assertEquals( "f", $characterFile->current() ); $this->assertEquals( "i", $characterFile->next() ); $this->assertEquals( "l", $characterFile->next() ); $this->assertEquals( "e", $characterFile->next() ); $this->assertEquals( "1", $characterFile->next() ); } public function testFileNotFoundException() { try { $cf = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/this_file_does_not_exist.tar" ); $this->fail("Expected a file not found exception."); } catch (ezcArchiveFileException $e) { $this->assertEquals( ezcArchiveFileException::FILE_NOT_FOUND , $e->getCode() ); } } public function testOpenReadOnlyFile() { $original = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar" ; $tmpDir = $this->createTempDir("ezcArchive_"); $readOnly = $tmpDir . "/read_only.tar"; copy( $original, $readOnly ); $cf = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $readOnly ); $data = $cf->current(); $this->assertEquals( "f", $cf->current() ); chmod( $readOnly, 0400 ); try { $cf = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $readOnly ); $this->assertEquals( "f", $cf->current() ); } catch (ezcArchiveException $e) { $this->fail("Exception: Cannot read the copied READ-ONLY file."); } $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testOpenFileAndCreateWhenNotExist() { $tmpDir = $this->createTempDir("ezcArchive_"); $file = $tmpDir . "/file_does_not_exist.tar"; $cf = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $file, true ); $this->assertFalse( $cf->current() ); $this->assertTrue( $cf->isEmpty() ); $cf->append("Appended"); $this->assertFalse( $cf->isEmpty() ); $data = $cf->current(); $this->assertEquals( "A", $cf->current() ); $this->assertEquals( "p", $cf->next() ); $this->assertEquals( "p", $cf->next() ); $this->assertEquals( "e", $cf->next() ); $this->assertEquals( "n", $cf->next() ); $this->assertEquals( "d", $cf->next() ); $this->assertEquals( "e", $cf->next() ); $this->assertEquals( "d", $cf->next() ); $this->assertFalse( $cf->next() ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testForEaching() { $charFile = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar" ); $total = 0; foreach ( $charFile as $pos => $char ) { $total++; } $this->assertEquals( 0x2800, $total, "Expected 0x27ff bytes in file."); } public function createTempFile( $file ) { $original = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../data/$file" ; $tmpDir = $this->createTempDir("ezcArchive_"); $tmpFile = $tmpDir . "/temp_file.tar"; copy( $original, $tmpFile ); return $tmpFile; } public function testTruncateAll() { $tmpFile = $this->createTempFile("tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar"); $charFile = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $tmpFile ); $data = $charFile->current(); $this->assertEquals( "f", $data, "Cannot read the tmp file" ); $charFile->truncate(); $charFile->rewind(); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->current(), "The current character should be false." ); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->next(), "No forwarding should be allowed." ); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->valid(), "Current element should not be valid." ); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->key(), "No key available" ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testTruncatePart() { $tmpFile = $this->createTempFile("tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar"); $charFile = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $tmpFile ); $charFile->truncate(3); $charFile->rewind(); $data = $charFile->current(); $this->assertEquals( "f", $data, "Cannot read the tmp file" ); $charFile->next(); // Char 2 $this->assertTrue( $charFile->valid() ); $charFile->next(); // Char 3 $this->assertTrue( $charFile->valid() ); $charFile->next(); // Should be false. $this->assertFalse( $charFile->valid() ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function canWriteToReadOnlyFiles() { $dir = $this->getTempDir(); touch( "$dir/asdfasdfasdfasdf" ); chmod( "$dir/asdfasdfasdfasdf" , 0400); $writable = is_writable( "$dir/asdfasdfasdfasdf"); unlink ( "$dir/asdfasdfasdfasdf" ); return $writable; } public function testAppendReadOnlyException() { $tmpFile = $this->createTempFile("tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar"); chmod( $tmpFile, 0400 ); try { $charFile = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $tmpFile ); $data = $charFile->current(); $this->assertEquals( "f", $data, "Cannot read the copied READ-ONLY file" ); } catch (ezcArchiveException $e) { $this->fail("Exception: Cannot read the copied READ-ONLY file."); } try { // For normal users, this test should fail. However, root can still write. $charFile->append("This should fail"); if (!