertEquals("files/", $entry->getPath() ); $entry = $this->complexArchive->next(); $this->assertEquals("files/bla/", $entry->getPath() ); $entry = $this->complexArchive->next(); $this->assertEquals("files/bla/bin/", $entry->getPath() ); $entry = $this->complexArchive->next(); $this->assertEquals("files/bla/bin/true", $entry->getPath() ); $this->assertFalse( $this->complexArchive->next() ); $this->complexArchive->seek( 6 ); $this->assertFalse( $this->complexArchive->valid(), "Truncated archive shouldn't contain any elements"); } public function testTruncateLastFile() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) return; // Truncate after the last file, but don't write the null blocks. $this->archive->truncate(2, false); // File should have 4 blocks. $blockFile = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $this->file ); $i = 1; while ( $blockFile->next() ) $i++ ; $this->assertEquals( 4, $i ); unset( $blockFile ); } public function testTruncateAmountOfBlocks() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) return; $blockFile = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $this->file ); $i = 1; while ( $blockFile->next() ) $i++; $this->assertEquals( 20, $i, "Expected 20 blocks in the file " ); $blockFile->seek(2); $this->assertFalse( $blockFile->isNullBlock(), "didn't expect a null block" ); $blockFile->seek(3); $this->assertFalse( $blockFile->isNullBlock(), "didn't expect a null block" ); $blockFile->seek(4); $this->assertTrue( $blockFile->isNullBlock(), "expect a null block" ); // Give the block File to the archive. $archive = new ezcArchiveV7Tar( $blockFile ); $entry = $archive->current(); // A non rewinded block file, does that work? $this->assertEquals("file1.txt", $entry->getPath() ); $archive->truncate( 1 ); // keep the first file. $blockFile->rewind(); // Should be 20 blocks.. $i = 1; while ( $blockFile->next() ) $i++; $this->assertEquals( 20, $i, "Expected 20 blocks in the file " ); $blockFile->seek(0); $this->assertFalse( $blockFile->isNullBlock(), "didn't expect a null block" ); $blockFile->seek(1); $this->assertFalse( $blockFile->isNullBlock(), "didn't expect a null block" ); $blockFile->seek(2); $this->assertTrue( $blockFile->isNullBlock(), "expect a null block" ); $archive->truncate(); // Remove all. $blockFile->rewind(); $this->assertFalse( $blockFile->valid(), "No blocks expected" ); unset( $blockFile ); } public function testAppendToCurrentNonExistingFile() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) { try { $this->complexArchive->truncate(); $this->fail( "Cannot write exception expected"); } catch ( ezcBaseFilePermissionException $e ) { // Okay, some exception thrown. } return; } try { $this->archive->appendToCurrent( "file_does_not_exist" , "/"); $this->fail("Expected a 'file does not exist' exception. "); } catch ( ezcBaseFileNotFoundException $e ) { } } public function testAppendToCurrentOnEmptyArchive() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) return; $this->assertNotEquals("\0\0a\0", "\0a\0\0", "Something wrong with the unit test system."); $this->archive->extractCurrent( $this->getTempDir() ); $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $emptyTar = "$dir/empty_archive.tar"; $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $emptyTar, true ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $this->assertFalse( $archive->valid() ); $archive->appendToCurrent( "$dir/file1.txt", $dir ); $bf->rewind(); $i = 1; while ($bf->next() ) $i++; $this->assertEquals(20, $i, "Expected 20 blocks in the file" ); // Do the same with gnu tar. exec("tar -cf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=".$this->tarFormat." -C $dir file1.txt"); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents("$dir/empty_archive.tar" ) ); unset( $archive ); unset( $bf ); } public function testAppendToCurrentAtEndOfArchive() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) return; $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $this->file ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $archive->extractCurrent( $dir ); copy( $this->file, $dir."/gnutar.tar" ); $archive->seek(0, SEEK_END); // File number two. $archive->appendToCurrent( "$dir/file1.txt", $dir ); // Do the same with gnu tar. exec("tar -rf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=".$this->tarFormat." -C $dir file1.txt"); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents($this->file ) ); unset( $archive ); unset( $bf ); } public function testAppendToCurrentInArchive() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) return; $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $this->file ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $archive->extractCurrent( $dir ); copy( $this->file, $dir."/gnutar.tar" ); $archive->seek(0); // After file number one. $archive->appendToCurrent( "$dir/file1.txt", $dir ); // Do the same with gnu tar. exec("tar --delete -f $dir/gnutar.tar --format=".$this->tarFormat." -C $dir file2.txt"); exec("tar -rf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=".$this->tarFormat." -C $dir file1.txt"); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents($this->file ) ); unset( $bf ); } public function testAppendToCurrentMultipleTimes() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) return; // Extract the archive. $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $this->archive->extractCurrent( $dir ); $this->archive->next(); $this->archive->extractCurrent( $dir ); // Clear the archive. $this->archive->truncate(); // Append the files again. $this->archive->appendToCurrent( $dir . "/file1.txt", $dir ); //$this->assertTrue( $this->archive->next() !