Google Wave Federation Architecture

Authors: Soren Lassen
Sam Thorogood
Version: 1.0 - May 2009

This whitepaper is part of a series. All of the whitepapers can be found on Google Wave Federation Protocol site.

Google Wave is a new communication and collaboration platform based on hosted documents (called waves) supporting concurrent modifications and low-latency updates. This platform enables people to communicate and work together in new, convenient and effective ways. We will offer these benefits to users of and we also want to share them with everyone else by making waves an open platform that everybody can share. We welcome others to run wave servers and become wave providers, for themselves or as services for their users, and to "federate" waves, that is, to share waves with each other and with In this way users from different wave providers can communicate and collaborate using shared waves. We are introducing the Google Wave Federation Protocol for federating waves between wave providers on the Internet.

This document gives an overview of how various elements of Google Wave technology -- data model, operational transformation, and client-server protocol -- are used together to run a wave service, and how wave service providers communicate using the Google Wave Federation Protocol with its cryptographic measures to prevent spoofing. All these elements are described in more depth in accompanying documents on this site and the reader is encouraged to consult them for more details. The focus of this document is federation, which involves the server-server wave federation protocol, and does not cover the client-server protocol between the clients and the wave server of a wave provider. Nonetheless, this document is far from an exhaustive account of wave federation. In particular, attachments, groups, contacts, and presence are important elements of wave federation that are not covered herein.

Wave Providers

The wave federation protocol enables everyone to become a wave provider and share waves with others. For instance, an organization can operate as a wave provider for its members, an individual can run a wave server as a wave provider for a single user or family members, and an Internet service provider can run a wave service as another Internet service for its users as a supplement to email, IM, ftp, etc. In this model, is one of many wave providers.

A wave provider is identified by its Internet domain name(s).

Wave users have wave addresses which consist of a user name and a wave provider domain in the same form as an email address, namely <username>@<domain>. Wave addresses can also refer to groups, robots, gateways, and other services. A group address refers to a collection of wave addresses, much like an email mailing list. A robot is an automated participant on a wave (see the Robots API). Examples are translation robots and chess game robots. A gateway translates between waves and other communication and sharing protocols such as email and IM. In the remainder we ignore addresses that are services, including robots and gateways; they are treated largely the same as users with respect to federation.

Wave users access all waves through their wave provider. If a wave has participants from different wave providers, their wave providers all maintain a copy of the wave and serve it to their users on the wave. The wave providers share updates to the wave with each other using the wave federation protocol which we describe below. For any given wave user, it is the responsibility of the wave provider for the user's domain to authenticate the user (using cookies and passwords, etc) and perform local access control.

Waves, Wavelets, and Identifiers

A wave consists of a set of wavelets. When a user has access to a wavelet, that user is called a participant of that wavelet. Each wavelet has a list of participants, and a set of documents that make up its contents. Different wavelets of a wave can have different lists of participants. Copies of a wavelet are shared across all of the wave providers that have at least one participant in that wavelet. Amongst these wave providers, there is a designated wave provider that has the definitive copy of that wavelet. We say that this particular provider is hosting that wavelet.

When a user opens a wave, a view of the wave is retrieved, namely the set of wavelets in the wave that the user is a participant of (directly, or indirectly via group membership). In general, different users have different wave views for a given wave. For example, per-user data for a user in a wave, such as the user's read/unread state for the wave, is stored in a user-data wavelet in the wave with the user as the only participant. The user-data wavelet only appears in this user's wave view. Another example is a private reply within a wave, which is represented as a wavelet with a restricted participant list. The private reply wavelet is only in the wave views of the restricted list of users.

A wave is identified by a globally unique wave id, which is a pair of a domain name and an id string. The domain names the wave provider where the wave originated.

