eZ Components 2009.1 ==================== *Status:* tentative *Expected release date:* June 29th, 2009 Mission ------- In this release our main focus is to improve the new MVC support in eZ Components by making it both more powerful and easier to use. Besides this main focus, we will also enhance some of the critical components that the upcoming version of `eZ Publish`_ will require. .. _`eZ Publish`: http://ez.no/ezpublish Enhancing existing components ----------------------------- Additionally, the existing components will be improved further. Major parts here are the following: Authentication ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Support for OpenID 2. Document ~~~~~~~~ - Support for PDF writing and the support of layouts while writing. If time permits: - Support for the MediaWiki wiki format and Markdown_. - Support for PDF reading. .. _Markdown: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ Framework/MvcTools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Although Framework is a "new" component, it only adds to the existing MvcTools functionality. - Proper authentication filters (this might mean having to set-up a delayed-initialization mechanism). - Reverse route generation PersistentObject ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Identity mapping: Avoids the problem of having 2 objects with the same database state and caches object relations. - Support for automatic fetching of related objects. - Support for tweaking class/property names with definition generation. Search ~~~~~~ - Finish support for the Zend_Search_Lucene backend. - Support for Solr 1.3/1.4. TemplateTranslationTiein ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scripts for extracting translatable strings from templates and code. If time permits: - Updated contexts_ support to allow for proper JavaScript escaping. .. _contexts: http://ezcomponents.org/docs/api/latest/introduction_Template.html#contexts New components -------------- We are not planning any new components, except for the possible inclusion of the following two contributed components: ExtendedReflection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basic layer for static analysis for source code, to build a web service generation framework on. SystemProcess ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The SystemProcess component presents a set of features to execute and handle external applications in an easy and manageable way. It takes care of the underlying system calls and specialties like different path formatting or signal handling to provide a platform independent but yet flexible way to work with external applications.