== false ); $this->archive->appendToCurrent( $dir . "/file2.txt", $dir ); // Do the same with gnu tar. exec("tar -cf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=".$this->tarFormat." -C $dir file1.txt file2.txt"); // Compare $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents($this->file ) ); // Append another file. $this->archive->next(); $this->archive->appendToCurrent( $dir . "/file1.txt", $dir ); exec("tar -rf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=".$this->tarFormat." -C $dir file1.txt"); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents($this->file ) ); } public function testAppendToCurrentDirectory() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) return; $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ); $emptyTar = "$dir/empty_archive.tar"; $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $emptyTar, true ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $archive->appendToCurrent( $dir . "/files", $dir ); // Do the same with gnu tar. exec("tar -cf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=".$this->tarFormat." -C $dir files"); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents($emptyTar ) ); unset( $bf ); } public function testAppendToCurrentSymbolicLink() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) return; if ( $this->isWindows() ) return; //there is no sense to test it in Windows as its the same as appending file. $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $this->complexArchive->seek(7); $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ); $emptyTar = "$dir/empty_archive.tar"; $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $emptyTar, true ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $archive->appendToCurrent( $dir . "/files/file3.txt", $dir ); // Do the same with gnu tar. exec("tar -cf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=".$this->tarFormat." -C $dir files/file3.txt"); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents($emptyTar ) ); unset( $bf ); } public function testAppendToCurrentHardLink() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) return; $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $this->complexArchive->seek(4); // File. $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ); $this->complexArchive->seek(8); // Hardlink $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ); $emptyTar = "$dir/empty_archive.tar"; $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $emptyTar, true ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $archive->appendToCurrent( $dir . "/files/file4.txt", $dir ); // Do the same with gnu tar. exec("tar -cf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=".$this->tarFormat." -C $dir files/file4.txt"); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents($emptyTar ) ); // File was appended as a normal file. $archive->rewind(); $archive->appendToCurrent( $dir . "/files/bla/file3.txt", $dir ); // Do the same with gnu tar. exec("tar -rf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=".$this->tarFormat." -C $dir files/bla/file3.txt"); // Appended as two separated files. $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents($emptyTar ) ); unset( $bf ); } public function testAppendToCurrentHardLinkedFiles() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) return; $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $this->complexArchive->seek(4); // File. $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ); $this->complexArchive->seek(8); // Hardlink $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $dir ); exec("tar -cf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=".$this->tarFormat." -C $dir files/bla/file3.txt files/file4.txt"); $emptyTar = "$dir/empty_archive.tar"; $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $emptyTar, true ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $archive->appendToCurrent( array ("$dir/files/bla/file3.txt", "$dir/files/file4.txt"), $dir ); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents($emptyTar ) ); unset( $bf ); } public function testAppendArchiveAtOnce() { if ( !$this->canWrite ) { try { $this->complexArchive->truncate(); $this->fail( "Cannot write exception expected"); } catch ( ezcBaseFilePermissionException $e ) { // Okay, some exception thrown. } return; } $dir = $this->getTempDir(); $src = $dir . "/src"; mkdir ( $src ); $files = array(); do { $this->complexArchive->extractCurrent( $src ); $files[] = $src . '/'. $this->complexArchive->current()->getPath(); } while ( $this->complexArchive->next() ); $mytar = "$dir/my_archive.tar"; $bf = new ezcArchiveBlockFile( $mytar, true ); $archive = ezcArchive::getTarInstance( $bf, $this->tarMimeFormat ); $archive->appendToCurrent( $files, $src ); exec("tar -cf $dir/gnutar.tar --format=".$this->tarFormat." -C $src files"); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( "$dir/gnutar.tar" ), file_get_contents( $mytar ) ); unset( $archive ); unset( $bf ); } public static function suite() { return new ezcTestSuite("ezcArchiveV7TarTest"); } } ?>