createInsertQuery(); $q->insertInto( 'message' ) ->set( 'user_id', $q->bindValue( $_SESSION['ezcAuth_id'] ) ) ->set( 'date', $q->bindValue( $time ) ) ->set( 'type', $q->bindValue( 1 ) ) ->set( 'source', $q->bindValue( 'web' ) ) ->set( 'status', $q->bindValue( $message )); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $lastId = $db->lastInsertId(); self::updateTags( $lastId, $tags ); self::updateLinkIDs( $lastId, $linkIds ); self::sendUpdate( $lastId, $_SESSION['ezcAuth_id'], $time, $source, $message, $tags ); } static private function updateLinkIDs( $lastId, $linkIds ) { if ( count( $linkIds ) == 0 ) { return; } $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $q = $db->createUpdateQuery(); $q->update( 'links' ) ->set( 'message_id', $lastId ) ->where( $q->expr->in( 'id', $linkIds ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); } static private function updateTags( $lastId, $tags ) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); foreach( $tags as $tag ) { $tag = strtolower( $tag ); $q = $db->createInsertQuery(); $q->insertInto( 'message_tag' ) ->set( 'message_id', $lastId ) ->set( 'tag', $q->bindValue( $tag ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); } } static public function handleJabberActions( $jabber_id, $text ) { echo "- handleJabberActions\n"; $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); // find user from jabber id $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( 'id' )->from( 'user' )->where( $q->expr->eq( 'jabber', $q->bindValue( $jabber_id ) ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $r = $s->fetchAll(); if ( count ( $r ) == 0 ) { return; } $from = $r[0]['id']; // check actions $text = trim( $text ); if ( $text == 'stop' || $text == 'shut up' ) { echo "- setting jabber to shut up\n"; // set jabber pref to 0 $q = $db->createUpdateQuery(); $q->update( 'user_pref' ) ->set( 'jabber_type', $q->bindValue( 0 ) ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( 'user_id', $q->bindValue( $from ) ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); return true; } if ( $text == 'start' ) { echo "- setting jabber to noisy\n"; // set jabber pref to 1 $q = $db->createUpdateQuery(); $q->update( 'user_pref' ) ->set( 'jabber_type', $q->bindValue( 1 ) ) ->set( 'queued_since', $q->bindValue( 0 ) ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( 'user_id', $q->bindValue( $from ) ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); return true; } if ( $text == 'queue' ) { $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( 'MAX(id) as max_id' ) ->from( 'message' ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $r = $s->fetchAll(); echo "- setting lst queue id to {$r[0]['max_id']}, and shutting up user\n"; $q = $db->createUpdateQuery(); $q->update( 'user_pref' ) ->set( 'jabber_type', $q->bindValue( 0 ) ) ->set( 'queued_since', $q->bindValue( $r[0]['max_id'] ) ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( 'user_id', $q->bindValue( $from ) ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); return true; } return false; } static public function addFromJabber( $jabber_id, $text ) { echo "- addFromJabber\n"; $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); // find user from jabber id $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( 'id' )->from( 'user' )->where( $q->expr->eq( 'jabber', $q->bindValue( $jabber_id ) ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $r = $s->fetchAll(); if ( count ( $r ) == 0 ) { return; } $from = $r[0]['id']; echo "- found user '$from'\n"; $tags = array(); $message = self::parseMessage( $text, $tags, $linkIds ); $time = time(); $source = 'jabber'; $q = $db->createInsertQuery(); $q->insertInto( 'message' ) ->set( 'user_id', $q->bindValue( $from ) ) ->set( 'date', $q->bindValue( $time ) ) ->set( 'type', $q->bindValue( 1 ) ) ->set( 'source', $q->bindValue( $source ) ) ->set( 'status', $q->bindValue( $message ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $lastId = $db->lastInsertId(); self::updateTags( $lastId, $tags ); self::updateLinkIDs( $lastId, $linkIds ); self::sendUpdate( $lastId, $from, $time, $source, $message, $tags ); } static public function sendUpdate( $msgId, $user_id, $time, $source, $message, $tags ) { self::sendUpdateJabber( $msgId, $user_id, $time, $source, $message, $tags ); } static public function sendUpdateJabber( $msgId, $user_id, $time, $source, $message, $tags ) { // find all users that have jabber on $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( 'jabber, jabber_type, jabber_expand_username' ) ->from( 'user_pref' ) ->leftJoin( 