$this->canWriteToReadOnlyFiles() ) { $this->fail("Exception expected, since it is not possible to write to a read-only file. "); } } catch (ezcArchiveFileException $e) { $this->assertEquals( ezcArchiveFileException::FILE_NOT_WRITABLE, $e->getCode() ); } $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testAppendFirstBlock() { $tmpFile = $this->createTempFile("tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar"); $charFile = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $tmpFile ); $charFile->truncate(); $charFile->rewind(); $charFile->append("A"); $this->assertTrue( $charFile->valid(), "Current element should be valid." ); $data = $charFile->current(); $this->assertEquals( "A", $data, "Failed to append to file."); $this->assertEquals( 0, $charFile->key() ); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->next(), "Expected no more data" ); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->valid(), "Not valid anymore" ); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->current(), "No value expected" ); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->key(), "No key should be available" ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testAppendAfterFirstBlock() { $tmpFile = $this->createTempFile("tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar"); $charFile = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $tmpFile ); // Append after the first character. $charFile->rewind(); // First character? $charFile->append("A"); $data = $charFile->current(); $this->assertEquals( "f", $data); // Original $this->assertEquals( "A", $charFile->next()); // New. $charFile->rewind(); $total = 0; foreach ( $charFile as $charNr => $data ) { $total++; } $this->assertEquals( 2, $total, "Expected 2 characters in the file."); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testAppendAtEndOfFile() { $tmpFile = $this->createTempFile("tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar"); $charFile = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $tmpFile ); while ( $charFile->next() ); // Not valid anymore. $charFile->append("Xtra"); $this->assertEquals( "X", $charFile->next(), "Appended character is wrong."); $this->assertEquals( "t", $charFile->next(), "Appended character is wrong."); $this->assertEquals( "r", $charFile->next(), "Appended character is wrong."); $this->assertEquals( "a", $charFile->next(), "Appended character is wrong."); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testIsEmpty() { $tmpFile = $this->createTempFile("tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar"); $charFile = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $tmpFile ); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->isEmpty() ); $charFile->append("Blaap"); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->isEmpty() ); $charFile->truncate(1); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->isEmpty() ); $charFile->append("Blaap"); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->isEmpty() ); $charFile->truncate(); $this->assertTrue( $charFile->isEmpty() ); $charFile->rewind(); $charFile->append("blaap"); $this->assertFalse( $charFile->isEmpty() ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testSeekPositions() { $tmpFile = $this->createTempFile("tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar"); $blockFile = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $tmpFile ); $blockFile->seek(2); // Search the third char $data = $blockFile->current(); $this->assertEquals( "l", $blockFile->current() ); $this->assertEquals( 2, $blockFile->key() ); $blockFile->seek(0); // Search the first character $data = $blockFile->current(); $this->assertEquals( "f", $data ); $this->assertEquals( 0, $blockFile->key() ); $blockFile->seek(-1); // Invalid block search. $this->assertFalse( $blockFile->valid() ); $this->assertFalse( $blockFile->current() ); $this->assertFalse( $blockFile->key() ); $this->assertFalse( $blockFile->next(), "Should all be false" ); $this->assertFalse( $blockFile->next(), "Should all be false" ); $this->assertFalse( $blockFile->next(), "Should all be false" ); // Should be valid again. $blockFile->seek(2); // Search the third char $data = $blockFile->current(); $this->assertEquals( "l", $blockFile->current() ); $this->assertEquals( 2, $blockFile->key() ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testRead() { $tmpFile = $this->createTempFile("tar_ustar_2_textfiles.tar"); $charFile = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $tmpFile ); $data = $charFile->read(9); $this->assertEquals("file1.txt", $data ); $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testWrite() { $dir = $this->createTempDir( "ezcArchive_" ); $file = $dir . "/myfile.txt"; $char = new ezcArchiveCharacterFile( $file, true ); $char->write( "ab" ); $char->write( "cd" ); $this->assertEquals( "abcd", file_get_contents( $file ) ); $char->seek( 2 ); $this->assertEquals( "c", $char->current() ); $char->append("De"); $this->assertEquals( "abcDe", file_get_contents( $file ) ); $this->assertTrue( $char->valid() ); $this->assertEquals("c", $char->current()); $char->seek( 3 ); $this->assertEquals( "D", $char->current() ); $char->seek( 2 ); $this->assertEquals( "c", $char->current() ); $char->write("Cde"); $this->assertEquals( "abCde", file_get_contents( $file ) ); $this->removeTempDir(); } // FIXME.. check also seek with a whence. public static function suite() { return new ezcTestSuite("ezcArchiveCharacterFileTest"); } } ?>