getSetting( 'jabber', 'domain' ) ); define("JABBER_USERNAME", $ini->getSetting( 'jabber', 'user' ) ); define("JABBER_PASSWORD", $ini->getSetting( 'jabber', 'password' ) ); define("RUN_TIME",3000); // set a maximum run time of 30 seconds define("CBK_FREQ",1); // fire a callback event every second // This class handles all events fired by the Jabber client class; you // can optionally use individual functions instead of a class, but this // method is a bit cleaner. class TestMessenger { function TestMessenger(&$jab) { $this->jab = &$jab; $this->first_roster_update = true; echo "Created!\n"; $this->countdown = 0; } // called when a connection to the Jabber server is established function handleConnected() { echo "Connected!\n"; // now that we're connected, tell the Jabber class to login echo "Authenticating with " . JABBER_USERNAME . ":" . JABBER_PASSWORD . ".\n"; $this->jab->login(JABBER_USERNAME,JABBER_PASSWORD); } // called after a login to indicate the the login was successful function handleAuthenticated() { echo "Authenticated!\n"; echo "Fetching service list and roster ...\n"; // browser for transport gateways $this->jab->browse(); // retrieve this user's roster $this->jab->get_roster(); // set this user's presence $this->jab->set_presence("","Share your information"); } // called after a login to indicate that the login was NOT successful function handleAuthFailure($code,$error) { echo "Authentication failure: $error ($code)\n"; // set terminated to TRUE in the Jabber class to tell it to exit $this->jab->terminated = true; } // called periodically by the Jabber class to allow us to do our own // processing function handleHeartbeat() { // retrieve user preferences $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( 'jabber, jabber_expand_username' ) ->from( 'user' ) ->leftJoin( 'user_pref', '', 'user_pref.user_id' ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); $userWantsFull = array(); foreach ( $s as $user ) { $userWantsFull[$user['jabber']] = $user['jabber_expand_username']; } // check jabber work log $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( '*' ) ->from( 'jabber_work' ) ->leftJoin( 'message', 'jabber_work.message_id', '' ) ->leftJoin( 'user', 'message.user_id', '' ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); foreach( $s as $work ) { $to = $work['jabber_id']; if ( isset( $this->jab->roster[$to] ) && !($this->jab->roster[$to]['show'] == 'off' || $this->jab->roster[$to]['show'] == 'dnd' ) ) { shareFormat::formatMessage( $work, false ); $work['textStatus'] = shareFormat::substituteLink( $work['textStatus'] ); $work['status'] = shareFormat::substituteLink( $work['status'] ); if ( $userWantsFull[$to] ) { echo "- $to: Sending {$work['status']} (with username expansion)\n"; $this->jab->message($to, "chat" ,NULL, $work['fullname'] . ': '. $work['textStatus'], $work['fullname'] . ': '. $work['status'] ); } else { echo "- $to: Sending {$work['status']}\n"; $this->jab->message($to, "chat" ,NULL, $work['user_id'] . ': '. $work['textStatus'], $work['user_id'] . ': '. $work['status'] ); } // update last sent message information // TODO: FIX THIS QUERY /* $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createUpdateQuery(); $q->update( 'user_pref' ) ->set( 'queued_since', $q->bindValue( $work['message_id'] ) ) ->where( $q->expr->eq( 'jabber_id', $q->bindValue( $work['jabber_id'] ) ) ); $sa = $q->prepare(); $sa->execute(); */ } } // empty jabber work log $q = ezcDbInstance::get()->createDeleteQuery(); $q->deleteFrom( 'jabber_work' ); $s = $q->prepare(); $s->execute(); reset($this->jab->roster); foreach ($this->jab->roster as $jid=>$details) { // echo "$jid\t\t\t".$details["transport"]."\t".$details["show"]."\t".$details["status"]."\n"; } } // called when an error is received from the Jabber server function handleError($code,$error,$xmlns) { echo "Error: $error ($code)".($xmlns?" in $xmlns":"")."\n"; } // called when a message is received from a remote contact function handleMessage($from,$to,$body,$subject,$thread,$id,$extended) { /* echo "Subject: $subject\tThread; $thread\n"; echo "ID: $id\n"; echo "\n"; */ $from = preg_replace( '@/.*$@', '', $from ); echo "Incoming message!\n"; echo "From: $from\t\tTo: $to\n"; echo "Body: $body\n"; echo "Extended:\n"; if ( !isset( $this->jab->roster[$from] ) || $this->jab->roster[$from]['show'] == 'off' ) { $this->jab->subscription_request_accept( $from ); $this->jab->subscribe( $from, "checking" ); $this->jab->message($from,"chat",NULL,"Welcome, please authorise me!"); return; } if ( trim( $body ) === '' ) { return; } if ( !shareApp::handleJabberActions( $from, $body ) ) { shareApp::addFromJabber( $from, $body ); } } function _contact_info($contact) { return sprintf("Contact %s (JID %s) has status %s and message %s\n",$contact['name'],$contact['jid'],$contact['show'],$contact['status']); } function handleRosterUpdate($jid) { if ($this->first_roster_update) { // the first roster update indicates that the entire roster has been // downloaded for the first time echo "Roster downloaded:\n"; foreach ($this->jab->roster as $k=>$contact) { echo $this->_contact_info($contact); } $this->first_roster_update = false; } else { // subsequent roster updates indicate changes for individual roster items $jid = preg_replace( '@/.*$@', '', $jid ); $contact = $this->jab->roster[$jid]; echo "Contact updated: " . $this->_contact_info($contact); } } function handleDebug($msg,$level) { echo "DBG: $msg\n"; } } // create an instance of the Jabber class $display_debug_info = false; $jab = new Jabber($display_debug_info); // create an instance of our event handler class $test = new TestMessenger($jab); // set handlers for the events we wish to be notified about $jab->set_handler("connected",$test,"handleConnected"); $jab->set_handler("authenticated",$test,"handleAuthenticated"); $jab->set_handler("authfailure",$test,"handleAuthFailure"); $jab->set_handler("heartbeat",$test,"handleHeartbeat"); $jab->set_handler("error",$test,"handleError"); $jab->set_handler("message_normal",$test,"handleMessage"); $jab->set_handler("message_chat",$test,"handleMessage"); $jab->set_handler("debug_log",$test,"handleDebug"); $jab->set_handler("rosterupdate",$test,"handleRosterUpdate"); echo "Connecting ...\n"; // connect to the Jabber server if (!$jab->connect(JABBER_SERVER)) { die("Could not connect to the Jabber server!\n"); } // now, tell the Jabber class to begin its execution loop $jab->execute(CBK_FREQ, -1); // Note that we will not reach this point (and the execute() method will not // return) until $jab->terminated is set to TRUE. The execute() method simply // loops, processing data from (and to) the Jabber server, and firing events // (which are handled by our TestMessenger class) until we tell it to terminate. // // This event-based model will be familiar to programmers who have worked on // desktop applications, particularly in Win32 environments. // disconnect from the Jabber server $jab->disconnect(); ?>