'user', '', 'user_pref.user_id' ) ->where( $q->expr->neq( 'jabber_type', 0 ) ); if ( $source == 'jabber' ) { $q->where( $q->expr->neq( '', $q->bindValue( $user_id ) ) ); } $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $s = $s->fetchAll(); foreach( $s as $user ) { $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createInsertQuery(); $q->insertInto( 'jabber_work' ) ->set( 'jabber_id', $q->bindValue( $user['jabber'] ) ) ->set( 'message_id', $msgId ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); } } static public function parseMessage( $text, &$tags, &$linkIds ) { $text = trim( $text ); preg_match_all( '@#([a-z][a-z0-9_-]+)@i', $text, $matches ); $tags = $matches[1]; // do process links $linkIds = array(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); while ( preg_match( ' ( (?:^|[\s,.!?]) (<)? (\[)? (\()? ([\'"]?) (?Phttps?://(?!dev\.thewire)[^\s]*?) \4 (?(3)\)) (?(2)\]) (?(1)>) [.,?!]?(?:\s|$) )xm', $text, $match ) ) { $q = $db->createInsertQuery(); $q->insertInto( 'links' ) ->set( 'link', $q->bindValue( $match['url'] ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $lastId = $db->lastInsertId(); $linkIds[] = $lastId; $text = str_replace( $match['url'], '{LINK,' . base_convert( $lastId, 10, 36 ) . '}', $text ); } // trim content return substr( $text, 0, 255 ); } static public function tagCloud() { // select count(tag), tag from message_tag group by tag order by tag; $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createSelectQuery(); $sq = $q->subSelect(); $sq->select( 'MAX(id) - 400 as max' ) ->from( 'message '); $q->select( "count(tag) as cnt, tag" ) ->from( 'message_tag' ) ->where( $q->expr->gt( 'message_id', $sq ) ) ->groupBy( 'tag' ) ->orderBy( 'cnt', ezcQuerySelect::DESC ) ->limit( 30 ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $tags = array(); $highest = 0; foreach( $s as $tag ) { if ( $tag['cnt'] > $highest ) { $highest = $tag['cnt']; } $tags[strtolower( $tag['tag'] )] = $tag['cnt']; } ksort( $tags ); return array( 'tags' => $tags, 'highest' => $highest ); } static public function peopleCloud() { // select count(tag), tag from message_tag group by tag order by tag; $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( "count(user_id) as cnt, user_id" ) ->from( 'message' ) ->groupBy( 'user_id' ) ->orderBy( 'user_id' ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $tags = array(); $highest = 0; foreach( $s as $tag ) { if ( $tag['cnt'] > $highest ) { $highest = $tag['cnt']; } $tags[strtolower( $tag['user_id'] )] = $tag['cnt']; } return array( 'tags' => $tags, 'highest' => $highest ); } static function fetchCurrentPrefs() { $prefs = array( 'jabber_type' => false, 'timezone' => 'Europe/Oslo', ); // from prefs $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( "*" ) ->from( 'user_pref' ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( 'user_id', $q->bindValue( $_SESSION['ezcAuth_id'] ) ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $r = $s->fetchAll(); if ( isset( $r ) ) { $prefs['jabber_expand_username'] = $r[0]['jabber_expand_username'] != 0; $prefs['jabber_type'] = $r[0]['jabber_type'] != 0; $prefs['http_refresh'] = $r[0]['http_refresh'] != 0; } // from user $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( "*" ) ->from( 'user' ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', $q->bindValue( $_SESSION['ezcAuth_id'] ) ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $r = $s->fetchAll(); $prefs['fullname'] = $r[0]['fullname']; $prefs['timezone'] = $r[0]['timezone']; $prefs['jabber_name'] = $r[0]['jabber']; $prefs['id'] = $r[0]['id']; return $prefs; } static function register( &$message ) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $ini = $GLOBALS['ini']; $maxLength = $ini->getSetting( 'TheWire', 'maxUsernameLength' ); $user_id = substr( preg_replace( '/[^a-z]/', '', $_POST['user_id'] ), 0, $maxLength ); $fullname= ucwords( strtolower( preg_replace( '/[^a-zæøå ]/ui', '', $_POST['fullname'] ) ) ); $jabber = preg_replace( '/[^a-z.