=============== The PHP Toolbox =============== :Author: Derick Rethans :Date: 2005-09-15 :Event: php|works :Link: http://www.derickrethans.nl/files/toolbox.pdf PHP is very powerful by itself, and can of course be extended by PHP extensions. Beside extensions there are a ton of useful classes installable through the PEAR installer. Where PEAR packages come from does not longer matter, as PEAR now has support for channels. This session explains what channels are, and covers 5 small and useful tools which are not often spoken about: Using Webdav with Open Office Document parsing for authoring websites, Transliteration of foreign scripts to latin for use in URLs and Search Engines, Handling Dates and Times in a correct way with PHP 5.1's revamped support for dates and a library that returns the differences in Database Schemas of different RDBMSes.