NOTES Archive ======= - Fixed bug #7821: ezcArchiveFile::removeStreamFilter() appears to re-append a filter instead of removing. Cache ===== - Fixed bug #7830: ezcCacheStorageFile::generateIdentifier is using HFS directory separator (colon) in filename. It now uses a "=". Attention; This invalidates all cache files when upgrading. You should purge the cache manually. Configuration ============= - Fixed bug #7855: Ini value not followed by newline sequence is not recognized. Database ======== - Fixed bug #7764: ezcQuerySelect doesn't reset queries correctly ImageAnalysis ============= - Fixed unreported bug: ezcImageAnalyzerImagemagickHandler threw old exception style in isAvailable() if the operating system is not supported. ImageConversion =============== - Fixed unreported bug: ezcImageTransformation::setFilters() threw old style exceptions on an invalid filter class. Now throws the correct ezcBaseSettingValueException. - Added checks for file names that could cause potential security issues. File names containing one of the three characters ' " or $ will be rejected to load/save with an ezcImageFileNameInvalidException. (See Mail ==== - Fixed bug #7805: Removed double linebreak in ezcMailTransportMta::send(). - Fixed bug #7813: MultipartRelated with non-file parts may throw exception if you did not set a Content-ID. - Implemented suggesion #7804: * Added getParts() to ezcMailMultipart. * Added getParts() to ezcMailMultipartMixed and MultipartAlternative. * Added getMainPart() and getRelatedParts to ezcMultipartRelated. PersistentObject ================ - Fixed #7845: Find fetches all columns and not just the required columns. PACKAGES Archive: 1.0.1 Base: 1.0 Cache: 1.0.1 Configuration: 1.0.1 ConsoleTools: 1.0 Database: 1.0.1 Debug: 1.0 EventLog: 1.0 EventLogDatabaseTiein: 1.0 Execution: 1.0 ImageAnalysis: 1.0.1 ImageConversion: 1.0.1 Mail: 1.0.1 PersistentObject: 1.0.1 PhpGenerator: 1.0 Translation: 1.0 TranslationCacheTiein: 1.0 UserInput: 1.0