A wavelet has a wavelet id which is unique within its wave. Like a wave id, a wavelet id is a pair of a domain name and an id string. The domain name in the wavelet id plays a special role: It names the wave provider that hosts the wavelet. A wavelet is hosted by the wave provider of the participant who creates the wavelet. The wave provider who hosts a wavelet is responsible both for operational transformation and application of wavelet operations to the wavelet and for sharing the updates with the wave providers of all the wavelet participants, as described in the Wave Servers section below. The updates are wavelet operations and concurrent updates are resolved using operational transformation.

Wavelets in the same wave can be hosted by different wave providers. For example, a user-data wavelet is always hosted by the user's wave provider, regardless of where the rest of the wave is hosted. Indeed, user-data is not federated, i.e., not shared with other wave providers. Another example is a private reply wavelet. A particularly simple instance of this is when all the participants of the private reply are from the same wave provider. Then this wave provider will not share the private reply wavelet with other wave providers, regardless of where the other wavelets in the wave are hosted.

Wave Service Architecture

A wave provider operates a wave service on one or more networked servers. The central pieces of the wave service is the wave store, which stores wavelet operations, and the wave server, which resolves wavelet operations by operational transformation and writes and reads wavelet operations to and from the wave store. Typically, the wave service serves waves to users of the wave provider which connect to the wave service frontend (see the Google Wave Data Model and Client-Server Protocol), and we shall assume this in the following description of the wave service architecture. More importantly, for the purpose of federation, the wave service shares waves with participants from other providers by communicating with these wave provider's servers. The wave service uses two components for this, a federation gateway and a federation proxy. They are described in the next section.

A wave provider's wave server serves wave views to local participants, i.e., participants from its domain. As described earlier, copies of a wavelet are distributed to all wave providers that have participants in that wavelet. Copies of a wavelet at a particular provider can either be local or remote. We use the term "local wavelet" and "remote wavelet" to refer to these two types of wavelet copies (in both cases, we are referring to the wavelet copy, and not the wavelet). A wave view can contain both types of wavelet copies simultaneously.

At a particular wave provider, local wavelets are those created at that provider, namely by users who belong to the wavelet provider. The wave server is responsible for processing the wavelet operations submitted to the wavelet by local participants and by remote participants from other wave providers. The wave server performs concurrency control by ordering the submitted wavelet operations relative to each other using operational transformation. It also validates the operations before applying them to a local wavelet.

Remote wavelets are hosted by other wave providers. The wave server maintains cached copies locally and updates them with wavelet operations that it gets from the hosting wave providers. When a local participant submits a wavelet operation to a remote wavelet, the wave server forwards the operation to the wave server of the hosting provider. When the transformed and applied operation is echoed back, it is applied to the cached copy. Read access to local participants is done from the cached copy without a round trip to the hosting wave provider.

Local and remote wavelets are all stored in the wave server's persistent wave store.

We say that a wave provider is "upstream" relative to its local wavelets and that it is "downstream" relative to its remote wavelets.

Federation Gateway and Federation Proxy

The wave service uses a federation gateway and a federation proxy component to communicate with other wave providers.

The federation gateway communicates local wavelet operations, i.e., operations on local wavelets: * It pushes new wavelet operations that are applied to a local wavelet to the wave providers of any remote participants. * It satisfies requests for old wavelet operations. * It processes wavelet operations submission requests.

The federation proxy communicates remote wavelet operations and is the component of a wave provider that communicates with the federation gateway of remote providers: * It receives new wavelet operations pushed to it from the wave providers that host the remote wavelets. * It requests old wavelet operations from the hosting wave providers. * It submits wavelet operations to the hosting wave providers.

An upstream wave provider's federation gateway connects to a downstream wave provider's federation proxy to push wavelet operations that are hosted by the upstream wave provider.