@]/', '', $_POST['jabber_name'] ); // check if the user already exists. $q = $db->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( 'id' )->from( 'user' )->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', $q->bindValue( $user_id ) ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $r = $s->fetchAll(); if ( count( $r ) > 0 ) { $message = "A user with username '{$user_id}' already exists."; return false; } // generate password mt_srand( base_convert( $user_id, 36, 10 ) * microtime( true ) ); $a = base_convert( mt_rand(), 10, 36 ); $b = base_convert( mt_rand(), 10, 36 ); $password = substr( $b . $a, 1, 8 );; // create user $q = $db->createInsertQuery(); $q->insertInto( 'user' ) ->set( 'id', $q->bindValue( $user_id ) ) ->set( 'jabber', $q->bindValue( $jabber ) ) ->set( 'fullname', $q->bindValue( $fullname ) ) ->set( 'password', $q->bindValue( md5( $password ) ) ) ->set( 'timezone', $q->bindValue( $_POST['timezone'] ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); // create user prefs $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $q = $db->createInsertQuery(); $q->insertInto( 'user_pref' ) ->set( 'user_id', $q->bindValue( $user_id ) ) ->set( 'mail_type', $q->bindValue( 0 ) ) ->set( 'http_refresh', $q->bindValue( 1 ) ) ->set( 'jabber_type', $q->bindValue( 1 ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); // fetch settings $ini = $GLOBALS['ini']; $fromAddress = $ini->getSetting( 'TheWire', 'mailFrom' ); $mailDomain = $ini->getSetting( 'TheWire', 'mailDomain' ); $jabberUser = $ini->getSetting( 'jabber', 'user' ); $jabberDomain = $ini->getSetting( 'jabber', 'domain' ); $url = $ini->getSetting( 'TheWire', 'installDomain' ); // send registration mail $m = new ezcMailComposer; $m->from = new ezcMailAddress( $fromAddress, 'The Wire' ); $m->addTo( new ezcMailAddress( $user_id . '@' . $mailDomain, $fullname ) ); $m->subject = 'Registration for The Wire'; $m->plainText = <<build(); $s = new ezcMailMtaTransport(); $s->send( $m ); $message = "A user account has been created, see your mail to find further instructions."; return true; } public static function updatePrefs() { // update user $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createUpdateQuery(); $q->update( 'user' ); if ( isset( $_POST['timezone'] ) && in_array( $_POST['timezone'], timezone_identifiers_list() ) ) { $q->set( 'timezone', $q->bindValue( $_POST['timezone'] ) ); } if ( isset( $_POST['password'] ) && trim( $_POST['password'] ) !== '' ) { $q->set( 'password', $q->bindValue( md5( trim( $_POST['password'] ) ) ) ); } if ( isset( $_POST['fullname'] ) && trim( $_POST['fullname'] ) !== '' ) { $q->set( 'fullname', $q->bindValue( trim( $_POST['fullname'] ) ) ); } if ( isset( $_POST['jabber_name'] ) && trim( $_POST['jabber_name'] ) !== '' ) { $q->set( 'jabber', $q->bindValue( trim( $_POST['jabber_name'] ) ) ); } $q->where( $q->expr->eq( 'id', $q->bindValue( $_SESSION['ezcAuth_id'] ) ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); // update user_pref $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createUpdateQuery(); $q->update( 'user_pref' ) ->set( 'http_refresh', $q->bindValue( ( isset( $_POST['http_refresh'] ) && $_POST['http_refresh'] == 'on' ) ? 1 : 0 ) ) ->set( 'jabber_type', $q->bindValue( ( isset( $_POST['jabber_type'] ) && $_POST['jabber_type'] == 'on' ) ? 1 : 0 ) ) ->set( 'jabber_expand_username', $q->bindValue( ( isset( $_POST['jabber_expand_username'] ) && $_POST['jabber_expand_username'] == 'on' ) ? 1 : 0 ) ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( 'user_id', $q->bindValue( $_SESSION['ezcAuth_id'] ) ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); } public static function updateAvatar() { if ( isset( $_FILES['avatar'] ) && $_FILES['avatar']['error'] == 0 ) { $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( 'avatar' )->from( 'avatar' )->where( $q->expr->eq( 'user_id', $q->bindValue( $_SESSION['ezcAuth_id'] ) ) ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $r = $s->fetchAll(); $settings = new ezcImageConverterSettings( array( new ezcImageHandlerSettings( 'GD', 'ezcImageGdHandler' ), ) ); $converter = new ezcImageConverter( $settings ); $filters = array( new ezcImageFilter( 'croppedThumbnail', array( 'width' => 32, 'height' => 32, ) ), ); $converter->createTransformation( 'icon', $filters, array( 'image/png' ) ); $converter->transform( 'icon', $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'] . '.tmp.png' ); if ( count( $r ) ) { $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createUpdateQuery(); $q->update( 'avatar' ); $q->set( 'avatar', $q->bindValue( base64_encode( file_get_contents( $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'] . '.tmp.png' ) ) ) ); $q->where( $q->expr->eq( 'user_id', $q->bindValue( $_SESSION['ezcAuth_id'] ) ) ); } else { $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createInsertQuery(); $q->insertInto( 'avatar' ); $q->set( 'user_id', $q->bindValue( $_SESSION['ezcAuth_id'] ) ); $q->set( 'avatar', $q->bindValue( base64_encode( file_get_contents( $_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'] . '.tmp.png' ) ) ) ); } $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); } } } ?>