/* Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see: http://dojotoolkit.org/community/licensing.shtml */ import DojoExternalInterface; class Storage { public static var SUCCESS = "success"; public static var FAILED = "failed"; public static var PENDING = "pending"; public var so; public function Storage(){ DojoExternalInterface.initialize(); DojoExternalInterface.addCallback("put", this, put); DojoExternalInterface.addCallback("get", this, get); DojoExternalInterface.addCallback("showSettings", this, showSettings); DojoExternalInterface.addCallback("clear", this, clear); DojoExternalInterface.addCallback("getKeys", this, getKeys); DojoExternalInterface.addCallback("remove", this, remove); DojoExternalInterface.loaded(); // preload the System Settings finished button movie for offline // access so it is in the cache _root.createEmptyMovieClip("_settingsBackground", 1); _root._settingsBackground.loadMovie("../../storage_dialog.swf"); } public function put(keyName, keyValue, namespace){ // Get the SharedObject for these values and save it so = SharedObject.getLocal(namespace); // prepare a storage status handler var self = this; so.onStatus = function(infoObject:Object){ //getURL("javascript:dojo.debug('FLASH: onStatus, infoObject="+infoObject.code+"')"); // delete the data value if the request was denied if (infoObject.code == "SharedObject.Flush.Failed"){ delete self.so.data[keyName]; } var statusResults; if(infoObject.code == "SharedObject.Flush.Failed"){ statusResults = Storage.FAILED; }else if(infoObject.code == "SharedObject.Flush.Pending"){ statusResults = Storage.PENDING; }else if(infoObject.code == "SharedObject.Flush.Success"){ statusResults = Storage.SUCCESS; } //getURL("javascript:dojo.debug('FLASH: onStatus, statusResults="+statusResults+"')"); // give the status results to JavaScript DojoExternalInterface.call("dojo.storage._onStatus", null, statusResults, keyName); } // save the key and value so.data[keyName] = keyValue; var flushResults = so.flush(); // return results of this command to JavaScript var statusResults; if(flushResults == true){ statusResults = Storage.SUCCESS; }else if(flushResults == "pending"){ statusResults = Storage.PENDING; }else{ statusResults = Storage.FAILED; } DojoExternalInterface.call("dojo.storage._onStatus", null, statusResults, keyName); } public function get(keyName, namespace){ // Get the SharedObject for these values and save it so = SharedObject.getLocal(namespace); var results = so.data[keyName]; return results; } public function showSettings(){ // Show the configuration options for the Flash player, opened to the // section for local storage controls (pane 1) System.showSettings(1); // there is no way we can intercept when the Close button is pressed, allowing us // to hide the Flash dialog. Instead, we need to load a movie in the // background that we can show a close button on. _root.createEmptyMovieClip("_settingsBackground", 1); _root._settingsBackground.loadMovie("../../storage_dialog.swf"); } public function clear(namespace){ so = SharedObject.getLocal(namespace); so.clear(); so.flush(); } public function getKeys(namespace){ // Returns a list of the available keys in this namespace // get the storage object so = SharedObject.getLocal(namespace); // get all of the keys var results = new Array(); for(var i in so.data) results.push(i); // join the keys together in a comma seperate string results = results.join(","); return results; } public function remove(keyName, namespace){ // Removes a key // get the storage object so = SharedObject.getLocal(namespace); // delete this value delete so.data[keyName]; // save the changes so.flush(); } static function main(mc){ //getURL("javascript:dojo.debug('FLASH: storage loaded')"); _root.app = new Storage(); } }