The federation protocol has the following mechanisms to make operation delivery from gateway to proxy reliable. The federation gateway maintains (in persistent storage) a queue of outgoing operations for each remote domain. Operations are queued until their receipt is acknowledged by the receiving federation proxy. The federation gateway will continually attempt to establish a connection and reconnect after any connection failures (retrying with exponential backoff). When a connection is established, the federation gateway will send queued operations in order. The receiving federation proxy sends acknowledgements back to the sending federation gateway on a back channel and whenever an acknowledgement is received, the sender dequeues the acknowledged operations.




Consider the case of a wavelet W with wavelet id (, conv+090528), where is a domain and "conv+090528" is an id string (whose structure does not concern us here). The wavelet id dictates that W is hosted by the Acmewave wave provider. Suppose W has a participant from another domain

All wavelet operations for W, submitted by local and remote participants alike, are transformed, applied to W, stored in the local wave store by the Acmewave wave provider, and then the applied operations are passed to the federation gateway which pushes them to The Acmewave gateway does so by establishing a connection to the Federati federation proxy and sending the operations across the connection.

Sometimes the receiver needs to request past operations from the sender. The typical case is when it receives an operation for a wavelet where the receiver does not already posses all preceding operations for the wavelet. (This condition is easily verified because applied operations carry consecutive version numbers.) In this case the receiving federation proxy will connect to the domain that hosts the wavelet and request the past operations that it is missing. (One way that a wave server can develop such a gap in the operation history for a remove wavelet is when no participant from its domain participates in the wavelet, at time t1, and then later, at time t2, a participant from its domain is added to the wavelet. The host federation gateway responds by sending the new AddParticipant operation forwarding all ensuing new operations to the federation proxy, but the latter must itself turn around and request the prior operations.)

In the same way a user can submit operations to a remote wavelet, namely by letting the federation proxy connect to the remote federation proxy and submit the operation to its wave server.

Suppose there is another wavelet hosted by Federati, i.e., the wavelet id domain is, and this wavelet has a participant which is a user at Then the Federati gateway and Acmewave gateway will also communicate with each other.


The network protocol between federation gateways and proxies is called the Google Wave Federation Protocol. It is an open extension to the XMPP Internet Messaging protocol. Some of key useful features of XMPP that the wave federation protocol uses are the discovery of IP addresses and ports, using SRV records, and TLS authentication and encryption of connections. See "Google Wave Federation Protocol".

The XMPP transport encrypts operations at a transport level, so it only provides cryptographic security between servers that connect directly to each other. An additional layer of cryptography provides end-to-end authentication between wave providers using cryptographic signatures and certificates, allowing all wavelet providers to verify the properties of the operation. Specifically, a downstream wave provider can verify that the wave provider is not spoofing wavelet operations, namely, it cannot falsely claim (1) that a wavelet operation originated from a user on another wave provider or (2) that it was originated in a different context. This addresses the situation where two users from different, trustworthy wave providers, say and, are participants of the a wavelet that is hosted on a malicious wave provider The protocol requires to sign its user's operations with's certificate and to sign its user's operations with's certificate. These signatures travel with the operations and must host the signatures together with the operations. Furthermore, and will verify the signatures of all the operations that forwards. This makes it impossible for to alter or spoof the content of the messages from the user of which is shared with, and vice versa. All the signing and verification is done by the wave providers, not the client software of the end users.


The protocol specification requires that wave providers connecting using the federation protocol must authenticate using cryptographically secure TLS mechanisms. Moreover, it is recommended that they use TLS to encrypt the traffic between them. The client-server and federation protocols do not provide end-to-end authentication or encryption between end users. A wave provider should authenticate its end users and encryption of user connections is also recommended. In combination, secure connections between wave services and secure connections between users and their wave services offer a reasonable level of end-to-end security.


Jochen Bekmann, Michael Lancaster, Soren Lassen, David Wang: Google Wave Data Model and Client-Server Protocol

David Wang, Alex Mah: Google Wave Operational Transformation

Daniel Berlin: Google Wave Federation Protocol

Lea Kissner and Ben Laurie: General Verifiable Federation