Versioning ~~~~~~~~~~ Format ====== Versions for components have three elements: x.y.z, which have the following meaning: x major version number, when its 0 the component is a beta component. A component with major version 0 can never be release publicly. When the number != 0 then it will only increase when there is a backwards compatible break in the component's API. y minor version number, is used for all feature additions z mini version number, is used to denote bug fixes only. This third part can also be a string in the set: (alpha, beta1, beta2, betaN, rc1, rc2, rcN) - in that case it shows that the package is a "beta" package, not ready for production. x and y show the version number of the component, the z is an addition showing the state (beta etc.) or which bug fix release it is. Examples ======== 0.1.0 first possible non-publicly released version 1.0.0 first publicly released version 1.0.1 first bug fix release for component version "1.0" 1.3.7 7th bug fix release for version "1.3" - version "1.3" has more features compared to "1.0" (and "1.1" and "1.2"), but does not break BC 1.4beta1 First beta release of the "1.4" version. 1.4rc1 First release candidate of the "1.4" version. 1.4.0 First production ready release of the "1.4" version. 2.0alpha Development release of the component, where backward compatibility is broken compared to version "1.x". 2.0beta1 First beta release of the "2.0" version. 2.0rc1 First release candidate of the "2.0" version. 2.0.0 First production ready release of the "2.0" version. .. Local Variables: mode: rst fill-column: 79 End: vim: et syn=rst tw=79